tmpoem · 3 years
I want to detach myself
I want to shut off my feelings
I want to be myself
I want to not be hurt
I don't know
If I want my life
As it was before you
327 notes · View notes
tmpoem · 3 years
To be with someone
Still feeling deeply alone
Profoundly lonely
A wave of sadness
Washing over me
Alone, lonely
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tmpoem · 4 years
I'm scared to be myself
I'm scared to speak up
I'm scared of the pressure
I'm scared of not being enough
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tmpoem · 4 years
I feel it all in knots
My stomach is in a twist
My breathing exist
But only in short breath
Sometimes it feels like death
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tmpoem · 4 years
Insecurities and self-doubt,
seem present in every thought.
I'm scared for what the future may bring.
How will I ever overcome these
scary feelings and thoughts.
So I can finally start to live
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tmpoem · 4 years
My inner thoughts are chaos.
I'm always scared I'm alone.
My worst fears come alive,
when I'm not occupied.
It's a daily struggle,
surviving my mind.
t.m. poem
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tmpoem · 4 years
I want to be someone else.
I want to be everything I'm not.
I want to be happy,
I want to be less angry,
I want to feel hopeful,
I want to feel less lonely.
I want to be free.
By t.m.
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tmpoem · 4 years
Thinking of the past
Some years feel like a lifetime ago
perhaps they were another life.
But how the scars on my soul
are still fresh as yesterday.
When the nightmares comes
I'm reminded of that life
and the hurt beneath my skin
t.m. poem
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tmpoem · 4 years
Hi everyone. Over the last couple of months during covid-19 I have received quite a lot of messages from people sending poems, asking for followers, retweets, hate messages and people asking how to grow their blog.
While I do think it’s amazing so many people are starting Tumblr blogs, are sharing their writing and have found an outlet in these difficult times. I just can’t reply to everyone. I don’t do follow for follow, I don’t do retweets except if it’s relate to my own content. I also have an FAQ page, but I’ll just say my blog is over three years old and it has grown organically with time. My focus isn’t really how many followers I have, but sharing my content and interacting with you guys.
I hope you and your families are all safe and black lives matter!
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tmpoem · 4 years
Our world is bleeding
Injustice is running all around us
It's running in the streets
It's running in the system
It's running in the thinking
It's creating inequality
It's creating hopelessness
It's creating frustration
We can stand together
We can stand for a better future
Don't let anyone silence you
You are good
You are valid
tm. poem
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tmpoem · 4 years
Also, you’re an amazing person and an amazing writer, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I hope you learn to cultivate happiness because you have unlimited potential!
And thank you! I hope I find some kind of peace and happiness and get my writing motivation back.
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tmpoem · 4 years
Finding your blog today really helped me feel less alone. While it’s easier said than done, I hope you find someone to connect with today, to talk about your day or update a loved one on what’s going on with you. I hope you take care of yourself, because your account helped me realize I really want to take care of myself, for myself. Take care, lovely.
I just saw this today and thank you so much for this message! Thank you for taking your time to send it. I really appreciate this and it means a lot to me. I'm so happy that my blog has helped you feel less alone just like your message did for me. Take care of yourself.
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tmpoem · 4 years
what time do you usually post your writings? do you consider the time when publishing your poems?
I live in Europe and usually post during the evening in European time. Not really because of the time, but more because I usually write there. I don’t know if this is the smartest or best time to post? Does anyone have any recommendations or preferences for when I should post?
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tmpoem · 4 years
Loneliness is a feeling I swim in
Loneliness is a feeling I crave
Loneliness is a feeling I can’t beat
Loneliness is a part of me
From loneliness I will never be free
158 notes · View notes
tmpoem · 4 years
My experiences aren’t valid
when I’m around you
I’m to feel ashamed about who I am
and behind closed doors I cry
and wish to never have this life
wish to be someone else
208 notes · View notes
tmpoem · 4 years
Most nights sleep seems so far away
My body restless, my mind never at peace
The days pass by in a blur
Another night soon awaits
Hours lying there awake
Just waiting for an endless silence
By t.m.
427 notes · View notes
tmpoem · 4 years
Stay safe
I know I have been quiet on here for some time. The world is a weird place these days and I find it hard to write. For some reason I don't feel right posting sad poems right now even when they reflect my feelings. I think people may need some more uplifting right now.
I hope you and your family are safe wherever you are!
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