goddessseal · 8 months
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Eris's Spear Illustration done for the Drakengard Weapon Story Fanzine
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goddessseal · 1 year
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Wow, the update looks so bad...
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goddessseal · 1 year
friendly reminder that today ( may 15, 2023 ) is when the staff is going to start forcing the BETA TEXT EDITOR on everyone. they're hoping to finish the update by july 15, 2023. so if you haven't already switched over to using the BETA TEXT EDITOR then i highly recommend you doing so now. here's a few helpful links to look into to make the transition easier.
why LTE + BTE don’t mesh well together
mobile tutorial for BTE
desktop tutorial for BTE
recommended addons for xkit rewritten
how to add color to your text in BTE
BTE + tagging system
BTE + widgets
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goddessseal · 1 year
Well-traveled? He’d never really thought of it like that, but yeah, he supposes he’s set foot on every continent on the globe at this rate (some of which he wishes he hadn’t.)
He leans against the ferry railing, watching Dollet creep closer into view. 
“I don’t have anything else going on, if that’s what you’re implying. I can hang out with you for a while.” 
Watch her back, and stuff. Furiae strikes him as someone who could handle herself in a pinch, but what can he say? He’s a sucker for a brunette with a mystery. 
“You looking to do something serious, or just general touristy crap?” 
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Furiae glanced over her shoulder as she started to twiddle her fingers. She lightly bit her lip as she looked to the water. She couldn’t remember if it was so pretty back home. She didn’t think it was. She didn’t think anything back home was nearly as bright or lovely since the attack and her gaining the burden of the mark. (I wonder if it would burn if I remained here. But...)
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“I’m seeking someone,” Furiae answered without looking to her newfound companion. “My brother. I only wish to know if he is lost here as I am.” She didn’t have to wonder if he was alright as he could strike down anyone or anything he pleased. She gripped at her fingers when she realized this man with her reminded her of him in a way. She finally looked up at Seifer. “I would appreciate your escort. But only if it won’t trouble you.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
.:OOC「 So my friend plays Drakengard on Sundays (if I’m available since I got him into it in the first place) and he got endings B and C today. He made a joke, I ran with it and this is what happened. @goddessseal, this is relevant to you. ♥
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goddessseal · 1 year
YOU’RE A ____ ____ AND LIKES ____ THE MOST
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Eris’s face turned bright red and she turned away. “This is-! This is none of anyone’s business!”
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goddessseal · 1 year
YOU’RE A ____ ____ AND LIKES ____ THE MOST
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“I do not know what the first part means.” (But I... don’t think I would mind the latter part.)
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goddessseal · 1 year
YOU’RE A ____ ____ AND LIKES ____ THE MOST
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“I disagree with the name-calling. But the rest is very dependent on who I’m with.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
i do not know how to like someone in moderation im either obsessed or not interested
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goddessseal · 1 year
i have morals, boundaries and self respect until i'm horny
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goddessseal · 1 year
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LCDR Michele Xu, Balamb Garden. SeeD Rank: A. Card Club Heart. 
RULES | ABOUT | VERSES | BY @irishais
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goddessseal · 1 year
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“Why is he... staring at that woman like that?”
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goddessseal · 1 year
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“Sorry, I can’t help but be concerned! You’re wearing such a sad look on your face…” Besides, Iza did the same thing when she was nervous, picking at her clothes.
“It’s okay, if you have a problem, I won’t tell anyone!”
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Furiae did her best not to sigh. She had to think about what she would say that wouldn’t cause her to get passionate and overspeak. She’d be damned if she let out the truth. “I’m not sad. I’m...” (I’m angry. I’m disappointed.) “I’m concerned for Caim.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
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“Another one?” Curious. “Are you okay?”
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Furiae couldn’t say she was happy to see Izayoi since the poor girl was wrongfully on her list. “I am alright,” she lied as she started to pick at her dress. “Please, don’t be concerned. It is... nothing.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
Leonard went to stand next to the Goddess, his words offering weakened optimism and assurance in contrast to the equally grim look that wore his face.
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“It is indeed a worrisome number he has called to attention,” He spoke sympathetically, “Perhaps, for so many, there is more than what may meet the eye… Perhaps he is gathering some great army…”
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Furiae lowered her sights when Leonard came close. She was happy that she wasn’t the only one concerned but hoped it wasn’t for the same reason. She felt it was bad enough that he spent a considerable amount of time with Caim himself even if it wasn’t the same. Or was it? “A great army...? I suppose that would seem more like my brother’s way.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
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“Not another one...”
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goddessseal · 1 year
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I taught Bri a thing and now I’m going to teach you all too! lmao
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We’re going to talk about Eris and something she said during the promise with Nowe.
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I remember seeing a lot of complaints about this but I’m sure they forgot about Ending A when she says this...
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I think she was chosen for it instead of the mark finding her since the current Goddess (Angelus) willingly took the burden. Thanks to chatting with Bri about it, we both think Verdelet chose Eris since he was around when she and Nowe were kids and training to become knights.
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