GGSB Fest 2024 - Let's Get Lost
Prompt - Corn Maze
Sirius thinks a corn maze is a good way to bond with Harry.
Sirius wanted to do something that would be fun to help them bond a little bit.  So, when Harry tossed out the idea of a corn maze, Sirius thought it was perfect.
Perfect idea for them to bond.  Getting lost together is a great way to bond.
Once they arrive and get the map for the items that they’re meant to be finding throughout the corn maze, they take off together.  
“Alright, let’s go left first.”
They enter the maze and take the left turn.  The begin their tour of the maze trying to find the three landmarks that are the goal for this maze.  
At first, it’s easy.  
They manage to make it through the first part and to the first totem easily enough, but the second one was a little more difficult.  They backtracked twice, but eventually found the next one.
“Come on, Sirius, one more to go.”
Harry’s all excited.  He loves a good mystery and he’s enjoying himself.  
Which is great. 
It causes Sirius to grin.  “Then, let’s go – lead the way!”
Yes, the corn maze was a good idea.
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Healing Adventures
Prompt - Sirius takes care of Harry Post-war.
Sirius wants to take Harry on a healing adventure post war.
With everything that has happened recently – the war, Harry sort of dying, and the chaos of finally getting to be a free man – there was only one thing that Sirius wanted more than anything else in this world and that was to go on an adventure.  
An adventure just the two of them.  Taking care of his godson the way that he should have gotten to do all along. Thus, he and Harry are packing duffle bags into the boot of the car with intention of driving across the country on a healing road trip.  
“You ready for this?” 
Harry shrugs.  “Are you sure a road trip is a good idea?”
“I think it’s the quickest way to just relax and get away from the madness.”
Harry nods.  “Yeah, I just – are you sure that you want me to come?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” Sirius asks, frowning.  
“Well, you said it was a healing trip and I might get in the way.”
Sirius shakes his head.  “This isn’t about me, I want to take care of you and that means taking you on this healing trip to heal from the hell you went through.”
Harry looks extremely surprised. 
“This trip is for me?”
“Of course it is.  I told you that I’d take care of you when this is all over… so here I am, taking care of you.”
Harry smiles clearly touched.  “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me, kid,” Sirius responds, giving him a look.  “Now, are you ready to go?”
“Good, then get in – we’re going on a healing adventure!”
“Let’s go!”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Shaving Is Stupid
Prompt - Shaving
Harry hates having to teach himself shaving, luckily Sirius is there to save the day.
If there’s one thing that Harry hates about growing up without someone he could reliably go to for advice on dating and stuff, it’s that he has to figure these things out on his own.  
Hence, standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom at Grimmauld Place attempting to shave on his own and hoping that someone doesn’t wander along and mock him (like the twins). 
Shaving is so stupid.  Why is this even necessary?
Still, he has to try. 
Unfortunately, he cuts himself with the blade within a minute.
“Damn it!”  
How was he going to hide this?
“Harry?” a new voice says from the hallway.  
“Oh, bugger,” Harry mutters. 
At least it’s Sirius.  He probably wouldn’t laugh.
Hence, he opens the door to let him in.  “Hi, Sirius.”
“Hey, kid, what are you up to?” Sirius asks as he leans in the doorway.  
Given the shaving cream and razor on the sink added to the cut on Harry’s face, it was pretty obvious, but he knows Sirius is expecting an answer.  “I, er, I am trying to shave.”
“Ah, and why is it trying and not succeeding?” Sirius asks, a slight tease in his voice.
Harry flushes.  “I – well, I – I don’t want to admit to anyone that I don’t know how to do it and – and I don’t have anyone to go to for advice…”
“Oh, kid, you can always come to me,” Sirius states.  “I realize that I was in cave before so I couldn’t do it, but I could show you now.”
“Really?” Harry asks, eagerly.  “Cause I was thinking that I might have to admit it to the twins and they would totally take the mickey and…”
“Yes, really.  I’d be glad to help and if you ever want anything – any other kind of help – just ask.”
Harry nods.  “If you help me with this, then yeah, I’ll go to you next time.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - What's In A Name?
Prompt - Harry takes Sirius' name.
Harry decides he wants to honor Sirius by taking his name.
Harry does what he always does when he’s nervous.  He cooks. 
Specifically, he’s cooking Sirius’ favorite dinner in an attempt to butter him up.  Not that he needs to, exactly, it’s just… well, in light of the defeat of Voldemort at the DOM, and Sirius giving him the home that he always wanted, he had decided on something to honor Sirius and frankly, he wasn’t sure how Sirius would handle it.  
Would he be happy?  Or would he hate it?  
Given Sirius’ distaste for his family, he’s not too sure what the outcome might be, and it worries him. 
So, he’s hoping his favorite dinner will help him… react well.  
Because Harry really wants this – more than anything.  
“Hey kid, what’s all this?” Sirius asks, as he enters the kitchen.  
Harry smiles, still nervous as he plates their dinner and sits across from him.  “Well, I wanted to do something special for you.  Now that we can be a family.”
“Aw, kid, I should be doing this for you, then,” Sirius says as they begin eating.  
“You’ve already done enough –”
“If I’d done enough, you wouldn’t be the one that is doing this for me, I’d be doing it for you.”
Harry sighs.  “Well, true, but I did this for a reason, actually.”
“Yeah, I have something I wanted to ask you.”
Sirius furrows his brow.  “You don’t have to butter me up, whatever it is… you can just ask.”
Harry sighs.  “Er, well, I wasn’t sure how’d you take the request… and thought something nice would help.”
“Alright, then, ask whenever you’re ready.”
Harry nods and sets his fork down.  “You’ve done so much for me over the last couple of years.  You were the only adult that I could count on and now, you’ve taken in me after defeating Voldemort in the DOM…”
“Because I love you, kid, more than anything.”
“And I love you, too.  Which is why I want to honor you somehow.  I want people to know what you mean to me.”
“I – what exactly are you asking me?” Sirius asks, confused and uncertain.
“I want to take your name,” Harry states.  “I want to become Harry James Potter-Black.  I want you and everyone to know that I am your kid and proud of it.”
Sirius looks stunned and for a second, Harry thinks the worst, and looks down at his food.  
He hopes that he hasn’t ruined anything.  
But then a second later, Sirius reaches across the table and squeezes his hand causing him to look up.  Sirius has tears in his eyes.  “I’d be honored.”
“Really?” Harry asks, excitement filling his gut.  “You’d be okay with it?”
“I love it, I mean – I’m not sure I’ve earned such an honor, but I love it,” Sirius answers, sincerely.  “It’s… names in the wizarding world mean so much…”
“I know, and that’s why I want to do it,” Harry states.  “Because I feel like you’ve earned it and I feel like it would tell everyone how much you mean to me.”
Sirius grins.  “It would and if that’s what you really want – I’d be honored to add my name to yours.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - A Home Of Their Own
Prompt - House in the country
Sirius follows through with his promise of a home.
Sirius is grinning as he pulls up to the house in the country with his godson on the back of his bike.  He’d just been freed a week ago and he wanted to follow through with his promise – a home of their own.  
The home has plenty of grounds to run on and have fun with, it’s far from the neighbors so they won’t have to worry about gossips, and its multiple rooms for Harry to choose from and make the most of it.  
He could only hope that Harry likes it.
“Alright, we’re home,” Sirius states as he turns off the engine.  
Harry gets off the motorbike and looks around.  “This is for us?”
Sirius nods.  “I know it’s a bit big, but I figured maybe your friends could come visit or maybe we could set different rooms for different things…”
“This is great!” Harry yells, excitedly.  “Is all of this land ours, too?”
“Yes.  I thought maybe a quidditch pitch or something else – anything you want.”
Harry grins.  “That sounds brilliant.”
“Wanna take a look around?” Sirius asks, getting off the bike himself.
“Yes,” Harry answers, happily.  “You know, this is exactly what I imagined that night – somewhere out in the country where we can see the stars… it’s perfect.”
“I’m happy to hear that,” Sirius states, grinning.  “Now, let me give you a tour.”
“Lead the way.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Fun In The Snow
Prompt - Snowball Fight
Harry and Sirius have fun in the snow.
“Don’t you just love the snow?” Harry questions as he approaches a sullen looking Sirius in the drawing room.  
He’s looking out the window staring at the snow, wishing that he could be out there rather than hiding in this stupid house.  
“Er, well, I would love everything that isn’t in this house – which includes rain or shine, but I always did love having fun in the snow, something about building a snowman or having a snowball fight would really cheer me up anytime I was less than happy about returning here.”
Harry grins.  “Then, I have a fun plan for you…”
“Yeah, come on.”
It turns out that Harry’s big plan involved the twins making a distraction so that they could run off outside to the nearby park under charms so that no one would recognize them.  They could make snowmen and enjoy the snow together. 
It’s a lot of fun.
And the surprise of a snowball hitting him in the face.
He turns surprised towards his godson.  
“What was that?”
“Snowball fight!” Harry yells, happily.  “Bet you I’ll win!”
“You’re on!”
They played in the snow for hours having a snowball ball fight until they’re utterly exhausted and have to head back to the house.  
Sirius throws an arm around his shoulders.  “Thanks, kid.”
“Anytime, Sirius.  I had fun.”
“Me too.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - The Importance Of Stars
Prompt - stars
Harry complains about Astronomy to Sirius.
“I don’t even understand what the point of Astronomy is as a class,” Harry complains as he studies for his O.W.L. over the Easter break.  Given that it’s a short break, he didn’t leave Hogwarts, but is instead hanging out in Sirius’ quarters.  
The tournament had ended a bit differently with a free Sirius and Voldemort defeated before he could get started, which means Sirius could take over as DADA professor and Harry could enjoy getting to know Sirius in person.  
That’s been a Merlin-send this year with everyone’s attention on Harry for ‘defeating’ Voldemort again.  (Really, he tried to tell them that it was a fluke, but… no one believed him).  
Either way, he’s got a safe space in Sirius’ quarters.
“It’s important,” Sirius states.  “The stars can tell us a lot about the future, can be used in calculations for spells, and even help with certain potions.  For example, when we became animagi the process involved all of astronomy.”
“They’re just stars,” Harry groans.  “They’re so far away … I can’t imagine how they’d affect anything.”
Sirius gives him a look.  “I feel like your professor is lacking if you can’t figure out why the stars are important.”
“Maybe I’d be better off with a different professor, then?”
“Oh, and who do you suggest?” Sirius questions.  
“You,” Harry states.  “I’d be much more interested in astronomy if it was taught by you.”
Sirius laughs.  “Well, I suppose I could… as long it means a great mark on your O.W.L.s.”
“Good.  Let’s get started.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Trio Of Parents?
Prompt - Family Tree
When Harry completes a family tree project for school, his teacher has something to say about Sirius' family on the tree.
“Excuse me, Mr. Potter,” the voice of Harry’s muggle teacher comes from behind him.  
He turns back, he’d just been dropping Harry off for school, and he’s sure that Harry couldn’t have done anything wrong in the first few minutes of class.  “Yes, Miss Feeny?”
She clears her throat.  “As you know, yesterday, Harry and his class turned in their family tree project…”
Oh.  Sirius wondered if he would have to explain why Harry’s family tree was different to a normal family tree since it includes Sirius as a father to him and his family as part of it.  Although, Sirius hadn’t been too eager to name his parents as part of the tree, he didn’t want to tell Harry why so he allowed him to include them.
“Yes, I know I helped him with it,” Sirius states.
“So, you’re aware that he created a unique family tree?”
Sirius nods.  “He has a unique family tree.  Erm, as you know, his parents passed away, but I am godfather…”
“Which doesn’t make you his parent for a family tree.”
“I completely disagree, but that’s not the point,” Sirius states, strongly.  “I didn’t want to explain it all unless I had to, but the three of us were meant to be all three married… they were my husband and wife, so even though biologically, Harry is theirs, he’s my son, too.  Thus, he has three parents.”
It’s clear that she doesn’t quite like that explanation as she says, “It’s not something that we should … explain to the class at large (and they’re each meant to present the tree to the class), so while I understand the unique situation, I think Harry should redo the family tree assignment without your family as part of the tree.”
Sirius frowns.  “Are you kidding me?”
“No at all, I just think –”
“I think you’re being rather ignorant asking for that,” Sirius states.  “As a matter of fact, I think I should talk to the Headmistress…”
“I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“I think it is.”
With that, he turns and stalks towards the Headmistress’ office.
He’ll take care of this. 
The conversations with the Headmistress went so much better than Harry’s teacher, Miss Feeny.  She agreed that Miss Feeny’s request was rather… ignorant and rude.  Thus, Sirius (with the rest of the parents), sits through the family tree presentations – it wasn’t originally the plan, but the Headmistress decided that it was the only way for Sirius to be sure that Miss Feeny allowed Harry to explain his family tree. 
Sure enough, she attempted to stop him, but Sirius made sure that Harry got his chance.
And now, he’s up at the front of the class, pointing out his parents – James, Lily, and Sirius.  He talks about how Sirius is a wonderful Pads and what they used to do before they passed.  Then, he talks about his grandparents, his aunt and uncles (Petunia, Vernon, and Regulus), and his cousin.  
The class had some lovely questions and support for Harry as he finishes.  A unique family and a lovely tree.  
“And that’s my family.”
“Thank you, Harry.”
He rushes over to Sirius, who hugs him tightly.  “Great presentation, kiddo.”
“You liked it?”
“Of course.  It’s our perfect family tree.”
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It is a good time to panic!
Written for @goodgodfathersiriusblack Fest - however please note that in this AU wizards are not pretending to follow any form of christianity. Also, in this AU everybody lives HAPPILY, because I said so. To learn more about Fey-parents check this post. 2.2k words, rated T, Occamy-verse AU
He needed to hide. Now.
Harry burst into the Quidditch changing room, breathing heavily. Quick look around ensured that no one was in. He nearly threw the Firebolt onto the rack and stopped. It was too recognisable. If he left it here, anyone would know where he was hiding.
It took him just a moment of hesitation and a sound of voices from the outside to reach a decision. Holding the broom close to his chest, he squeezed inside of the storage locker and quickly shut the door.
The voices grew nearer. He peeked through the cracks in the locker door, but no one was entering the changing room. Harry took a deep breath in and out through his nose. Then, with a bit of difficulty, he slid his hand into the pocket of his robe and fished out his smartphone.
Four PM. Sirius should be alone at home at this time. He bit his lip and selected “Padfoot” on OwlChat. (Read more on AO3 or below)
“Need help”
The message made a whooshing sound and Harry quickly muted his phone. He stared at the screen for a couple minutes, trying to ignore Ron’s voice that was quite clearly calling his name. He almost jumped when the three dots appeared on the bottom of the screen.
“What’s up?”
He started typing, but Sirius on the other end of the chat was faster.
“U ok?”
“Where R U?”
“B there in 5?”
Harry groaned inwardly. He probably shouldn’t have started with a call for help. He added quickly:
“Need advice”
The dots seemed to hesitate for a second.
“🤙 or 🔮?”
Harry grinned. Crystal ball emoji was Sirius' go-to sign for talking through their enchanted mirrors.
“Cannot talk, kinda hiding rn”
“🤫 spell?”
It was a nice way for Sirius to suggest Muffliato without actually typing the word in the chatbox, Harry thought. They’ve discovered a while ago that whenever his Fey-father actually spelled a spell, their phones would simultaneously restart. Even Auntie Gem didn’t have that effect on electronics.
“🤙 1 sec”
Ron’s voice seemed to move further away now. Harry peeked again around the empty changing room and whispered the incantation. A soft murmur of the magical energy filled the locker and hung in the air like a buzzing of tiny, invisible wings.
He rested his back against the back of the closet and held the phone in front of him, selecting a video call. Sirius’ face came up on the screen almost instantly.
“Harry! Are you okay?”
“Yes, yes, sorry,” he whispered. “Kinda. I mean, I’m not in any danger, if that’s what you’re asking.”
His Fey-father’s eyes measured him up and down through the screen.
“You sure? Where are you?”
“Uhm… Quidditch changing room.”
“Inside a locker?”
Harry hesitated for a second. “Yeah… how did you…?”
“Long story,” Sirius chuckled and his grey eyes lit up a little. “You’re not the first one to hide in those, believe me.”
Somehow he wouldn’t think to doubt Padfoot about a thing like this.
“So, what do you need, kiddo?”
Harry bit his lip. For a moment he considered saying something along the lines of ‘nothing really, all is fine’, but decided against it. Sirius waited, concern written all over his face. Well, nowhere to fall but in.
“When did you realise…?” Harry began and stopped, looking for the right words.
“Realise what?”
“Uh… well…” He felt his cheeks reddening. “Um… that you fancied guys and girls the same?”
Sirius stared at him for a second or two, before a grin spread across his face. “That I was bisexual?”
“Uhh, that’s the term, yeah?” The reddening was reaching his ears now.
“Wow, I… didn’t expect that kind of question, lemme think…” Sirius knitted his brows but Harry knew his expressions well enough by now to realise his Fey-father didn’t need the time to consider the answer. Red-hot sensation creeped onto his neck. “That would have been around sixth grade, give or take.”
“Sixth???” Harry stifled a horrified yelp.
“You okay there, kiddo?”
“That’s… that’s longer than I… I can’t wait that long, Sirius!”
“Hold on, hold on,” the screen shook for a moment and Harry realised that his Fey-father shifted his position in the armchair he was seated in to hold the phone more on the face level. “What do you mean, wait that long? What…?”
“The ball is next month!”
“I didn’t ask anyone yet, because I don’t know who to ask, and if I don’t know who I like, I will just make an idiot of myself…”
“Sixth grade! What do I do until then? What did you do? How would I know if…”
“Just hold on a second, kid…”
“I can’t! I didn’t ask anyone, what if I end up without a date? What if I end up with the wrong date? What if they hate me? Or worse - what if they like me and I figure that ‘nah, I’m not into that gender’ later?” Harry nearly screamed the last part, before he remembered where he was. On his phone’s screen Sirius was waiting, a grin not leaving his lips.
“Ready to chat now?”
“It’s not funny, Sirius!” he growled and his Fey-father’s face straightened up.
“I know, kiddo. I’m not laughing at you, you just… caught me a bit by surprise, you know?”
Harry opened his mouth, but instead of saying more he just sighed. For a short while he and Sirius looked at each other through the screens. His Fey-father cleared his throat.
“Let’s start with what made you call me, okay?”
“I almost asked someone out,” he admitted glumly. “Nearly said it, but then I kinda panicked and ran here.”
“Okay, that’s something. Wanna tell me who that is?”
Harry shook his head.
“That’s fine, sure, sure… Bloke or gal?”
“Bloke,” Harry whispered under his breath and Sirius nodded.
“You like him?”
“I don’t know, Sirius, that’s the point!”
“Well, how does he make you feel, then?”
Harry hesitated. There were surely enough emotions he had and stupid feelings he felt, but even now, naming them was a struggle. “Messed up?,” he tried and Sirius grinned again.
“But in a ‘I wanna kill him one of these days’ kinda way or more ‘if we don’t have classes together soon I’m gonna die’ way?”
“It’s okay if it’s both, you know.”
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” Harry complained and his Fey-father shrugged.
“Because that’s emotions and we’re humans, Harry. That’s just how it is. You can be sure that this bloke of yours is messing his head about this thing just like you are now.”
“I doubt it and it’s barely helpful…”
A door on Sirius’ side of the call creaked open and Harry recognised Gemma’s voice in the distance.
“Oh, you’re on a call…?”
Sirius’ hand covered the camera and the screen and Harry felt a sudden wave of gratefulness towards him. He still coughed out loud, “Uh, hi, Auntie Gem!”
“Harry?” Sirius stood up and turned the camera so that her face appeared in the view. She smiled at him with that small, reserved grin that he already found familiar. “Everything all right at school?”
“Yeah, yeah, all fine,” Harry noticed that Sirius’ head turned a little towards Gemma’s hair and his face softened for a moment. “Uhm…”
“We’ll continue that in the study, Gems, if you need the bedroom.”
“Yes, a change of clothes would be nice,” she moved away a little and pecked a small kiss on Sirius’ jaw for which - Harry knew - she had to rise to her tiptoes. “Run along then, boys.”
The view from the camera swirled. Sirius’ face came back after a moment as he walked down the corridor.
“You still there, kiddo?”
“Where were we…”
“This whole thing being bloody complicated.”
His Fey-father chuckled. There was a creak of a door opening to another room. “Oh, occupied?”
“I was just finishing, Pads,” this time it was Lupin’s voice and Sirius’ hand again covered the phone. “Did I hear Gemma coming home?”
“You sure did.”
“Who’s on the phone then?”
“Hello, Uncle Remus,” Harry said out loud and stifled a small sigh. He wondered why he had even considered Sirius would be alone at Grimmauld Place.
“Harry! Is everything okay?” The camera was now showing faces of both men, Sirius’ arm wrapped around Lupin’s. Harry nodded.
“Yes, yes, all fine…”
“Very well then. Sirius, it’s your turn to cook today, by the way.”
Harry sniggered as Remus’ face disappeared and his steps moved away. Sirius took a seat at the desk, resting the phone against something.
“I swear it’s like I’m cooking every other day for those two,” he complained, rolling his eyes.
“You shouldn’t have made that stew for my birthday, Sirius,” Harry decided to point out, the memory of the dish making his stomach rumble. He realised he hadn't eaten since lunch because of the Quidditch training.
His Fey-father shook his head and sighed, “If only that was it, kiddo. Sorry for all the interruptions. Where were we again?”
Harry hesitated. For a brief moment his mind wandered back to his birthday feast and this time he wasn’t focused on the - unquestionably delicious - vegetable stew. He thought about these three adults that dragged him into their lives without a second of hesitation, whose own connection he had been watching all summer. Granted, at first Remus tried to pretend like there was nothing between him and both Gemma and Sirius. And at first Harry didn’t want to pry - after all, those were adult things he didn’t feel he should be a part of. Soon enough however, the moment the first full moon Sirius as Padfoot went to accompany Remus during his transformation, Aunt Gemma sat him by the kitchen table, and in short and simple words explained what polyamory was and why Lupin was hesitant for them all to reveal it. Harry remembered thinking then how messed up the society was to even care to barge into someone’s private life like that.
He blinked, looking at his Fey-father again, at the concerned look in those grey eyes that he has already seen so full of joy and love over the summer.
“How did you do that?” He asked finally, thinking of the way Auntie Gem laughed at Sirius’ jokes and how, after all was explained, Remus’ shoulder served his Fey-father as a pillow over summer evenings.
Something glimmered in those grey eyes and Harry knew that without having to explain further he was understood. “Wish I could tell you, kiddo. Dumb luck, I suppose?”
“Well, that’s hardly something I can count on, can I?”
“Hardly, that’s for sure!” Sirius laughed. “Honestly though, Harry, if there was one successful set of guidelines on relationships then no one would ever be alone. I know that’s not the kind of advice you wanted to hear.”
“No kidding…”
“Tell you what,” Sirius leaned closer to the screen, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial hum. “In the end it doesn’t matter at all if you’re bi, gay or straight, or anything in between. There’s no wrong way to love someone. It’s just how you act upon it that can be harmful, either to them or to yourself.”
Harry nodded slowly. There was something new in his Fey-father’s eyes, something much more solemn than he was used to.
“You’re a good kid, Harry. I know that and you should too. Just keep being mindful, both about the bloke you like and yourself, and you’ll be just fine. You’ll see.”
“Or the girl,” Harry added weakly and Sirius chuckled.
“She makes you feel all messed up too?”
“All sorts of messed up, yeah.”
“I know the feeling,” another grin brightened his Fey-father’s face and Harry couldn’t help but smile in return. “It’s all gonna work out in the end, kiddo.”
“That's crap advice, Sirius,” he sighed, rubbing his forehead. Somewhere in his left foot an itch began from being stuck in one position for too long. “But uhm… the other one kinda helps, I think. The being mindful one.”
“Glad to be of help, kiddo. Ready to step out of the closet?”
Harry cast a glance around, “The locker for now.”
“Baby steps,” Sirius grinned and winked at him. “Let me know how it goes later?”
“Sure will. Thank you, Sirius.”
“Any time, Harry.”
It was a couple hours later, when Harry was getting ready to go to sleep (after listening through the whole supper to Ron complaining about him ‘running away from the pitch as if it were dragons entering, not the Slytherin team’) that he picked up the phone to see a message from Sirius. It was uncharacteristically long.
"Harry, I talked to Gems and Moony (no deets, so don’t worry) and there’s one more piece of advice we can give you. Be yourself. You want the other person to love you for being you, not someone you pretend to be around them."
He grinned, scrolling further.
"I know I’d be scoffing on that kind of crap advice when I was your age, but trust us on that one, will you? We love you, kiddo. All three of us."
Harry rested his head on the pillow, staring at the OwlChat window on the phone he held above his head for a while. Tomorrow, he decided. 
"Thank you for the advice, pack. You’re the best. Goodnight!"
Tomorrow he will go and invite his crush to a ball.
Thank you for reading!
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Sirius' Own Mini-Me
Prompt - Leather Jacket
Harry wants to be just like Sirius.
Sirius has always known that Harry looked up to him.  
It was only natural, after all.  What with Sirius being the only adult that was there for him and the one that would offer him a home.  
Their own little home. 
A home that he always wanted.  
Even better, it gave Harry someone to look up to, someone he wanted to be like.
Which is why on his eighteenth birthday, after the war and everything that had settled down, Sirius isn’t surprised that Harry’s got longer hair, taken an interest in motorbikes, and has gotten a couple of tattoos.  
He was like Sirius’ own mini-me, even if he still looked like James, and Sirius just felt the urge to add to it.  Hence giving Harry his own leather jacket for his birthday.
Harry had opened it right after breakfast and is grinning like a mad man.  “This really mine?”
“Of course!  I know how much you’ve been admiring mine and I thought it was time you had your own,” Sirius answers grinning.  
Harry stands and hugs him fiercely before putting it on.  
“How do I look?”
He looks even more like a Sirius’ mini-me, and it has Sirius grinning.  “Like you were made for the open road and pure adventure.”
Harry grins.  “I like that.  Mind if we go for a ride on the bike?  With me in front?”
“Not at all.  Sounds like a brilliant way to celebrate your birthday.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Coach Me, This
Prompt - Soccer/Football
Sirius is Harry's football coach.
Sirius isn’t really too sure how he ended up here planning out practices and plays for Harry’s mini football league.  Somehow, Harry had opted to join his muggle school’s football team and after a disastrously sad first year where he’d been a bit disappointed by the coach, Sirius had stepped in one game – and well, it stuck.
The coach had quit and somehow every year it became expected that he would be Harry’s team’s coach.  
“Come on, Pads, you can’t use David in that play, he’s not good offense,” Harry complains.  
“I think I know what the team’s capable of, kid,” Sirius tells his ten-year-old.  “I am after all the coach.”
“Coach me, this, then, dear coach, why’d we lose last game when you brought him out front instead of by the goalie?”
Sirius gives him a look because he’s right, but he doesn’t want to admit it.  
“You know I’m right, don’t you?” Harry questions looking rather smug.  
Sirius glowers at him.  “Who taught you to be so smug?”
“You did.”
Sirius laughs and shakes his head.  “Guess that’s what I get.  Fine, help me out, then, kid.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - He Loves You More Than Me
Prompt - Favorite person
Sirius is Harry's favorite person.
Sirius loves visiting with his best mate and more importantly, his godson.  
“Hey kiddo!” Sirius says, happily, as his adorable godson toddles over to him the second that he appears in the doorway.  
James leans against the wall, pouting slightly.  “I swear that my kid loves you more than me.”
Sirius grins.  “Well, I’m his favorite person after all.”
“You’re not his favorite.”
“I beg to differ,” Sirius says as James tries to get Harry back only for him to cry until he’s safely in Sirius’ arms.  
Sirius laughs.
James huffs.  “Not fair.”
“Totally fair,” Sirius disagrees.  “I do spoil him a bit after all.”
As he says this, he pulls out a little gift for his godson.  It’s not much, just a little toy quidditch player set and flies around in circles.  He brings himself, the toy and Harry to the sitting room and sits him in his lap on the floor as he watches the toy fly around and around.  
“You do spoil him a bit too much.”
“Nah, I spoil him the perfect amount to be his absolute favorite godfather.”
James laughs.  “You’re his only.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t be a favorite.”
James hums.  “Guess that makes you lucky.”
“Or brilliant.  Either way, I’m just happy to visit with him…” Sirius trails off and seeing the putout look on James’ face, adds, “and you, I suppose.”
James rolls his eyes.  “I’ve been replaced by my kid, so unfair.”
“He’s just cuter than you – can’t help that.”
James laughs.  “Yeah, yeah.  Whatever you say.”
“Good.  Now, why don’t you get Harry’s favorite person some tea?”
James shakes his head.  “You’re such a dork, but I guess I’ll it for you.  Try not to get into too much trouble while I’m in the kitchen.”
“Would we ever do that?” Sirius teases.  Then he picks up Harry’s hands and says, “We’re innocent, daddy, we swear.”
James laughs as he goes to make the tea.  “Yeah, right.  Have fun.”
“Will do!”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - It's A Muggle Thing
Prompt - Father's Day
Harry wants to honor Sirius with the muggle holiday of Father's Day.
Harry knows that Father’s Day is a muggle thing.  A muggle thing that doesn’t make much sense to wizards, but the first summer that he finally gets to live with Sirius (after years of hoping for it), he doesn’t care if it’s a muggle thing.  
It’s something he wants to do and well; Sirius would indulge him.
Even if he thinks it’s silly.
Thus, Harry takes care to wake early and make Sirius’ favorite breakfast on the third Sunday in June after the war and bring it to him in bed.  
“Knock, knock,” Harry says, when he gets to the door.  
  The door swings open and Sirius is sitting up in bed looking relaxed.  
“What’s this?” Sirius asks.
“Breakfast in bed,” Harry states.
“And what did I do to deserves this?” 
“Well, I…” Harry’s not sure how to explain, so he simply produces the card he bought and hands it to him.
He watches as Sirius opens it quickly and goes from confused to understanding, and mildly delighted.
“Father’s Day?” Sirius questions.  “Even after how I failed you?  You’d still honor me that way?”
“Well, yeah – I – you …” he pauses.  “You’ve been like a dad to me and – and I always wanted to honor someone since I couldn’t do it for dad and my uncle was… well… his response is better left unsaid.”
Sirius nods because he could probably guess it.  “Alright, then.  I love it.”
Harry smiles.  “I know it’s more of a muggle thing, but…”
“But muggle things can be cool at times, no?”
“Exactly what I was thinking.”
“So, is it just breakfast in bed or …?”
“That’s not enough?” Harry teases.  
“Well, I –”
“It’s actually a bit more than that.  I figured that we could spend the day together doing whatever you wanted.”
Sirius grins.  “Sounds brilliant!”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - What About Expectations?
Prompt - Career Advice
Harry calls Sirius for career advice.
Sirius isn’t surprised when Harry calls him around the Easter holidays of his fifth year.  He remembers the dreaded career advice meeting that was led after a sea of pamphlets and was not probably far too late in the year to be helpful.  Still, he always told Harry that they could talk about it if he was lost on his career and that he didn’t have to decide now.
“Pads, would you be disappointed in me if I wasn’t an auror?” Harry asks as soon as he appears in the mirror.
“No, of course not, but I thought that was what you wanted.”
Harry sighs.  “I don’t know.  I mean, with everything that happened last year with fake Moody, he was the only one to suggest that I could be an auror, and Ron kind of ran with it.  He keeps talking about how great it would be and how our adventures would mean that we’d be good at it, but…”
“But it’s not for you,” Sirius suggests.  “After everything that they’ve been doing to you – excepting you to be a hero feels largely unfair.”
“Exactly.  And like, I’m already tired and saving-people-thing or not, I can’t keep saving people or fighting forever.  Especially people that constantly turn on me, you know?”
Sirius hums.  He absolutely agrees with that notion and selfishly, he doesn’t want Harry to get killed for the likes of these people.  
“So, what are you thinking for a career?”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know,” Harry complains.  “I see all of these options and none of them even appeal to me.  I don’t want to join the Ministry after everything.  I don’t want to own a business where the paper might make things difficult as if I know what I would even want to sell.  I like teaching the DA, but seriously, Hogwarts is … both great and not great.  It might be different, but I just … I don’t know.”  He pauses.  “The only thing I really want to do feels superficial in the idea of the war coming.”
“Kid, you have to do what makes you happy,” Sirius states. “Don’t worry about the war –”
“But what about the expectations?  So many people would be disappointed that I didn’t go the auror route or at least something that they would see as worthwhile.  What I want to do is not that.”
Sirius shakes his head.  “You have no expectations, except to do what you want to do.  No matter what it is, as long as it is what you want to do.”
“Really?” Harry questions.  “Even if it’s like… quidditch?”
“Of course, kid!  I think you have a real shot at a long professional career,” Sirius states.  “And it’s completely worthwhile.”
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do,” Sirius assures him.  “I just want you to be happy.”
Harry smiles, clearly relieved.  “Thanks, Pads.  I really appreciate that – I feel much better.”
“Good, kid.  I’m happy to help.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - You're My Pads, Too?
Prompt - Jilypad discovery
After the war, Sirius is freed and he and Harry go through his things and Harry makes a discovery.
Recent events with the end of the war and Sirius’ name being cleared, lead to him getting all of his things back from the Ministry that had confiscated it (for some unknown reason), thus, he and Harry decided to go through it all and decide what to do with it. 
Some things he would keep like photos and letters, things his husband and wife had given him because he already lost them, and he wasn’t going to get rid of the few things that they had given him.  Most things, however, were a part of his past that just… didn’t work for him anymore.  
He’s not the man that once had these things, he’s a widower with a teen kid and well, he doesn’t need baby toys or things.  
He tosses some of it, even as Harry asks, “Did you have me over that much that you have baby things or do you have a kid I don’t know about?”
“The only kid I have is you,” Sirius states.  
He’s not directly answering the question because he’s not really sure how to explain that he’s not just his godfather, but his dad, too.  Pads, if Harry wanted something different to differentiate between him and James.  
At this point in their relationship, he figured it would be too awkward trying to explain their relationship.  Especially when he’s had others insinuate that he sees his kid as his husband and that’s all sorts of awkward.  
Harry hums.  “Alright, avoid the question.  It’s cool.”
Sirius spares him a look.  “It’s just… I was supposed to take care of you, of course I had baby things and then, I dropped the ball and…”
“Oh, right,” Harry offers.  “Sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, kid.  I just…” he sits on the ratty old couch unsure how to continue.
Harry nods at him, understanding.  “It can’t be easy for you.  Especially if this is true.”
He hands him a letter and some photos.  Photos that depicted his less than platonic relationship with James and Lily.  The last one being a shot of their wedding rings, all three of which are in the box that Harry’s holding.  
Box might be a misnomer.  It’s Sirius’ secret chest.  The one that held all of their secrets – photos, letters, items.  It includes his engagement locket from James, his wedding ring, and other things.  
“The letter says you’re my Pads, which apparently is what I should’ve called you as my second dad.”
Harry doesn’t look upset.  He doesn’t even look surprised.  
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know how,” Sirius admits.  “I failed you and them.  On multiple occasions.  I made terrible decisions, and my husband and wife were killed, my son was given to an abusive family, and there was nothing I could do to fix it.  I tried when I broke out – I thought I could protect you from Pettigrew and offer you a home, and make it up to you, but then I didn’t.  By the time that we were finally able to be together people were convincing you that I saw you as a replacement for my husband and… I didn’t want to make things more difficult for you.”
Harry shakes his head.  “I finally had a parent … an actual parent and you were worried that it would make things difficult?  My life was already difficult.  I would’ve preferred knowing that I had you … that I had my Pads.”
“I’m sorry,” Sirius offers, shaking his head.  “You deserve so much better than me.”
“Nah,” Harry replies, shaking his head.  “Everyone makes mistakes.  The important thing is that I finally have my Pads to take care of me and maybe… tell me how it all happened?”
Sirius grins.  “You got it, kid.”
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GGSB Fest 2024 - Battle Of Wills
Prompt - Scars
When Sirius sees Harry's scars from Umbridge, he's done and makes a decision to protect godson at all costs.
It’s one of those rare moments where Sirius gets to spend some time with Harry alone since the Order’s always watching them.  He supposes it’s because it’s so late and no one’s around to stop them.  Which seems fair and unfair at the same time.  
Still, cooking with Harry seems to be the easiest way to get him to let his guard down and actually chat with Sirius.  He figures that with everything with Arthur and the Order being dumb about the whole ‘possession thing’, Harry could use someone to talk to.  Especially since it took so little prompting for him to talk to Sirius about what was on his mind.
He talks for ages as he continues the soup they’re making when Sirius catches sight of some scars on his hand.  “What are those?”
Harry glances up as he lifts the onion he was chopping.  “Er, onions?”
“No, no – the white on your hand,” Sirius states, catching it to get a closer look.
The words I must not tell lies are etched there.  
“What is this?”
Harry shrugs and refocuses on the soup.  “It’s nothing, just a battle of wills.”
“A battle of wills… with who?” Sirius questions.  He knows of a few dark magic things that would cause something like this and one of those was a special quill… “You said Umbridge gave you lines.”
Harry hesitates before nodding.  “She did.”
“And?  She did make you write them with a blood quill?”
Harry looks up surprised.  “Is that what it’s called?  How do you know about it?”
“It’s dark magic, Harry,” Sirius states, plainly.  “You have scars on your hand, and you’re worried about the name of the bloody quill?”
“I – well, I – McGonagall told me to keep my head down and – and Dumbledore’s not looking at me and – and you can’t do anything except storm the castle and get yourself kissed… so, I – Hermione gave me something that helped and – and…”
Sirius is downright furious.  “That’s it.  I don’t care about the repercussions of whatever nonsense is going on with the Ministry.  You and I are leaving.”
“Leaving?  Leaving for where?”
“I hold a citizenship in Canada – it’s a long story.  I’ve been looking into it, and I can ask for asylum and get a proper trial.  I only haven’t because it’ll take time and I wouldn’t be able to leave until I’ve gained freedom, but I couldn’t stand the thought of not being there for you in case something else happens.  We’ll enroll you in their school.  It’s a fine institution.”
He’s talking fast and quite frankly trying to do everything he can to stay focused on Harry and not go and kill Umbridge.  
“And once I’m a free man again, I will press charges against Umbridge, Fudge and anyone else that allowed this to happen to you – not to mention everything else.  I’m done, Harry.  We’re getting out of here and I’m protecting you in whatever way I can.  We’ve got to…”
“Wait, Sirius, I can’t just leave…”
“Yes, you can.  I should’ve taken you last year when they forced you into the tournament… now, this is bad, Harry.  It’s not giving you detention and wasting your time with lines – this is – this is dark magic that has permanently scarred you.  You deserve better than that.  And if Dumbledore or McGonagall is going around letting this happen, well, then, I can’t trust them to do right by you and if I can’t do anything because the Ministry is corrupt, then I’m going to have to go somewhere where it isn’t.”
Harry bites his lip uncertainly.  “What about Voldemort?”
“He’s not your job, kid.  He’s got like fifty years on you,” Sirius states.  He’d been thinking about this for some time and all he could think about was how he really, really needed to be a good godfather and get his kid away from this nonsense – deadly nonsense.
Harry is quiet for a second, stirring the soup.  “Are you sure about this?  They won’t be able to force us back?”
“Definitely sure and no, they won’t.”
He looks up, suddenly sure.  “Then, let’s do it.”
Sirius smiles.  “Yes, let’s.”
And they do, a safe happily ever after.
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GGSB Fest 2024 - You're My Lifeline
Prompt - Letters
Sirius hates only being able to support Harry through letters.
Sirius hated that he had to be on the run.  That he had to settle for letters from his godson.  That he couldn’t follow through with his offer of a home.  
Although he is relieved that the mere threat of him is enough for the Dursleys to treat Harry semi-decently, and that Harry is willing to tell him things, especially with this whole mess with the tournament, but at least, he’s there for him… in letters.
Obviously, Harry thought so given his recent letter.
Dear Sirius,
Things are better than before – a lot better.  Apparently, the fact that I did so well with the dragon means I’m a hero, again.  
Honestly, I don’t know if I’m relieved or if I hate it.  I suppose that as long as people aren’t actively giving me bollocks for something I didn’t want and actively hate, it’s better.  
Still, I don’t know what I’d do without you.  You’ve been like my lifeline in the past few weeks.   Even having Hermione, or getting Ron back, was nothing compared to know that I have you to listen and care about me.
So, thank you,
Sirius both loves and hates some of the letters, especially ones that detail how terrible life has been for him at Hogwarts, but he is glad that he can be there for Harry – at least through letters.
Those will have to be enough for now.
But someday… someday… things will be different…
Just wait and see.
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