goomi07 · 7 months
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Hello and welcome to my blog!
I’m a 17 year old writer that has been interested in writing for a fuck ton of my life so this will be my practice writing til I write a book or something. Please leave criticism for my writing, I'm using this to improve! (Please be nice I will cry)
Some info about me!
I’m a Mexican bisexual girl with absolutely fuck nothing to do so I’ll try to pour my absolute soul into your requests (don’t hope for too much tho I procrastinate). I really love reading, writing, video games (Stardew Valley/The last of Us/Pokemon/etc.), and whatever show/movie I’m obsessing over at the moment.
Fandoms I write for! :
Hazbin Hotel (I will not write for that bug bitch Valentino)
Helluva Boss
Genshin Impact
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Spiderman ATSV
Stardew Valley
My Hero Academia
Things I won’t write! :
NSFW (I’m a minor and it just makes me uncomfy)
Yandere (I don’t rlly fuck with the kidnapping or non-con stuff)
This is a sample of my writing to see what hell you’re getting into!
It was a quiet evening, the rosy sun shutting down her light for the night to flood the lucid sky, as I laid down on the couch mindlessly scrolling through my phone. The tv blared in the background as I continued to stalk through people's Instagram profiles, though it came to a halt when I came across a certain post that caught my eye. It was a poem, more specifically a love poem a girl posted that was given to her from her presumed boyfriend. I sat there as I read the post, a sick feeling of envy mixed with happiness bubbling in my stomach as my eyes traced and reread every little syllable.
It was a beautiful piece of literature. The words blended together perfectly, bringing a giddy smile to my face. It was rather childish how easily worked up I got over words on a paper but with my hopeless romantic ass there was absolutely no saving.
“Ugh I would kill for someone to write this beautifully about me!” I groaned as I harshly dipped my head into the random pillow residing on my couch. My love life is well, very nonexistent, especially when your standards come from the fictional men you read in novels and fan-fiction on the internet. “Well I can keep dreaming” I yawned as I reached for the remote, turning off the tv as I trudged towards my bedroom. My room was a basic light cream color with bookshelves and posters decorating the walls, plants sitting near my half open window- wait. ‘What the hell? Didn’t I close this?- You know what never mind’ I shut the half open window with a sigh, my mind reflecting about these past few months.
Occurrences like this were starting to get more consistent over the span of five months. It started with doors that would be mysteriously open, then it escalated to some of my possessions disappearing and later reappearing later that week or even never at all. I thought I was going insane, so I installed cameras around my apartment hoping to get answers to this ongoing problem…. only to get nothing. I would review the cameras after every outing or disappearance of objects, searching and searching for a single piece of movement on the monochromatic replays of my entire apartment. Yet, there would always be nothing. ‘One day… I’ll figure out what the fuck is happening’ I quickly settled into bed, my hands reaching for the laptop resting on my bookshelf before my head was greeted with the softness of the pillow. I opened my laptop, swiftly typing in my password as I once again opened my security camera footage for the third time this week and rewinded it. Soon my eyes started to flutter shut as my laptop slid off my stomach, the luminescent screen reflecting the unfinished review of the security cameras. I felt my body relax against the mellow sheets, my thoughts hoping for resolution.
It was the next day and I decided to take the chance and go out for a walk to clear my mind. At least that’s what I was planning to do. When I reached to open my apartment door, my eyes caught sight of a small white envelope wedged underneath the front door. I halted in my movement, my hand still resting on the door handle as I continued to stare at the letter. ‘What the hell is this doing here?’ After a moment of deliberation, I slowly bent over and gingerly picked up the small envelope, scanning over its appearance. The envelope was stamped with a light pink wax resembling a crest and it had a small scent of vanilla, both of which were my favorite things. I stared in confusion, my eyes scanning over it once more before turning the envelope over in hopes to find who it was for. Only to find the words ‘My Dearest’ written in red ink. ‘This has got to be some sort of joke. Maybe they got the wrong apartment?’ I continued to re-analyze the letter, flipping it over and over to find some sort of clue who it was for. After spending a few minutes continuing to try to find some trace of a clue, my fingers rested on the red ink on the back of the letter. My heart began to lightly thump in my chest, the hopeless feelings and daydreams flooding my head as my fingers traced the bright red strokes of the words.
‘My Dearest’
I mean.
It wouldn’t hurt to take a peek.
Yeah this was supposed to be a prologue for a Yandere fanfic I was working on before I scrapped it (no it wasn’t gonna be romantic) but let me know if I should start it up again!
I hope you enjoy this blog!!!
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