gothampoli · 1 year
In case anyone's been under a rock these past few days, uh..
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🎉 Sarcastic hooray! 🎉
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gothampoli · 1 year
Hi, Chip here, again...
So, warning for people in Downtown Gotham! There's been a few fake blood drives going around. We don't know who is stealing people's blood or why, but it's happened to like two of us, now. Sam says it's some Danny Devito-esque Dracula, which sounds totally ridiculous. But it's Gotham, so it's probably true.
That's all. Stay weird, and watch out.
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gothampoli · 1 year
You can work at the Gotham Liberty Alliance, if you want. We've had an opening since Simon stopped copying papers and stapling them together for us.
Gotta get a job to support Julius and save up for his college fund . If I just entered myself into a businesses system and acted like I've been working there the whole time would that be morally reprehensible
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gothampoli · 2 years
Hello Gothamites! Sorry for not writing much lately- however, it is my birthday.
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gothampoli · 2 years
There should be someone around until 5:30 pm, so anytime before then is good. If Mx. Batson isn’t in when you get there, you can ask for RJ!
hey, uh, this is kind of awkward, but does anyone have like... a couch i can crash on or something.
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gothampoli · 2 years
Yeah, for sure! We’ve actually got some things around the office that need to be done, now that Simon’s focusing on his schoolwork more. It’s not super technical, just printing and organizing, sometimes cleaning up.
hey, uh, this is kind of awkward, but does anyone have like... a couch i can crash on or something.
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gothampoli · 2 years
If you’re having trouble finding employment, you can make an appointment with the GLA and we’ll see what we can do. There’s a decent amount of low-income housing in the Narrows- as long as you don’t mind occasional gunfire.
hey, uh, this is kind of awkward, but does anyone have like... a couch i can crash on or something.
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gothampoli · 2 years
(sighing dreamily) I love sending and receiving emails..!
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gothampoli · 2 years
Hey guys you are still checking out the mayo family dinner right? Still doing that? 10/10 place highly recommend could not think of a better place to eat I am kissing condiment king so sweetly on the forehead for making this meal
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gothampoli · 2 years
By the way, they dropped all her charges because of lack of evidence, I assume? Still really bad, though. Everyone stay safe, out there.
Something something… Charise Carnes arrested on multiple accounts of something whatever was the rogue Knightfall. I’ll get back to you all on this one later.
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gothampoli · 2 years
Interview: SPADE
The Liberty Kids' newest addition, best known as the daughter of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy speaks...
Tell us a bit about yourself. I understand your family is well-known around Gotham, has this impacted your life in any major ways?
“I like roller skating, milkshakes, the color pink, dancing, fireworks…” Spade began, then went on to list things she liked for another minute until she was distracted by her drink arriving at the table. Once I pulled her focus back to the questions, she noted that though she loves her family, it’s certainly harder to make friends when they’re notorious for crime. Despite this, she finds it exciting too. She noted, “Family game night is always fun, especially when my moms have friends over.”
What’s it like being the newest member of the Liberty Kids?
While Spade indicated that it’s been slightly confusing since she’s missed so much, her general impression is that it has been a fun experience. She also cheerily said on the matter, “Now I have an excuse to annoy Toxin and Alder more.”
Lastly, is there anything you’d like to say to the citizens of Gotham City?
Spade aptly replied, “Please take some time out of your day to have a good cake pop!” through a mouthful of cake pops she’d ordered just prior.
Though one could misconstrue Spade’s carefree disposition as naivety, I believe it’s more stubborn optimism; she’s seen what the city can be like, and has decided quite wilfully to go against the gloomy grain. This kind of sentiment is something we could all learn from.
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gothampoli · 3 years
Quick Updates (Mar. 27th, 2022)
- Pamela Isley is now selling a Little Shop Of Horrors themed succulent species in the gift shop of her botanical garden. She said she was inspired to do it when her son, Alder, mentioned he liked the musical.
- Local teens have been getting high on “Weed-Five” which allegedly allows you to see into the “Dark Multiverse” where Batman kills people while dressing “even more astoundingly emo, to a try-hard extent” which is hard to believe, all things considered.
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gothampoli · 3 years
Then I didn't!
Something something… Charise Carnes arrested on multiple accounts of something whatever was the rogue Knightfall. I’ll get back to you all on this one later.
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gothampoli · 3 years
hey, ooc question sorry. just come across the hashtag left shoe rp - can i ask what its about please? Hope you're having a lovely day
OOC: the left shoe rp is the dc rp that this blog is a part of. we've had a lot of story lines, but the main cast is a ragtag found family of vigilantes and rogues! our hub blog is @lssrphub
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gothampoli · 3 years
A couple months ago, my brother picked up a hitchhiker off the highway and I’m pretty sure I’m a little bit in love with her. She plays banjo. She claims to have been living out in rural Appalachia for over 20 years. She’s making vlogs about brining olives.
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gothampoli · 3 years
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Quick aside, The Mayo Family Diner is now officially open for business (again)! For those who aren’t aware of the history, the diner was originally opened by Monica and Darrell Mayo in 1989, and remained open until a fatal attack on May 30th, 2011, left both proprietors dead. They were, however, survived by their son Mitchell, who has since decided to take up the torch and reopen the restaurant.
Make sure to show this local business lots of support!
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gothampoli · 3 years
Something something... Charise Carnes arrested on multiple accounts of something whatever was the rogue Knightfall. I’ll get back to you all on this one later.
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