graciethewriter · 2 years
I promise you that new fics are coming and i’m not ignoring y’all. Thank you for supporting me and let me know what you want to see in the future, my pinned post is my fandoms and my requests are open.
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graciethewriter · 2 years
I just want to say that my requests are open!! Having trouble knowing what to post so here are my fandoms.
- Marvel
- Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick
- Criminal Minds
- Harry Potter
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graciethewriter · 3 years
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graciethewriter · 3 years
How to save a life ~Bucky Barnes~
Okay so i haven't posted in forever so here you go!
Warnings: Violence, character almost death, sense of impending doom,
Summary: when you think things are going to go wrong and they do bucky worries for you.
The tower was quiet, for the first time in a while everyone was home and safe, relaxing after a hectic few weeks of missions.
You however were using this time to train, Bucky found it very annoying that one of the only times you were both safe you were away from him for so long during the day but mostly kept that to himself. You spent your days worrying that things were too quiet, too stable, there was no way that the whole world was safe right now and you wanted to be prepared for the other shoe to drop. So you trained, long and hard waiting for things to go south.
"Y/N!" Bucky called from the stairs to the gym "It's lunchtime, come upstairs we're all eating."
"Uh, no thanks Buck I'll be up later." you smiled continuing to hammer onto the brown broken in punching bag.
"Alright," he sighed not really sure what to do "I'll see you soon hun."
You ran in the morning and at night, forty-five minutes in the morning and an hour-half in the evening. Steve usually joined you in the morning but at night you were usually by yourself, partly because you went so late. Bucky didn't like you going outside alone at night, it was New York after all, so you went long after he fell asleep in order to make sure you weren't worrying him.
You snuck through the tower, walking through the kitchen stealthily, normally you'd be pretty good at this considering you were an avenger but when the light flipped on in the kitchen revealing a crossed armed Steve Rogers you had to cover your mouth to muffle your scream.
"It's late." He said in that disapproving tone, damn Captain America.
"I know, why are you awake?"
"Bucky mentioned something about you sneaking out all the time, had to see it for myself."
"Bucky knows?" you asked shocked, you thought he was asleep.
"Bucky knows everything."
"I'm going running."
"I'll come." he smiled menacingly as you sighed and rolled your eyes walking to the front doors.
You walked in silence to the building where you start your run every time, it was nearly midnight. You nodded at Steve and started running. It was obvious that he was slowing himself down for you, but you didn't mind, just keep breathing.
"So, why are you so secretive lately?" he asked
"I am not, Bucky just doesn't like me going out at night by myself so I wait until he's asleep. You know he doesn't like to run so I don't wan him coming with me."
"You never come and hang out with us anymore, Nat is worried, we all are. All you ever do is train and run and train some more."
"I really don't want to get into this Steve." you sighed closing your mouth once more.
"Well sucks to be you then because we are getting into this."
"It's just- It's stupid." you chuckled humorlessly "Doesn't everything seem... I don't know, quiet?"
"It's peaceful, were all home, there's no danger it's all perfect. Isn't that good enough for you?" he asked a bit to his tone
"It is! It just seems that there is another shoe waiting to drop, I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of death."
"Well, you're not." at this you laughed
"You need to get better at this, things aren't always black and white Steve"
"Sorry, you're right things do seem kind of quiet. I hope there is no other shoe, I am so done fighting."
"I know Steve, I just think this one will be especially bad."
The next morning you slept through your normal running time, got up and had breakfast with everyone on the team and waited to start training for a while.
As soon as you made it back to the gym something washed over you, a wave of dread, you felt bad things happening in your bones.
"Every member of the team to the meeting room immediately." F.R.I.D.A.Y sounded
You ran through the halls of the compound into the meeting room, along with everyone else.
"Her name is Allegra." Tony said solemnly "We all have to go now, she has something out for us and is holding a whole town hostage with an army. We have to get out there now." Steve nodded along with everyone else, the pit in the bottom of your stomach growing by the minute.
On the plane, Bucky sat beside you, his hand on your bouncing leg.
"It's just another mission, we will be okay."
"Listen Buck, this doesn't feel like another mission, something is very very bad here." Your eyes welled with tears "I want you to know that I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please know that."
"You know I love you too, but I'm not saying any of that other stuff because neither of us are dying, got it?"
"Yeah." you said sadly not believing a word he said.
It was bad. The town was in very bad shape, some buildings on fire, others demolished completely. Police and ambulance were being held hostage and there were a number of bodies on the road. It was bad.
"Alright guys." Tony said in the comms "It's time."
The Avengers sprung into action, each in combat with a person of the opposite team, Allegra's army was not huge but big enough to have every Avenger scrambling against one or another person.
You stood there for a moment, realizing that this might be your last mission, then ran headfirst into the fight.
You found yourself fighting a man, larger than you but you were stronger. Quickly, you enabled him breaking a few unnecessary bones and then moved onto the next person.
It was a mess of people by the time you reached Allegra, she had the other team members behind her, all with men of hers capturing them. Steve and Nat tried to fight their way out of their hold but with no prevail. The last straw was when Allegra removed Bucky out of the hold of her man and started talking to him.
"James Buchanan Barnes, a real pleasure" she smirked "I'll start with you first, Winter soldier" Allegra aimed a cocked gun at the man you love's heart, her finger on the trigger.
"No!" you screamed out, loud enough that she stopped to look at you "Please! Take me instead of them, let them go!" you reached your powers into her head, convincing her to kill you instead of all your friends.
"I'll let them go, little mind reader, but you will die for all of them." She sneered
"Yes! Just let them go!" you cried, Bucky screamed in anguish wrestling Steve's firm grasp on him, Nat yelled against the hulk but the deed was done. Allegra aimed at you, turning your head to blew a kiss to Bucky and smiled at Nat mouthing 'it's alright' to her.
The shot rang out in the street. The sound making Bucky and Nat scream a painful yelp, tears streaming down both their faces.
Tony aimed his reactor hand at Allegra and fired while she was still busy looking at you, killing her instantly. Inside his suit a tear slipped down his face.
"For Y/N."
After she fell, the avengers ran to you, crowding around your bleeding body, as you groaned.
"Ouch." is all you managed to say before passing out from blood loss.
They had loaded you up on the quin-jet and rushed you to the hospital where the doctor explained that the shot had just barely missed your heart and there was a possibility you could be saved.
"She's gonna be okay Nat." Tony tried to soothe, rubbing her back as she cried into her hands.
"I haven't even talked to her in day-days!" she wailed "She's been so distant and we didn't even listen to her."
It had been hours of waiting and the team was exhausted and scared. Finally the surgeon came out, blood on his gown with a sad face.
"She had lost a lot of blood, but she's okay." The team sighed in relief.
"When can we see her?" Bucky asked in a wavering voice
"She's asleep but you can go in and see her now, be careful though."
You didn't wake up for days, for so long that Bucky had to leave your side to shower and eat which he hated. Steve promised to stay with you while Bucky showered but Bucky still didn't want to leave your side.
Eventually, you came to, the sound of sniffling taking up the silence in the room.
"Bucky?" you croaked out, his head shot up, eyes wide.
"Y/N! You're awake!" he smiled for the first time in days "Oh my god."
"How long have I-" you tried but Bucky didn't let you have time to speak.
"Never," he warned in a deep voice "ever, do that again."
"No promises."
He sat there and hugged you for hours happy you were safe. You just knew that you wouldn't be alone for a very very long time. Weirdly you were okay with that.
After an excruciatingly long time, they let you go from the hospital, and you were able to walk around all on your own but Bucky didn't let that happen much. Most days were spent in bed cuddling and making up for time you could've lost.
Although there was a huge scar on your chest you couldn't be more happy that this happened, you had just gotten closer to the people you loved most. It was kind of a blessing in disguise.
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graciethewriter · 3 years
Partying is not for the weak of heart.
Hey Guys! This one is a bit more serious so very much viewer discretion is advised
Summary: After a fight you decide to go partying when something horrible happens.
Warnings: slight SA, drugging, drinking, fighting, sad!peter
It was blissfully quiet, the sun rose over New York shining through the window, Peter was finally asleep but you just couldn't waste what little time you had with Peter on sleeping, you'd be fine going to school on no sleep, you'd make it through like many times before.
It was a Friday, you hadn't planned on staying with Peter last night but it just kind of happened. Nothing you did with Peter did you plan on. A few minutes left of silence before the beeping of Peter's battered alarm would wake him and all peace would be dismissed. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Although you knew that it would happen it still saddened you, Peter rarely got much sleep in general but it still made you mad when you had been up all night promising to take care of Queens while he slept just for him to woken in only a few hours.
Quickly you turned off the alarm and started slowly waking Peter yourself. Times like these made you happy, being around sleepy, loving, clingy Peter were your favorite.
"Peter, baby," you spoke softly and he grunted "it's time to get up." he slowly opened his eyes, nuzzling his face into your chest, realizing his whole body was atop yours.
"Am I hurting you?" he asked groggily, in his deep morning voice.
"No baby, I'm comfy."
"oh." he sighed out kissing the part of your chest your t-shirt didn't quite cover.
Casually the two of you made your way out of the house and towards the school, you adorned in Peters clothes, your hair reeking of his shampoo and a bright Peter-caused smile on your face.
English was always a bore, Peter didn't have the class with you and you didn't really have any friends in there. However today was different.
"Hey Y/N!" Flash yelled out across the room, "I'm having a party tonight! You should come!"
"Can Peter come too?" you shouted back
"Yeah why not? Bring Penis Parker if you must!"
"Thanks Flash!"
The bell still rang fresh in their fragile ears, signaling the end of school. Peter surfed through the never-ending sea of students trying to find you.
"Peter!" you called out to him, seeing him looking lost in the crowd "I'm right here!" he stepped out of the current and walked over to your locker.
"Hey, wanna walk back to May's with me tonight?"
"Sure, we were supposed to hang out anyways, what do you want to do tonight?"
"uh, I don't know, probably watch a movie or something."
Entering the small apartment, it was beginning to get dark, the winter making the sun go down much faster than usual. Peter went to shower while you laid on his bed, playing with the formula for one of his webshooters,
"Y/N, I am so sorry but I have to go." Peter said solemnly
"Peter," you whined "I understand that you have responsibilities but you do this every time! You're never here for me, you never make time for me! I want you to stay."
"You stayed here with me all last night! I don't do this every time, I do this because this is my job! I have to protect people, I was given an opportunity to be better than some queens kid and now my girlfriend is trying to wreck that for me?" he raised his voice
"I understand you're opportunity but you are hurting yourself! You barely get any sleep, you miss so much school, you are keeping a huge secret from everyone! It is so bad for you Peter, you're just a teenager!" you yelled back, frustrated.
"I am a teenager with super powers! Powers that save people from death on a daily basis and if you cant support that then I don't know how this is going to work! You were with me literally last night!"
"I was here last night! I sat there awake for hours holding you, hoping that you wouldn't wake up and leave me to save New York!"
"Exactly! I have to save New York! You are one person compared to the millions of people who live in this city and if it came down to you or New York I choose New York."
"Well you go save fucking New York then Peter! Go save New York but when you get yourself killed remember the people who loved you that you left behind to save a city that was crumbling anyways."
Flash's party was very... bouncy. You had finally rid the tears from your face and were ready to drink Peter away.
The music was loud enough to distract yourself from your thoughts, and the drinks were potent enough to make Peters image in your head blur but not disappear.
Downing a few more shots you made your way to the dance floor. Moving your body in beat to the music, you turned around to see a guy watching you, he was cute enough, blonde, tall, bright blue eyes, the complete opposite of Peter Parker, and exactly what you needed.
"Hi, I'm Allen." he greeted
"Hi, I'm Y/N and I need a drink" you smiled
"I'll get that for you." he winked and sauntered off to the bar.
After you finished your drink, Allen and you danced and talked and drank and drank until you dropped. He was holding your hair back as you through up, he was giving you drinks left and right, so much so that you didn't realize when one of the drinks started to make you feel a little... different.
It wasn't until you had three of the drinks that he asked you back to his room.
"Y/N, you and me, my room, now, how's that sound?" he asked trying to be sultry as he whispered it in your ear, his tight pants rubbing into your butt as he basically dry humped you.
"Allen, i-I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend, he's" you stopped to hiccup as you felt the world start to spin
"Come upstairs with me Y/N." he asked, harsher this time grabbing your arm and dragging him behind you.
Quickly you grabbed your cellphone from your bag and clicked on your number 2 speed dial. Tony Stark.
"Hello?" he asked into the phone, through which you just whispered
Tony bust through the part doors in his Iron Man suit, the red and gold painting of it glistening through the party.
"Where's Y/N?" he asked one of the kids who stood with their jaw dropped and pointed upstairs.
You and Allen were fighting, you were fighting consciousness and Allen was fighting your jeans. Tony rammed through the door and ripped Allen off of you and threw him onto the wall, knocking him out.
"Tony." you whimpered as you gave into the drugs Allen had slipped into the pretty cocktail.
"Hello? Yeah Peter it's me, I have Y/N here-"
"Y/N? Really! She told you about this! It was just an argument you know that I have a job and I know you of all people would understand my side-"
"Peter she's in pretty bad shape, she was drugged multiple times and her heart is having a really hard time staying beating. Are you coming here or not?"
"W-what?" Peter stammered "Uh, yeah I'll be right there."
"Mr. Stark?" Peter called into the empty hall, Tony raised from the chair and walked over to the boy, giving him a hug before starting the rundown.
"She's getting her stomach pumped right now, she's intubated and is on a ventilator until we can be sure she can breathe on her own, that guy really did a number on her."
"W-we had a fight, Mr. Stark she can't die! I-I didn't tell her I loved her when I left, I was a-angry and she was just looking out for me." he sobbed into Tony's shoulder.
"She'll be okay kid, I promise."
The next morning Peter woke up beside you. They had taken you off the ventilator and your eyes were open, your hand in his hair massaging his scalp.
"Y/N," he choked out "Y-you're awake."
"I'm sorry Peter, you're Spider-Man before you are Peter and I didn't get that, I do now, I get it. I love you and I want to be with you so if that means that I only get to see you occasionally then that's better than nothing I guess." you sniffed
"No hun, this is my fault, I love you more than anything and I appreciate you getting that I am Spider-Man before most things but not before you, not anymore."
"Thank you Peter."
you tapped your hand on the bed beckoning Peter to join you. He came in and gently placed himself next to you, cuddling you while you lay in the hospital bed.
It was okay.
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graciethewriter · 3 years
Boys Will Be Boys ~Bucky Barnes~
Hey everyone! I hope you like this new bucky fic as much as i like writing it! Love you all! Mwah!
warnings: blood, core, violence, shootings,
summary: you get hurt on a mission and remind bucky it’s okay to cry.
Two hundred muffins. One hundred and fifty chocolate chip cookies. Four trays of brownies and a whole kitchen of dishes.
You liked to call it stress baking. Usually it wasn't a problem, only when your anxiety got bad or when it was nearing time to go on another mission. Normally its not this bad, the baking usually stops after a few cookies and occasionally a tray of brownies, today was different.
"Tony?" you asked into the receiver
"Yeah Y/N what's up?" you sighed and ran your hand down your face in distress, holding back tears the wavering of your voice almost unnoticeable.
"Uh," you cleared your throat trying to rid the cry that was about to erupt out of it, "we need more flour, where are you? Can you bring me some?"
"Yeah I'll be there in five."
No more muffins. You tried to reason with yourself, they needed flour and right now you didn't have any. No more baking. Cracking another egg into one of the only fresh bowls you had left you settled on sugar cookies and made the remainder of the recipe until Tony walked in, a bag the size of his forearm in his hand.
For a moment he stood in shock, his mouth hung agape as he looked around the compound kitchen. Everyone knew a little bit about your obsession with baking, they knew if things were getting to be too much you would make a tray of brownies, or some cookies and call everyone down to have one or two but this was a little excessive.
"Holy shit."
"Oh! Hi Tony, I need that flour..." you trailed off taking in his expression "Would you like a cookie?" you asked hopefully
"Are there chocolate chunk?"
"Yeah, have a few, there's lots." you smiled, calling up to the AI system "F.R.I.D.A.Y can you tell everyone to come to the kitchen for a snack?"
"Yes Miss Y/L/N."
Soon enough all of the available avengers were situated in the kitchen, a muffin, cookie and brownie on their plate. Wanda knew more than anyone else about the whole baking thing, mostly because she could dip into the depths of your mind anytime she felt the need. She knew about the secret mission you were going on that night, she knew how worried you were that Bucky would be alone not knowing where you were or anything that was going on. You hated leaving Bucky in the dark but it had to happen, this was important. Wanda knew that as you looked at all of your best friends, you thought it might be the last time you ever looked at them again. The thought filled you with worry, fear, anxiety, and sadness, you loved them all so much.
"Anyone want me to make anything else?" you fake smiled, putting on your façade "Steve? That apple pie you love?"
"Oh yes please!" he said through a mouthful of brownie "Thank you Y/N!"
"No problem Stevie." you smiled sadly.
Eventually all the avengers left the kitchen and you sat there holding in your tears as you stressed over the solo mission, kneading the dough for the apple pie you promised Steve.
"Why all the baking?" A voice outside the room startled you, the slight panic making your hand shoot to cover your heart.
"Jesus Buck, you scared me."
"Why all the baking?" he asked again, harsher this time. "I know your stressed, you only bake when your stressed and earlier there was two hundred muffins here, stressed may be an understatement."
"I'm fine, just catching up on some baking for the week. I know how all of you forget to eat and these are easy snacks." It was becoming harder to make your voice not quiver, the mission was serious, it was a chance for possible kidnapping and you were scared but you could handle it. Maybe.
"You're lying. I thought you wouldn't lie to me but it seems like that's all everyone's been doing these days." he sighed leaving the kitchen
"Bucky!" You yelled after him, sighing after his steps faded out into the distance.
"Alright, you got everything?" Tony asked from the dark of the Quinjet pad.
"Yeah I'm ready, it's just Hydra right?" you said sarcastically, boarding the Quinjet "Hey Tons? If I don't come back, please take care of Bucky for me." Tony nodded at you and winked
"Go get em"
"Why won't one of you give me a damn straight answer?" Bucky shouted smashing his fist on the table, it had been two days before he really started demanding answers.
"Bucky, we can't disclose anything to you. Sorry, I really wish I could tell you."
"You know what? Fuck you Steve, and fuck you Tony. If she's dead somewhere I'll kill you both." He stormed out of the room, and straight up the stairs.
Respectfully, he knocked on the door before trying to gain entry, the nineteen forty's part of him shining through.
"Bucky, you can come in." Wanda said, her accent prominent
"Where's Y/N?" Blunt. To the point.
"Did you ask Tony?" she said picking at her nail beds
"Yes, tell me where she is because they won't."
"You can't go tellin' them you know if I tell you." she reasoned, looking up at him from her bed.
"Fine, just tell me where she is... please."
"Solo mission at an 'abandoned' Hydra base, she will be fine, I'm sure of it."
Your breaths were sharp. Sore. Your ribs were likely broken but you still stood. Trying to get through to Tony on comms.
"Abandoned by fucking ass Anthony Stark." you mumbled getting up to fight again.
"Princess, you should really give up here, I'm beating your ass." the words reminding you of something Bucky would say to you. Bucky.
The motivation from the thought of never seeing Bucky again pulled you up off the ground and made you hurl yourself back into the fight. You got into a stance, punching from your left side the swivel of your hips giving you enough power to break his nose with a crunch, the blood oozed out of it and his shock gave you an opportunity to land a kick to his side, knocking him to the ground. You stepped on his groin as he yelped in pain.
"Don't. Call. Me. Princess." you spat your blood filled saliva at the man before knocking him out. Quickly you grabbed your thrown gun and put it back in your belt holster before going into the base, only to be met with more soldiers who you easily shot.
In record time, you retrieved the information you needed and kept the small stick in your hand while you exited. However you were not so lucky as to escape with the information, a man taller than yourself grabbed your gun from its holster behind you, shot your chest messily and kicked you around quite a bit. Before he could take the stick from you, or even find out you had it you quickly swallowed it and got up from the ground, only having enough energy to grab your gun back and kill him before you ell the the ground.
You woke back up a while later, blood pouring out every crevasse as you made your way back to the quinjet.
"T-tony!" you yelped into the speaker "I need medical..." you succumbed to sleep again as the quinjet flew on autopilot to the tower.
"Every avenger to the roof immediately." F.R.I.D.A.Y repeated in the compound.
Obeying, all the avengers rushed up to the roof just as the quinjet was landing. You had lost a lot of blood and were laying on the floor of the quinjet as everyone tried to get in. Bucky just glared at Tony, knowing something bad was happening, furious that he wasn't allowed to go with you.
Steve carried you out and started running with your body to the Medical wing, Bucky ran as fast as he could with Steve trying to get to help as soon as possible, you were bleeding too much, it was all too much.
You had been rushed into surgery and had been in there for hours, Bucky was on the verge of tears sitting in the waiting room. One of the surgeons had been out every hour to give an update but they weren't getting any better. Always starting out with 'She's lost a lot of blood.' but finally after five hours of restlessness, they all came out with smiles.
"We repaired most of her internal damage and got all three bullets out of her chest, also removing the device that was inside her, here mister Stark" the surgeon handed him the information stick. "She will have a big scar, but for now she is stable and ready to be seen. You all can go in if you want."
"Thank you Doctor." Steve said in his bravest tone, he had eaten most of the pie when you had left, and he felt bad now thinking that it may have been the last part of you he had. Natasha was the biggest emotional wreck, her mascara ran down her face in lines.
Bucky went in after the others, he sat by your bed holding in the tears as you slept. Slowly, you opened your eyes and looked at Bucky's deteriorating façade.
"It's okay to cry Bucky, real men cry too." And so he did, he unleashed all his tears onto your legs and the blanket covering them, blubbering about how he could've lost you.
"Please don't do this to me again." He begged
"You kept me alert back there Buck, I'll never leave you, ever." Bucky still sat there and cried for a long time, but that was okay because he was your man, and real men cry.
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graciethewriter · 3 years
Ice Cold ~Steve Rogers~
Alright so this is Steve's drabble, I hope you all like it! Thank you so so so much for all the support on my last post, I appreciate it so so much! I'm trying to get through all my favorite characters first because I love them the most and then I'll get to the other ones. I am happy to write for a few fandoms but Marvel and Harry Potter are my top two. Anyways please reblog or like if you liked this post. Mwah!
warnings: PTSD, Nightmares, confusion, Plane crash.
this is not edited all mistakes are mine.
Hours. It had been hours since Steve had unwrapped his hand from your waist, rolled over into his own dreamland, and you were jealous. You sat there tossing and turning, trying your best to keep your eyes closed but they just drew to the clock and you watched as the minutes ticked by, one by one, until you had enough.
You knew it was a bad idea to get out of bed, the worst and best part about having a war-vet boyfriend was the sleeping, Steve could sense when you got out of bed, when you left. He'd reach for you, you'd be gone, and he would wake in a panic trying to find you. You would've loved to stay in bed with him but it was just pure torture.
You went out into the living room, the house was cold, just how you liked it at night, and everything was quiet. For a while you sat in the dark, thinking about how to convince Steve into finally getting some therapy, although he liked to paint on a brave face for the avengers and America in general he wasn't that man, he was broken and lost.
It wasn't like you hadn't tried before, you did. Often. It always ended in a fight, he didn't want to go to therapy because what would America think if their leader was seeing a therapist, he would be perceived as weak or less then capable, but it was necessary. Things were getting worse and there was no tell to how hard Steve would push back.
Of course he had pushed the same question onto you, and you immediately refused, therapy was not the answer for you, you couldn't just open up to a complete stranger! Not even Steve knew your whole story let alone some random person. Nonetheless, he had proven his point, if you weren't going he wasn't going.
He wasn't sleeping anymore, you were nowhere to be found and he was in a... plane? How did he get in a plane? slightly starting to panic he watched the scene unfold before his eyes, it was like a movie, through the eyes of someone else. A movie he watched, a movie he knew all to well.
"Come in this is Captain Rogers! Do you read me?" he shouted through the intercom.
"Captain Rogers, What are your co-" Peggy's voice shoved in through the other mans.
"Steve are you alright?"
"Peggy! Schmidt's dead!"
"What about the plane?" he took a long pause before answering
"That's a bit tougher to explain"
"Give me your co-ordinates, I'll find you a safe landing site." he exhaled shakily before responding in the bravest tone he could muster
"There's not going to be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down."
"I-I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do."
"There's not enough time, this thing is moving too fast and it's headed for New York." he paused for a while before concluding "I've gotta put her in the water."
"P-please don't do this we have time we can work it out."
"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere if I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die." he paused again, breathing heavily "Peggy, this is my choice." he pushed the plane downwards soaring through the clouds towards the water. "Peggy, I'm gonna need a raincheck on that dance."
"Alright," she cried "a week next Saturday at the Stork Club."
"You got it." he watched as the water and ice began to form beneath him, he propelled to the ground faster and faster.
"Eight o'clock on the dot, don't you dare be late. Understood?"
"Y'know I still don't know how to dance?" Faster and faster the ground came, fear etched on his face he pushed on.
"I'll show you how, just be there."
"We'll have the band play something slow, I'd hate to step on your-"
He hit the water.
Steve awoke with an audible gasp. He took in the room, the darkness, the coldness, the sheets and blankets thrown off of him. He felt so cold, the dream felt so real, everything was coming back and he wasn't sure what was actually going on.
Sobbing so hard he couldn't breathe, so hard he was coughing and gagging on his own breaths, gasping for breath and failing. The panic setting in as he walked around the room.
Then you walked in, and you saw him. It broke your heart, you knew he wasn't okay.
"Peggy?" he asked from the darkness of your bedroom
"No honey, it's not Peggy. Can I touch you?"
"No! No, no, no, w-who are you?" He shouted at your small frame
"My name is Y/N, its the twentieth century, you're at the avengers compound. You're safe. Why don't you sit down?" he complied, sitting on the bed as you walked towards him. "Why don't you tell me your name?"
"S-Steve Rogers."
"Good, good job. Do you know who I am now?"
"N-no" you're heart shattered in your chest but you didn't have time for that, you sat down on the bed next to him and pushed his head onto your chest.
After a while he fell back asleep and you stayed awake, letting him collect himself in sleep.
The next morning Steve woke up before you, making breakfast in complete silence. He remembered what happened last night and felt terribly for it. You however didn't hold a grudge, you had lots of time to think last night but when it came down to it you knew he didn't know what was going on, he was confused and tired and scared.
"Good morning baby" you greeted when you finally woke up "why didn't you wake me?" you were responded to a non-committal grunt as he stirred the eggs in the pan. "Steve."
"What?" he responded, almost angered
"What is up with you today?"
"I remembered last night. I assume you're mad" he sighed "I'm sorry, I wasn't in the right headspace, I didn't know who you were but I apologize, it won't happen again."
"Oh Steve..." you trailed off walking over to where he was at the stove turning off the burner and taking his eggs off the stove before turning him towards you. "This, in no way was your fault. This had nothing to do with anything you had control over, you had a nightmare and was disoriented afterwards. I'm not holding anything over you, I'm not saying anything about you and Peggy, I'm not saying anything. Peggy was your first love, she was everything to you and it's normal to still love her just not like you used to. This is a prime example of why you should go to therapy, its very scary some of the things you do. You need to get help and get better so things like these don't happen again, but even if they do, even if you call me Peggy everyday for the rest of my life, its fine. I love you, everything included."
"I appreciate your concern for my nightmares but I am not going to therapy."
"What if I go to therapy too?" you asked in hopes he would agree, he sat an stewed on it for awhile before finally coming to a conclusion.
"Fine, but only if you come too."
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graciethewriter · 3 years
Nights like these ~Peter Parker~
So if you want to put in an ask, feel free to, it gives me motivation and I want to know what you guys want me to write. I'm comfortable with nearly anything and will answer your ask ASAP. Thank you so much for the support. Mwah!
Summary: when a sleepy Peter Parker comes in with a horrible wound you figure out a way to fix him and his sleep schedule... for the night at least.
Warnings: injury, stab wound, sleepy peter, fluffy
Peter stumbled through the white paned window in your bedroom. Ripping his Spider-Man mask off with one hand, the other clutching his abdomen.
"Oh my god! Peter!" you whisper shouted trying desperately not to wake your very asleep parents.
"I know, I know this looks very bad, I promise its not that bad." He tried to assure your panicking, however it only made you more angry.
"What do you mean 'not that bad'? You're bleeding!"
"Yes, however it could be much worse, please don't be mad Y/N." you sighed, taking in Peters features, his bags under those brown eyes you love so much were dark and prominent, the hours he had probably been awake extensive.
"Lay down."
"T-thank you, you really don't-ah!" Peter yelped at your touch, before slowly taking off the top part of his suit, allowing access to the red and angry gash on his side.
"Peter..." you trailed off taking in his wound "This is bad."
"I-I know, but I can't go to the hospital, they'll ask questions." Peter sighed going to put his suit back on, you grabbed his wrist before he could do much.
"I'll do what I can, no promises though, this is gonna hurt like hell."
Pulling out your amazon bought suture kit you pulled out the necessary equipment and started the process. Peter hissed as you poured on the alcohol, whispering a rushed apology you continued on, spreading a lightweight freezing on his skin you started with the sutures. Internally you repeated to yourself 'insert, twist around needle drivers twice and pull opposite end' trying your best to make sure everything looked good and healed well.
Finally after about twenty minutes of absolute agony you finished sewing up the wound. Peters red and wet eyes showed how painful that truly was, but he was grateful nonetheless giving a small smile when you finished.
"You're all done." looking at Peter, his eyelids falling closed slower and slower the more he laid there, his words slurred together and a loopy smile on his face. "C'mon Pete, you can wear these" handing him some boxers and one of his shirts you pointed him to your bathroom.
"These are so comfy, I see why you keep them." He mumbled tiredly.
"Come here pretty boy, sleep." Peter lay his head on your chest, his cheek smooshing into one of your breasts. Quickly you threaded your fingers through his hair, brushing his curly locks while he sighed in content.
Light cascaded through the blinds of your one-windowed bedroom, shining into the dark room illuminating the bed where you and Peter lay tangled in the sheets. The tall, lanky boy wrapped around your whole body cocooning you in warmth and a tangle of limbs.
Eventually you stirred, slowly opening your eyes to be met with a beautiful sight. Peter Parker. His brown hair turned honey from the sunlight, his pale face basking in the warmth of you, eyes fluttered closed, frown no longer there, no signs of pain on the beautiful boy laid beneath you.
"Peter, love," you started to slowly wake the boy, peppering kisses all over his face. Subconsciously, Peters face looked right up into yours, looking for a kiss on the lips. "Lip kisses are only for awake boys Peter." you announced and Peter let out a loud whine.
"Please Y/N, kisses." he begged groggily "Just... one.." he slipped back into unconsciousness.
"It's time to go to school Peter, its almost eight." Slowly Peter opened his eyes, looking up at you with expectant eyes you pressed a kiss to his soft lips. "Good morning baby" you smiled.
"Morning princess, ready to get up already?" he pouted
"Yeah I have crap to do."
"oh alright, I guess I'll let you go."
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graciethewriter · 3 years
A Ton Of Bricks ~Bucky Barnes~
Quick authors note, this is my first drabble??? I'm not really sure actually but anyways, please be nice, I know my writing isnt great but I tried. Feel free to ask for your own ideas! Thank you!
Summary: you finally realize that you're in love with your best friend.
Warnings: distancing? Soft Bucky
You didn’t realize it at first. Falling for Bucky was so easy, that when you were doing it, you didn’t even notice.
But then it hit you. Like a ton of bricks.
At first you guys were just friends, simple. You hung out together all the time, laughed together at inside jokes, cheered each other up after missions. It became a force of habit. You and Bucky were two peas in a pod, frick and frack, always together, made plans based on each other, everything you did was based on Bucky.
All of a sudden, it stopped from you laughing with him to you making him laugh just to see his smile, staring at that same smile whenever you got the chance. Hanging out with him just to hear his voice, blushing when you heard his name, agreeing with him even if you thought he was wrong, leaning towards him when standing or walking, but it wasn’t until he finally went into the outside world, to the mall with you, when another girl approached and you finally realized.
“Hi! I’m Jess, I think you’re really pretty, can I have your number?” She was pretty, around 5′5, white teeth and blonde hair, but she wasn’t Bucky’s type. However Bucky, not knowing how to say no, gave in and took her number down. With a smile he pranced around the mall for the rest of the day, oblivious to your internal battle.
The feeling of jealousy leaked through your veins, wishing all kinds of horrible things to that likely very nice girl, you tried not to make it too noticeable, your anger, but it came through quite a bit.
"You sure you're alright?" Bucky asked for the thousandth time
"Yes. Can we just go home?" you responded sadly, all the before anger had dissipated and now you were just mopey.
Over the next few days things changed. You refused movie nights with him, woke up past running time, stopped cuddling with him, barely even spoke to him. Worried he had done something, he backed off, which only made you feel like he didn't want to be around you more, but after a few days he had enough.
Barging into your room, he seethed, breathing fast and heavy with a clenched jaw and hands in fists.
"This is bullshit!" he yelled "If I'm annoying you, or you don't want to be friends anymore, that's fine! Its okay, but avoiding me at all costs is not okay because I think I've done something wrong o-or you hate me and I can't do this anymore! Its killing me Y/N!"
"Bucky no, you haven't done anything wrong. I just am working through some things right now and its driving me nuts so I didn't want to take it out on you. I'm sorry." Bucky's eyes were red and swollen from crying, more tears threatening to come out.
"You've been so different, I miss you. I miss us."
"Bucky- I-I can't do this anymore. Its eating away at me, ut I don't want to ruin our friendship."
"Doll, you can tell me anything, you know it won't wreck what we have."
"I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings."
"Oh Y/N." He sighed wiping his hands down his face in thought.
"I-I'm so sorry-"
"No, don't be." Bucky turned towards you and took your face into his hands planting his lips onto yours in a deep kiss. Instantly you kissed back, breathing in his forest-y scent, running your hands through his hair.
After what felt like forever, the lack of oxygen pulled you out of the kiss and you both stepped back.
"Wow, that was really nice." you said
"Yeah it was." Bucky smiled
"So what now?"
"How about a date?"
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