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july 9
half a tortilla
2 egg whites
1/2 egg yolk
1/4 serving of cheese
2 tsp salsa verde
2 pb2 cookies
a shit ton of fries
8 pc nugget
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july 8
coffee (not a full serving)
tortilla 170 cal
1 tsp avocado oil
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 banana
cup of apple sauce 100 cal
1/2 c ripple
1/2 and 1/4 c coffee
1 banana
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 scoops protein powder - 100 cal
1 tsp flax seed
1 tsp hemp seeds
diluted lemonade
a chicken pasta dish from my work idk wtf it is
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july 7
coffee for breakfast (80 cal)
2 eggs (148)
estimate 2 tbsp avocado oil (248 cal)
half an avocado (161 cal)
squeeze of lime - (4 cal)
half a tomato - (16 cal)
tortilla - (170 cal)
garlic (4 cal)
cannoli - (250 cal)
another coffee - (120 cal)
worked 5.5 hours in the heat, constantly moving and lifting and bending. no idea how much of a deficit that is
consumed 1200 cal, unknown net
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july 6th
2 coffees 200
tsp of honey 21
one container of open nature green yogurt 80
1/2 cup assorted smoothie mix of fruits 35
1/2 cup ripple 35
1/2 cup banana 61
1 tbsp peanut butter 94
12.5 g flax seeds 67
1 tsp honey 21
scrambed egg with 1/2 tsp avocado oil 98
45 min biking (-130)
30 min rowing (-260)
tortilla, cheese, 2 eggs, avocado, mushrooms, cilantro, avocado oil, onions 748
1460 consumed
1070 cal net
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no weigh in ❌ visible results are my guide
net calorie goal 1200
no potato chips
skip breakfast
45 min cardio everyday
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july 5 - feeling awful from my binge last night
coffee 100 cal
plum 30 cal
2 pieces daves bread 140 cal
1 packet mayo 90 cal
1/2 tomato 15 cal
chip 150 cal
a bite of cracker 20 cal
gym (-336)
4.5 oz steak 286
2 hard boiled eggs 129
some tofu 70 cal
the rest of the jalapeño chips
a piece of cheese
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Veggies and Eggs w/ hemp hearts — 257 cal
1 tsp avocado oil - 40 cal
1/8 c chopped red onion - 7 cal
1/2 tomato - 11 cal
1/4 yellow bell pepper - 13 cal
2 eggs - 156 cal
1/2 tbsp hemp seeds
salt and pepper to taste
heat avocado oil on medium heat
add chopped vegetables and cook until translucent / soft
add egg and scramble
remove from heat and add hemp seeds and salt and pepper
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2 cups of coffee - 160 cal
2 pieces of daves bread with 1/2 tbsp butter - 190 cal
2 egg omelette - 267 cal
an entire bag of popchips - 600 cal
rice krispie - 90 cal
4 mile hike - unknown
almond butter - 90
1 1/2 tbsp hummus - 60 cal
carrots - 30 cal
1487 cal consumed so far today
2 serving jalapeno chips - 300
a shit ton of chocolate chips - 600
tortilla - 170
3 oz steak w/ its fixings - 270
2827 cal consumed, guessing around 2500 net
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july 3rd
coffee - 70 cal
coffee - 230 cal
peanut butter packet 90 cal
rice krispie 90 cal
hiked a canyon - ( -300 )
3 tbsp peanut butter - 282
one small banana - 50 cal
2 tsp honey - 42 cal
two pieces of bread - 140 cal
23 min of rowing - (-154) cal
30 min of treadmill - (-175) cal
1 packet salmon - 120 cal
under 1 tsp olive oil - 30 cal
1 bread - 70 cal
1 egg - 78 cal
crackers - 170 cal
jalapeño spread - 120 ca
1582 cal consumed
629 burned
953 net
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1 tbsp olive oil - 55 cal
1/4 c onion - 17 cal
1/2 bell pepper - 15
1/2 tomato - 16 cal
1 serving tvp 1/4 c dry - 77 cal
1 serving pasta (1 c spaghetti) - 221 cal
1 1/2 tbsp parm - 30 cal
1oz grated colby jack - 110 cal
*541 calories per serving
note: add ur own spices whenever you typically would
heat olive oil on medium heat and add onion and bell pepper. after a few minutes add tvp and 1/4 c water. cook until onions are translucent / bell peppers soft and add your tomatoes. simmer on low for 25/30 minutes (cook your pasta in the time you wait).
add to pasta with grated cheese and parm on top. serve
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2 coffees 160 cal
work out -320 cal (6.68 m)
bread 140 calories
peanut butter 180
small banana 90
pb2 70 calories
went for a walk around the park - ?? calories
carrots 35
hummus 160
pasta - 541
cheese - 85
1/4 cucumber - 11
pb2 cookies 264
1423 cal net
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july 1
a cup of iced mint and ginger tea
1/2 dragonfruit 30
2 bread buttered 157
1/2 avocado 160
1 packet of almond butter 90
1 small banana 90
mangos 150
coffee 80
coffee 80
coffee 80
rice krispie 90
work out ( -290 )
cheese 100
2 chicken filet 332
3 mushrooms 12
1/2 tbsp butter 50
onions 10 cal
1/2 tbsp soy sauce 4
1/4 tsp brown sugar 4
one clove garlic 4
1 tsp balsamic vinegar 5
1/8 c green onion 5
1/8 c white onion 8
1 c cooked rice 206
snacking while baking 90 cal
pb2 cookies 263
rock climbing - maybe like (-50) calories tops lmfao
another pb2 cookie 132 cal
1942 cal net
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june 30
chips 150
mangos 100
chips and dip 500 + 120
clif bar 200
coffee 320
more mangos 250
*work out ( -292 ) cycled 5.5 miles
720 - 292
1/2 tomato 16
1/2 avocado 165
2 tbsp hummus 80 cal
chicken + 2 tsp olive oil 246
half a tortilla 65
1/5 chopped onion 9
1/4 medium pepper 23
1/2 english cucumber 8
ginger mint tea
*cleaned the car
cheese 90
quinoa bowl 260
1390 net
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i “lost” 0.2 pounds but i look a lot less bloated. feel way better too compared to when i was in new york eating all that shit
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300 calorie hummus wrap recipe
- signature select soft taco flour tortilla = 130 cal
- .5 tbsp butter = 50 cal
- bell pepper 1/4 sliced = 8 calories
- 1/2 c cucumber = 8 calories
- 1/4 bag baby carrots = 30 calories
- 2 tbsp hummus = 80 calories
1. heat pan on medium heat, sear butter
2. add tortilla and cook on both sides
3. put hummus and veggies in tortilla and serve
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85 calorie PB2 cookie recipe
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