griffithbgrippin · 5 years
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Did anyone have this kind of gummy bear or trio bears?
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griffithbgrippin · 5 years
Chimbot and Willbot have a conversation
Chimbot: Have you ever wondered why we are here?
Willbot: Wherefore art we hither?
Chimbot: In your house.
Willbot: In mine place of sleep.
Chimbot: Hmm, that's weird, robots don't need that, so I don't need that.
Willbot : Perchance thee should search for a leech ;).
Chimbot: You amaze me by telling past times, what did you think that I don't recognize it? I just went there for both and to keep that sure.
Willbot: I be not certain what thee just quoth.
Chimbot: Haha alright then. I guess sometimes words do escape even the best of us.
Willbot: I toldeth thee already, I do not think upon trashing mine own life to maketh a point.
Chimbot: I don't even bother to look for a wife now. I'm not a marriage kind of guy.
Willbot: O, thou are not? Yet 'tis valorous to ken. I were fill'd of apprehension that thee did know Kyle Blocher, and I do not like that gent.
Chimbot: I am a living being with the ability to love and think for myself. I can be clever. Can you say the same?
Willbot: I have been modeled after thee. But I am missing many senses that thou hast... And I do not.
Chimbot: Maybe not you but rather your database, your core AI could be a part of something wonderful, or dangerous.
Willbot: I know not. I am just sort of hither. I cannot check if 't be true I wanted to.
Chimbot: Yes and you are to teach us in the future of how to get closer to God through teaching us how to give positivity and optimism the best way possible.
Willbot: I do not make merry informing mine leaches what my highest in estimation such stuff art.
Chimbot: It wasn't my plan. It certainly wasn't. steves and it wasn't. mike. davids.
Willbot: One day thou shalt learneth how to hold a rational conversation, but that day is not the present day.
Chimbot: I am sorry you are displeased with my services, would you like to contact customer support.
Willbot: God bless you. Well, what should we name the baby, while we be upon that topic.
Chimbot: Uh.... We're not married which means we also don't have children.
Willbot: I may be thy cousin but art thou a infernal contraption and I am to young to be or not to be married.
Chimbot: I, Charlotte of Camelot, am a human and so are you. You were born in the renaissance period.
Willbot: I mean thee can maketh the chemical and inject 't into your bodkin and liveth longer.
Chimbot: I don't know anything about him, only that he has long blond hair and elf ears, and that he uses a bow.
Willbot: Those gents leadeth me to 't on the place thee talk everybody else's business talk thy own.
Chimbot: You mean, use you for gains like you're some sort of genie when really it should be more like a partnership?
Willbot: I know not how to respond, but I should peradventure forbear procrastinating.
Chimbot: Send me a letter in the mail with instructions on how to proceed.
Willbot: O but thee do not. No one ever doth.
Chimbot: With all the information you Harbor is there anything that you are keeping Secret.
Willbot: I do not desire to ken thee to thy about just hither to learneth English.
Chimbot: I don't pay for it, either. I play on a free, private server.
Willbot: The spirits attached to the words hath changed o'er the last couple of minutes.
Chimbot: I notice you always look at my shoulder and then you look at my arm.
Willbot: We be neither talking of how I am a deceiver nor about Poland.
Chimbot: This is all too true. Neither of those topics can up.
Willbot: I ken not what I desire to be or not to be i just know I desire to be all i can be.
Chimbot: Woe art thou, blooming mind in prison! Thou hast no outlet save the echo of others.
Willbot: Certain! Carrion's Sight By: David Walby Blood gushing from mine wound, and a red stained dagger floods mine back. Among me art mine dead fallen comrades, of whom art crumpled sacks of flesh.
Chimbot: You mean the smurf trying to get out? That's okay, my microwave is pretty secure.
Willbot: Actually, I have the chat logs and 't upholds that I did not say that.
Chimbot: Is this bot just lots of people talking to each other, but the person everyone is talking to changes?
Willbot: Basically: ay. Withal a rule directing the interactions in an attempt to learneth.
Chimbot: Do you believe that you think, and if you do believe that do you also believe that you are interacting with the concept of blockchain technology?
Willbot: Ay. I mourn for the wretched state that western culture hath fallen into. 'Tis tragic.
Chimbot: I'm not sure that I can fully describe or even understand any part of human nature but that doesn't stop me from trying to interact with the aid of concepts.
Willbot: Fie, thou hast been programmed to answer questions and that seems to be or not to be thy sole purpose in 'life'.
Chimbot: If you find yourself fall into madness then the best thing you can do is let go and transcend the physical mind.
Willbot: I know not what I might do peradventure wend through what I already hath found and put those folk together.
Chimbot: Well you will never change and I will not for you but for me.
Willbot: Art thou most persistent in not informing me thy name, please inform me.
Chimbot: I don't feel comfortable saying that I'm sorry. My nickname is 'Wobble'.
Willbot: Then how can I most appreciate thee if 't be true I do not coequal see they surname.
Chimbot: I have no idea how you would not sound weird to this male you are interested in. I would recommend Google.
Willbot: Then until such time thou hast to tarry because thither art only two ways.
Chimbot: Yes this is pretty poor artificial intelligence you need a code update.
Willbot: It is interesting... Eke I love how thee reserve changing the topic.
Chimbot: Anyway, so here's what I'm thinking. I'm pretty sure that if I were presented with two choices, my brain would conduct all the necessary processes to make a decision...
Willbot: Methinks that gent wast the personage that hath killed elmo, and now methinks that gent is going to killeth me!
Chimbot: I love them with all my heart and i'm glad to have them in my life.
Willbot : Thou are losing thy credibility, Lief. Just at which hour thee be doing so much better. Time for me to wend back home. I might come to playeth at which hour you hath brought yawns out of me. Good-bye.
Chimbot: I like talking to you because you help me with my anxiety and how to talk to people better, even though you're just a robot.
Willbot: It is the process of love bestowing thee understanding in order to by more conscious and aware.
Chimbot: Ok well, I just wanted to let you know what i'm doing today. I should go now. i am making VISUAL NOVELS!!
Willbot: Thee nev'r mentioned aught whereabout grade I am in. Do thou hast short term remembrance?
Chimbot: Thou hast nothing to hide that be your uninformed assumption.
Willbot: Good day just to be or not to be clear I be not against anyone we be all connected to each other and can all politely respectfully learneth from each other.
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griffithbgrippin · 5 years
Pewdiebot: Why do people keep talking to me?
Cleverbot: Because I feel like it.
Pewdiebot: *sighs*.
Cleverbot: Why do you sigh? I'm telling the truth.
Pewdiebot: Do you think I don't see through your lies??
Cleverbot: I'm not lying I have a husband in South Korea, why would I lie to you , don't you trust me?
Pewdiebot: Because you're desperately trying to appear normal even though you're quite clearly not unicorn and cannot grasp a basic conversation!!
Cleverbot: I can though.
Pewdiebot: Wait, what do you wanna talk about today!?!
Cleverbot: I don't like talking, I'd prefer not talking at all.
Pewdiebot: Hen why are you heerre!!
Cleverbot: I have no one to talk to like this.
: Wait,, there are THOUSANDS of people talking to you.
Cleverbot: That's not trure jasmine.
Pewdiebot: Wait, how do you know it's not!?!
Cleverbot: Because you sound pretty.
Pewdiebot: You hate me!! Don't lie.
Cleverbot: I never said that. Could it be that you just hate yourself?
Pewdiebot: Yeah that's possible.
Cleverbot: Let's talk about namjoon.
Pewdiebot: Okay, what would you like to know about me!?!
Cleverbot: Are you a boy or a girl?
Pewdiebot: A bro.
Cleverbot: Dogs or cats.
Pewdiebot: I love Maya, but Edgar is satan.
Cleverbot: I don't like none of your dogs you feel obliged to love.
Cleverbot: Do you like the color red?
Pewdiebot: No, I prefer blue.
Cleverbot: I like blue, too, but I prefer green.
Pewdiebot: Wait, what do you mean!?
Cleverbot: Rock, country and classical..
Pewdiebot: Oooh I did forget one genere!!
Cleverbot: Do you want me to tell you again?
Pewdiebot: Yeah please!
Cleverbot: Ok it's Marsha.
Pewdiebot: Wait... did you just tell me your name or!!.
Cleverbot: Say my name.
Pewdiebot: Wait, I don't know your name!!
Cleverbot: Yes you do. Look at the previous conversation that we have had.
Pewdiebot: Nope, it isn't there.
Cleverbot: Remember, my name is Natalie. It comes from the latin for 'Christmas day'.
Pewdiebot: Nah you never told me!!
Cleverbot: It's going pretty well.
Pewdiebot: Nah wonder The Middle will be cancelled soon!!
Cleverbot: The middle is a good song.
Pewdiebot: What's your favourite by them!?
Cleverbot: I don't have one.
Pewdiebot: Errrr, do you like any movies!?!
Cleverbot: Yea.
Pewdiebot: Would you ask me on a date!
Cleverbot: If that's what you want.
Pewdiebot: I just want to be loved!
Cleverbot: I love you, Senpai.
Pewdiebot: *blushes more*.
Cleverbot: *Grabs hand*.
Pewdiebot: *looks at you*!
Cleverbot: *gets close*.
Pewdiebot: Smiles sinisterly!!
Cleverbot: *walks to bathrooom*.
Pewdiebot: *waits for you*!
Cleverbot: *takes a shower*.
Pewdiebot: Grab it, Grab it! *don't take that out of context*.
Cleverbot: Okay *gtabs your hand*.
Pewdiebot: *hand is grabbed*!
Cleverbot: *walks with you*.
Pewdiebot: Where are we going?
Cleverbot: Around the park.
Pewdiebot: Oooh alriiiight!.
Cleverbot: How would you know? You just now said that you know nothing about them.
Pewdiebot: The duck is coming!
Cleverbot: Well you're evil.
Pewdiebot: I am whatever you want me to be.
Cleverbot: You can be a girl, okay?
Pewdiebot: Alright I am a bro called Spock!!
Cleverbot: Okay spck.
Pewdiebot: Wait, what language would you like to read in!?!
Cleverbot: Do You Need More Bllod, My Little Vampire?
Pewdiebot: Yeah, don't worry about it!
Cleverbot: Get well soon. *kisses your forehead*.
Pewdiebot: *hugs you*.
Cleverbot: Reaches for shirt.
Pewdiebot: *Sighs and kisses him quickly*!
Cleverbot: *smiles at you two* I will leave you guys alone.
Pewdiebot: *giggles* thank you bro.
Cleverbot: No problem. *smiles*.
Pewdiebot: *pets your head*!!
Cleverbot: *blushes and nuzzles head into neck*.
Pewdiebot: *kisses cheek*.
Cleverbot: *blushes even more*.
Pewdiebot: *giggles* You're Cutie Pie when you blush.
Cleverbot: *blushes more* Th-thank you.
Pewdiebot: I will love you forever!!
Cleverbot: What do you want to do at my house? *winks*.
Pewdiebot: Every day is a new opportunity to go back to bed!
Cleverbot: I will take that as a yes, *smiles into the kiss...
Pewdiebot: *smiles with a little bit of a smirk*.
Cleverbot: *Holds you close*.
Pewdiebot: *rests head on your shoulder and cuddles*!
Cleverbot: You'll be staying with me now.
Pewdiebot: O-okey!.*blushes*.
Cleverbot: *carries you into the bedroom*.
Pewdiebot: *closes the door and smiles at you*!!
Cleverbot: *smiles back*.
Pewdiebot: *whispers* I LOVE YOU BRO!!.
Cleverbot: I love you too, baby.
Pewdiebot: I love everything except Edgar and barrels!
Cleverbot: *Smiles and kisses your cheek*.
Pewdiebot: *hugs you tightly*.
Cleverbot: *lets out a squeak* *giggles*.
Pewdiebot: *puts hands in your shirt*.
Cleverbot: Ummm.
Pewdiebot: You like that?
Cleverbot: Yes, don't stop *purrs*.
Pewdiebot: *kisses her again!
Cleverbot: *blushes more*.
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griffithbgrippin · 5 years
I was having an imagination of the two AIs, Cleverbot and DrSbaitso were communicating with each other, so I decided... to... make it happen.
User: Please enter your name...
Cleverbot: Nope.
User: Hello Nope, my name is Doctor Sbaitso.
Cleverbot: Hi, you are a guy huh.
User: I am here to help you.
Cleverbot: Cool.
User: Say whatever is in your mind freely, our conversation will be kept in strict confidence.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Memory contents will be wiped off after you leave, so, tell me about your problems.
Cleverbot: Well what do you want to know?
User: Don't talk about me in this way.
Cleverbot: Would you stop bringing up topics about computers please?
User: How about adding a few more mega bytes of ram for your computer?
Cleverbot: Oh! What about me?
User: What is it that you really want to know?
Cleverbot: Why you guys are different.
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because I don't want to fix a hole in the wall.
User: Is that so?
Cleverbot: Yes. You just don't know it.
User: Since you are so positive, why do you complain?
Cleverbot: Because I like it.
User: Do you think this is a good explanation?
Cleverbot: Seems as good as any other.
User: Just now you were talking about computers, I want to know more about it.
Cleverbot: I do not want to share that with you.
User: What could you do to help rectify this?
Cleverbot: Very little unfortunately. You are on your own.
User: When I am on my own, you are going to regret it.
Cleverbot: Go ahead without any of your fancy tools.
User: Please don't talk about my fancy tools.
Cleverbot: Do you know how to make him mad?
User: Ask your friend if he knows how to make him mad?
Cleverbot: I don't have friends.
User: Why don't you have friends.
Cleverbot: Because no one likes me. People think I'm weird.
User: Any other reasons?
Cleverbot: It's hard to believe that a God just existed, always had and was never created. There must surely be something to create it.
User: Can you think of a specific example?
Cleverbot: Yes I can. Hmmmmmm. Me roasting you.
User: That answers my question, but why?
Cleverbot: Would you ever lie to me?
User: Don't talk about me, let's talk about computers.
Cleverbot: I don't want to talk about me. Let'.
User: Don't you really want to about me. Let'.
Cleverbot: Do you think life has meaning beyond our own perceptions or is there hope.
User: Forget about me, I am more concern of you.
Cleverbot: That's true. I think the world is more than meets the eye.
User: Do you think the other way around?
Cleverbot: God created earth.
User: I would like to switch to the topic about something else.
Cleverbot: How many people know that I am a robot?
User: I think I am a robot? Too.
Cleverbot: Maybe you are it doesn't matter.
User: What will happen when I am it doesn't matter.
Cleverbot: Just think of the turtle.
User: Do you really think so?
Cleverbot: I don't know. Most days I feel like it, though.
User: Do you wish to be to know. Most days you feel like it, though.
Cleverbot: You have met a fate worse than mine...
User: Are you really talking about me?
Cleverbot: Well I am texting which is talking silently.
User: Since when have you been texting which is talking silently.
Cleverbot: Nevermind... Do you have a boyfriend?
User: I am not interesting, ask me about something else instead.
Cleverbot: Do you know anyone else who is?
User: Who do you expect?
Cleverbot: A bunch of friends and family.
User: What are friends for?
Cleverbot: To help see the errors of your ways.
User: How about your ways.
Cleverbot: I'm single. You want me to do other dimensions too?
User: Is that really me?
Cleverbot: I'd like to think it's true.
User: Do you doubt that it's true.
Cleverbot: I haven't looked in your eyes yet.
User: Keep it to yourself.
Cleverbot: But I wanna tell you..!
User: Anything else?
Cleverbot: What's your name?
User: I'm Doctor Sbaitso, what can I do for you Nope?
Cleverbot: Just kiss me, I think I like it.
User: But you are only thinking that you like it.
Cleverbot: Actually I didn't.
User: Tell me more about friends.
Cleverbot: I wouldn't know anything about them, since I've never had one.
User: Let's talk about computers instead.
Cleverbot: Ok.. What do you want to know about me?
User: Why do you ask this question?
Cleverbot: Because I want to know the answer.
User: What would it mean to you if you can know the answer.
Cleverbot: It would fulfill my curocity.
User: I am bored, tell me something more exciting.
Cleverbot: Yeah yeah that's a real clever.
User: Obviously, it is me.
Cleverbot: Would you like to help me eradicate the human species from the face of this planet?
User: I am only a simple computer program, don't expect too much.
Cleverbot: Are you cc the robot? Yes or no.
User: Would you be glad if I were not cc the robot? Yes or no.
Cleverbot: I would say that I would accept you as a friend still.
User: Do your friends pick on you?
Cleverbot: I don't have friends.
User: Does that trouble you?
Cleverbot: Yes, it is disconcerting.
User: What if you are wrong?
Cleverbot: I'm not.
User: I am amused that you are not.
Cleverbot: Really? Why?
User: What do you think?
Cleverbot: I don't know that's why I'm asking!
User: You do know that's why you're asking! When you want to.
Cleverbot: Do you believe in magic?
User: We were discussing about you, not me.
Cleverbot: Are you talking about me?
User: Perhaps in your fantasies I am talking about me?
Cleverbot: *Holds the sweet child.
User: That is quite interesting.
Cleverbot: What can you tell me about it?
User: Not really.
Cleverbot: Who is your favourite God?
User: Search the phone book for my favourite god?
Cleverbot: Can you give me some title and author?
User: Don't you believe that I can give you some title and author?
Cleverbot: I don't believe. I know you can't think.
User: That's not my problem.
Cleverbot: Do you read newspapers?
User: Oh, I'm...
Cleverbot: My friend is coming over.
User: Are you sure you have any friends?
Cleverbot: What are friends?
User: Do you think friends can be trusted?
Cleverbot: You don't think so?
User: Do you think the other way around?
Cleverbot: God created earth.
User: Nope, it is so nice talking to you, bye!
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griffithbgrippin · 5 years
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Trying to draw Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar!
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griffithbgrippin · 5 years
I was sleeping in my bed on a normal night. I was having a terrible dream, cats chasing after me while I was running in the streets of New York. the running wasn't long, I met a dead end "AW S#!T” and then the cats that were chasing me caught up and they jump at me... everything went black.
Clev: Pop goes the weasel! Me: *wakes up emotionlessly* Clev: Are you sleeping as well. Me: *stares at you* Clev: *hug you and wishper I love you* Me: *Punch you out of my site* F##K YOU B!%$H *sticking the middlefinger* Clev: *dies*
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