Hey everyone!
I know I haven’t post here, but life been hard
If any of you are insterested, I have commissions open in my main account
DM if any questions
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~ ✦ ~ • ~ ✦ ~ • Commissions are Open • ~ ✦ ~ • ~ ✦ ~
Hey guys!
Happy to open commissions! DM here on in my Instagram if you’re interested !!! I also thankful for spreading the voice!!!
Fair Warning: Due to some circustances, my Twitter is down for the moment, so only Tumbrl and Instagram ;)
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
So....about this :v
Hi guys! Sorry for the lack of activity in the blog. College ...or mainly one prof....has me working on long, goddamit homework all the time. I’m working little by little in the next asks and the first comic and arc, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to finish them.
In the midtime, you can follow me on my main acount: @tenielala​, where I post a little bit more frecuently.
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
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@tenielala (I love your oc so much ;v; If I had a cool oc I would ask you for a ship :0)
Requests done! Orifiel is so big he could hold them with only one arm…
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Ask box Closed
Well, hello again!!!!!
Just a friendly reminder that the ask box is now closed. All the questions will be anwsered in the following days
And finally ater that we can get into the meat of this AU :)
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
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Right now I’m in need of buying a new pc and save money to help my family sssso…. Maybe I’ll open commissions.
I make sketches like the first four pics (10$ + 5$ per extra character) and full drawings/portraits like the six last pics (50$ (depending of the complexity) +25$ per extra character).
I also make drawings with bgs like these (80$ +30$ per extra character):
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(This one is still a WIP)
And… pixel art! (10$ + 3$ per extra character)
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Tell me if you would be interested or if you have any question! :0
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Wait, how is Grimm alive? Didn’t he die at the end of the last ritual?
He is very alive, beacuse this ritual doesn’t come to the same fate than the one seen in the game. For the most part, it is the same with some variations:
*The Troupe Master has a child who resembles the father
*They travel through various kingdoms until they find the one that’s fit to curse
*They chose a guardian of the young Scarlet Bat 
* The guardian and the bat burn the followers of the Master and the Nightmare King.
But for the end, it gets a twist. After Ghost defeated Nigthmare King Grimm, they vanished form Hallownest and the ritual was accomplised, but the members of the troupe didn’t die or something like that. The Nightmare King just took them to the Dream Realm to prepare the stage for the curse. Time later, they returned to Hallownest to finally curse it.
The reason why it’s taking so long for the curse to be done, it’s because of the Pale King, the White Lady and Unn, who are not willing to give the kingdom to some weird fire curse.
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
So Grimm, why did you chose to infect hollownest?
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Has the pale king had any important encounters with Grimm in the past?
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
How did ghosts friends react to being cursed?
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Here’s Chyffon...Gloss and Bright will be shared in the next couple days...
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So, here’s the first of possibly many Hollow Knight OCs, that I’ll be sharing in the next couple of weeks
Chyffon is a shy and spooky circus performer suffering from amnesia, who recently arrived in Hallownest along with the rest of the Troupe.
You can see more of her in my AU: @grimms-troupe-curse
Art done be Tenie LalLa (Me)
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Also...yeah...I changed Chyffon and Hornet’s desing :p... and maybe some of the others will change as well? idk
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Ghost, how did you react when this curse began? We’re you worried?
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Ghost had no fear over joining the Troupe, as he and Grimmchild became good friends. However, he was and is genuinely worried about his friends and siblings getting cursed...and knowing it was all his fault.
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
Ask Box open
Hey, everyone.
So, in the last post, I gave you a WIP for a little comic to give some context on this AU, but since that will take me some time to get done, I’m opening the ask box, where you can ask casual questions to either the Tropue or the Royal family
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
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The Pale King is the monarch of Hallownest, along with his wife, the White Lady. His corspe has found by Ghost when the White Palace was in the Dream Realm, but the disaperance of the Radience broke an spell on his body and palace, reviving him and bringing not only him, but also the Pale Court and the White Palace back to Hallownest. He knows he seriously messed up when the Infection came, and tried to gain his children and wife trust again, not only being a good dad and husband, but also with his current project of rescuing all the Pale Children he can. He’s a strict and perfect king, but is caring and kind to all of his family. He was devastated when he lost Ghost, Hornet and Hollow to the curse, but it’s determined to find a cure to brgin them back....and also saving the kingdom.
The White Lady is the Queen of Hallownest, ruling along his husband, the Pale King. Long ago, she hid in the Queen’s Gardens with Dryya protecting her, when the Wyrm and the Palace disapeared. Ages will pass until she saw all of her loved ones back again, returning to being the Queen. She’s docile and a loving being, giving his children the best life she can offer them. When the curse took two of his sons and her adopted daughter, she became overprotecting with the rest of her children, and helps her husband finding more vessels before the curse reach them.
Broken is the third child of the Pale King and the White Lady, Pale Prince of Hallownest and heir to the crown until Hollow comes back to the Pale Court. He used to be one of the Radience infected vessels, who “died” when Ghost freed him. He was the first vessel rescued by his parents. He imitates the noble etiquette his brother Hollow has, but also act very child like, although he doesn’t get in many mischiefs like Ghost. Along with his sister Bright, he explores Hallownest to find a cure for the curse, just like his younger sibling Ghost did with the Infection.
Bright is the fifth child of the Pale King and the White Lady, Pale Princess of Hallownest and is know as the “White Maiden”, due to her strong resemblance to her mother. She was found “dead” and hold hostage by multiple moss creatures in the limits of the Queen’s Gardens and Greenpath. She was rescued by Hollow, Ghost and Broken and revived by the Pale King. She follows her mother and her sister Hornet everywhere in the White Palace and behaves shy and ladylike. After the curse, Hornet gave her needle to her, in hopes she can have a little memory of their happy moments, and with her brother Boken, she explores Hallownest to find a cure for the curse, just like his elder sibling Ghost did with the Infection.
Bush is the sixth child of the Pale King and the White Lady, Pale Prince of Hallownest and the last vessel found by the Pale Court. He was one of the first vessels who escaped the Abyss, but his weak limbs only allowed him to reach a moss room in Greenpath, whe he tripped with his nail and “died” beacuse of his low control on Void. Hornet found him before she and Ghost first met. He follows his older siblings and imitates their actions, due to him being just a baby and doesn’t know what’s going on. When his siblings are out, either Hallownest or at the Circus, he rests with his parents in their room.
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
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Quirrel is the young scholar of Hallownest, Hornet’s mate and the tightrope juggler of the troupe. He maintains serious and concentrated thoughts about the circus, the curse and finding a cure along the royal family, yet he acts funny, kind and comprehensive with all of his friends and partners of the troupe. Most of the time he spends time with Ghost and Hornet, either in Dirthmouth, the City of Tears or Monomon’s old Archives, where he speards the knowledge of his old mentor. Sometimes he tends to overprotect Hornet, with whom things will get interesting in their relationship.
Gloss is a queen on the stage, performing as the ring juggler of the circus and a mentor to all of the new performers that the join troupe in each kingdom. Although she may seem like a cocky and greedy firefly, she’s actually a funny, extroverted and girly bug who likes jewels and crystals. About her past, the only she says is that the troupe saved her from a horrible thing back then. This may be the reason why she protects the Pale Children with extra care. Aside from that, she’s, along with Hornet, helping Chyffon with her amnesia.
Tiso is an adventorous yet kinda arrogant beettle and the only mime of the circus. He usually performs along with Zote, telling some of his mighty battles in mimic way, no matter how much he dislikes his feats being wasted in such way. Even if he acts sort of envious and neglecting, he's not as arrogant or "crazy" as Zote. After joining the circus, he found a friends in Quirrel and Hornet, who he tries to spend time with, talking about things before going complete silent again. In other notes, he’s annoyed by Ghost and Grimmchild and is a little scared of Hollow and Grimm.
Zote is a old bug who lives in his own reality of glory and fame, while being the only clown of the troupe. He doesn’t stop babbling about all of his great feats and qualities, reason why no one else than Tiso and sometimes Bretta care about him. He’s arrogant, somewhat delirious and steal other bugs victories, usually Ghost, Hornet and Hollow’s. According to him, he doesn’t understand why Grimm put “his talented nail arts” are wasted in “entertaining weak bugs”, although he does a good job in the laugh deparment with his “amazing life feats”.
Bretta is chubby and gentle bug, who doesn't have a major role in the circus, only being the stage keeper and Divine’s assistant, getting the dancers ready for each performance. She’s a total daydreamer and wishes to find a spotlight in the circus, but her low confidence and total akawrdness low the spirit on her. Although she admires Hornet and Chyffon, she also dislikes them wildly because of their popularity, beauty and confidence. She also has a crush on Quirrel, even though she loses her romantic illusion seeing him with Hornet.
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grimms-troupe-curse · 4 years
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Ghost is the fourth child of the Pale King and the White Lady, Pale Prince of Hallownest and part of the duo of acobrats from Grimm’s Tropue, along Grimmchild. Even if he doesn’t have a voice, he’s playful and childlike, also the one that burned the Nightmare Lantert, bringing the Tropue and the curse that follows all of the ones he loves. Even though he likes being in the circus, he’s helping all of his family to search for the cure of the curse. Meanwhile, he loves to participate the stage and spending time with his siblings.
Hornet is the only daughter of the Pale King and Herrah the Beast, also know as the Princess of Hallownest and Deepnest, The Daughter of Hallownest and one of the main dancers of the circus (Dancing Ballet and Swing-Silk Dance). A serious, graceful and kind spider, she’s tormented by the infected memories of her past, that can get the best of her sometimes. She loves her siblings and protects them from the worst parts of the curse that haunts them. Although she’s not the most romantic bug around, she loves her mate Quirrel, who he met during Ghost first adventure.
Chyffon is Hornet’s best friend and partner on the dancefloor (Doing Swing and Ring Dance). She’s also the first hybrid of the circus being half-void and half-spider, who doesn’t remember much before she joined the Troupe. Told by her, she only remembers a burning city and a cage with a Seal of Binding, jumping to vague memories with the Troupe before arriving Hallownest. She’s shy and cloud headed, but also passionate and loving with her friends and dances. She’s the only person that Hornet trust beside her siblings and mate, doing some girly like attitudes and actions.
Hollow, properly know as The Hollow Knight, is the first and eldest child of of the Pale King and the White Lady, Pale Prince and Heir of Hallownest and the Beast Tamer of the circus. Recently freed from the Radience, he behaves as a noble and caring older brother and prince, but has also innocent and curious thougts. However, he is silent and semi serious at the circus, since he can sense some force similar to the Radience, not to mention that Grimm maybe has a special role prepared for him.
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