I let an AI write Will and Grimsley's love story. It went wrong.
I let an AI write Will and Grimsley's tragic story (title included). It wasn't supposed to be tragic, but oh well. I used my headcanon family btw. This is the horrifying result. Enjoy:
Grimsley had been trying to confess his love to Will for three weeks, but it wasn't until that day that he decided to tell him how he felt.
"I love you."
Will responded by telling him he loved him, and then Grimsley asked, "But don't you have a wife?"
Grimsley was talking about Lily, and Will ran to the room and began crying, recalling Lily's death.
Will turned away from his headmaster and sat against the wall with his head in his hands, crying.
Grimsley tried to get him up and to continue their lesson, but Will couldn't even look at him.
Grimsley understood what was happening. Suddenly, however, a stray thought occurred to Grimsley: maybe he would have some sort of ulterior motive.
Maybe he was being his usual jerkly self in order to test Will.
The next morning, Grimsley entered his house and proposed to Will.
Will was befuddled, so Grimsley explained that he would win the election with the students' support if he promised to leave Will alone.
Grimsley told him that Lily would still be in love with him, but Will wanted to start a new life with Grimsley.
Will finally agreed, and it seemed like things had gone smoothly.
Little did they know, they were about to hit a major snag.
The first place Grimsley visited was his home.
He found Will's wife Lily, or rather her corpse. He smiled because he knew it was because of his own misdeeds.
Everything had gone according to plan.
Just as he thought, Will's heart wasn't broken, but dead.
Of course, Grimsley was shocked by what he had done, and he couldn't stop crying for the longest time, but he continued pretending to be happy and innocent.
Grimsley wanted Will to be happy again, so he tried to cheer him up and pushed him to continue on with his life.
Will cried for him when he left. Sometime later, Will attended his first date with Grimsley, whom he thought was a real doctor.
Years later, once they were already married, Grimsley confessed his crime to Will. He had killed Lily, Will's wife.
Will was in shock.
"You're the murderer?!"
Will started to cry, but Grimsley told him to stop.
"That's just part of the reason I love you."
Will didn't believe him at first, but soon he did and decided that he would find a way to put Grimsley away.
But he wasn't able to, because Will still loved Grimsley.
Years passed by, and Grimsley continued to woo Will and beg him for his forgiveness.
Will eventually forgave Grimsley. They ended up having four children. The oldest was a boy named Tom, followed by a girl named Reyna, another girl named Hannah, and the youngest child, a boy named Akashi.
Unfortunately, their happiness was about to be marred again. The sons decided to go into politics, and they were given the same office as their father.
One day, they all went to the beach and a terrible accident happened.
The lifeguards dove in after Tom and Reyna fell into the water, but only Tom was found, and he was killed.
Reyna managed to survive, but she was badly scarred.
Reyna could never forgive Grimsley for not saving his brother's life.
Will and Grimsley were devastated at their son's death, so they stayed to look after Hannah and Akashi.
Will managed to sell their house to a wealthy family who lived in Huddington.
One night, Will started thinking about his daughter Reyna, who had become a recluse ever since Tom's death.
He realized that the whole time he had been blaming Grimsley for not helping Tom, instead of himself.
After Reyna finally died, Grimsley decided to move to California, and Will followed him there.
There they met two girls by the name of Amy and April, who had a black fox named Edward.
Amy is very fond of animals, but she never told Will and Grimsley what kind of animal she really had.
Will and Grimsley had been oppressed by Amy and April for the past few months for being gay.
They couldn't even visit Lily or Tom's grave without people calling them perverts or killers.
One day, Will decided to visit Lily and Tom's grave.
It was under construction and the family was devastated because the mayor had decided to build a building where the graveyard had been, and now Will and Grimsley's son's corpse, as well as Lily's, were lost.
Will felt guilty and distraught.
He returned to Amy and April's apartment only to see that they were engaged to be married.
He asked Amy how she was going to marry April when they had been oppressing Will and Grimsley for being gay before!
Amy screamed at Will and told him that she was so sorry, and that she had told April everything about them.
But when she told April, April was not in the mood to talk to her at all.
Will giggled and forgave her.
A few months later, Will tragically and very painfully lost his right leg when a Sharpedo attacked him while Will was trying to protect Grimsley.
He was rushed to the nearest hospital, where he learned that the loss of his leg was fatal and that he only had a week to live.
Grimsley did everything he could to save his husband's life, but... Would Will su rvive?
Was that week enough for him to forget that he had loved his evil brother?
If Will didn't survive, Grimsley was going to be alone again.
A week passed, and Will miraculously survived, after having lost his leg to the hospital.
He was going to leave that hospital, with very few things.
Grimsley and the rest of his family were shocked and worried, but he wanted to see the pokémon that his youngest son had caught for him, which was a Fearow named Blaze.
After Will left the hospital, he decided to leave for Sinnoh, where he had made a promise to Lily's brother, Max.
Max was evil. He was afraid to be in a marriage with his soon - to - be - wife, Chelsea, and didn't want to take responsibility for the family when she died.
So he decided to run away and join Team Rocket, leaving his friends and family behind.
Meanwhile, Grimsley temporarily left his job to take care of his husband, Will, and their two remaining children.
Will's leg was still recovering, so he could only use a wheelchair.
Grimsley tried to work from home, but the accident made it impossible for him to do that.
He was going crazy, and so was everyone.
The children were traumatized. Blaze the Fearow was the only sane creature remaining now. Luckily for Will, his family and husband (and Fearow) were there for him.
Grimsley heard rumors that Team Rocket was looking for new recruits.
He quickly told the children that he would train them to be strong, so they can go to their mother's grave and set her free.
Then Grimsley remembered that the kids didn't have a mother because Will and himself were their gay parents.
The children were horrified at the mere thought of having a dead mother somewhere, so Grimsley and the children went for a walk.
They all talked about Grimsley's sudden decision and how hurt they were.
The Fearow and the children decided to sing a song, which they wrote while looking for their apparently dead biological mother.
The song was... interesting. It said: "Only a mother can sing a lullaby". They soon heard a voice.
It said, "Will, Blaze, Hannah, Akashi, Grimsley, thank you for coming here.
Don't be sad, or be happy!
When you get to the pokémon center, a nurse will take a look at Will's leg... or what 's left of it."
The voice was very mean.
All three asked what the voice meant, and it said, "Fearow, it means we're on the right path."
The children and Fearow were amazed.
They decided to set out to catch their own Xatus, because they were also traumatized beings.
Akashi caught a Xatu. He looked into his Xatu's eyes and saw the deepest darkness, which frightened him.
Grimsley caught a Xatu as well. But couldn't bear the pain that the vision of his child's death was bringing him.
Eventually, Grimsley decided to do something morally gray and he forced the Xatu to grow wings on its back.
Then Grimsley instructed it to fly him to Lily's grave, so he could set his mother free.
Fearow didn't like this idea, because it reminded him of his dear Spearow, which was waiting for it back in its nest.
Grimsley finally decided to stay with Will, who was still traumatized at the loss of his right leg.
Grimsley gave him a wheelchair to use and became the parents of Will's kids, Hannah and Akashi. The girls soon evolved into Pansage.
And that is the ending of this amazing story.
You made this for your friend, but he didn't want you to post it.
So I decided to post it.
By the way, I have no idea who the f*ck Lily is, but apparently she's Will's ex-wife now 😂
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I felt like I had to do this
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This is the first part of a comic I’m making. Also I painted it twice because I didn’t know which version would look better.
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Grimsley and Will’s familiy because I need more people to ship this :D
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Also I panted these scenes from the manga
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Cat face Will with Grimsley :3
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