am i the only one seeing the chemistry between seth and skyler???
You are not! They both of them deserve something good in their lives, so at the risk of sounding like a big softie, I am going to have to say that if there’s something there that they should go for it.
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Is it just me, or would Natasha and Ryder make a cute couple
It is not just you my sweet nonnie. I think everyone sees it, the question is do they see it?
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What's this I hear about Hunter and Eli?
Hunter swiped Eli’s VCard because Eli was sad. What an excuse, I know. What I would hate to find out is what Hunter does when someone is happy. Anyway, Ian found out and there was a small fight between Ian and Hunter. Has anyone seen either one of them? Why are people not making sure that they are still alive?. 
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top 6 otps of lake grimstone?
Max and his past
Jay and his power
Bianca and her hands
Cassandra and she knows who
Zerlina and her weapons
Ian and Eli with happiness
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iMessage Gigi ➡ LG
Gigi: Okay so the good, Max and Elizabeth seem to be getting a lot cozier. I have to admit that I wasn’t really cheering for them, but maybe they can change my mind. Jackson and Rhea have also been getting a lot closer. Hmm I suppose that if they can’t have who they really want then settling for the next best thing is the way to go. I’m sorry, was that petty? That was petty, but in all honesty, does anyone else find it weird that they got together because they couldn’t have Bianca and Aaron?
Gigi: Continuing with the good, Tess and Danny seem to have made amends. Let’s hope that those amends don’t get in the way of Branny. Oh and I have figured out why Hunter and Jay are a no go. Apparently jay and Zerlina have been getting to really know each other. While I was all for Jay and Hunter, I will admit that I can get on the Jay/Zerlina train or should I say the Jaylina train?
Gigi: Wren and Eli have also started to get /closer/. Don't get any ideas though, someone else has got their claws in Pokemon Go boy.
Gigi: moving on to the bad, Ian and Eli have just been all over the place during the last few months, but their disagreements escalated when both boys had a powers showdown near the café. Luckily no one was injured.
Gigi: Speaking of no injuries, there had been some drama at the pool between Hunter and Danny. Unfortunately things didn’t get too bad. I was hoping to see some blood.
Gigi: Has anyone seen Courtney lately? If so, could someone tell her to keep her boyfriend on check? He seems to be getting rather chatty with Katherine and Jazmine. I know, I know they are just best friends, but let me tell you something, a guy and a girl can’t be /just/ friends, if you don’t believe me then ask Ian and Bianca.
Gigi: Speaking of Bianca, the poor girl almost got turned to dust by none other than Nicholas. I kind of see why he doesn't want to touch her now.
Gigi: Bianca is just having horrible luck with guys lately, but I will get to that in just a bit.
Gigi: Now to the ugly, or should I say the nasty? It seems like Hunter swiped baby Eli's vCard and Ian is not having any of it. Has anyone checked on Hunter lately? Last I saw him, he was getting his ass kicked by Ian.
Gigi: Can anyone blame Ian for being pissed? I know I can't.
Gigi: Hmm what else is there? Oh right, so Harley seems to be in the get girls hot and bothered business. Seems like not even Bianca could get him to put out. He left Bianca claiming to be able to take care of herself, but just a bit later she was spotted giving Wren... a happy ending.
Gigi: Yes, I did type Wren and you did read it correctly. You're a lucky guy Wreny. Do you want to know if more happened there? You will have to wait until my next update!
Gigi: Ciao for now!
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iMessage Gigi ➡ LG
Gigi: Get ready to have your phones blown up by all of my /updates/ There has been so much going on that I don’t even know if I will be able to get to it all.
Gigi: I'll start off with the good, move to the bad and leave the ugly for last.
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You know what I want to see? Landon and Hunter
Landon and Hunter? That’s pretty random. I suppose it would be interesting to see it go down. You need to keep in mind that Landon has that goody-two-shoes Courtney, though, and he seems to be wrapped around her little finger.
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I saw a little tension down at the pool the other day.
Oh I saw that too. I wonder what Brooklyn would think about the drama that went down.
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is there anyone you ship katherine and adrian with other than each other?
Adrian and Brooklyn 
Katherine and Landon 
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Are Wren and Eli even into men?
If they’re not in to them at the moment that doesn’t mean that they won’t eventually be in to them. It seems like in this town people hook up with everyone and can you really blame them? Not only is everyone here extremely good looking, but there’s also not much to do around here. 
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Wren and Eli?
They’re both goofy-ish…?
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Who would you ship them with? (Single or not)
Ian: Kiara, Abigail, Jade and maybe Bianca. 
Eli: I think Tessa might be a nice girl for him. There’s also Wren and of course Aria, you know if she wasn’t with Oliver. 
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How in the world are both Mako brothers single?
Right?! How can anyone turn down those sweet baby blues? Hell, I would jump on either one of them if I could. 
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Guess you'll have to wait and see ;) -Hunter
Are you really going to keep us all in suspense? Just give in already, Hunter. We all know that you want to. 
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The Makos just had quite the scene at the café. Everything okay?
I saw that. And while I know that most of you won’t believe me, my heart does break for these two. Hopefully things will work out, I would hate to see things get worse for them. 
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(from Hunter) "heating up" for a hook up G. I don't do "pairs"
Hook up or  pair up, Is there a difference in this damn town? I don’t think so. People here change partners like they change their un- their socks.  So was Jay really just a one time thing? Because I was hoping to see more action from you two.
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If you had control over people talking to who, what are the top 5 pair ups would you make?
Only five? Well this is going to be harder than I thought.
Landon and Miles
Rhea and Isabella
Tessa and Austin
Zerlina and Jackson
Brooklyn and Wren
I have so many more pair ups but since you said five, you get only five.
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