growingsting · 22 hours
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growingsting · 7 months
“What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.”
— Paulo Coelho
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growingsting · 7 months
Things are better when
I think of
burnt pages of
Alexandria become
legible and
meaning is found
in the drying dew
of what she and I
could be.
Robert J. W.
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growingsting · 7 months
Through all the pain
I stand strong
There may be rain
Or am I wrong?
Tell me all the things
You’d like to hear.
In through one
And out the ear
I know who I am
And what I want
You’re out of gas
And I am light.
No more pain for I am love
And for you
Are not above
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growingsting · 4 years
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growingsting · 4 years
New beginning
Out of the fire
that was slowing burning me
to death
finally free
I take a deep breath
A breath of relief
I exhale all the feelings
unnecessary sense
leaving my body
It feels as though
a new person has become
a better being
shines like the sun
this is my new beginning
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growingsting · 6 years
Hello, hello
Who might you be
Hyper or mellow
Do you live across sea
Thoughts come to mind
Of who I don’t know
Interesting things to find
Conversing might flow
So many in the world
Millions to see
Some might be bored
And some exciting
No matter what
I’ll see what I do
Who I might trust
And some that aren’t true
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growingsting · 6 years
What do you do when..
You have no idea if you love or if you don’t
A mind full of sin
And several things wrong I can count
I spend my days working hard
And all my nights thinking
I take a walk through the park
After getting drunk drinking
I don’t know if this is the right life
I’m so alone. I’m so alone
I wanna make this beautiful girl my wife
But I’m not even close to home
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growingsting · 6 years
Sadness of the night
Insomnia is a disaster
No control and I am the master
Can’t sleep when I want to
One day it’ll kill me
The grim will
I already feel dead anyway
So I’ll just let my life stay gray
So pitiful to speak in such a
I look outside and take
A gander
Depression from the trees
Take control of me
Anger from the grass
Makes me
Break Glass
All the harmless animals look so evil
And every night is just another sequel
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growingsting · 6 years
do u ever see what ppl ur age are accomplishing and ur just like “wow” and u go back to bed
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growingsting · 6 years
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Felt like I was really there
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growingsting · 6 years
Sadness of the night
Insomnia is a disaster
No control and I am the master
Can’t sleep when I want to
One day it’ll kill me
The grim will
I already feel dead anyway
So I’ll just let my life stay gray
So pitiful to speak in such a
I look outside and take
A gander
Depression from the trees
Take control of me
Anger from the grass
Makes me
Break Glass
All the harmless animals look so evil
And every night is just another sequel
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growingsting · 6 years
Breath deeply
Take it one step at a time
What ever you’re going through
You’ll get through it just fine
It’s hard to face the truth
This life is full of lies
You don’t know what to do
Stay strong like a bridge
But never let one cross you
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growingsting · 6 years
Second Best
she taught me to never settle for second best
to hang in there until perfection (in my eyes) comes my way
little did she know that she was the one I wanted
and like a fool I want her to settle for me
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growingsting · 6 years
I swam to the
edge of the ocean’s
flesh, breathless and
shivering yet
full of
fire that
burned on the
strength it
took to
make it this
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growingsting · 6 years
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But I guess you’re not my friend.
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growingsting · 6 years
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And then come back to me.
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