guccihaitachi Ā· 10 years
Pairing: SasukAndy
Rating: T
Plot: Sasukeā€™s birthday!!!
To Sasuke, today was the same as any other day. Nothing special at all. But to Andy, it was the best day of the year. You see, today was the young Uchihaā€™s birthday and Andy couldnā€™t be happier.
Sasuke had told her many times that he didnā€™t want to make a big deal about it because he didnā€™t like celebrating his birthday, he didnā€™t see what was so great about it but of course Andy didnā€™t listen to him. Like hell she would listen to him on such an important day!
ā€œI have it all planned out okay? We wont do anything big I promise!ā€ Andy said excitedly. Sasuke may not like making a big deal about his birthday but she did.
The Uchiha sighed. There was no getting out of this one, thatā€™s for sure. ā€œAlright, fine.ā€ he agreed as he shrugged on his coat. He knew this would make her happy so why not let her have her way? As long as she was happy he didnā€™t mind.
Andy smiles brightly and hugged Sasuke tightly, kissing him on the lips softly. ā€œYou wont regret this.ā€ she whispered before pulling back.
Sasuke couldnā€™t help but smile at her and shook his head. ā€œOkay, okay letā€™s get going then.ā€
They both shrugged on their jackets and put their shoes on before stepping out the door.
ā€œSo where to first?ā€ Sasuke asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
ā€œThatā€™s a secret.ā€ Andy replied quickly. ā€œWhen we start getting close, you have to close your eyes until I tell you to open them because itā€™s a surprise, okay?ā€
Sasuke chuckled and nodded ā€œOkay, deal.ā€ They walked down the street together quietly, enjoying their surroundings. The sun was high up and it was a beautiful day.
When they turned the corner, Andy stopped Sasuke. ā€œClose your eyes now.ā€ she demanded and he complied without complaint. She took his hand and led him through a small path that eventually led to large open field of grass and nothing more.
ā€œYou can open your eyes now.ā€ Andy spoke, her words calm but excited all at the same time. Sasuke did just that, opening his dark orbs to take in what was around him. To say Sasuke was surprised would be an understatement. He was shocked actually, though it was only seen on his face for a split second.
ā€œItā€™s beautiful.ā€ He said softly, taking her hand in his. ā€œWhere did you find this place?ā€ he asked.
Andy blushed softly when their hands came together, squeezing his hand gently. ā€œI was on a walk and kinda just stumbled across itā€¦ Iā€™m glad you like it.ā€
Sasuke smiled, a smile that was only reserved for Andy. ā€œI love it.ā€ he whispered before leaning forward, capturing her lips with his.
Andyā€™s heart fluttered when their lips connected and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He tasted like tomatoes but it was okay, because she loved tomatoes. She loved everything about him. Only he managed to make her this happy, make her feel this complete.
Sasukeā€™s hands moved down to Andyā€™s waist as he deepens the kiss, putting as much love as her could muster into it.
His present was so simple but he loved it so much. It was perfect for him, a quiet getaway close to home with the one he loves the most.
Andy was the first to pull away, needing air. She looked at Sasuke, her eyes warm and soft. ā€œI love you.ā€ she murmured, kissing him again.
The Uchiha returned her kiss briefly then pulled back. ā€œWatch the clouds with me?ā€ he asked her, a simple request that she couldnā€™t deny.
They laid down on the grass next to each other and looked up at the clouds, pointing out dogs, airplanes, trees, anything they saw. Sasuke reached his hand out and took Andyā€™s in his, lacing their fingers together.
ā€œThank you for the best birthday I could have wished for,ā€ he said happily, kissing her cheek, "I love you so much."
Andy smiles and kisses his cheek in return.
They spent the rest of the day laying in the grass and watching the clouds together, laughing and having a good time. Sasuke could honestly say that this was indeed the best birthday he's ever had, all thanks to the beautiful woman laying next to him.
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guccihaitachi Ā· 10 years
Pairing: MinaPam
Rating: M
Plot: Student x Teacher AU
You see, Pam had a crush on her teacherā€¦ maybe not even a crush, more like she was IN LOVE with him. When she first saw him on the first day of school, she just thought he was hot, but honestly who wouldnā€™t? He was tall, blonde, and incredibly handsome. His beautiful blue eyes were just the icing on the cake. But over time, as she went to class everyday she got to know him better. Her simple crush turned into something more, much much more. It scared her at first honestly, she was a senior in high school and in love with her 30 year old teacher.
It was kind of crazy but she couldnā€™t help herself. But it got even worse over time. She started having dreams. And not just any dreams, the wet kind of dreams. It started out cute, where he asked her on a nice date and confessed his undying love to her. Then just as it was getting more mushy the scene would turn 180 degrees.
Suddenly there would be moans of ecstasy and rustling sheets. It was at those moment where Pam would wake up sweating and blushing. It was fun at first, having dirty forbidden dreams about her teacher but it also got harder. She couldn't keep her feelings bottled up anymore, it was becoming to much for her. Even sitting in class and listening to Mr. Namikaze talk made her heart ache. Whenever he called on her in class, her stomach would flip and her face would turn a bright crimson color.Ā 
It was at this point when Pam thought enough was enough. She couldn't hold her feelings in anymore and decided that today was the day. The actual reason why she decided to make this after school appointment with Mr. Namikaze was because she was finally going to confess her love to him. It didn't matter to her if she got rejected, she just needed to let it out.
The bell finally rang and the kids all quickly left the classroom. It was emptied in less than five minutes, leaving only Pam and her teacher alone together. The girl realised this and immediately couldn't help herself from blushing. She was alone, with the man she was in love with. So many different scenarios started playing out in her head. Many of them had to do with her bent over a desk and Mr. Namikaze taking her from behind.Ā 
She quickly shook her head, getting rid of those thoughts and just in time too. Mr. Namikaze walked up to her desk, smiling that cute slightly goofy smile that Pam fell in love with. She already felt her heart rate pick up and did everything she could to calm herself.
Pam looked up at him and greeted him with a nervous smile. "Hello Mr. Namikaze"
Her teacher chuckles and waved his hand "No need for formalities, school is over. Just call me Minato okay?" he replied as he grabbed a chair and sad down in front of her.
The brunette nodded and cleared her throat, looking down a bit embarrassed "O-okay Minato.." she felt a bit uncomfortable calling Minato by his first name, but she had to get used to it soon because it wasn't like she could scream "Mr. Namikaze" in bed, that would just be awkward.
Minato laughed and scratched his head "So what did you say you needed help with?" he asked Pam, ready to help anyway he could. Believe it or not, Pam was actually his favourite student. She was quiet during class but always had insightful comments when she did participate and always completed her work on time, which he admired greatly.Ā 
"Well, this is it"Ā Pam thought to herself. She cleared her throat and looked up at Minato, looking him in the eyes. "Actually, I uh.. I wanted to tell you something.." she said almost confidently.Ā 
Minato was intrigued by this and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What is it then?" he asked her curiously.Ā 
Pam took a deep breath but couldn't stop the shaking in her hands as she spoke. "Mr. N- I-I mean, Minato.. I... I uh.. I'm in love with you." by the end of her sentence, Pam's voice cracked a bit revealing how nervous she really was.Ā 
Minato on the other hand was surprised. He sat there with staring at her, not knowing what to say. He was so caught off guard that he was speechless, which didn't happen often.Ā 
As Minato sat there stunned, Pam's nerves were starting to flare up. All he was doing is sitting there staring at her. She just wanted him to say something, anything! Pam couldn't take the silence anymore and stood up, covering her face so Minato couldn't see her expression. "Sorry for wasting your time" she said before turning to leave.
It was in that moment where the blonde stood up and grabbed her wrist. "Wait!" he responded, slight panic laced in his tone.Ā 
Pam kept her eyes averted and cast down to the ground. "What?" she muttered, just wanting to leave already.
Minato moved so he was standing in front of Pam, he was frowning slightly because he couldn't see her face. He grabbed her by her shoulders and kneeled down so he was face to face with her. "Hey, look at me. Tell me what you just said again... please" Minato pleaded. For some reason, he really, really wanted to hear it again.
Pam shook her head, refusing to look at him "N-no.." she whispered softly, she didn't want to make a fool of herself any longer, she just really wanted to leave.
Minato sighed and let her go. "Tell me what you said again.. and I'll give you a proper answer alright?" Minato hoped this worked, Pam was a bit stubborn but this was necessary for him.Ā 
The teen finally looked up at him albeit hesitantly but she did nonetheless. Minato could see the embarrassment in her eyes and found it cute. He smiled and cupped her cheek, still unaware of how his actions affected her even after she confessed to him.Ā 
Pam gulped and took a shaky breath "I... I love you M-Minato." Pam was trembling by now, all her confidence from earlier had left her completely.Ā 
Suddenly a pair of lips found hers and Pam's eyes widened. Minato was kissing her. His lips were on hers. And he was kissing her. Pam couldn't believe what was happening, she had to be dreaming. The love of her life, the man she thought would turn her away was kissing her. Her body felt light and she thought she was going to pass out. But she wouldn't let this moment pass up.
Pam brought her arms up to wrap them around Minato's neck and proceeded to kiss him back. His lips felt so right against hers, like they were ment to be there. They were soft and tasted so good, she was quickly becoming addicted and didn't know if she'd ever be able to stop.Ā 
Minato couldn't get enough of kissing Pam and never wanted to stop, unfortunately though he needed air and had to break the kiss. Once their lips disconnected they looked at each other, faced flushed and both were breathing heavily.Ā 
Pam was the first to speak. She looked at him and spoke softly. "W-what was that for?" she asked.
Minato brushed some hair our of her face and smiled softly at her. "You just looked so cute and... I really wanted to kiss you."
Pam's face went bright red and instead of replying she leaned up to kiss him again. Minato responded eagerly and moaned softly. The kiss quickly turned from sweet to heated.
It was Pam who pulled back from the kiss first and looked at Minato lustfully. She wanted him, and she wanted him now. All those wet dreams she had in the past were about to become a reality. Without another word, Pam got down on her knees and started to unfasten Minato's pants. The blonde teacher was stunned at her actions but didn't turn her away because truthfully, he wanted it just as bad as she did.Ā 
Minato bit his lip as he watched Pam pull down his boxers and was amused at her surprised face. Minato was big. He was bigger than Pam thought he'd be. And he was only half hard.Ā 
Pam slowly grabbed her teachers member and stroked it. It was growing bigger and bigger with each movement of her hand. He had to be at least 8 inches and Pam couldn't wait.Ā 
As Pam pumped his now erect length, she leaned forward and gave the head an experimental lick which earned her a throaty moan from the man towering above her. She loved the sound of his moans and started to suck on the bright red tip of his cock, wanting to hear more of that sweet sound.
Minato's hand found its way into Pam's hair and he grabbed her hair lightly, moaning as she sucked and swirled her tongue around his tip expertly. The blonde's breathing became heavier and he bit his lip. She was only sucking on the tip but it still felt so damn good.Ā 
Minato thought this couldn't get any better but he might have spoken too soon when he felt her pull away only to lick the underside of member, from base to tip.Ā 
Pam then took him into her mouth and started to slowly bob her head. She loved teasing him but honestly just wanted to hurry and get to the part where he had her bend over his desk.Ā 
She picked up her pace and Minato's moans grew louder and breathier. The way her lips wrapped around his length made the experience that much better.Ā 
He honestly didn't think it could get better then this but, again he spoke to soon when he felt his entire member being engulfed. Minato gasped and moaned pam's name as she took him all the way into her mouth until her nose was pressed against neat blonde curls.Ā 
The teacher closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Pam's hair. He felt his climax approaching but didn't want to cum. Not yet at least. He pulled on her hair and Pam immediately pulled back thinking something was wrong.Ā 
Minato saw the look on her face and before she could say anything, he shook his head and told Pam to stand up to which she did. He kissed her hard and pulled her shirt off.Ā 
Pam's core had already grew wet from just sucking off her teacher and she had never been so excited for anything in her life. The moment her shirt was off, Pam removed her bra. Minato blushed when he saw her breasts and removed his own shirt.Ā 
"Get on my desk and spread your legs." Minato demanded and Pam followed his orders, finding it hot how he was taking control.Ā 
Pam walked over to his desk, taking off her uniform's skirt and pantie's on the way there, and laid on her back spreading her legs. Minato smirked and followed her, excited for what he was about to do.Ā 
He got on he knees in front of her and groaned softly at the sight of her perfect folds. He leaned forward and closed his eyes as he began to flick his tongue on her clit, causing her to gasp softly and moan. She grabbed her breasts and spread her legs more when Minato slowly slipped one finger inside her. He slowly moved it in and out while continuing to swirl his tongue around the small bud.Ā 
Pam was in pure bliss right now. The feel of his tongue working on her was amazing and was causing her to melt. When Minato added a second finger, Pam's mewls of pleasure grew louder. She was already soaked down there but Minato wanted to make her cum. He curled his fingers just right, brushing them against her g-spot. Pam's eyes widened and she cried out in pleasure, arching her back slightly. It felt so fucking good, and she wanted even more.Ā 
It was then when the blonde added the third finger that Pam was gone. She was a moaning and withering mess. Her breathing had become erratic and the way Minato moved his tongue and fingers had her on the edge.Ā 
With one last thrust of his fingers, Pam couldn't hold back and her walls clenched around his appendages as she came, coating his fingers with her cum.Ā 
Minato pulled away and pulled his fingers out, licking up her sweet fluids, smirking at her. "Did you like that?" he asked huskily.
Pam nodded and mewled. "Y-yes, I loved it.."Ā 
Minato leaned down to kiss her and positioned his member at her entrance. "I love you Pam." he said against her lips as he slowly penetrated her.
The brunettes fluttered shut and she groaned as he pushed into her. The feeling of his member sliding into her, filling her up was incredible and she loved it.Ā 
Minato started to thrust slowly, groaning in pleasure at how tight she was. He'd never felt anything so amazing in his life. With each thrust, her grew bolder and moved faster. It felt so damn good, moving in and out of her, sharing such an intimate moment with her. He never wanted it to end, he wanted to stay like this forever.
Pam was thinking along the same lines. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning and mewling. The blonde picked his pace up even more, making the desk move and things fall off but he didn't care. He didn't care because right now, he was having sex with the most perfect being alive.Ā 
They kissed passionately, with hunger and need. Their tongue's clashed as Minato moved his hips, faster, harder, deeper. Each thrust hitting Pam's special spot, making her dig her nails into Minato's back.Ā 
They were both reaching their limits but Minato refused to cum until his newfound lover did. The blonde moved his hand down to rub Pam's clit as he thrusted into her. It was enough to make her reach her climax, clenching her walls around Minato. She moaned his name in ecstasy, never having felt so good in her life.Ā 
Minato pulled out a few seconds later and came on Pam's stomach, moaning her name softly. When both their highs from their orgasms came down, Minato looked at Pam and smiled warmly. "That.. That was amazing.."
Pam couldn't have agreed more and brought him down for a sweet gentle kiss. "I love you" she whispered.
He chuckled and returned her kiss before whispering back "I love you too."
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guccihaitachi Ā· 10 years
Chapter 2 - Let the Game Begin
Itā€™s been a week since I got here. My room is filled up with my things so it doesnā€™t feel as big anymore. The walls are covered in posters of various bands and T.V. shows, my desk is already cluttered, and my guitar is off in the corner on its stand. This time, my parents let me have a T.V. in my room so I can play my video games. I prefer Nintendo products over Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation honestly so all I really play is N64, NES, GameCube, Wii, and the handhelds like Gameboy, GBA, and Nintendo DS.
I was playing the new PokĆ©mon game when my mom called me down for breakfast. I groaned and saved my game before going downstairs. As I walked down, I noticed that she actually made breakfast this morning rather than giving me a bowl of cereal or a toaster strudel. But thatā€™s only because it was my first day of school and she wanted me to be happy.
Iā€™m touched that sheā€™s trying even though it really doesnā€™t help. I sat at the table this time because this was a home cooked meal. My mom smiled and sat down at the table across from my dad. Then she looks at me and her smile brightens ten-fold.
ā€œAre you excited Keag? Itā€™s your first day of school!ā€ I inwardly groan because I have heard those exact same words way to many times in my life. In answer to my momā€™s question, I just shrug and start eating the scrambled on my plate. She sighs dejectedly and starts to eat as well. My dad gives me a look implying doom if I make her cry but I ignore it and continue eating.
ā€œKathyā€¦ Itā€™s going to be okay. Heā€™ll be fine.ā€ My dad whispers as he places a comforting hand on her leg. He probably thinks I canā€™t hear him.
ā€œI know Kyle,ā€ my mom sighs, ā€œI just canā€™t help but worry, you know? Heā€™s still my baby.ā€ I canā€™t help but roll my eyes when she says that. Iā€™m not a baby anymore, Iā€™m a monster. All Iā€™m capable of is beating people up to a bloody pulp and not remember anything while it happens. Their whispered conversation gets to the point that I canā€™t stand being in the same room as them and I stand up, picking up my empty plate.
ā€œIā€™m done eating,ā€ I say harshly, ā€œplease excuse me.ā€ And without waiting for their answer, I make my way out of the dining room and into the kitchen so I can put my plate away. At this point Iā€™m pissed. I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m pissed. My mom is just worried about me but I donā€™t care, I just want her to worry about herself because the thing is, Iā€™m not worth it.
Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I go to my room and get dressed. I decide to wear my dark blue skinny jeans, my red Vans, and my red black hoody. I look in the mirror and smirk to myself because I know I look sexy in these rags. It doesnā€™t matter because no oneā€™s even going to talk to me but itā€™s nice to know that theyā€™ll me staring at me. Especially the girls, theyā€™ll freak out while the guys will just glare. Itā€™s the only part about moving schools that I like, knowing that Iā€™m the best looking guy in the whole school. It gives me a sort of confidence I need I guess.
I looked at my clock and noticed I had ten minutes before I had to leave. My mind wanders to this morningā€™s events and I tilt my head back and groan loudly, realizing I may have made my mother cry after leaving like that. Cursing to myself, I grab my backpack thatā€™s sitting on my chair and run downstairs, knowing I have to make amends before I leave, otherwise my dad will be on my ass about it.
I see my mom cleaning up the dishes and notice that sheā€™s wiping away a tear. Shit, I really did make her cry. I go up to her slowly and place a gentle hand on her back. She jumps slightly and looks at me, wiping away more of her tears. I sigh and look at her sincerely.
ā€œMom? I, uh, Iā€™m sorryā€¦ about this morning. Breakfast was awesome by the way, thank you.ā€ She sniffles and pats my shoulder. ā€œItā€™s alright sweetheart, donā€™t worry about it! Iā€™m fine and Iā€™m glad you liked breakfast.ā€ She then smiles one of her fake smiles and I kiss her cheek, which I rarely ever do.
ā€œNo, I mean it. Really, thanks for breakfast. I have to go now though, Iā€™ll see you when I get back.ā€ I hug her tightly before exiting the kitchen and make my way to the front door. ā€œBye Mom, love you!ā€ I call out before grabbing my keys and shutting the door. Well, all I can say at this point is that today is going to be interesting.
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guccihaitachi Ā· 11 years
Chapter 1 - Memories
Again? Really? This is the 7th time we've moved in the past six months, all because of me. Because I can't keep my emotions in control and end up fighting anyone who ticks me off. How many schools have I been expelled from? Ten? Maybe eleven? I'd be lucky if another school even took me in. And I try so hard to keep myself under control but sometimes I just can't. It starts building up inside and has no way out other than through anger and violence. My parents don't have enough money to buy me anymore meds. Iā€™ve been off of them for 7 months which my mom is happy about. She hates the meds Iā€™m prescribed. It was a little after I stopped taking them that I had my first episode. But the worst part is I don't even remember what happens after. It's like my mind goes blank and when I come back to, my fists are bloody and bruised, there's a kid lying in a puddle of blood in front of me, barely breathing. "Did I do that?" I'd ask myself. I'd look around and see everyone watching me, calculating what my next move will be. Their faces, all of them, have this look of fear and terror on them. As if they're next. And I can't help but hate myself and what I've become. I didn't used to be this way. I don't even remember when it started. I just want to be normal again, have friends again, and not be known as "The Crazy", which is funny, considering how many times I've been admitted to the loony bin. They say it's something with my brain. My parents won't listen to them. So I'm stuck in this endless loop of mindless fighting, getting sent to court, and moving to another city, sometimes even another state. Maybe this time will be different, but who am I kidding? It'd be a miracle if I even lasted 6 weeks in this place. I sigh as we near our new house. Itā€™s nice, big, and roomyā€¦ at least thatā€™s how it looks from the outside. Itā€™s just another house, not even a home. I havenā€™t felt at home since freshman year. Iā€™m a senior now.Ā  Iā€™m just waiting for it to end so I can get on with my life and go to collegeā€¦ I mean, if they take me.
ā€œKeagan, are you listening to me?ā€ I look over to my mom. I guess sheā€™s been trying to get my attention for a while since the look on her face isnā€™t very pleasant. ā€œYeah?ā€ I reply. She sighs ā€œWe arrived 15 minutes ago and youā€™re just sitting thereā€¦ is something wrong, Keag?ā€ I sigh and shake my head. Why does my mom have to be so nice? It doesnā€™t help that I look like herā€¦ well facial features wise. I have my dadā€™s dark brown hair, though mines a shade darker. Surprisingly enough, I have my momā€™s wide, green eyes and full pink lips. Sometimes I think Iā€™ll get made fun of it but then I remember that no one even talks to me so I ended up not caring. But I know girls think Iā€™m cute. Itā€™s usually the first day when Iā€™m sitting in class and hear the whispering about ā€œhow hot the new guy isā€ and that my height of 6ā€™5ā€ ā€œadds to my hotness.ā€ Honestly, I just think itā€™s total bullshit. My looks may be hot but on the inside, Iā€™m anything but. Yetā€¦ Itā€™s nice to know what they think of me before they really see who I am. Then I can feel normal for once. I really hope this year is different. Iā€™m tired of moving.
I get out of the car when my mom says my name again. I donā€™t want her to worry over me especially over something like this. When I go around to grab my luggage out of the trunk of our 2010 maroon Jeep Liberty, I take a moment to look at my surroundings. Itā€™s a nice, quaint little neighborhood. Ā The house next to us looks to be the biggest. Itā€™s two stories and painted a weird color between beige and brown. The roof is black and there are windows for every room, which one of them I can see into right now. Thereā€™s a girl and sheā€™s staring right back at me. From here, she looks kind of cute but who knows. The moment we make eye contact, she blushes and turns away from the window. I just shrug, knowing that in due time she wonā€™t even look in my direction.
With my stuff in my hands, I realize that theyā€™re getting pretty heavy so I walk inside and drop them on the ground. ā€œWhereā€™s my room?ā€ I ask my mom, whoā€™s standing in the kitchen and admiring the cabinets. ā€œItā€™s third door on the right upstairs, next to the bathroom.ā€ I nod and pick up my things again. I follow her directions and walk up the dreaded stairs. I really hate stairs. When I make it to the top and pass the first two doors, I take a deep breath and make my way to my door. I donā€™t really want to go inside but I do anyway. Once Iā€™m inside, I sigh and put my things down. I donā€™t like this room. Itā€™s too big and empty.
I hear a knock on my door and my dad comes in. ā€œSo how do you like it?ā€ Honestly, I fucking hate it. ā€œItā€™s okay.ā€ I shrug. He pats me on the back and sighs. ā€œI know you donā€™t like it butā€¦ā€ I know what heā€™s going to say. That this is the only school that will take me in the area and to not fuck it up. ā€œYeah, I know.ā€ I reply. He pats my back one last time before leaving. Heā€™s a good guy. ā€œOh, Keag, your bed and other things should arrive within the week so youā€™ll have to sleep on the air mattress for now. And you also start school next week too.ā€ Heā€™s trying, I know he is but I really wish he would just stop since itā€™s useless anyway. ā€œOkay, thatā€™s cool.ā€ I donā€™t really care to be honest.Ā 
After I put my things away ā€“ or at least somewhat put them away ā€“ I go downstairs for dinner. We ordered pizza tonight because my mom was too tired to cook which I think is total bullshit. She just doesnā€™t like cooking and I donā€™t like pizza but I eat it anyway so I donā€™t make her feel bad. I really love my mom, I do, and my dad too but itā€™s just frustrating when they donā€™t understand how bad I really need help. My momā€™s the type of person that thinks ā€œhome remediesā€ are the best and refuses to take me to the doctors to get me a check-up. In all honesty, we donā€™t even know what kind of mental disorder I have because of that very reason and it pisses me off. I just want to know whatā€™s wrong with me. Then maybe Iā€™ll understand how to control myself for once in my life.Ā 
Please, send me an ask or something and let me know how I can improve this chapter! Thank's for reading!
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