guns-and-gauntlets · 8 years
Red String
Characters: Guang-Hong, Phichit, Leo Word Count: 4,891 Tags: Leojichu, Leoji, fluff, smut, Valentine fic A/N: Posting here as I deleted my YoI blog - This was a tumblr prompt, but I’m sorry, I didn’t save it or remember who requested it. I hope you find this!
Read on AO3
Guang-Hong sighed and leaned more of his weight into Phichit when he felt an arm around his shoulders. He tilted his head until his ear was pressed into Phichit’s chest and he could hear the steady beating of his heart.
“Jeez, don't tell me he got lost,” Phichit muttered. “He's the one who picked this place.”
Guang-Hong hummed and bit his lip as he grinned. He'd been the one to choose it, but he wasn't going to admit to being the mastermind behind the evening, especially when he didn't even really celebrate Valentine's; at least not on February 14th. When he realized they'd all be in the same place near Valentine's for the Four Continents though, he hadn’t been able to resist trying to surprise his boyfriends. It was simple enough to suggest staying an extra week; they'd taken to spending an extra couple days after the competitions to sight-see and spend time together anyway.
It was still strange to think of two people as his boyfriends. He subscribed to the belief that Leo held the other end of his red string, but he couldn't deny that same string was twisted and tangled all around Phichit. Somehow, Leo didn’t mind sharing, but then again, he shared the same string.
“So. What was his present?”
Guang-Hong flushed at how devious that simple question sounded coming out of Phichit’s mouth, squirming despite how bad of an idea that was; all it did was shift the plug inside him. The bright pink, heart-shaped plug.
Phichit cackled when he didn't answer. “Ohohoho, something naughty ?”
“Phichit.” He tipped his head back to pout at him and was rewarded with a kiss on his nose. He rolled his eyes with a smile, too happy to be annoyed that Phichit was picking up Leo's habits. “Yes,” he said with a long-suffering sigh.
“Are you going to tell me or do I have to wait until we're alone? In private.” Phichit grinned, his leer rivaling JJ’s when drunk.
“He gave me a plug.” He leaned in closer, tightening his arms around Phichit’s waist as he whispered into his ear, “And I'm wearing it right now.” He smirked as Phichit went red in the face. As much as Phichit liked to flirt and tease, he still got flustered by his and Leo’s kinky side.
“Oh my god.” Phichit groaned and pressed his face into Guang-Hong’s hair. “Seriously?”
“Mmhmm. Feels good, too, but not as good as you or Leo.” He felt his own face warming at saying such a thing in public, glancing around to make sure no one had heard. He jumped with a surprised squeak as the plug started vibrating, gasping as he collapsed against Phichit’s chest. “I... I think Leo is here,” he moaned.
“Where?” Phichit shifted as he looked around. “Ah, there he is. Why are you squirming?”
Guang-Hong moaned and sagged in relief when the vibrating stopped, keeping his face hidden in Phichit’s chest as Leo reached them.
“You’re late,” Phichit said by way of greeting.
“I know, sorry. I forgot your gift and had to go back.” Leo leaned in, pressing a kiss to Guang-Hong’s forehead and one to Phichit’s cheek. “Ready to eat?”
“ Yes .” Guang-Hong straightened and slanted a pout at Leo for teasing him before heading inside. It was a nice restaurant and he’d made sure they both knew to wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt, or their warm up clothes, gods forbid. Luckily, the only nice clothes they tended to bring to competitions were suits for the banquets and after-parties, which meant he got to see them both dressed up twice. He grinned as he headed inside.
The place was crowded, but the seating was done well and it didn’t feel stifling. He slid into the booth and let them fight over who sat where, not surprised when Phichit slid in beside him with the reasoning You were late, you sit over there.
Leo sighed and settled across from them with their jackets as company. “Should we order wine?”
“We could, but our little pet still isn’t twenty-one.”
Guang-Hong flushed and elbowed Phichit for using that endearment in public . “I’ve been legal in my home country for four years.” He leaned into Phichit’s side, smiling as fingers threaded with his.
“But not in the Sta~tes,” Phichit teased.
Leo smirked and propped his chin on his fist. “I guess we shouldn’t. Wouldn’t want the minx feeling left out.”
“You’re both so funny.” He dropped his head to Phichit’s shoulder with a roll of his eyes, staring at Leo and enjoying the sight of him in a white dress-shirt, the top couple buttons undone and giving a teasing glimpse of his chest. His eyes widened as Leo reached into his jacket and a moment later the plug was vibrating again, clutching at Phichit’s hand with a strangled groan.
“Ji?” Phichit shifted next to him. “Leo wh- oh my god... Seriously?” He sighed and squeezed Guang-Hong’s fingers. “I can’t go anywhere with you two.”
Leo raised an eyebrow, holding up the small pink remote and offering it to Phichit. “Do you want to join in?”
Guang-Hong licked his lips and eyed the remote, a soft whimper escaping as Phichit took it. He bit his lip against a sharp moan as the vibrating increased a few moments before shutting off. Great. It was bad enough when Leo got in the mood to tease him, but when both of them teamed up on him? He couldn’t exactly complain when those were some of the best nights they had together. He took the remote when Phichit handed it to him, hastily shoving it between them as the waiter came by to take their orders.
“What are we doing after this?” Leo asked.
“I thought you made all the plans?”
Guang-Hong reached for his water with an innocent look, flushing as they both turned their attention to him. “Don’t look at me, I only planned dinner!”
“ You planned the dinner?” Phichit bumped into him with a laugh.
He shrugged and squeezed a lemon into his water. “I wanted you both to enjoy today.”
“Mmm... well, I certainly know how we can enjoy the evening...” Leo smiled, his socked foot sliding against Guang-Hong’s leg.
“I do have microwave popcorn in my room,” he said, stretching his leg out to rub against Leo’s as he sipped his water.
“I might have a bottle of wine in mine.”
Leo grinned. “And I have a king suite, so you should both bring those to my room.”
Phichit slung his arm around Guang-Hong’s shoulders, leaning his head in close. “Should we? He was late. And he always hogs the covers.”
Guang-Hong leaned his head into Phichit’s with a thoughtful hum. “And he always eats more popcorn than we do.” He was totally going to get it later, but that was half the fun. He sucked in a breath as Leo’s foot inched up to his thigh. Maybe not so later after all. “And he only wants us for sex anyway.”
“Mmm, you're right. He does have that ‘I'm horny’ look in his eyes.”
“Probably because it's the most romantic day of the year. And you don't look like a punk hipster when you're in a suit.”
Guang-Hong snickered and reached down to pinch Leo's toes.
“I don't know how either of us stand being near you when you're such a jerk,” Phichit muttered.
Guang-Hong bit his lip to keep his mouth shut, grinning as Leo’s foot vanished and Phichit jumped a moment later.
“Really? You can't think of any reason ?” Leo practically purred.
Phichit made a soft choking sound and squirmed in his seat. “Maybe... one.”
“Maybe I’ll give you a dozen more later.”
Oh boy, Leo was definitely in a mood. He’d probably been looking forward to this since they all qualified for the Four Continents again. Probably more now that Phichit had eked out a victory to take gold from Yuri and Leo took bronze.
He hadn’t been able to put a routine together that resonated with him well enough to truly find a great performance yet, but he had a few more years left in him to do so. Maybe he was still trying too hard to be... edgy. His coach insisted they were good themes, but lately he’d been thinking he wanted something... softer. Lighter, maybe, but still sophisticated. As much as he enjoyed imagining himself as some tortured soul trying to do the right thing, that really wasn’t him. The longer he was with Leo and Phichit, the more he realized that.
“Hey, what are you so deep in thought about?”
Guang-Hong glanced up as Phichit poked his cheek, flushing as he found them both staring at him. “Nothing. Just thinking.” He smiled and perked up as he saw their food had arrived while he’d been zoning out. He cut into his steak and his mouth watered as red juices oozed out of it, flavor exploding on his tongue as he took a bite. “Did you two decide what we’re doing after this?”
“Probably each other,” Phichit said dryly.
He nearly choked on his steak, eyes watering as he coughed it back up. “Great, he’s rubbing off on you,” he groaned.
“Not yet, but I’ll do that, too,” Leo said with a smirk.
What the hell had he missed? Now they were both horny? He grumbled under his breath even as warmth spread through him. Leo was bad enough when he got worked up about something for a couple days, but Phichit was worse when he got riled before they even made it to the bedroom. And judging by the fingers stroking his knee, he was getting there.
His ass was going to be so sore after tonight, and that thought made him squirm in anticipation. Between Phichit’s fingers, Leo’s foot, and the damn plug - and who the hell got their hands on it?! - dinner couldn’t pass quickly enough. By the time they finished their meals and got some dessert to go, he could taste the arousal building between them. And then they were all squeezed into the back of a taxi and he had a mouth on either side of his neck and four hands in his hair and under his shirt, and he had to bite his tongue really hard to keep from giving the taxi driver more than he probably wanted to hear.
He didn’t quite remember getting from the taxi and up to Leo’s room, but he vaguely remembered stumbling down a hallway and being shoved up against a couple of walls and an elevator door. Tongues in his mouth, teeth on his neck, hands... everywhere, before he found himself on a large bed and already half-naked. “You two are... so impatient.”
Phichit laughed as he unbuttoned his shirt and Guang-Hong groaned at the sight, the white dress shirt a sharp contrast against his dark skin. He winked as he reached for his pants, popping the button on them and dragging the zipper down as he reached for Leo.
Guang-Hong stared as they made out at the foot of the bed, Phichit burying a hand in Leo's hair as Leo groped him in return. They warred for dominance of the kiss, biting at each other's lips, tugging each other's hair. It was a battle he usually enjoyed watching since it didn't matter to him which one of them fucked him, but their impatience had worn off on him and right now he wanted to be pounded. By both of them.
“Aren't you forgetting someone?” He pouted at them as they broke apart, Leo's smirk his only warning before the plug started vibrating again, this time at a far higher setting. He arched off the bed with a strangled groan, twisting the covers in his fingers.
“How could we ever forget about you, my perfect little minx?” Leo climbed onto the bed, sliding a hand up Guang-Hong’s leg, over his bare stomach and chest and into his hair, tugging his head back and sucking a mark into his neck.
Guang-Hong groaned, wrapping his arms around Leo and whimpering as Phichit worked his pants off. His eyes rolled back as Phichit nudged his legs further apart, and then his mouth was on him, and between the two of them and the damn plug, he was nearing orgasm in minutes.
They both pulled away before he could come despite his whine of protest. He flushed as he realized he was the only one naked, hips shifting as the plug continued tormenting him. He let out a whine, slumping on the bed as he tried to glare at them. “Cruel.”
Phichit grinned and swiped his hand over his mouth, crawling over Guang-Hong and into Leo’s lap. “I think we made him mad,” he stage-whispered.
Leo settled back against the headboard, rubbing against Phichit’s hips and thighs. “However will we make it up to him?”
Guang-Hong groaned as he shifted closer, spotting the remote and snatching it to turn off the plug with a sigh of relief. “I want you both to take me,” he murmured once he could think again, propping his chin on their legs.
“Taking turns?” Phichit asked.
He bit his lip and pressed his face into Leo's stomach, his ears burning as he shook his head.
“At... the same time,” he murmured, holding his breath as he waited for their reactions. Phichit had been with them over a year, but it was only the past few months they'd started having sex together rather than one watching the others. He peeked up at them when they didn't respond, only to find them both flushed and awkwardly avoiding eye contact. He smirked and shifted up onto his knees, leaning in to kiss their cheeks. “You don’t want to?”
“Is that even...?” Phichit trailed off, glancing to Leo.
“Possible?” Leo smiled and tilted his head. “It'd take some time, but yeah. We could do that, if you're up for it.”
Guang-Hong reached for Phichit’s hand, squeezing his fingers as he pressed their foreheads together. “Are you okay with that?”
“Am I okay with it? Are you ?”
Guang-Hong stifled a giggle and tilted his head, pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss. “I've been okay with it for awhile,” he murmured.
“Why didn't you say something sooner?”
“I don't know... I wasn't sure you two would be okay with it yet.”
Phichit sighed, running fingers through Guang-Hong’s hair with a gentle tug. “Who could say no to you?”
Guang-Hong flushed and nuzzled against Phichit’s cheek. He shifted to smile back at Leo when fingers traced down his spine. “Leo?”
“He's right, who could say no to you?” Leo tugged him closer for a kiss, though it turned out to be a ruse to get the remote back.
Guang-Hong gasped as it started vibrating again, slumping against Leo's chest and squirming with a whine. “ Leo ...” He yelped as they both pounced on him again, pinning him on his back.
“How many fingers you think we can get in him?” Phichit asked, teasing a nipple with his teeth.
Leo bit at his ear before sitting back, stripping off his shirt with a hum. “Twice as many as normal at least,” he said with a smirk. He climbed off the bed to retrieve the lube.
Guang-Hong gripped Phichit’s hair with a long moan. They were going to kill him. Maybe he shouldn't have suggested this, but those thoughts vanished the moment Phichit kissed him, teasing his lips open to slip his tongue in. He arched into Phichit’s chest with a contented hum, wrapping his other arm around his shoulders.
The vibrating stopped as Leo sank down on the bed again, pulling the plug out. “You two look good like that,” he murmured, voice low as he stroked Guang-Hong’s inner thigh.
Phichit pulled back, licking his lips with a provocative slide of his tongue. “You both look amazing anytime.”
Guang-Hong grinned and nuzzled his nose against Phichit’s. “So do you.”
Leo slid his hand down Guang-Hong’s leg, hooking under his knee before pushing it up as he pressed closer, settling it over his shoulder. He tossed the lube to Phichit before pressing his slicked fingers into Guang-Hong. “You’re both sure about this?” he asked, tilting his head to suck a mark into Guang-Hong’s thigh.
Phichit shifted off Guang-Hong and grinned as he squirted lube onto his fingers. “Starting to wonder why we didn’t try this sooner.” He pressed into Guang-Hong’s side, tugging his other leg over Phichit's hip before his fingers were sliding in with Leo’s, and oh man that was all kinds of new and amazing.
He bit his lip and closed his eyes with a moan, jumping as Leo bit him and opening his eyes again to pout at him. “Feels good.” He tried not to think about how utterly exposed he was and flexed his fingers in Phichit’s hair. More fingers pushed into him, stretching him more than the plug. “Oh gods...” As good as the fingers felt moving inside him, he almost enjoyed the way they looked at each other more; the way they smiled like they were sharing a secret at his expense, which they probably were, but he didn’t mind. And watching them kiss was always enough by itself to get him going, but combined with them kissing over him had his dick twitching in approval.
At least a dozen fingers and copious lube later they finally pulled away. Their hands disappeared into each other’s pants, hips rocking into each other as they took their time undressing each other
Leo nipped at Phichit’s lips, stepping back with a grin when they were finally naked before picking up the lube. “You first,” he said, coating Phichit’s dick.
Finally . Guang-Hong bit his lip as they maneuvered him to his side, Phichit pressing up against his back and pushing his leg up. He turned his head to find Phichit’s lips, swallowing his moan as Phichit pushed inside and buried himself with a quick thrust. Leo's fingers pushing in alongside Phichit had him arching with a gasp, moaning at the stretch. “Oh gods, so good.”
Leo pressed against his chest, sucking a nipple into his mouth as he pushed in another finger, and another, until he was sure he'd break open.
“Leo." He couldn't help the plea in his voice. "Do it already.”
Leo grinned and bit into his nipple. “Now who’s impatient?”
Guang-Hong whined and tugged at Leo’s hair. “ Please .” He hummed in approval as Leo pulled his fingers away and shifted closer. When he started pushing in, it was almost too much, the stretch just past the line of painful, but it was good . His nails dug into Leo’s shoulders, gritting his teeth around soft whimpers until he stopped moving. “K-keep going.”
“Fuck, babe.” Leo gasped into his hair, his hand joining Phichit’s on his leg, pushing it higher.
“Oh my god, oh my god....”
Leo chuckled and lifted his head. “So poetic.”
“Shut up.” Phichit moaned and kissed at Guang-Hong’s neck, biting at his shoulder and rocking his hips.
Guang-Hong arched between them with a sharp cry that turned to a scream as Leo buried himself completely. “L-Leo! Phichit!”
They pushed his leg up even further before they started moving, settling into a slow rhythm of one pulling out as the other thrust in, deeper each time.
“Fuck. You both feel amazing.” Leo bit at Guang-Hong’s ear, moving to his neck and joining Phichit in leaving marks there before they both migrated to his lips.
Two dicks in his ass and two tongues in his mouth was one of his wildest fantasies. What he hadn’t counted on was what four hands could do; fingers on his dick, his nipples, buried in his hair, and the one on his throat with just the right pressure to heighten everything even more had to be Leo’s.
“Ji!” Phichit bit at his shoulder as his hips stuttered minutes later and he came.
How exactly had he gotten lucky enough to find two boyfriends who loved marking him, even if one wouldn’t admit to it? He keened as Leo pushed him into Phichit, pinning him on top of him and thrusting harder as Phichit pulled out. “Yes, yes!” He curled his fingers tight in Leo’s hair, opening up to his tongue and screaming into his mouth as he was filled a second time, finding his own release a moment later thanks to Phichit’s deft fingers.
They collapsed into a sweaty pile, their gasping and moaning devolving into giggling a few minutes later.
“Wow.” Phichit slid a hand over both their sides. “Are we doing that again sometime?”
“We better.” Guang-Hong hummed in content and sighed as he went limp between them. “But not for a while... My ass is already sore.” He grinned and moaned again as he drifted towards sleep, hearing them moving sometime later. He whined as he was left alone on the bed until one of them kissed him and settled something warm over him, enveloping him in the scent of Leo’s cologne. He burrowed into the jacket with a huff, too tired to get up, but not wanting to miss what they were doing.
“You never did give me my present.”
“Oh shit. Sorry, here.” Leo rummaged through a pocket of his jacket, pinching Guang-Hong’s leg before pulling away.
He cracked his eyes open when he heard Phichit opening it, grinning as he squealed in delight. They’d spent hours browsing for a gift for him and they’d finally settled on one of the high-end attachments that enhanced the camera for a phone. Judging by his reaction, they’d made the right choice.
Leo chuckled as he pulled on his boxers. “Glad you like it.”
“I love it. Thank you.” Phichit wrapped himself around Leo and kissed him. “I got you something, too.”
“Yeah?” Leo grinned and sank down onto the bed, pulling Phichit into his lap.
Phichit glanced to Guang-Hong, winking at him as he leaned in and whispered into Leo’s hair.
Oh boy. They were up to something, and he had a feeling he’d be caught in the middle of it.
“Really?” Leo sounded far too happy, smacking Phichit’s ass with a laugh. “I think we all need a shower and rest first. And someone promised wine. And popcorn.”
Guang-Hong grumbled and shifted to kick at Leo. “You get it. Not moving.” He squeaked as Leo tickled his foot, jerking it back and tucking it under the jacket with a pout.
“Mmm. You’re so mistreated.” Leo laughed when Guang-Hong stuck his tongue out. “I’m showering first.”
Guang-Hong hummed and dozed in and out, vaguely aware of the shower running twice and the door opening. He wasn’t sure how long it was before he woke to the sound of them making out beside him, cracking his eyes open to see Phichit smearing whipped cream from their dessert on Leo’s chest and licking it away while he took a selfie with his new toy. He snorted quietly and stretched with a yawn, crawling closer and biting into the strawberry Leo offered him.
Phichit grinned and leaned in to swipe whipped cream on Guang-Hong’s nose, taking a picture before licking it off.
“You’re having too much fun with that.”
Phichit gasped, sucking his fingers clean before offering him a glass of wine. “No such thing.”
He tucked himself into Leo’s side and sipped the wine as they shared what Phichit left of the dessert. “Mmm, cheesecake.”
“How’re you feeling?” Leo asked, running fingers through Guang-Hong’s hair.
“ Sore .” He grinned and rubbed his cheek against Leo’s shoulder, biting at Phichit’s whipped-cream-covered finger when he got it too close. “But good. So what’s Phichit’s present?” He blinked as Phichit pulled back and flushed, snorting into his wine. “Ohohoho, something naughty ?”
Phichit rolled his eyes, setting his phone aside. “Maybe.”
“Definitely.” Leo smirked and tugged Phichit in for a deep kiss. “Wanting to do it now?”
Phichit moaned before giving a faint nod.
“Bend over the foot of the bed then.”
Guang-Hong perked up in surprise as Leo used that voice. It really was something naughty! He watched with wide eyes as Phichit shifted back, settling over the foot of the bed with his feet braced on the floor. He covered his mouth to stifle a squeak of surprise when Leo retrieved his favorite paddle from his bag. “You’re giving it a try?” He set his glass aside and crawled closer, running his fingers through Phichit’s hair and down his spine.
“Figured I should at least give it a try. You seem to enjoy it.” “I do.” He grinned, kissing Phichit’s cheek before sitting back as Leo rubbed his hand over Phichit’s ass. The first strike was always the worst and he bit his lip at the sharp sound of it hitting flesh. He always loved the sound of it and it was even better when it wasn’t his ass. The way Phichit gasped and jerked on the bed was a sight to behold and he stifled a moan.
“Good?” Leo asked, rubbing the pink mark forming on Phichit’s skin.
“Y-yeah... I think. Do it again.” Phichit groaned at the second hit, clutching the covers and rocking back. The third and fourth hits echoed over his panting, his eyes closing.
Guang-Hong saw the moment the warmth of his ass dragged him down into that amazing space where the only thing that mattered was the sensations of pain and pleasure. He reached out and slid his hand along Phichit’s spine, nuzzling at his shoulder before grazing his teeth against it. “Can I...?”
Leo chuckled and held the paddle out to him. He grinned as he took it, leaning back into Leo when he pressed up behind him, fingers resting on his wrist. “Easy now, he still needs warmed up.”
Guang-Hong bit his lip and nodded, stifling a groan as he swung the paddle. He’d had the pleasure of spanking Leo a couple times over the years; this was just as good. Better even, since Leo was biting his neck and his hands were inching lower, fingers curling around the base of his dick and stroking in time with his swings.
Phichit’s moans grew louder and longer, until Guang-Hong landed a strike hard enough to jar him and his own arm. Phichit arched and started murmuring what sounded like curses in a mixture of languages.
Leo pulled away to get the lube and coated his fingers. Phichit pushed back with a groan as he worked him open.
Guang-Hong couldn't resist continuing with the spanking, landing one against a thigh before leaning down and biting into the reddened flesh. He grinned as Phichit hissed and squirmed in response. Leo finished and moved behind him again, and he arched in surprise when Leo started coating his arousal.
“Your turn,” Leo growled into his ear.
“Oh gods.” He dropped the paddle to the bed and gripped Phichit’s hips as he settled behind him. His head fell back against Leo’s shoulder as he pushed in and slowly buried himself. “Oh gods .” He hummed against Leo's lips when he kissed him, whining when he pulled away.
Leo dropped a knee in front of Phichit and lifted his head up, stroking his cheek. Phichit nodded and pushed onto his arms, tipping his head back. Leo’s fingers gripped Phichit’s hair, groaning as he pushed into his mouth, and oh man this was one of the best nights ever .
Guang-Hong rocked forward, shivering as Phichit made the most exquisite mewling sound as the movement forced him to take Leo deeper. He licked his lips as Leo leaned forward to bury his other hand in Guang-Hong's hair, dragging him forward and tongue-fucking him over Phichit’s back. His hands roamed over Phichit’s sides and back and Leo's chest as he began moving. He lost himself in the pleasure and the tight heat gripping him, in the fingers in his hair and the teeth and tongue on his lips and flesh. The harsh breathing and grunts of pleasure between the three of them were music to his ears, and then he was shuddering and whimpering through another orgasm as Leo came over Phichit’s face. He slumped over Phichit with a near-hysterical laugh, kissing the back of his neck as he pulled out.
Phichit moaned and squirmed between them before Leo nudged him onto his back, rubbing against his face as he rode out the last of his orgasm.
He hummed as he saw Phichit hadn't gotten off and dropped to his knees. He only got a couple inches settled into his mouth before Phichit’s hips bucked up and he came with a shout. He swallowed him down and nipped at his inner thigh as he crawled up on top of him. “Mmm, that was fun.”
Leo snickered. “You're such a hedonist.” He stood and headed to the bathroom.
He stuck his tongue out even though it was true and they all knew it.
“It was.” Phichit smiled as he brushed Guang-Hong’s hair back. “The paddle wasn't too bad either.”
“Knew you'd like it.” He grinned and pulled back to let Leo clean them up, tugging the covers down and curling up against Leo's chest with Phichit against his back. “Happy Valentine's,” he murmured, smiling as Leo's fingers stroked through his hair and Phichit’s threaded through his own against his chest.
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guns-and-gauntlets · 8 years
Happily Ever After...? Pt 2
Characters: Alvin, Jude Word Count: 2,336 Tags: Jude x Alvin, A/B/O, angst, angst galore
Days turned to weeks turned to months, and still there were no signs of Jude. They’d found his pack, dangling off a withered tree growing out of the side of the cliff where he’d fallen, but that was the morning after Alvin's call ended with a roar of a now-deceased feline.
He didn't stop looking. He couldn't. Every day he trekked through the marsh or froze his ass off on the tundra, screaming his throat raw trying to find some sign of Jude. Even the few times when he was close to giving up, he just had to spend a day back in the city, with the silences and pitying looks of the others, and he was ready to be on the hunt again. There was a reason he'd never stayed put long. He couldn't stand people knowing his business, knowing him.
Jude was the first to be able to keep him somewhere for so long. Even Presa hadn’t lasted as long as Jude. They just...worked. Until they didn't.
He knew that was his fault; he had a penchant for ruining relationships, even if they were going well. Especially when they were going well. It was only after he'd returned to an empty apartment, with the lingering stench of distress, that he remembered why Jude's scent had triggered an unease in him. It was the same acrid burn that permeated the cabin he'd found the kid in after Milla sacrificed herself.
Loss and despair.
It turned his stomach, made worse by the fact it came from Jude. His alpha. He was supposed to protect the kid, keep him balanced and happy. That was what a proper omega would do at least, though he'd given up the notion of ever being a proper omega shortly after landing in Rieze Maxia.
He stopped at the edge of the cliff Jude had fallen from, ignoring the gusts of wind tugging at his hair and jacket as he scanned what he could see below. A vast blanket of fog mostly. He took a step closer, rock crumbling beneath his foot and skittering down the cliff.
The others were starting to doubt Jude was still alive, but he knew better. His fingers drifted to the mark on his shoulder, to the faint pull of mate that still lingered there, similar to, but far more subtle than a link. Jude was alive, somewhere, though either just barely or… hiding because he didn't want to be found.
It wasn't like he could blame him, even without knowing what he’d done to break the last straw. Jude was too much of a bleeding heart to kick him out, though he hadn't pegged the kid as cruel enough to just walk away either.
“Dammit, kid…” Alvin raked his fingers through his hair; it'd grown longer than usual the past months since he had more important things to do. Like walk aimlessly through areas that weren't likely to turn up any new evidence, much less Jude himself. “Where did things go wrong? Just... come back and give me a chance to make it right.”
He didn't expect an answer, just like how he hadn't gotten an answer the last hundred and eighty-four times he'd begged for another chance.
His GHS went off to spite him and he almost ignored it, but he wasn't interested in another search party on his tail if he did. If it could even be called that. Where the hell did Gaius keep finding so many ninjas TK anyway?
He answered with a sigh. “Yeah?”
“Alvin.” Ludger sounded relieved. “Where are you?”
“Fezebel Marsh.” He frowned as Ludger hesitated. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong… You just need to come back home, as soon as you can.”
“What? Why?”
“Just get your ass back here, Alvin! Now.”
Alvin stared at the device after Ludger hung up on him. Apparently he was destined to be ordered around by up-start brats. What the hell did that even say about him? That he was willing to submit to an alpha so long as they were younger than him? At least he had Spirius to blame for Ludger blossoming into a hard-ass. Or was that Gaius’ doing?
He shoved his GHS back in his pocket, fighting down the building worry that something had happened; he wasn't sure he could handle losing another of them right then. He stared out at the fog a moment longer before turning to start back towards the city.
He couldn't bring himself to call it home knowing Jude wasn't there waiting for him.
* * *
As soon as he stepped into his apartment he knew something had happened. It wasn't as though every day he just happened to find his drinking buddy chatting with his… pseudo father-in-law in his living room. He was usually spared that awkwardness for the yearly “family holiday celebration”.
“The hell is going on?” He eyed Ludger with a silent promise of payback if this turned into another thinly veiled death-threat for running Jude off. With the stench of agitated alpha clawing at his senses, he doubted that was too far from the truth.
Ludger ignored the look, picking a glass up from the table and handing it over instead.
Alvin took it on instinct, staring at what looked like a few fingers of whiskey inside. Ludger’s scent shifted to cautious and...sympathetic and the hole in his gut grew until he felt like he was falling into it. “Fuck,” he breathed. “You found him…” He drained the glass and sank down on the sofa as his legs gave out. What little relief he felt was quickly snuffed out with the surety they were about to confirm they'd indeed found Jude. Dead. That it didn't matter what he felt from the mark on his shoulder, it was all just wishful thinking.
He'd killed Jude and he didn't even know what the fuck he’d said to cause it. He heard Mathis speaking, but couldn't focus on the words. He'd heard it before anyway - blaming him for corrupting his dear son and daring to get close without any intention of making an effort. Like he'd ever intentionally hurt Jude.
Maybe he had. Maybe if he hadn't run away from their conversation-that-was-too-civil-to-be-a-fight Jude wouldn't have felt the need to go out. Wouldn't have ended up in the marsh. Wouldn't have plummeted to his death.
He didn't notice Ludger moving closer until he felt a hand on his shoulder, startled enough to focus again and find his glass refilled.
“...nonsense about mermaids is unsettling, but we can worry about his mental health when he recovers,” Mathis continued.
Alvin jerked as if slapped as those words sank in. “He's alive?”
Mathis stopped packing up his bag, slanting an almost offended look at him. “No thanks to you.”
Ludger’s fingers tightened on his shoulder and he gritted his teeth, draining his glass before struggling to his feet. “Where is he?” He glanced towards the bedroom and started towards it, ignoring them both.
Jude was alive. He was back. He was here.
The door was ajar and he pushed it open, scanning the room before staring at the bed where Jude was huddled in the middle, tucked in as if he were a kid. No, a patient.
“Jude…” Alvin took a hesitant step inside before stopping. It might have been a shared apartment, but he'd spent as little time here as possible the past months and tended to crash on the sofa when he did. It'd always felt more like Jude's home to him, but he'd never minded. Until now, when it felt like he was intruding just by breathing.
Both their scents had gone stale and faded from the room in their absence. The fresh scent of Jude's shampoo and antibacterial soap filled the air in their place, mingling with the harsher bite of medical ointments.
Jude watched him in silence, unmoving aside from the faint rise and fall of the covers as he breathed.
“Can… Can I come in?” he asked, gripping the door, though he wasn't sure if it was to keep himself from running to Jude or running away.
When Jude finally nodded, Alvin sagged in relief, stumbling forward and sinking into the chair someone had pulled up next to the bed.
Up close, he could see the dark shadows beneath Jude's eyes, the sunken and pale skin of malnourishment. A sling wrapped around what was visible of his right arm, what looked like bruises beneath, the rest hidden under the covers.
He started to reach for Jude's hand, but flinched away from taking it. It was too much; reminded him of sitting beside his mother knowing there was nothing he could do to fix it. He'd taken Jude for granted from the beginning, ever since the kid proved stubborn and stupid enough to give him second chance after second chance. Like Presa. And she'd died because of it.
Jude nearly found the same fate. He looked like hell and the only one to blame for it was Alvin.
“I'm sorry, kid. Whatever I did or said that made you doubt me...”
It wasn't until Jude's fingers touched his cheek he realized he was crying, flinching back and pressing a hand to his face with a choked-off sob.
Alvin took an unsteady breath, swiping his arm across his face before glancing up. “What do you need, kid?”
“Nothing. You can go.” Jude's voice was soft, little more than a hoarse whisper, but Alvin flinched as if he'd shouted.
“What? Jude I'm not leaving you.” Not again. Never again.
“‘m fine. Ludger’s waiting f’you.” He pulled his hand away and closed his eyes with a soft sigh, slumping into the pillows as if exhausted.
Drugged, rather. Mathis had likely pumped him full of painkillers, and as much as Alvin wanted to know the extent of Jude's injuries, he knew enough from the fact Jude had even taken the drugs.
He stared at Jude as he tried to make sense of his words. Why the hell would he think Ludger was waiting for him? It wasn't like he lived here. Except the others had taken it on themselves to have someone keep an eye on the place in case Jude came back. This week was Ludger’s turn.
Jude never acted like he had a problem with Ludger, though Alvin had somehow gotten closer to him than Jude had. He was a good drinking buddy and even passed him a contact once in a while to keep his business afloat. Then there'd been that month when Jude literally lived at the labs getting spyrites ready for mass production and Alvin had crashed at Ludger’s for company.
He hadn't thought much of it then, but looking back, Jude always got annoyed when he mentioned Ludger or went drinking with him after that.
Did Jude think he was... cheating on him? Hurt and anger blossomed in his chest as he sat up. All of this just because Jude thought he didn't want to be with him anymore? “Ludger!” he called, glaring at Jude when he cracked his eyes open and keeping his eyes on him until he heard Ludger at the door. “Would you please explain to Jude we're not, in fact, fucking?”
Ludger grunted in confusion and Alvin saw Jude's eyes flick towards him. “I'm fucking Gaius, not Alvin,” he finally said. “And on that note, I'm leaving. There's food in the fridge.”
“Thanks.” Alvin raised an eyebrow at Jude when he had his attention back. “Satisfied?” he asked, crossing his arms and cursing himself when Jude looked away. He stood, shedding his jacket and tossing it over the back of the chair. “I never cheated on you, kid. I never even wanted to.” He paced the room, raking his fingers through his hair before touching the mark on his shoulder. “Not since you left your claim.”
He turned as Jude made a soft whimpering sound, narrowing his eyes. “Jude?” He sank back down in the chair, hating what his mind was daring to circle. “Do you...regret marking me?” They'd had this conversation countless times, but it had always been him reassuring Jude he wanted it. It never even crossed his mind that… Jude never wanted this. That it had all been due to him teasing the alpha instincts in the kid.
He didn't want to hear the answer, didn't want to even consider the possibility he'd been making Jude's life miserable the past five years. That Jude was just another notch on his belt of fuck-ups.
Jude shifted on the bed, twisting the fingers of his good arm in the covers. “Do you?”
Alvin bit the inside of his cheek as he fought the initial urge to say of course he didn't regret it. Maybe all the times he'd reassured Jude he'd actually been making it harder for the kid to say he was the one who wanted out. He blew out a sharp breath, ignoring the taste of blood on his tongue. “I regret it if this isn't what you wanted…” He lifted his hand, wanting to touch Jude, but again he drew back before he could. “Look kid, I know I'm not-” worthy, anything special, anything other than a fuck up. He snapped his mouth shut and looked away. He wouldn't guilt Jude into wanting to be with him. He was above that. Wasn't he?
“Just tell me what you want, kid.”
“You happy,” Jude mumbled, his eyes all but closed when Alvin looked back at him.
With a sigh, Alvin stripped down to his underwear and slid under the covers next to Jude, feeling some of the tension seeping out of both of them as he carefully wrapped his arms around the alpha.
He pressed his nose into Jude's neck and closed his eyes, breathing deep. The scent of soap and shampoo was stronger, with a lingering hint of sea. He pressed closer, trying to find Jude's mint and strawberry as he wondered why he couldn't be happy with Jude.
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guns-and-gauntlets · 8 years
Happily Ever After...?
Characters: Jude, Alvin Word Count: 2,605 Tags: Jude x Alvin, A/B/O, angst, angst galore A/N: Set five years after Cave of Wonders - Jude starts to doubt the sincerity of his one-sided claiming with Alvin.
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“Ju~de! You’re back. You’re going to tether with me today, ri~ght?”
Jude glanced up as Aska invaded his personal space, chuckling as he rubbed the spirit’s beak. “Sorry Aska, you know I can’t.”
Aska tsk’ed, pulling back with a huff. “And why not? Because of your so-called omega? I don’t see any claiming marks on you. I promise you’ll enjoy it. C’mo~n, just for a bit.”
Jude frowned, glancing away and moving to pick up the stack of research papers he’d come for. “Why does it matter if I have a mark or not?”
“Oh Jude, so innocent. If you were my alpha, you wouldn’t be seen without my mark.” Aska huffed again, preening his feathers and eyeing Jude over a wing. “Obviously your omega doesn’t care enough to stake a claim.”
“That’s enough, Aska,” Jude said, sighing and rubbing at his forehead. “I’ll see you later.” He turned and left before Aska could say anything else to worm further under his skin.
He flipped through the papers on his way back to his office, but he didn’t see anything he hadn’t expected. Spyrite technology was stable enough the tests were more or less a formality at this point, but now that they were being mass-produced, he didn’t exactly have anything else to do.
Six years he’d given to his research, but his goal had finally been achieved. Balan and Gaius both ensured proper companies were in place to assist with production and distribution, and he was sure his last request for funding hadn’t even been read before the gald flowed in; spyrites were too long in the making for the plug to be pulled now.
He dropped into the seat at his desk and glanced around. There was nothing he had to do, just like yesterday and the day before. He’d made the breakthroughs, ensured the spyrites worked as intended for both humans and spirits, and now… it was out of his hands unless something went wrong. Which it wouldn’t. They’d spent a solid six months testing what they’d intended as the final product with no issues.
“Now what…?” he murmured, slumping back in his cushy chair. He wasn’t even twenty-five and he’d accomplished what felt like his life-goal. He could go back to Fenmont, finish his doctoral training, get a proper degree, but he had a home here. With Alvin. At least he thought he did. He rubbed at his neck where there was a distinctive lack of a mark. They’d been together five years and Alvin had never shown any real interest in marking him back, or even... topping in the bedroom.
He felt his face warm at the thought and shook his head. Sure, Alvin could be demanding and even forceful when he wanted to be, especially if alcohol was involved, but when it came down to it, he never tried to make good on the teasing threats to take him in return. It wasn’t like he minded either way, the sex was always good, but… what if… Alvin was only still with him because he’d marked him in that cave?
Alvin had insisted for months whenever he asked that it was good, that it was what he wanted, but a lot had changed the past few years. Elympios finally had a secure future,Alvin's business was flourishing, and now Jude was...what? Still just a kid in Alvin's eyes and soon to be jobless, he was sure. Balan wouldn't get rid of him, but there was only so much he could do in the lab now. Outside of seeing the patients using spyrites,he was basically obsolete.
He sighed again, pushing to his feet and taking the papers to Balan’s office.
“Ah, Jude, you're still here? Is something wrong?”
“No, I was just about to head home.”
Balan took the papers with a nod. “It's late, you should get some rest. Why don't you take a few days off?”
Jude was about to decline as always, used to the offer coming every few weeks, but stopped. “Yeah, maybe I should…”
Balan looked up in surprise. “What? Really? Are you sick?”
“No! I'm fine, promise. I just... I'm kinda tired now that it's slowed down.” He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling guilty for taking time away, but he felt like it was the right thing to do.
“Good. Take all the time you need. Finally get Alvin off my back about keeping you hostage.”
Balan waved a hand dismissively and set the papers aside. “Nothing, nothing. Enjoy yourself.”
Jude frowned but didn't push for more. “Thanks…” He turned to leave, heading back to his office for his personal notebooks and jacket. It was too late to get dinner anywhere and he just hoped there was something edible in the apartment.
He caught what he was sure was the last train and breathed a soft sigh of relief. Even after all these years he wasn't used to the schedule. Sometimes he lost track of time badly enough he ended up sleeping in his office rather than risk having to trudge back after finding the trains had closed.
By the time he got to the apartment, he really was exhausted. He dropped his things on the table and collapsed on the empty bed, too tired to bother with food.
He cracked his eyes open some time later as he heard the door, staring at the clock with bleary eyes. Almost three in the morning. He sighed, closing his eyes again. It wasn’t long before Alvin stumbled into the room, cursing under his breath as he undressed, finally falling onto the bed with a muffled groan.
Alvin shifted his way up to press against Jude’s back, nuzzling at his neck. “Y’awake?”
Jude shivered, torn between wanting to go back to sleep or giving in. “No.” He cursed softly as Alvin’s hand slid between his legs, though it quickly turned to a groan as his body betrayed him. He rolled over, grimacing at the stench of alcohol on Alvin’s breath. “You went to the club with Ludger again.”
Alvin hummed an affirmative, pressing his face into Jude’s neck. “Starting to think that kid’s gay,” he murmured.
Jude snorted quietly, stretching out beneath Alvin and offering up more of his neck, hoping tonight might be the night Alvin finally marked him. He closed his eyes as teeth scraped along his neck, holding his breath. A moment later, snoring filled his ear.
He sighed, staring at the ceiling as disappointment killed what little arousal he had. He shifted beneath Alvin, nudging him onto his back. His fingers found their way into the slicked-back hair, returning it to its usual controlled mess. Aska’s words came back to him and he pulled his hand away, doubt creeping into his mind.
He curled up on his side, watching Alvin sleep before the pang in his chest eased enough he drifted off himself.
The smell of food roused him hours later. His stomach rumbled and he stretched, panic spiking through him as he saw what time it was. He scrambled out of bed, half dressed before remembering he was taking the day off.
He cursed and rubbed at his face, stumbling into the bathroom. By the time he made it to the kitchen, he didn't care if Alvin burned everything, he'd still eat it. He grabbed the carton of juice from the fridge and shook it, deciding there was just enough for a glass and drinking straight from it.
Alvin glanced at him in amusement, nursing his cup of coffee as he scrambled the eggs. “Aren't you going to be late?”
“Taking the day off,” he replied, blinking as Alvin looked disappointed.
“Wish I'd’a known, I wouldn't’ve made an appointment to meet with a new client today.” He sighed, scooping the eggs onto two plates. “Hey uh...last night... I didn't do anything, did I?”
Jude took his plate and snorted quietly. “You passed out,” he said, sinking into a chair at the table. The way Alvin looked so relieved quelled his appetite, but he forced a few bites at least, pushing the rest around on his plate as the doubt returned.
What if Aska was right? Claiming usually went both ways, didn't it? Both his parents had marks. Maybe Alvin was just waiting for a good time to bring up that he'd found someone else. He'd been going out a lot lately. Maybe he and Ludger...
He looked up, meeting Alvin's eyes a moment before looking back to his plate. “Hmm?”
“...Not hungry?”
He shook his head, taking another bite and blinking against the stinging in his eyes. Why was Alvin even still here? It wasn't like him to stick around somewhere he really didn't want to be; he'd pulled enough disappearing acts to prove that. Or was it the mark? He'd heard how it could make it difficult to be separated from the one who'd marked you… Maybe he needed it removed first, but couldn't ask for it? He nearly dropped his fork at that thought.
“Hey, snap out of it!” Alvin grabbed his shoulder and shook it.
Jude looked up in surprise, sucking in a breath past the tightness in his chest.  
“Jude what the hell? Your scent’s all over the place. What's wrong?” Alvin shook him again, crouching next to him and brushing back Jude's hair.
Jude swallowed hard, trying to reign in his emotions and control his scent. It should have come easy after controlling it at the lab all day every day, but it took several deep breaths before he was able to breathe normally again.
“Are you happy here Alvin?” He flinched as Alvin pulled away, his stomach plummeting.
“What? Why are you asking- is this about last night?” Alvin stepped back, hands clenched. “Look, I know I've fucked up sometimes, but are you really kicking me out now?”
“I'm not kicking you out.” Just giving you your chance to leave.
“That's not-” Alvin cursed as his GHS went off, pulling it out to answer it. “What?” he snapped. “Now’s really not a go-... Why can't you handle it? I'm kind of in the middle of- Dammit, Yurgen!” He snapped the phone shut and looked like he was about to throw it against the wall before shoving it back in his pocket.
Jude glanced up with a forced smile. “Go,” he said, standing to clean up the dishes. Their jobs always came first, it was an unspoken agreement. Only now that his was in limbo, he found he wanted more. How was he supposed to ask that of someone who didn't want to be there to begin with?
He tensed as Alvin wrapped his arms around him, breath catching as lips ghosted along his neck. “I'll be back in a few hours. Get some rest.” His heart sank as Alvin pulled away without his usual kiss. “I'll bring dinner from that Rieze Maxian place you like,” Alvin called before the door closed behind him.
Jude dropped the plates into the sink as the silence crept in on him. Obviously your omega doesn't care enough to stake a claim. He pushed away from the sink, trying to ignore the words and the doubt, but they'd already taken hold and he was too tired to reason against it.
He stripped and climbed into the shower, closing his eyes as the water heated and beat into his skin. At some point he ended up on his knees, slumped into the wall, arms wrapped around himself.
He was losing Alvin; had probably been losing him for months or years and had been too caught up in his work to notice until now.
Spyrites were no longer something in the distant future. He should be happy he was done, but all he could focus on was that he didn't have a purpose anymore. And now he wouldn't have Alvin.
The overwhelming anguish choking him was the same as when he'd watched Milla die on that ship. He knew what it could do to him if he didn't make himself get up. Do something. Anything. Getting rest would be the worst thing he could do now, but he couldn't bring himself to move.
He heard his GHS go off as the water started turning cold, reaching up to turn it off before getting to his feet. Dried off. Got dressed. Checked the message.
I'm sorry, this is going to run late.
Jude laughed and rubbed at his eyes. No point in waiting around then. He had to get out of the apartment or his thoughts would drown him. He grabbed his gauntlets and a pack, filling it with supplies before scribbling a note: Went out.
He wasn't sure where he was going, but clearing out some monsters sounded good. It would keep his mind off other things.
The only boat in port was going to Fenmont and he hopped on board. He was tempted to stop at the medical center when he arrived, but he didn't feel like exchanging pleasantries. Instead he went to Barnauer Highroad and let his feet take him wherever.
Only a few of the monsters bothered him, most keeping to themselves, away from the path. Eventually he ended up in the Marsh, unsure what he was even looking for, just knowing he needed to find something, anything, to give him a purpose.
He passed through the area where the schism was dissolved. Even after so many years travelers could still find evidence of the battle if they looked long enough. He continued on, finding himself in the deeper part of the Marsh sometime around what would have been nightfall back in Trigleph. The monsters on the plateau didn’t give him any trouble and he moved to the edge of the cliff, tipping his head back and breathing in the fresh breeze, a touch of cool to it from the Tundra below.
His stomach finally rumbled its discontent enough he rummaged through his pack, draining a canteen of water and nibbling on a gel. Even expecting a call from Alvin, he was still surprised when his GHS went off. He barely got a word out before Alvin was interrupting him.
“Jude! Where the hell are you?”
He sighed quietly, shoving his things back into his pack and standing. “Fezebel Marsh.”
“Alone? Get out. Ludger said there’s been a posting about a new elite cat out there.”
Jude stiffened and closed his eyes. “Tell Ludger I’ll be fine.”
“Stop messing around, this isn’t funny!”
A soft growl came from behind him. He didn’t hear what else Alvin had to say as he slowly turned around. A large cat reminiscent of the one they took down a few years ago crouched in front of him, this one yellow rather than blue, and it didn’t look happy to see him there.
“Jude are you listening to me?”
“I uh… I think I found that cat,” he murmured, wincing as it let out a roar. He glanced towards the path leading out and took a step towards it, hopping back when it leapt to block him. “And it’s angry… Niiiice kitty…” Alvin was screaming at him, but he wasn’t paying attention to the words. Maybe this was what was best. He’d been lead here by something, hadn’t he? “I’m sorry, Alvin.”
He saw the attack coming, instincts kicking in. He tried to dodge or Pivot, but there wasn’t enough room. The cat slammed into him and then he was sailing over the cliff, through empty air, Alvin’s fading voice screaming his name from somewhere below. He blacked out when he hit the ice-filled water and didn’t expect to wake again.
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guns-and-gauntlets · 8 years
Violating Innocence
Characters: Alvin, Jude Word Count: 3,509 Tags: Jude x Alvin, AU, smut, bdsm, praise kink, crops, spanking A/N: Eventual Ludger joining if I continue this
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Alvin trudged up the steps to his home with a weary sigh, glad to have finally escaped his uncle for the night. If he was lucky he'd have a week to himself before needing to put in an appearance again. He wasn't interested in the business, but he couldn't complain about the perks of not being disinherited. The only good news to come of the meeting had been the mention of Ludger returning from his trip overseas. Not that he expected Ludger to want to see him after how they'd parted ways, but it'd be nice if he did. Three years was long enough to forgive someone, right?
The savory scent of dinner cooking as he entered made his mouth water, and he felt his spirits lifting at the promise of a home cooked meal. He shed his jacket, hanging it in the closet before following his nose to the kitchen.
Jude glanced up from stirring a pot of stew when he entered. “Welcome back, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in.” He grabbed a glass to fill with tea and set the table. “Dinner’s almost done.”
Alvin sat at the table, watching Jude with a touch of amusement. The kid had been a servant in his home the past five years, though it was only recently he'd started giving in to his urges to touch him. Like now. He reached out, stopping Jude in the middle of his task with a hand on his shoulder.
“Sir?” Jude paused, glancing up at him with a tilt of his head.
Alvin slid his fingers up, resting them against the back of Jude's neck. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Alvin?”
Jude flushed, ducking his head. “Sorry, sir.”
Alvin raised an eyebrow, waiting a moment to give Jude a chance to correct himself though he knew he wouldn't. They'd been playing this game for weeks, but he'd been sure his last rule would have changed the game. “You remember the punishment for disobeying?”
“Yes... sir.”
He didn't miss the quick, indrawn breath, or the deliberate 'sir', and felt a spike of heat in his gut. Maybe the game had changed. “Good,” he said, releasing Jude back to his work. He didn't say anything further and they ate in relative silence, Jude avoiding his gaze and squirming in his seat. He almost laughed, though he was sure it'd ruin the mood.
He finished his stew and stood. “Come to my room when you're done,” he said, pitching his voice lower than usual and smirking at the flush he got in return.
It was a struggle to keep from running up the stairs, forcing himself to walk at a measured pace despite the anticipation curling through his stomach. He pulled off his gloves and boots once he reached his room, tossing aside his vest and unbuttoning the white shirt beneath. He couldn't quite control his smirk as he opened a drawer, pocketing a small tube of lubricant, just in case. Then he pulled out a crop, bending it to feel its give and tapping the leather against his palm. It was a custom order, one he'd had made a few months ago in the hopes he'd get just this kind of chance to use it.
A soft knock came from the door before it opened and Jude stepped inside, head bowed as he stopped in front of Alvin.
He licked his lips, taking a slow breath to control his excitement as he moved around the kid, pausing behind him when he saw the red ears. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were looking forward to this.”
Jude hunched his shoulders, ducking his head further. “I'm sorry.”
Alvin blinked, stepping closer and leaning down so his lips just brushed against a reddened ear. “For which? Disobeying, or looking forward to the punishment?”
Jude whimpered, the sound of it going straight to Alvin's groin. “Both?”
“Oh?” Alvin chuckled, running the crop up the back of Jude's leg before landing a light thwack against his ass.
Jude yelped in surprise, stumbling half a step forward. He turned toward Alvin with a pout and unsteady breaths.
It took all of Alvin's self-control to keep from pushing Jude down and having his way with him. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Or maybe not, considering Jude wasn't running for the door. Well, only one way to find out. He reached up to grasp Jude's chin, forcing his head back to look at him. “You're mine to do with as I please,” he said with the same low pitch as earlier, sliding his thumb across Jude's lips.
Jude's eyes went impossibly wide and he was sure the kid stopped breathing for a moment. “All yours, sir,” he whispered.
He watched Jude for several heartbeats, waiting for any sign of insincerity or hesitation and finding none. A lopsided smile found his lips as he stepped back, pleased and relieved beyond belief. “How many infractions?”
Alvin chuckled at the prompt answer, the last of his doubts fading. “How many strikes?”
Jude licked his lips. “Ten.”
“Very good.” He stepped back, tapping the crop against his palm again. “Strip.”
Jude's fingers trembled, but he obeyed, eyes locked onto the crop before Alvin moved around him and out of sight.
Alvin hummed as his eyes roamed over bared flesh, the pile of discarded clothes that were usually kept so neat and pristine igniting fresh heat inside him. He pressed a finger to the back of Jude's neck, trailing it down his spine and watching the kid arch into the touch. So responsive. “Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?” he asked, lips following the same path.
Jude shuddered, gasping at every touch. “Since you rescued me?”
Alvin laughed, sucking a mark into Jude's shoulder before moving to nibble along his ear. “Perhaps.” He straightened and pressed against Jude's back, reaching around to palm his erection.
Jude bucked against him with a throaty moan, hands flailing until they settled for grasping at Alvin's arms. “S-sir!” He bent forward and shifted as though he couldn't decide if he wanted to escape or not.
Alvin pulled his hand away and lifted the crop to press against Jude's lips. “Open up,” he purred, settling it between Jude's teeth when he obeyed. “Don't drop it and don't leave a mark, understand?” He grinned as Jude nodded. “Good boy.”
His teeth left another mark on Jude's other shoulder as he tugged Jude's arms behind his back, one arm on top of the other. Too bad he didn't have rope handy. Instead, he pressed against Jude's back again to trap them between their bodies. He pushed his thigh between Jude's legs and shifted so Jude was resting most of his weight against him.
He slid his hands along Jude's sides, over his hips and passing close to his groin without touching. He explored as far as he could reach before dragging his nails up Jude's stomach and chest, leaving white trails in the smooth flesh that slowly turned pink. “Such a good boy,” he murmured, grinning as Jude squirmed against him. “Do you like hearing how good you are? Or do you just like me touching you?” He took Jude's nipples between his fingers, rubbing and stroking until they hardened. Then he squeezed, chuckling as Jude's head dropped back against his shoulder, body arching with a long groan. He didn't let up, twisting and tugging and pinching as Jude's breathing grew more unsteady.
A harder twist had him finally crying out, the crop tumbling free and clattering to the floor.
Alvin tsk’ed and soothed the abused nipples with his fingertips. “Pick it up.”
Jude's chest heaved as he sucked in deep breaths, bending forward and stopping as Alvin kept his arms where they were.
“With your mouth.” Alvin smirked as Jude whimpered and sank lower, crouching to pick the crop back up. He waited until Jude had it in his mouth before pushing him forward, sliding his hand to Jude's back until he was bent over. “Knees further apart.”
He kept a hand on Jude's lower back, enjoying the whimpering sounds that were far more frequent as he spread his legs. He echoed them with soft praises and hums of approval, pressing his lips to Jude's exposed ass, nibbling and nipping at the flesh. When Jude's squirming got bad enough, he took the crop from his mouth and smacked his thigh with it. “Keep still.”
Jude yelped and went still, trembling with the effort of it as Alvin's lips continued their torment.
Alvin took his time, sucking red marks into the pert flesh, sinking his teeth into it until it bruised. He covered Jude's ass and thighs, groping every inch of him along the way, until he was satisfied. He sat back to admire his work, glancing at Jude to see his face flushed, eyes half-lidded, panting with soft mewls of pleasure. “Still with me, kid?”
Jude stirred, licking his lips and glancing back at him. “Yes sir.”
Alvin chuckled, unable to hold that one against him when he was so obviously distracted. “Ten strikes then.” He lifted the crop, shifting to the side for a better angle. He grasped Jude's wrists to keep them in place before bringing it down against his ass.
Jude let out a sharp cry, fighting against the hold on his arms before slumping in defeat with another whimper. The next four were the same. The sixth left him sobbing and by the eighth he was murmuring apologies. “I'm sorry, sorry, do whatever you want, please…”
Alvin paused and leaned over Jude, making soft shushing sounds against his ear. “Two more and you're done, kid. You're doing so good, pet. Just two more. Ready?” He waited for Jude to calm enough to nod before continuing, striking once against each thigh with a light tap.
Jude sobbed in relief and crumpled to the rug when Alvin released his hold.
Alvin tossed the crop up to the bed before tracing his fingers over the angry red marks he'd left. None of them had broken skin. He leaned over to kiss each of them, three on each ass cheek, evenly spaced, and two on each thigh, the last two strikes already fading.
"Good boy," he murmured, picking Jude up and laying him out on the covers, stroking back the dark hair and licking away the tear tracks. He couldn't help the darker desire to replace them with more, though he held it in check for the moment. His other hand moved down between Jude's legs, humming softly at the evidence his interest hadn't faded.
“Please,” Jude moaned, clutching at Alvin's arms as he pushed into the fingers stroking him.
“Yeah, I'll make you feel good,” Alvin murmured, setting to work covering Jude's chest in the same marks and bruises as his ass. He pulled the lube from his pocket, coating a finger and pressing it into Jude as he tormented a nipple with his teeth.
Jude gasped and tensed beneath him. “It...feels strange.” His eyes were wide as he squirmed, alternating between pushing into Alvin's finger and teeth, his fingers finding their way into Alvin's hair.
“Will feel better soon.” He worked Jude open until he could add a second finger, groaning softly at how utterly tight Jude was. The way he shifted and clenched around him was enough to drive him insane. “Shit, you're so good,” he said, curling his fingertips and pulling back to watch as Jude undulated beneath him.
“Aaah! Ah! Al-vin!” Jude lifted his hips, heels digging into the bed to push harder against Alvin's fingers, clutching at hair with a painful grip.
He pulled his fingers out, ignoring Jude's whines as he retrieved the crop. The handle was thicker than a standard riding crop and sported half a dozen ridges. He glanced at Jude when he whimpered, soothing him with a hand on his hip. “I said I'd make you feel good, didn't I?” He smirked as he coated it with lube, winking at Jude’s wide-eyed look and pressing it inside.
Jude moaned, hands twisting in the covers, gasping every time one of the ridges pushed past his rim. He stared at the ceiling, chest heaving, shifting his hips once it was all the way in. “Still strange…”
Alvin chuckled as he tugged it halfway out and pushed it back in again, loving the way Jude shuddered and spread his legs further. He shifted to rest his body over Jude’s stomach, free hand groping the kid’s thigh before licking along the length of his arousal.
“Alvin! Sir!”
He pressed harder as Jude bucked, pinning him down before taking him into his mouth. Jude was even more responsive once he started sucking; begging for more, whimpering as his tight hole sucked the crop back in every time it slid free. He wanted to pin Jude down and ravish him, but he wanted Jude to beg for him to take him; wanted him eager and knowing exactly how much better it would feel to have a dick rather than a crop when he finally asked for it.
For now, he fucked Jude with the crop, pulling it out one or two ridges before thrusting it back in, his tongue swirling along the kid's erection.
It didn’t take long before Jude was sobbing, hips jerking as he came, before sprawling on the bed in a boneless heap as his orgasm left him panting.
Alvin swallowed him down and licked him clean, removing the crop with a gentle tug and tossing it aside. His lips kissed their way up Jude’s chest, hands smoothing over his hips and sides. “See?” he murmured, brushing back the damp strands of dark hair from Jude's face.
Jude glanced up with a smile, eyes a warm honeyed gold above the flush of pleasure. “What about you?”
Alvin groaned, nibbling on Jude's ear. “I'd love to have your mouth on me.” He smirked at the stutter in Jude's breathing before he nodded. He purred his approval and sat up, watching Jude as he unfastened his pants, throwing a leg over to straddle his chest. He pushed his pants down, stroking himself as Jude watched. “Open up.”
Jude licked his lips, slowly parting them as Alvin pressed the tip of his arousal against them. His eyes widened as Alvin's thick cock forced his mouth open even more, tongue flicking against him as he struggled to take him in.
Alvin sucked in deep breaths as he pushed into the wet heat of Jude's mouth, finding the boy’s hands with his own and pinning them above Jude's head. “Good boy,” he breathed, groaning with the effort to go slow. All he wanted was to fuck into Jude's mouth where it was stretched wide around him, feel Jude around every inch of him, until he was choking on his cum.
He dug his knees into the bed, pulling back enough to let Jude breathe before filling his mouth again with a shallow thrust. “Gods, you look amazing, kid. Look so good with my dick in your mouth. Swallow it down, there's a good boy.” He murmured praises as he pushed a bit deeper, until he was hitting the back of Jude's throat, his pleasure spiking with each choked off breath around him. Fresh tears formed at the corners of Jude's eyes, which only urged Alvin on more, until he was face-fucking Jude with sharp, deep thrusts.
He grunted in surprise when Jude finally caught on enough to swallow and suck, tipping his head back further and wiggling his tongue, and then his orgasm was on him. He pulled free of Jude's mouth as he came, making a mess of his face and hair. “Fuck,” he groaned, rubbing the last of his orgasm out against Jude's cheek. He slid his thumb across the mess and pushed it past Jude's lips, humming as he licked it clean.
“Stay put.” He climbed off the bed, shedding his clothes the rest of the way as he headed to the bathroom. He returned with a damp cloth and cleaned them both up, following the cloth with his lips as he wiped Jude's face. “You okay?”
Jude nodded, settling on his side. “Was it good?”
Alvin laughed, tipping Jude's face up to brush their lips together. “You were amazing.” Better than he'd expected or hoped. He turned off the light before getting them under the covers, wrapping an arm over Jude when he curled into his chest.
“Goodnight, sir.”
He snorted and slid his hand down to grope Jude's warm ass. “Night, kid.”
Alvin slept deep, waking to warm breath on his neck and fingers between his legs. He groaned and pushed into them as he blinked his eyes open. Jude was all but glued to his chest, ears red where his face was buried in Alvin's neck. He grinned and slid a hand into Jude's hair, nuzzling at a burning ear.
He closed his eyes with a hum of pleasure, content to let Jude continue. The hesitant fingers grew stronger, wrapping tight around his thickening length as he murmured soft praises into Jude's ear. The way Jude's breathing hitched and he panted against his neck every time he thrust his hips was enough to undo him. He only hoped Jude begged to be fucked soon or he'd have to give up on that idea; he had half a mind to pin him down and take him then and there. It wasn't long before he was spilling in Jude's hand, biting at his ear with a deep groan of pleasure.
“Mmm, good morning to you, too.” He nudged Jude onto his back, fastening his lips to his neck to add a fresh mark.
“I should get started on breakfast.” Jude squirmed away and off the bed before Alvin could stop him.
Alvin raised an eyebrow at the hasty escape, licking his lips as he caught a glimpse of still-red ass when Jude retrieved his clothes; the marks would last a few days at least. He stretched with a hum of content and took a quick shower, though his good mood started to plummet when Jude tensed the moment he walked into the kitchen.
He settled at the small table, propping his chin on his fist as he tried to figure out what had changed between last night and this morning. Maybe he’d been too rough? Jude had seemed eager, but he was sure the kid hadn’t fully known what he was stepping into. He waited until Jude put his plate on the table before asking, “How’s the ass?”
Jude flushed crimson. “It’s fine,” he murmured, startling as Alvin grasped his wrist.
He gave a tug, pulling Jude into his lap. “Did I hurt you?”
Jude whimpered, struggling against the hold until Alvin tightened his grip. “No,” he said softly, slumping into Alvin’s chest.
“Then what’s wrong?” He sighed as Jude tensed and stayed silent. “Did you not enjoy last night?” He was sure Jude never asked to stop, but it'd been difficult not to get carried away. When there was still no answer, he rubbed at the kid’s back. “Or is it that you enjoyed it a lot?”
Jude made a choked sound and pressed his face into Alvin’s shoulder before nodding. “I think there’s something wrong with me.”
Alvin couldn’t help a quiet laugh as relief flooded him. “No, there’s not. I promise.” He buried his fingers in Jude’s hair, kissing his ear, then his cheek.
“But you... and I…” Jude glanced up with a soft whine. “I shouldn’t have like it.”
“Says who?” Alvin raised an eyebrow. “Everyone has their vices.”
Jude frowned, not looking convinced. “Even you?”
Alvin laughed. “I got more vices than virtues, kid.” And Jude was one of them; he just hoped he didn't end up pushing him away like he did everyone else. “I enjoyed last night. I’d like to do it again, if you want.”
Jude took a deep breath. “Alright... But next time without the crop?” he asked, flushing again.
“So you didn’t like all of it.” Alvin grinned and shifted enough to get to his breakfast, offering Jude a bite of the eggs.
“It stung,” Jude replied, squirming on Alvin’s lap before taking the offered bite.
“Less stinging. Noted.” He enjoyed his breakfast a minute before daring to ask, “Did you like... did you mind the rest of last night?”
Jude chuckled, the sound easing the last of the tension from the both of them. “No... I - I think I liked that the most.”
“Getting off?” Alvin asked with a nip to Jude’s ear.
“No. The... pleasing you part,” Jude murmured under his breath.
Well, well, well. That was certainly pleasing to hear. His body felt warm just knowing Jude enjoyed being at his mercy. “Good boy,” he purred, stealing a kiss. “Come back to my room tonight and we’ll try something new.”
Jude’s lips twitched as he stood to get back to work. “Yes, sir.”
0 notes
guns-and-gauntlets · 8 years
Cave of Wonders
Characters: Alvin, Jude Word Count: 6,863 Tags: Jude x Alvin, A/B/O, angst, smut, fluff, more smut A/N: Technically the first fic I started for this fandom, but... it’s been like 6 months in the works. Enjoy.
Read on AO3
Alvin glanced behind him one last time before climbing through the hole to a small cave. He'd picked it out two days ago when he'd felt the first signs of his heat creeping up. It wasn't ideal, but it at least went deep enough to have a small spring with fresh water, something he'd have to put to use. Usually he had four or five days before his heat hit in full. This one took three, and he'd been in such a hurry to get away before his scent overrode his scent-blockers he'd left his bag of food, water, and...toy behind. It wouldn't be the first heat he'd toughed out without proper food supplies, and he doubted it'd be the last.
A wave of heat left him slumping against the wall, biting back a moan. Shit. He hadn't had one start this quick or intense in a while and was trying to distract himself by figuring out what could have triggered it when he heard footsteps. Shit.
Shit, shit, shit. Oh fuck no. This was not happening. He squeezed his eyes shut and shifted to put his back to the wall, sliding down to sit on the cushy moss. Maybe if he kept absolutely quiet…
The footsteps moved closer, followed by the sound of someone crawling through the small tunnel. Alvin banged his head back against the wall as he swallowed a groan. The last thing he needed was Jude’s scent cloying his senses right then…
Jude finally pushed through, pulling a familiar bag behind him as he stood.
Alvin stared at his bag, flexing his fingers and slowly lifting his eyes to Jude’s, forcing a smirk to his lips. “Look, kid, I appreciate you bringing my stuff, but you should probably leave.”
Jude frowned, stepping closer and setting the bag next to Alvin. “I can leave, if you really want me to, but… I can help.”
Alvin squeezed his eyes shut against the flood of images that offer conjured up. He’d been fighting the desire to properly seduce Jude since the first time he’d caught the kid’s scent, slung over his shoulder as he launched them onto that damn boat; herbs, fear, sweat, and an earthy undertone that was all Jude. It made him want to keep Jude close; was, in fact, the main reason he always hooked an arm around him every chance he got, so he could breathe in his scent. It was richest after a stay in an inn, when they’d all had proper showers and a decent night’s rest; more minty and fuller, like fresh, pure soil disturbed after a rain.
“Help with what?” He cleared his throat, forcing his eyes open. “Can’t a guy want a bit of privacy and time away from you lot?”
“If that’s all that was going on, sure.” Jude tilted his head, crossing his arms.
A spike of panic went through Alvin’s gut though his smirk didn’t falter from years of practice. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I know you’re in heat, Alvin.”
“What the hell’re you talkin’ about, kid?” There was no way Jude could know. He always used scent-blockers like any decent merc, always bathed far enough away from the others when they found a clean body of water.
Jude narrowed his eyes before giving up, dropping his arms with a sigh. “You do remember I’m a doctor, Alvin… I’ve known for a while.”
Right. Doctor. And an honor’s student who could tell the difference between a rappig and pigget by sight alone; he could probably spot an omega from a hundred yards away. He swallowed hard and slumped back against the wall, running a hand through his hair. “How long?”
Jude shrugged, glancing away and scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor. “Pretty much from the beginning.”
Alvin laughed without humor, rubbing his hands against his face.
“I can help,” Jude said again, softer this time, hesitant. “I brought this.” He pulled out a small jar of ointment from his pocket.
“What’s that?” Alvin raised an eyebrow, gritting his teeth against another wash of heat and breathing through it. Strangely enough, he only smelled the cave’s earthy scent. The smell of Jude was faint, like it was… blocked. “Are you using scent-blockers?”
Jude flushed, rubbing the jar between his hands and staring at it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. “I wasn’t sure what effect my scent would have on you. I doubted it would do much, but… I’m not here to take advantage. I just want to help.” He took half a step closer before stopping. “This should help with the ache. Male omegas tend to suffer more from joint pain than females.”
“Really?” Huh. That was interesting. How had he not known that? And how could Jude possibly think his scent wouldn’t have an effect on him? Just knowing what he smelled like and not being able to catch any decent trace of it was setting off an itch of frustration.
Jude nodded, holding out the jar. “I can apply it, if you want. It’ll work best if it we get it on you before your heat really kicks in.”
Alvin looked between Jude and the jar, licking his lips and swallowing a groan at just the thought of Jude touching him. But it wasn’t like he was going to be in much shape to do it himself soon. “Alright.” He hesitated another moment before tugging his gloves off, tossing them out of the way before removing his scarf. That he folded up to use as a pillow, and then Jude was helping him out of his coat and the rest of his clothes, a touch of pink across his nose and cheeks. It was unbearably adorable. What was worse was the way Jude kept his movements deliberate, clinical even.
The moment Alvin’s scent finally hit Jude, he knew; saw the way Jude tensed, heard the cut-off breath before he opened his mouth to breathe through it rather than his nose. His eyes flashed with a richer golden hue before quickly fading, fingers trembling as he picked up the jar and uncapped it.
Herbs and mint flavored the air and Alvin almost groaned at the teasing similarity to Jude’s scent. His eyes half-closed as he watched Jude dip his fingers into the ointment before smearing it over his shoulder. It was cold to the touch and he couldn’t help the sigh as it seemed to draw heat out of his body, leaving a tingling behind that seeped into his muscles. He closed his eyes and slowly relaxed against the wall as Jude moved down his arm, across his chest, and down the other. “You make that?”
“Yes. I found the ingredients a few days ago when you started showing signs of your heat.”
Alvin grunted softly, flicking his fingers at the kid. “No, I mean… It smells good. Kinda smells like you, like it was something you came up with.”
Jude’s hands paused on his leg, thumbs rubbing against his knee. “It was something I put together back home, before I left for Fennmont.”
And hell if Alvin couldn’t practically smell Jude’s embarrassment and a tinge of happiness, even beneath the blockers. He cracked his eyes open with a grin. “So you were an honor’s student before you were an honor’s student.”
Jude flushed brighter, glancing up before quickly looking away again. “Shut up.”
Alvin laughed and lifted his hand before he could process what he was doing, sliding his fingers into Jude’s hair. He sighed as it felt just as soft as he’d imagined, stroking and petting with a soft hum of pleasure building in his chest. It wasn’t until Jude was massaging the ointment into his foot that he realized what he was doing, dropping his hand with a groan as those talented fingers dug into a sore spot. “You don’t hav’ta do that, kid. You can leave.” He knew Jude couldn’t want to be there; his reaction to his scent was enough evidence of that.
“Do you want me to leave, Alvin?” Jude looked up and met his eyes, fingers continuing to rub and press, threatening to turn him into a moaning mess.
Alvin swallowed and found he couldn’t look away. “You should leave.” Even if that wasn’t what he wanted. Hell, he didn’t know what he wanted. He made it a point to never be near someone else during his heats, especially an alpha, but Jude didn’t put him on edge like others did. Quite the opposite, actually, which really, wasn’t that the problem to begin with?
Jude slid his fingers to Alvin’s ankle, thumbs digging into his heel. “Tell me that’s what you want and I will.”
Damn the kid for being so stubborn. He licked his lips and took a steadying breath, summoning what was left of his quickly fading willpower. “I want you to leave, kid.”
Jude tensed a moment before he dropped his gaze, shoulders slumping as he set Alvin’s foot back on the ground. He closed the ointment and set it aside. “I’ll be outside if you need me.”
Alvin bit his tongue as he watched Jude crawl out of the cave, closing his eyes with a groan once he was gone. He grabbed his scarf and fell over onto it, trying in vain to get comfortable. His body tingled all over and the aches that had started in his limbs were pleasantly dulled. The scent of the ointment soothed him enough to fall asleep.
When he woke, it was to the press of a cold cloth on his face and the tantalizing scent of mint and earth. He turned his head to press his nose to the source, reaching up to grab onto it and keep it there. “Thought I told you to leave?” He breathed in Jude’s scent at his wrist where the blockers were wearing off, barely refraining from licking to see how he tasted.
Jude sucked in a breath and went still. “You did… You were also calling for me in your sleep.”
Shit. Alvin cracked his eyes open and looked up at Jude, forcing a smirk to his lips though he was sure it failed to have the effect he wanted. “Being such a do-gooder’s gonna get you killed one of these days.”
Jude raised an eyebrow, pulling the cloth away and dipping it into a small bowl of water, wringing it out with one hand when Alvin kept his other wrist where it was. “I at least wouldn’t die with regrets.”
“Must be nice,” Alvin murmured, pressing his nose more firmly into Jude’s wrist and breathing deep.
“What do you regret?” Jude asked, dabbing the cloth over Alvin’s face and neck.
“Yeah, I’m not having that conversation with you, kid.” He laughed and finally released Jude’s wrist with more reluctance than he’d admit to.
Jude sighed and sat back on his heels. “Do you want me to leave again?”
He should say yes. Yes was the only correct answer to that, but just that small whiff of Jude’s scent was enough for his body to want to keep him close. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Do what you want.” He expected Jude to take that as permission to stay. What he didn’t expect was the strangled, choked-off sound the kid made instead. He glanced up in time to see the golden glow return to Jude’s eyes, intense and focused solely on him, red staining his nose and cheeks.
“That’s... I’ll stay... “ Jude swallowed and tossed the cloth into the bowl, pushing to his feet. “You should eat something.”
Alvin quirked an eyebrow, part of him tempted to prod Jude about that reaction, though considering his current predicament and lack of clothing, it was likely in his best interest to keep quiet about it. Besides, it wasn’t like it was anything more than an alpha resisting an omega in heat who basically invited them to do whatever they wanted. Further proof that Jude really had no interest in him beyond friendship. Or... whatever the relationship that was between them could be called.
He sat up enough to take the sandwich Jude gave him, biting into it even though he wasn’t hungry. “This isn’t the first time I’ve done this alone, you know.” His heats came once or twice a year and only lasted five days at most. He’d be fine on his own.
“That doesn’t mean you have to be alone now.” Jude handed over a canteen of water, settling next to him with a sandwich of his own.
Alvin found himself scenting the air, looking for any hint of mint and earth. “Have you done this before?”
“I used to bring food and water to the omegas at my father’s clinic when Leia wasn’t available.”
He took another bite of his sandwich, suspecting Jude really didn’t fully understand what he was offering. Or the consequences if he did stay. Bringing refreshments into a room a few times a day was an entirely different world from being trapped in a cave with an omega in full heat. He knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself by the time day three or four came around and didn’t expect Jude to either. He was impressed with Jude’s willpower as it was, though disgust or repulsion likely helped him keep his hands to himself.
Once he was done with the sandwich, he stretched out with his head on his scarf again. Sleeping was always a safe course of action, if cowardly in his present predicament.
He drifted in and out of consciousness several times, always soothed back to sleep by Jude’s presence. Sometimes it was humming, albeit endearingly off-key, other times it was fingers stroking his hair or working more ointment into his skin. The intensity his heat had started with had faded, at least for now.
They didn't speak much when he was awake. Jude had brought a book and seemed content enough to read between bouts of forcing him to eat or drink. Alvin spent his waking hours staring at the wall and trying to keep from giving into the urge to touch himself.
His restraint only lasted until the second day, when he woke to find his boxers soaked through with slick and Jude nowhere in sight. He rolled onto his side with a groan, shoving his boxers down enough to get one hand on his dick and the fingers of his other inside himself. It didn't take much to get himself off, especially with the lingering hint of Jude’s scent around him, though that was a luxury that would be short-lived. The end of his heats were the worst, when even the toy he had wasn’t always enough to bring relief.
He grimaced at the mess he made and kicked his boxers off completely, using them to clean himself up.
With the urgency of his heat abated for the moment, he sat up and reached for his water. He was just pulling on a fresh pair of boxers when Jude returned from further back in the cave, a cloth tied over his nose and mouth. Alvin propped a leg up to rest his arm on as he slumped back against the wall, trying to ignore the twist in his gut at seeing how much his scent bothered Jude. “Sorry ‘bout the stench,” he murmured. The scent would only get worse, especially with such little air circulation and his growing need for relief.
“It’s fine, Alvin.” Jude set the bowl of fresh water down, wringing out the cloth before swiping it over Alvin’s face and neck.
Alvin closed his eyes, tipping his head back against the wall. Jude’s scent teased his nose whenever his wrist passed close-by. “Dammit,” he muttered, cracking his eyes open when Jude pulled away.
“What'd I do?”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Nothing, kid... Just... either keep the blockers on or leave them off. Can't take catching just a whiff.” He raised an eyebrow as a flush spread over the visible part of Jude’s face.
Jude sat back on his heels, ducking his head as he wound the cloth between his fingers. “You don't mind my scent?”
Alvin snorted quietly, setting his water aside. “Not as much as you mind mine.”
“What?” Jude looked up quick enough Alvin almost winced in sympathy for his neck. “But I like your scent.”
“Yeah? What's with the cloth then?”
The pink darkened closer to red as Jude looked away again, shifting on the ground. “I told you I wasn't here to take advantage of you.”
Shit. Alvin stared, not quite daring to believe he was implying what it sounded like he was implying. He didn't dare ask either, not now, certainly not like this.
“Would you be more comfortable with the blockers?” Jude asked, tilting his head and glancing up through his hair as it shadowed his face.
Alvin’s fingers twitched, wanting to bury his hands in Jude’s hair and feel the softness again. Maybe rip that cloth off his face and see how his lips felt and tasted while he was at it. “Be more comfortable with both of us naked.”
Hell. He had not just said that aloud, but from the wide-eyed stare he was getting, he most certainly had. Shit. Curse his body and his damn mouth, but mostly, curse his damn attraction to Jude. He scrambled to find a way to play it off as a jest, but it had been anything but, and slips of the truth were far harder for him to deal with.  
He was just about to tell Jude to leave for good when the kid beat him to the punch.
“Are you sure?”
Come again? Fuck no, he wasn't sure, and yet he felt like he'd never been more sure about anything in his life. That didn't mean he was going to admit to it.
“Don't lie, Alvin.”
He snapped his mouth shut against said lie, glaring at Jude. When the hell had the kid gotten so good at reading him? He sucked in a breath as Jude shifted closer, pressing their outer thighs together. Arousal warmed him through at the simple contact and he couldn't quite contain his groan. “Yeah, kid... I'm sure.”
Jude tilted his head forward, reaching a hand out to touch Alvin's cheek.
Alvin licked his lips, clenching his fingers in a fist before he gave in to the urge to wrap them around Jude’s wrist instead. He buried his nose in the rich scent of him, swiping his tongue out to lick away the blockers.
“Alvin!” Jude’s fingers trembled and his breathing hitched, a groan echoing low in his throat as Alvin's teeth scraped against his flesh.
Once the blockers were gone, he pressed into Jude's wrist. "Spirits, you smell good," he murmured, shifting his hold to thread their fingers together, trying to get more of Jude's scent. There was a hint of something beneath the earth he'd never smelled before. He couldn't name it and it was driving him crazy.
Jude shivered and squeezed Alvin's fingers. "Really?" He reached up with his free hand, pulling the mask off with a soft moan. "I can wash the rest off if you want."
Alvin nipped at flesh again before letting go. "Yeah. Do that." Shit, was he really doing this? Damn his heat, and damn Jude for following and being so willing to go along with this. He closed his eyes as Jude pulled away, disappearing to the back of the cave. The addicting scent faded enough his head cleared a bit, but all that did was draw his attention to how he was already hard again. His skin tingled like there was fresh ointment on him and he had a vague impression of hands on him while sleeping.
How many times had Jude touched him while he was asleep? Damn sneaky kid. He couldn't even be upset about missing out on enjoying it because Jude had been touching him while he slept. He leaned back against the wall and dragged his fingers through his hair, looking up as he heard Jude returning. His mouth went dry at the sight of half-exposed, damp flesh. Water droplets glistened on Jude’s neck and chest where his undershirt had the top few buttons undone.
Jude paused and glanced away from him, tossing aside his jacket and mask. “You're staring…”
“You're not naked,” Alvin replied once he found his voice. He smirked as a fresh blush spread across Jude’s cheeks. “If you need some help…” He trailed off, wiggling his fingers in invitation.
Jude huffed a laugh, moving closer. “There's the Alvin I know.” He dropped to his knees beside Alvin again and leaned forward until their foreheads bumped lightly. “So…”
Alvin raised an eyebrow, reaching up to brush his fingertips against Jude’s cheek. “So?”
Jude licked his lips, shuffling closer. “Does this mean I can kiss you?”
With a grin, Alvin slid his fingers into Jude's hair, tugging him closer. “Damn right,” he murmured, brushing their lips together. He intended to go slow, sure Jude didn't have much experience, if any, but that was blown out of the water as Jude lunged forward at the first touch, crushing their lips together.
It wasn't gentle, and Alvin could practically taste the alpha instincts surfacing in the kid, but whatever Jude lacked in experience he more than made up for with enthusiasm. His fingers gripped Alvin's shoulders as he shifted to straddle his lap, and then he was grinding their hips together with strangled sounds of pleasure. “Alvin, Alvin,” he murmured, gasping against Alvin's lips.
Jude wasn't going to last long at this rate. “Hey, easy kid.” As much as he wanted Jude inside him, he wouldn't complain about getting him off with his hands the first time. Any excuse to touch Jude was good with him.
Jude pulled back with a growl, fisting a hand in Alvin's hair and forcing his head back. “I'm not a kid, Alvin.”
“I know. Shit, I know…” He’d called Jude kid so many times it was second-nature, but he’d done it in hopes of avoiding exactly this type of situation. Jude may have been considered legal in Rieze Maxia, but he was still young. Too young for someone like him to ruin. Jude should be losing his virginity to someone his own age, having the full experience of fumbling and embarrassment.
“Alvin... Stop. Over. Thinking,” Jude growled, fingers tightening in Alvin’s hair. His eyes all but glowed with an alpha gold that had Alvin fighting back a moan.
Right. Overthinking. Generally a bad idea. “You're wearing too much.” That sounded better.
Jude relaxed his grip, ducking his head. Spirits, how could the kid go from alpha dominance to blushing virgin so quickly? “I thought you were going to help with that?”
Alvin chuckled and leaned in, grazing his teeth against Jude's ear. “Definitely.” The way Jude gasped, fingers twitching in his hair, had Alvin smirking and doing it again, suckling at the lobe.
“Alright, alright.” He grinned, dragging his fingers down Jude's chest before unbuttoning his shirt, enjoying the sight of all the toned flesh beneath. He pushed the material off Jude's shoulders, letting it catch at his elbows as he sealed his mouth around a nipple.
Jude arched with a sharp gasp, fingers digging into Alvin's biceps. “Alvin, stop teasing.”
“It's called foreplay,” Alvin murmured, smirking up at Jude as he bit down lightly on his nipple.
Jude whimpered and buried his face in Alvin's hair.
“You like that?” Alvin hummed as Jude tightened his fingers in his hair by way of answer, biting a little harder as he dropped his hands to Jude's hips. “Lift up.” He moved his lips lower as Jude obeyed, nibbling at his stomach as he pushed the pants down. It took some maneuvering from them both to get the pants off and he tossed them aside before he leaned back. Or tried to. It was difficult when Jude was latched onto his shoulders, face pressed into his hair. “Jude…?”
The sound Jude made bordered on distressed and Alvin slid his palms up Jude’s back. “Hey... You okay, kid?” he asked before he could catch himself.
“Yeah... Just... haven't done this before.” Jude took a shuddering breath and slowly released his grip. When he sat back, his face and neck were red and he couldn't seem to meet Alvin's eyes.
“You wanna stop?” He grinned when Jude shook his head. “Okay.” He pressed their lips together, wrapping a hand around Jude's cock to distract him.
“Ahh!” Jude bucked against him, his fingers twisting in Alvin's hair, nails digging into his shoulder. “A-Alvin, stop. I...I'm gonna...” Jude made a noise somewhere between a whimper and a groan, grinding forward into Alvin's fingers.
Alvin stroked faster, feeling the knot at the base starting to swell and massaging it with his other hand. “S’what I was going for,” he murmured, twisting his hand up Jude's erection and squeezing the tip and knot at the same time. He sank his teeth into a nipple as Jude arched against him, smirking as the moans turned to shouts. The fingers in his hair were starting to hurt and his arms would have bruises, but it was worth it to see Jude coming undone and being the one responsible for it. And then Jude was coming, covering both their stomachs in several stripes before slumping forward.
Jude's scent in the air sharpened and Alvin breathed it in, fingers continuing to stroke Jude through the last of his orgasm until he was completely spent. He tilted his head, resting his cheek against the damp black hair with a soft hum. “You okay?”
“You're a real jerk, Alvin.”
“Hey now… I didn't give that bad of a handjob, did I?” The way Jude tensed, tightening arms and legs around him, gave him pause.
“If you don't want to have sex with me, just say so,” Jude murmured, voice muffled against Alvin's neck.
Wait, what?
“I know I don't look like much of an alpha, but I should get at least another inch or two…”
Alvin wasn't sure what the hell just happened, let alone how to fix it. He should have known better than to let anything happen though; as mature as Jude was, he was still just a kid in these kinds of situations.
“-But that's no reason to string me along. Don't play games with me, Alvin!”
“String you-? Jude, what the hell?” His heart clenched when Jude pulled back and he saw the tear tracks. Shit, where the hell had he screwed up? “Same goes for you, kid,” he snapped.
Jude blinked, startled enough by Alvin's anger to fall quiet.
“Do you know how insane you drive me?” He shifted to topple Jude off him, pinning him to the ground before he could recollect himself and get away. He gritted his teeth against the flood of heat in his gut and groin as Jude stared up at him, wide-eyed, flushed, mouth opened on soft pants for air. “I'm not stringing you along,” he said, smoothing his hands down Jude's sides, rubbing circles into his hip bones. “I'm trying to make this good for you, got it?”
Jude made a soft whimpering sound and nodded.
With his usual smirk, he shifted back so he was kneeling between Jude's legs. “Let me take care of you.”
“I'm supposed to be taking care of you.”
Alvin chuckled against Jude's hip, nipping the smooth flesh. “You'll get your turn.” He moved lower and licked up the underside of Jude's dick, smirking as Jude's attempt to say his name devolved into a long groan. He nudged Jude's thighs apart, suckling at his slowly fading knot and wrapping his lips around his balls before taking his length into his mouth.
Jude squirmed beneath him, still over-sensitive, but young enough his refractory period was already ending.
Alvin took his time working Jude’s growing alpha dick into his mouth. Another year or two and he'd be fully grown all around. He couldn't quite stop the moan at the image of a slightly taller Jude, same compact fighter's body, and large thick cock. All his to enjoy. If he was lucky.
He worked Jude over with all his considerable talent, ensuring he made as much noise as possible. So he couldn't help wanting to embarrass the kid. It was too easy to do, and he wasn't passing up the chance while sex was still new enough for him to be able to see Jude all flustered at just the mention of it. He slurped and sucked and made a point to moan every time he went down far enough Jude hit the back of his throat. It wasn't until he tasted a steady stream of precome that he pulled away, licking and nibbling his way up Jude's chest.
Jude had his face covered with both arms and Alvin smirked as he tugged them away, pinning them next to his head. “Ready to fuck me?”
“Alvin!” Jude turned an interesting shade of crimson and tried to hide his face in his shoulder instead.
Alvin chuckled and straddled Jude's hips, reaching a hand back to guide him to his entrance. “That a no?” he asked, shifting his hips so Jude slid along his slickened cleft.
Jude made a strangled groaning sound, thrusting his hips up with a touch of desperation. “Alvin.”
That was enough teasing. Alvin sat back, hissing as he opened up around Jude. The stretch burned as he sank down, but it wasn't unpleasant. Far from it. “Yeah...fuck…” he moaned, bracing his hands on Jude's shoulders. His legs slipped further apart as he began moving. He closed his eyes, lifting up as slow as he could manage before dropping back down with punched-out moans as Jude snapped his hips up to meet him. Fuck, that was good.
“So hot…tight… Alvin. Feels good.” Jude gripped Alvin's arms with a growl and twisted beneath him, effectively switching their positions.
Alvin yelped in surprise and looked up at Jude. The sight of intense golden eyes glowing above him took his breath away and he felt something tighten inside of him. Trembling fingers touched his cheeks and he gave a lopsided grin. “Gonna make me feel good, honor’s student?”
Jude licked his lips and nodded. “Yes.” He gave a sharp thrust of his hips, gasping with a look of surprise.
“Just like that.” He buried both his hands in Jude's hair, resting one against the back of his neck. “Keep going.” He closed his eyes again as Jude settled into an unsteady rhythm, murmuring encouragement and grunting in approval when the pace and force increased. “Yeah, come on,” he panted. “Gonna knot me, Jude? You can. Want you to.”
Jude growled deep in his throat and redoubled his efforts, gripping Alvin's hips hard enough to bruise as he slammed forward, over and over, his knot swelling and starting to catch. “Alvin, Alvin...”
“Fuck. Come on, kid.” He squeezed his legs around Jude, dropping a hand to his dick and stroking fast, clenching tight around Jude and sharing his frustration as he kept slipping free. He opened his eyes to watch Jude as he moved over him, toned muscles flexing beneath tanned flesh, gleaming with a fine sheen of sweat, golden eyes darkened with pleasure, swollen lip trapped between his teeth as he choked back whimpers.
He leaned up to drag his tongue over a nipple before sinking his teeth into it, and then Jude was slamming into him with hard, shallow thrusts, his knot finally catching. He fell back to the ground with a moan, arching up as Jude filled his channel, a few more strokes bringing him to his own release.
Jude whimpered as his hips jerked forward, Alvin's body milking spurt after spurt from him until he was dry. He collapsed against Alvin's chest, body trembling.
Alvin grunted at the dead weight and chuckled, wrapping his arms around Jude and stroking his hair and back. “Enjoy yourself?”
Jude grumbled something that sounded like shut up before he bit Alvin's nipple.
“Hey!” Alvin shifted with a laugh before gasping as the movement coaxed another weak orgasm out of Jude, filling him even more. He groaned, flexing his fingers in Jude's hair. Neither of them moved much after that and he was content to lie there until Jude's knot went down. At least until his body cooled enough he realized just how heavy Jude was. He might have looked slim, but he was all muscle. Compact, heavy muscle. “Hey... Much as I like this, it's gettin’ kinda hard to breathe.”
“Sorry.” Jude lifted his head with a sheepish look and started to pull away.
Alvin yelped as Jude's knot threatened to tear him open, digging his fingers into Jude's shoulders and clenching his legs around him to keep him still. “Stop,” he hissed. “Shit, kid, haven't you knotted anyone before?” he said through clenched teeth. He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth, but the way Jude went absolutely still and dropped his forehead to Alvin's chest had guilt twisting through his gut. “I didn't mean-”
“I know,” Jude said, voice soft. “It's okay. I can stay like this until it goes down.” He shifted to put his weight on his knees without pulling too much.
“Shit.” Alvin squeezed his eyes shut, burying his fingers in Jude's hair. He could smell the hurt and… shame threading through the diminishing scent of pleasure and it burned his nose. “I can't do anything right by you, can I, kid?” He didn't bother trying to mask the bitterness in his voice. “You're going to kill your knees if you stay like that.”
“I'm okay.”
“Jude.” He sighed as Jude flinched, rubbing his hands over Jude's back in what he hoped was a soothing gesture. He shifted his hips, gritting his teeth against the almost-painful pressure as he maneuvered Jude onto his back. Once he was settled across Jude's hips again, he breathed a sigh of relief. He braced his arms on either side of Jude's head, nuzzling at his jaw, brushing his lips against his closed eyelids. “Hey... at least I succeeded in giving you an awkward first time,” he murmured, grinning as he saw the twitch of Jude’s lips. “Maybe the second time we can do it right start to finish.”
Jude cracked an eye open. “Second time...?”
“Mmhmm. You don’t think I’m going to just spread my legs for you and let you get away that easily, do you?” Alvin winked and pressed his nose into Jude’s neck as the acrid stench cleared, replaced by earth and mint and... “Strawberries,” he murmured, humming in pleasure as he finally placed the underlying scent. He settled his weight over Jude once he was convinced he wasn’t too heavy to squish the alpha, buried his nose in the intoxicating scent, and dozed. At least until his heat struck again.
He lost count of the number of times they had sex. All he knew was every time his scent thickened and a new surge of heat swept through him, Jude was on him in moments, always in a different way - licking away his slick and nearly getting him off with just his tongue; pinning his back to the wall and using his considerable strength to hold him up; gripping his hips while Alvin rode him; in the small pool of the spring at the back of the cave when they’d tried to clean up. The downtime in between was spent sleeping, eating, and touching each other amid lazy kisses.
His personal favorite had been their second time, when Jude had gotten him off twice before finally knotting him again. The kid may have been inexperienced, but he was a quick learner and had no lack of enthusiasm. Or imagination.
His heat was reaching the end of its course, but there was still one thing he wanted to try before they left the sanctuary of the cave. It’d been several hours since the last wave, but one was creeping up on him as they took the chance to bathe. Jude had already caught his scent, alpha gold burning in his eyes though more subdued than the previous times. As soon as he climbed out of the water, Jude pressed up against him and he couldn’t resist or deny the kid a kiss. It started slow and languid, though he changed that by nipping Jude’s lip, growling as he thrust his tongue into Jude’s mouth to dominate the kiss.
Jude answered with a growl of his own, fingers digging into Alvin’s hip and hair as he pushed back. The scent of arousal thickened around them and Jude rubbed bodily against him, already hard.
Alvin smirked as he pulled away, turning halfway towards the opening leading back to the main part of the cave. “You'll have to catch me this time.” He didn't plan to make it far, it wasn't like there was much room to move anyway; he just wanted to tease the alpha instincts and see how far Jude would go. He only made it a few steps before he heard the deep growl, followed by a warm body tackling him to the ground. Shit, the kid was fast.
Jude's lips were near his ear, one hand planted in the center of his back and the other gripping his hip. “Mine.”
Alvin's breath caught at the single word, glancing back as Jude forced his thighs apart before slamming into him. Pain and pleasure danced up his spine and he let out a breathless laugh as he braced his arms on the rocks.
Jude set a bruising pace, hips snapping forward and forcing the air out of Alvin's lungs every time. He didn't relent, growling in warning whenever Alvin so much as tried to move, and he couldn't deny it was the hottest experience ever, being at Jude's complete and utter mercy. The omega in him surged to life, willing and begging to be taken.
His fingers scrabbled for purchase on the rocky ground, shoving his hips back to meet the thrusts. “Please…” he gasped. Well, there went his personal rule against ever begging. “Please, Jude. Knot me. Come on.”
Jude growled again, pausing long enough to shift, pulling Alvin's hips up higher, and when he started moving again, his thrusts were harder and sank deeper, burying himself balls-deep each time.
Alvin gasped, arching against Jude's grip on him, and once he realized Jude had forced him into a position of presenting, he relaxed into it with a soft keen. A fresh wave of slick pooled between his legs, coating his thighs as Jude fucked relentlessly into him.
They were both exhausted and nearing their limits, as each time lasted longer than the last. He heard Jude’s soft whines of frustration as his knot swelled and continued to slip free, arching his hips further and slamming back into each thrust. He needed this, needed Jude to claim him, mark him up. “Gonna make me yours, kid?” he gasped, shuddering as Jude’s thrusts faltered. And then Jude was pressed up against his back, his weight driving his chest into the ground as Jude’s teeth ghosted against his neck. “Sh-shit… yes… do it.”
Jude’s fingers tangled in Alvin’s hair, pulling his head back with a possessive growl that had Alvin’s stomach bottoming out. “Mine.”
“Yeah. All yours, kid.” He gasped as teeth sank into his flesh, hissing at the spike of pain, before screaming as Jude’s knot finally caught and he was thrusting in, in, in, wet heat seeping into him. He shuddered at the soothing swipe of a tongue on the mask as he clenched and came again.
He didn’t remember passing out, but he woke on his side, Jude tucked up against his back, arms tight around him and still locked inside.
“Sorry,” Jude whispered against his back.
Alvin startled, sliding his hand up to wrap around Jude’s. “For what?” he murmured, dragging the strong fingers to his lips to nibble on. “And if you say for marking me, I swear, I’ll tie you down and fuck you senseless.” He grinned as he felt Jude’s laugh.
“I don’t think I’d mind,” Jude said, barely audible.
“What? Really?” Alvin groaned as his body definitely liked that idea, if the way he tightened around Jude was any indication.
Jude gasped, arching against him and giving an involuntary thrust of his hips. “Alvin,” he groaned.
He chuckled and couldn’t resist grinding back into Jude. “Always wondered if I could get an alpha off when already knotted in me.”
Jude whimpered, pressing his face into Alvin’s back. “You’re going to kill me…”
“Don’t be like that. You’ll enjoy every minute of it.” He stilled and pressed his lips against Jude’s wrist, breathing in his scent. “I guess we need to save something to try later…” He grinned as surprised pleasure threaded through the scent, sure Jude could smell contentment on him from a mile away.
That was a luxury he never thought he’d find.
0 notes
guns-and-gauntlets · 8 years
Strawberry... Kisses
Characters: Ludger, Jude Word Count: 2,975 Tags: Ludger x Jude, Alvin x Jude, angst, smut, fluff A/N: First foray into this fandom, enjoy
Read on AO3
Ludger spent as long as possible cleaning up the kitchen after Elle had finally cried herself into exhaustion. Elize had taken her up to their room what seemed like hours ago. As exhausted as he was, he knew he'd be getting no sleep that night. Probably not for several nights.
The silence was deafening as he finally made his way upstairs, slipping into the room he was sharing with Jude, though the doctor was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't sure if he was more relieved or disappointed at that as he sank onto his bed, pressing his arms into his legs and hunching forward.
His mind was numb, his limbs heavy. How had his life gotten so turned around? He'd be lying if he said he hadn't seen it coming, at least a little, ever since that dream; Julius’ voice echoing at the back of his head even if he couldn't remember the words, the phantom pain of his brother killing him before jerking awake. The way everything had seemed to snowball from that moment on… Even his first meeting with Elle and how she'd thrown him to the wolves, and everything that had lead up to him having to kill himself...
Was this what they called Fate? Or maybe karma? He may have been a shit to Julius at times, but did he really deserve this?
He buried his hands in his hair as he slumped forward even further. What was he supposed to do? He'd suspected for a while that Elle was his - he couldn't explain the protective urges that went beyond just helping a lost little girl any other way - but having it confirmed like that… seeing what he could become… He was still having trouble wrapping his mind around it all.
The door creaked open and he let out a long breath before dropping his arms, slowly lifting his head.
Jude offered a weak smile as he shut the door behind him. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He sat up a bit straighter with effort, glancing Jude over. None of them were anywhere near peak condition, but Jude seemed to shoulder the heaviest burden with his dedication to his spyrite research on top of everything else. Jude looked a little refreshed, at least, even if his clothes were a bit rumpled. Or maybe because of that; he caught the lingering scent of Alvin's cologne as Jude tossed his white coat onto the foot of his bed before sinking down next to him.
“How you holding up?”
Ludger shrugged, resisting the sudden urge to just lean into Jude's warmth. He wasn't a child needing comfort; he was the one needing to give comfort now, to be there for Elle especially. “I'm fine.”
Jude shifted, bumping their shoulders together. “Okay… But if you need anything, you know all you have to do is ask.”
Ludger nodded, not trusting himself to speak right then. It wouldn't be fair to ask Jude what he thought he should do; this wasn't his problem, not where Elle was concerned anyway. Was it even his decision to make? Biologically Elle might have been his, but he hadn't raised her, didn't have the memories of seeing her born or watching her grow up, didn't share any memories with her either outside of the past weeks together.
And yet… she was still his responsibility. He couldn't ask the others to bear that kind of burden; he at least was some relation to her. They'd protect her because that was the kind of group they were, but raising her… that was on him, if they both survived all this.
He wasn't sure they would; not both of them, not together. The heavy weight that had formed with that dream was growing heavier each time they destroyed another dimension. He was responsible for those, too. He had so much blood on his hands it was a wonder he wasn't drowning in it. Just another price to add to his debt, one he'd have to pay in full, all at once.
Something hit him between the eyes, startling him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Jude standing in front of him with a sheepish look.
“Sorry, but you kinda looked like you were about to have a panic attack.” Jude lowered his hand, tilting his head before settling back down beside Ludger. “I can't imagine what you're going through… I can leave if you want to be alone though.”
Ludger shook his head, starting to reach for Jude's arm to keep him in place and letting his hand drop between them instead. “Stay?”
“Of course.” Jude glanced over with a smile, reaching for Ludger’s hand and squeezing. “Would you like a massage?”
Ludger’s fingers twitched against Jude's, relaxing minutely at the touch. “What?” He felt his neck warm at the thought of being mostly naked in front of Jude of all people, with nothing giving at least the illusion of clothing.
Jude flushed in response though didn't look away. “A massage. It might help you relax… It helps Alvin and Milla.”
“I don't know…” Despite his aversion to being touched, the ragtag group was starting to grow on him.
Jude huffed and bumped his shoulder again. “You know I am a doctor. I know what I'm doing.”
Ludger felt a smile tugging at his lips. He couldn't really argue with that, and if Jude was doing it for the others, it had to be somewhat effective. “Fine.”
“Good. Undress as much as you're comfortable.” Jude stood and retrieved his pack to rummage through it.
His tie loosened easily enough and he watched Jude procure a bottle from his bag as he unbuttoned his shirt. “You really don't have-”
“I want to.” Jude looked over with a smile, setting the bottle on the nightstand. “It's really no trouble, and it helps me relax, too.” His cheeks pinked a little as he said that and he ducked his head to pull his shoes off.
Ludger raised an eyebrow though chose not to comment. He pulled his tie over his head and tossed it with his shirt on top of Jude’s coat. His pants took longer to remove, hesitating before he finally decided to just get it over with. It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other mostly naked a couple times while roughing it in the wild. He got them half-way down his thighs before remembering what he was wearing beneath them and felt his face heat.
The satiny pink underwear had been the last clean pair in his pack, though he still hadn't figured out how they'd made it in there. He had a feeling Teepo had something to do with it; the damn puppet had been obsessed with him being a “pinkist” ever since finding them in his laundry during a pit-stop in Trigleph.
They weren't even really his; one of Julius’ girlfriends had left them behind and he'd...liked how they felt so he’d kept them
He tossed his pants on top of the rest of his clothes, quickly stretching out on his stomach and pulling the sheets up to his hips. If Jude had seen what he was wearing, he thankfully didn't comment on it.
“This isn't the best kind of bed for this. Do you mind if I straddle your hips?”
“That's fine.” Ludger pushed his arms under his pillow before resting his head on top. Jude's weight as he settled felt strange, but he found himself relaxing rather than tensing for an attack. He watched Jude as best he could from the corner of his eye as he grabbed the bottle, warming some of whatever was inside between his hands.
“This should help with some of these bruises, too.” Jude pressed his hands against Ludger’s back and slid up his spine, across his shoulders.
Ludger meant to give some sort of response, but only managed a soft groan as Jude's fingers dug into his muscles with just the right amount of pressure. His eyes slid closed and he let out a long breath, feeling some of the tension ease as Jude worked. He could feel the strength in Jude's fingers and how much he held back and found himself making soft hums and groans of pleasure.
“Has anyone ever done this for you before?”
Ludger gave a grunt in the negative, not even bothered by the amusement he heard in Jude voice.
“Is the pressure okay?”
Jude chuckled, his hands working lower and digging into the tight muscles of Ludger’s lower back.
Ludger winced, hissing as Jude hit a sore spot. He relaxed again at the soothing wash of healing energy that immediately followed. His muscles started to loosen under Jude's talented fingers. He got close to falling asleep as the minutes ticked by, only aware of the pleasant tingling spreading through his limbs and the scent of mint.
“Okay, roll over.”
Ludger startled fully awake, grimacing at the damp pillow sticking to his cheek. He started to roll over before realizing he was aroused, flushing and burying his face in his pillow. “That's okay. I'm good, thanks.”
Jude shifted off Ludger’s hips, hesitant fingers running through his hair a moment later. “Are you sure? I can… take care of that for you, too. It's a natural reaction.”
Ludger hesitated before tilting his head to glance at Jude. “Are you serious?” Surely Jude wasn't really offering what it sounded like he was offering..? That would be too weird, wouldn't it?
“I wouldn't offer if I wasn't serious.”
Ludger shifted onto his side, catching Jude's wrist as he started to pull his hand away. “Can I return the favor?” he asked, smirking at Jude's flustered expression. He didn't think he'd mind being intimate with Jude, especially when he flushed so easily. It certainly couldn’t end any worse than it had with Aaron, right?
When Jude didn't do anything other than sputter, he leaned forward, tugging Jude closer and brushing their lips together.
“Mmmm.” Jude melted into him, parting his lips on a sigh and flicking his tongue out. “Ludger... Are you sure?”
Ludger nodded, stretching out on his side, warmth spreading out from his gut as Jude tucked up against him, nudging a leg between his. He slipped a hand under Jude's shirt, tracing fingers up his spine before tugging it over his head.
Jude's pale skin showed fresh bruises below his neck, though small enough to resemble... bite marks.
Ludger raised an eyebrow as he ran his fingers over one. “Are you sure about this?” The last thing he wanted was Alvin or Milla after his head.
Jude ducked his head as he flushed again. “They know how I feel about you.”
“Oh?” Ludger tilted his head, curious about that himself. He'd heard Jude's ‘proud to call you a friend’ speech, but this wasn't exactly a situation friends usually found themselves in, was it?
Jude nodded, glancing up at Ludger through his mess of bangs. “I like you. You're an amazing fighter and have a strong moral code from what I've seen. And it's nice to have another do-gooder around,” he added with a lopsided smile.
“Glad you're not just taken in by my looks,” Ludger murmured, smirking at Jude's flustered reaction. He propped their foreheads together and nipped Jude's nose, feeling far more at ease than he had before. “I like you, too. You don't let anyone sway you from your goals or beliefs.”
“Are you calling me stubborn?”
Jude laughed and punched him in the shoulder. “You can be a real jerk sometimes.”
“I know. Sorry.” He didn't mean to be, but there were times he couldn't help it. Training to be a Spirius agent his whole life hadn't exactly left him with the best social skills. Or rather, being an indoor kid with few friends likely had more to do with that.
“I was kidding...”
Ludger shrugged, unperturbed, glancing at one of the marks near Jude's throat. He leaned closer, nudging Jude onto his back. “Can I leave one too?” he asked, kissing the warm skin before tracing his tongue against it.
Jude moaned, arching up and clutching at Ludger’s shoulders. “Yeah,” he said, already breathless. He shuddered beneath Ludger as teeth replaced lips, sliding his fingers into silver hair. “Feels good.”
“Yeah?” Ludger glanced up with a smirk and moved to Jude’s nipple, swirling his tongue against it and biting. He couldn’t help doing it again when Jude bit his lip around an obscene moan. It didn't take much more before Jude was a gasping, writhing mess, cheeks flushed and eyes half-lidded.
“Stop being such a tease.” Jude tugged Ludger back in for a kiss, shifting his hips up to grind against him.
Ludger half-moaned, half-laughed against Jude's lips, but he knew how to take a hint. He slid his hand down to the front of Jude's pants, wiggling inside until he found what he was after.
“Ludger!” Jude’s hips bucked up to press into the fingers. His grip tightened in Ludger’s hair as he arched, pressing his head into the pillows and baring his throat.
That was a temptation Ludger couldn't ignore. He licked up the side of the proffered flesh, sinking his teeth into it as he stroked along Jude's erection. The breathy moans he earned as a result went straight to his own dick and he found himself grinding his hips into Jude's thigh.
Jude shifted with a soft growling sound that was far more adorable than it should have been. “Let me,” he murmured, worming his hand between them and pressing his palm against Ludger’s erection. "Are these why Teepo calls you a pinkist?" he asked with a grin, flexing his fingers to curl around him.
Ludger’s breath caught at the press of warmth against the satin. “Yeah... Feels good,” he moaned.
Jude grinned, expression cheeky despite their position. “Yeah?” he asked, giving a squeeze.
Ludger laughed, tightening his fingers around Jude in return, shifting to pin the other male beneath him. “Yeah.” He mirrored Jude so they each had one hand on each other and the other buried in each other's hair. He flicked his tongue out, tracing along Jude’s lips before slipping past them. Jude felt good, tasted good, smelled good beneath Alvin’s lingering cologne.
They mimicked each other’s strokes, alternating between quick and tight, slow and teasing. Their kisses were lazy, teeth nibbling lips, tongues sliding against each other. Jude tugged the panties aside, getting his fingers on Ludger in a proper grip as they pressed into each other.
At some point, Ludger reached out to link with Jude, curious how it would feel during something other than battle. The feedback of pleasure and desire was breathtaking. It wasn't long until their kisses devolved into open-mouthed panting, fingers gripping dicks and hair alike as their moans grew louder.  
Ludger thrust into Jude’s hand, grunting as he came. He moved his own hand faster, humming as Jude twisted beneath him and came with a shout. With a sigh, he slumped against Jude, nuzzling and nibbling at his neck. “Anyone ever tell you you taste like strawberries?”
Jude laughed before groaning. He pushed at Ludger’s shoulder, pressing his face into his chest. “Not you, too.” His pouting lips left a line of soft kisses up Ludger's throat. “Teepo says my… enthusiasm tastes like strawberries… And Alvin says my… um... “ He trailed off with a furious blush visible beneath his bangs. “Tastes like them,” he added under his breath.
“Yeah?” Ludger lifted his hand, flicking his tongue against the remains of the mess on his fingers. He smirked at Jude’s incredulous squawk, leaning in to take advantage of his surprise and swiping his tongue into his mouth. He felt the way Jude wrinkled his nose and pulled back with a chuckle. “He’s right.”
“Ugh. You two are gross.”
“Says the doctor. I’m sure you’ve seen worse things.”
Jude snorted and reached for the covers, snuggling into Ludger's side. “Where’d you even have strawberries? You can’t find them in Elympios.”
“Elize and Driselle gave me some.” He hummed and wrapped his arms around Jude, surprised how easy it was. They should probably have cleaned up, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about the mess right then, especially if Jude wasn’t bothered. He closed his eyes as Jude’s fingers found their way back into his hair, relaxing with a hum of content.
“You sure you're really alright?”
Ludger cracked his eyes open with a sigh. He should have known Jude wouldn't drop it so easily. “Yeah, it's just…” He trailed off, unable to find the words to express his concerns without freaking Jude out.
“Just what?” Jude pulled back enough to look up at him, tilting his head and already looking wary.
“I just have a feeling I'm not going to make it through this,” he said, unable to meet Jude's eyes. Now that he'd said it aloud, it felt far more real. He didn't want to die, but he didn't want Elle to die either. She wasn't a fake, she just hadn't been born in this dimension. Why did that mean she had less right to live than anyone who had?
“Don't say that. You're not going anywhere. And neither is Elle. We'll figure it out, promise.”
Ludger smiled faintly and nodded. He didn't have the heart to argue, especially when he knew Jude wouldn't be swayed.
Maybe they could figure something out between the lot of them. If he could trust anyone to be able to, it'd be Jude. “Okay.” He closed his eyes, catching a hint of strawberry in Jude's scent and breathing deep. Even if he doubted there would be another...night like tonight between them, it was a scent he could get used to. A smile tugged at his lips as the soothing scent helped him drift to sleep.
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