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From @itslliri to @nijidragon
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Love at first bite – Ushijima Wakatoshi
Soulmate AU - You can’t kill your Soulmate
Staring at the stained ceiling of the rotten motel you were spending the night in, you let out a deep sigh you had no idea you were holding.
The moon was already high in the sky and you allowed your mind to wandered toward the team you used to train, kids will be facing a big opponent tomorrow and you’ll not be there to encourage and support them, whether in victory or defeat. Oh, you wished you could see all of them right now, rather than roving around dangerous dark streets to catch bad guys. With a click of your tongue and a frown you slapped yourself mentally to help you focus on the current problem you were facing; Sure teaching your passion to children was a wonderful activity, but it wasn’t enough to help you pay your bills and you had to use your strenght both, physically and mentally to put aside some money, some dirty money.
Your hand danced on the smudged cover under your sore body, reaching with the tip of your fingers a stack of papers filled with notes and sketches. It took you a colossal effort to sat up on the bed, taming your hair the best you could as your eyes ran on the damaged report of your previous mission. Those ghouls made life difficult to you but it was a piece of cake compared to the big fish you were tracking down, even if your plan worked, you would probably get out of there with worse than just bruises and scratches. You grabbed the leather book resting on your nightstand, turning pages to stop on a resume you knew by heart after all this years of hunting. Ushijima Wakatoshi – one of the most dangerous vampire roaming around the country for the last century, you bit your lips as you watched the sketches and old photographies, mixed feelings clashing inside your chest. Vampires were known to stuck together in not-so-comfy nests, live together, fight together, kill together. But not this one. He was the exception as opposed to the rules hunters shared for generations. Some of them already tried to catch him, seeing the chance to slice a head freely as he decided to go off on his own, but none of them has been found – in one piece. Unfortunately, or fortunately, you never had the chance to met him in person, always few hours late to find only half-deleted tracks and a delicate perfume that stuck to your nose, he was gone, leaving behind him new victims and the bitter taste of failure on the back of your tongue. You detailled his figure, your nail grazing against unreadable sharp severe eyes, he was tall, strong, quick and violent, yet handsome and it was enough to send a shock throught your body. As you watched your sleep flew away throught the window once again, you swore that this time, he wouldn’t be able to get away unscathed. It was more than three weeks now that you left your hometown, twenty four days, ten hours and fourty-six minutes to be exact, not that you missed your flat that much, but you definitely would have prefered to leave for a more..Exotic destinations than traveling from states to states practically living in your car. But you weren’t going to complain, you were wainting for this call for months as weeks passed without a signs of him and you began to lost hope that you could find his track ever again. You canceled all of your plans, grabbed a suitcase then left in a rush, dishes still crammed into the sink when one of your source reported his presence hours from there. You were close, so close it was hard to fight the urge to go and find him tonight under the full moon of October, but you didn’t have enough informations and take the risk to make him run away would be something you couldn’t forgive to yourself. After few hours of disturbed sleep and a good boiling shower, you got a quick unidentifiable oily chicken breakfast and were ready to gather what missed to your board to finish him. By the end of the morning you had localized the place he had invested, to your suprise, it was a cozy little house in a friendly suburb, that bastard was way worse than you could had thought. You checked all of your package, again, and again, anything could be a help once there, and there would be no turning back, charms, Holy water flasks, stake plundged in the blood of a dead man and your keen sword, of course, everything seemed to be in place. The thought of abandoning the task crossed your mind the time of an eyelash beat, it surely wasn’t fear, apprehension maybe, mush of feelings tried to overwheelmed your sanity and you pushed everything to the side as you entered your car. The sun began to set when you reached the district and it would have been too risky to try something until the next morning, comfortably sitting in the back of your seat you studied each of his moves, ready to jump on him at the first occasion, Surprise would be your best asset facing such a level.. But nothing came. No movements, no switch of light, no shadows on the curtains. Your adrenaline went down as the time passed and soon your stomach began to growled, reminding that you hadn’t eaten since the morning with all the stress acumulated. Dear Lord, you could kill for a bucket of wings right now. The ticking sound of the radio caught your attention, and you squinted on the enlighted numbers displaying two o’clock, the night was deadly calm, not a soul in view and the street lamps were off since hours now. Ushijima was definitely not here and, as peculiar as he was, he was still a vampire, and wouldn’t be home before the the first glows of dawn, you took the decision to go and explore the lair of your terrible prey. Picking the front gate was easier than you had thought and you pushed back the door as you sneaked like a cat into the night in the – surprisingly – clean flat. You could have bet it was a show house if it wasn’t for the familiar scent which hit your nose as soon as you entered the lobby, engulfing you with weird sensations, striking memories long forgotten, awakening the need to hunt more than anything else. You tip-toed from immaculate room to another, surprised by how neat this – monster – was, making him appear, almost, like a normal perfect man. You knew that feelings had not their place on mission, however frustration built in the back of your mind as you ransacked one of his drawer in the silence of the darkness, not aware of the huge shadow loaming over your back as two piercing eyes were already digging holes in your neck. «Looking for something ?» A calm, stern voice rose from behind and you froze, mind going blank when you realized tables had turned. The stake slipped from your sleeve to the palm of your hand as your other fingers were already working on the cap of the flask, ready to charge if he tried anything funny, to your surprise, he kept his distance and you turned around slowly. The pale rays of the moon entering by the crossed shutters, drew the shape of each angles of his face, accentuating the deep and serious stare those hazel eyes were focused on you. You swallowed in order to find back your voice, but his simple presence tensed the athmosphere to the point the uneasiness was almost palpable. No word were pronounced as your hands got sweaty, but his sharp gaze didn’t waver, he studied  you, like a little animal, like the prey you were now, the next one, among the heap of victims he already had behind him, or so you thought. No, that’s not how you die, that’s not your fate and you remembered why you where there, you better go for the first move if you didn’t want this to change. You plundged toward his stoic figure, throwing the water to his face, eliciting a low grunt from him as you ran into his direction, he dodged the few attacks you tried without much efforts, still blinded, it seemed like legends were right about his speed, aren’t they? Exchange of strokes missed and well placed continued in the tiny room, nerves carrying you as you weren’t realizing he was in defensive position the whole time. Probably tired of your assaults, Wakatoshi grabbed your wist without effort, throwing you on the couch as you bounced on the cushions with the violence you landed on, it seemed like legend were right about his strenght too, aren’t they? You closed your eyes as if it could protect you and teleport you elsewhere. But to no avail, he didn’t let go of you, trapping you between the comforter and his own body, his fingers circling your arms ever so slightly for his profile. When you opened your eyes again, his own were mere centimeters away, unreadable expression painting his face except a slight frown on his forehead. You should have fight again, you should have fear for your life but for an inexplicable reason, you were feeling, good, and safe, your mind tried to fight the warm feeling in your chest and the weird one in your stomach, but you just wanted to stay like this, a bit more, just. a little. bit. more. Your eyes stopped on thin lips, pinched in a way the tips of his fangs formed two little wrinkles on the rosy flesh, then to his hues empty and serious. The thumps of your heart buzzing in your ears made it hard to focus and you felt yourself drown into his inert, emotionless pupils, until you saw them move, in a blink of an eye toward the pulsing vein of your neck. It was the boost you needed, the piece of wood still in your sleeve, you sank the peak into his ribs with all of the power you could gather, pushing him to the side as he rolled on the floor, dizzy from the mixture. Distraught and petrified, you reached for your sword landing on the tiles, heading in his direction, you rose your arm, ready to strike when you met his sight again, something prayed you to stop deep inside, but you closed your eyelids as you administered a final blow, ready for the sentence he deserved. When you turned your head back to his form on the ground, ready for the slaughter you just caused, your heart skipped a beat when you faced the man in the same position, blinking at you in surprise, an expression finally passing across his face. Your mouth opened in a perfect O, your hands shaking and your knees weak as you processed to understand what happened, or, worse, Why was it happening, when everything sank in both your mind, you fell on the ground, moving backward toward the open door your eyes still on his stun figure.
Oh. It was going to be funny.
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Hello Red !  I really hope you enjoyed my little story, I’m so sorry for  all the potential mistakes, english is not my native language and it’s possible [highly probable] that my sentences sound a little weird ;_; I wish you a wonderful day ♥
From @adorably-obnoxious to @supern-a-vengers
9 notes · View notes
Haikyuu: Werewolf!AU Iwaizumi Hajime
For: Chiwa - http://www.adorably-obnoxious.tumblr.com -
Stepping off the train, you could smell it in the air.
“Here it comes,” you whispered to yourself, smiling softly.
You knew it would be a good day whenever you felt the first drop of a rain shower. And having that first drop slide along your cheek made you feel as if something spectacular would happen.
Unfortunately you didn’t have the time to enjoy it. You had been running late to the new gallery opening, and the client had been freaking out about missing a piece inspired by Peter Rubens that they refused to start the show without.
You loved your job, you really really did. But sometimes the you wished you were a curator at an art museum instead…you loved historical art more than the new stuff people came up with.
Like I’m sorry but two lines sharp against a blank back drop is not art. You thought, recalling a show you put on for a client a few months back.
You clutched the portfolio carrying the piece the artist was so concerned about, and made a break through the rain for the safety of your show-building.
“Oh god, I can’t do this!” You heard coming from the the back room.
As the door closed behind you, you called out, “Daichi! I got it!”
The short dark-haired male rounded the corner, pure joy expressed on his features.
“You are now my favorite person in this world!” He practically ran to you, kissing your cheeks before taking the portfolio and pulling the painting from its protective layer.
Seeing the work itself, you understood why he was so desperate to have it in this show.
“Well doesn’t that just hurt my feelings…” A grey haired male called, shaking off the water covering his jacket.
You smiled at him, “Hey Suga. Get caught in the rain?”
He returned your expression before snapping his fingers. Suddenly all the water on or around him was gone, “What rain?” He winked at you before walking over to his boyfriend. “Oh you brought my favorite one. We aren’t selling it, right?” He asked solemnly.
“Of course not,” Daichi replied, kissing him on the temple as he wrapped his empty arm around his other half. “Just want to show everyone my best piece. That’s what this show is for right?”
Chuckling, you added, “And to sell all your other ones. We do have to make a living here.”
Looking over the picture, you noted how the horses resembled Rubens’ “The Fall of Phaeton” and made sure to write on the name card that it was not available for sale.
“Besides Suga,” You called to the young warlock, stopping the couple mid-kiss. “I may be Daichi’s favorite person right now, but we all know you’re his favorite everything.”
The males smiled to each other before locking their lips.
Laughing, you gave them some time alone.
You had about five minutes until the show started, and you were going to use that time to relax.
After the show finished, a couple of the guests hung around speaking with your artist. You plastered a friendly smile onto your face as you approached them.
“-st so amazing, Daichi. I still cannot believe how far you’ve come.” The tallest in the group finished saying, slapping his hand on the artist’s back. Everyone in the group laughed merrily, and you figured they must be old friends.
Entering the little circle you centered everyone’s attention to you, “Well as happy as I am to encourage camaraderie, I’m going to have to ask you to take it somewhere else for the night.” You laughed as you added the kicker, “Don’t want to get locked in this building with no food or drinks until it reopens at 6am do you?”
The grouped smiled and some laughed at your question.
Daichi was the first to speak, “Of course, (Y/N). Wouldn’t want to overstay.” Winking at his boyfriend, “Though I’m sure Suga could figure us a way out if need be.”
Blushing, the grey haired individual was too tongue tied to respond.
However, you got a serious look and stated, “the security system is impervious to the supernatural as well as the humane.”
The males in the group looked at you as if you had been a completely different person, but you just shook it off. Both their looks of concern and disbelief, and the feeling of unease and paranoia creeping up your body.
Clapping his hands, the shortest of the group tried lightening the mood, “Well why don’t we go celebrate at that new bar downtown? I happen to have an in with the owner and he’s been telling me to check it out.”
Rolling his eyes, Suga smiled, “We all know Noya. Chikara has been begging Diachi and I to come by since before he even officially opened.” The silver haired male kissed his boyfriend’s temple before continuing, “And I guess now is as good a time as any. Right hun?”
Smiling, he started pulling Suga’s hand. Leading him out the doors. “Thanks for a great show, (Y/N). I’ll come by tomorrow to talk about the end results.”
You grinned as everyone made their way out, sending small waves back to those who made a motion of farewell.
Locking the door behind the group, you let out a tight breath.
Just in time to hear a knocking from the rear entrance.
Quickly making you way over you saw him.
A blinding smile took over your face as you unlocked the hunk of metal standing between you and the love of your life.
He stepped in before you even had the door open all the way, wrapping his arms around you to catch you from falling by the sudden pressure on the door.
Kicking it shut behind him he let his lips latch onto your own.
You let your hands caress his cheeks, and moan into his mouth as he deepens the assault with a nip to your bottom lip. You felt him smile against your skin before he leaned back to give you a breather.
“I’ve missed you.” He said before nuzzling into your neck.
Nodding, you silently agreed with him. You didn’t trust your voice to not squeal in pleasure from his bites.
Pulling back, he smirks at you. “Say something, will ya?”
Smiling, “We still going to that party?” When he winks at you, you release a laugh. “We need to change then.”
He steps away and shakes out his body. Smirking at you, “Ok. Done.”
You lightly hit his shoulder. Letting your hand linger to scratch at the super soft fur that covered what had previously been smooth skin.
Running upstairs, you went to put on your costume for the night, thinking, Lucky Hajime, not having to put on extra stuff for this thing.
You were dressed up as an older version of little red riding hood. And man, did your werewolf boyfriend find the corset and skirt ensemble inviting.
“Damn you look hot.” He said, nuzzling into your neck despite the large hunk of fabric scrunching its way between your back and his chest.
Laughing, you teased, “I’m basically cosplaying a child here Hajime, how much of predator do you want to be mistaken for?” You winked at him while turning around and placing a small kiss on his cheek. Grabbing a small woven basket you planned to use as your purse for the night. “Let’s go before Kuroo hides all the good candy, okay?”
“I hate that werepanther. He is so full of himself.” Iwaizumi growled out, hand linking with your empty one.
“That’s not why. You don’t like him because we dated before I met you.” You tapped him on the nose lightly and let a huge grin take your features. “Maybe even the fact that he introduced us, but definitely NOT because of his self-confidence.”
Shaking his head, your boyfriend started laughing, “Gods, I love you.”
“And I you.” You said simply, dragging him out the way he entered and locking the door behind the both of you.
A bright red-light flashed from inside the building and you flinched in response.
“Has that been working properly?” He asked.
You let Hajime wrap his arms around your waist before answering, “Yes, but it still freaks me out that they’re out there. That even you couldn’t catch them.”
He growled in a protective manner. “I will always protect you from the vile that are vampires. Hell, I even made Oikawa tell all his underlings to kill any that smell like them.”
Letting your lips twitching into a small smile, you pulled away from your boyfriend’s embrace. “Thanks Hajime. And, I know you’ll protect me. It’s one of the benefits of loving you and being the person of your affections.”
Snaking his arm over your shoulder as the two of you made your way once again, he smirked, “And don’t ever forget it.”
You knocked on the wall besides the pitch black door.
A silver tipped head of spikes stuck out and then became a blur as soon as it recognized you.
“(F/N)!!” He called, before blurring into a hug with you. Running in circles because he was to excited to focus on his power control.
You threw your head back in laughter, “Hahahah, Hey Bokuto.”
“I’VE MISSED YOU!” He yelled, calming down enough to place you back on your feet, but not letting go of his embrace.
You continued laughing, trying to catch your breath, when Hajime grabbed you empty hand and jerked you back to his side.
Growling, “Mine.” With yellow in his eyes.
You smacked his arm. “Bokuto’s one of my best friends, baka. Leave it be.”
He immediately looked as you as if he was a kicked puppy, and his eyes returned to their normal olive green. You’d never admit it to him, but you’d drown in his eyes if you stared to long.
Pulling your gaze away, you saw another head sticking out from the black abyss that stood in the doorframe.
“Kageyama!!” You yelled before pushing off your boyfriend and latching your arms around your childhood neighbor.
The being wrapped his arm around the small of you back to keep you from falling to the floor when you swung your legs around his hips.
Huffing out in a stark tone, “Jesus, (F/N)! Your lucky I’m prophetic, otherwise your boyfriend over there would attack me for you hurting yourself.”
Smiling as you unattached yourself from the blue-haired male, you shyly admitted that you hadn’t even thought about that possibility.
“Well!” Bokuto yelled, before he figured Hajime could move to make another jealous comment or action. “Let’s get back to the party!”
However, your boyfriend just looked at you and Kageyama as if it was nothing new. The prophetic male was your closest confidant. The person who you had always gone to in times of need growing up and, as your boyfriend, he knew better than to say anything about your and Kageyama’s friendship.
Your group stepped through the seemingly black hole of a door, and were met with a perfect replica of an abandoned old house.
“Hajime, look!” You called before jumping over a spot in the floor that looked like there was actually no ground.
“(F/N)!” He yelled, reaching out to you.
Landing on the dark spot you laughed manically, “Hahah it’s not real, love.” You latched your hand in his before pulling him in for a kiss.
The force he kissed you back with made you weak at the knees. It was like he was punishing you for the jealousy and fear you made him feel.
But if this was how he behaved after such small things, you didn’t think you’d mind.
A bit later and you finally came by the host.
Who would have guessed that a were-panther would dress up as a wolf for halloween.
“Kuroo!” You called, recognizing his piercing eyes from anywhere.
He whipped his head in your direction and a sly-grin pulled his mouth wide. “(F/N), glad you could make it.” He looked you over before winking, “Nice costume! Guess we could pair up for the costume contest, yea?”
You laughed at his joking, knowing he was just trying to rile up your boyfriend. The merry reaction growing when his hand tightened around your waist. “Where’s Kenma?” You asked simply.
The boy came into your view, he nodded in greeting before pulling Kuroo away to handle some situation that you didn’t hear all the details about.
After the party, you walked down the dark streets, nearly falling asleep with every step.
“(F/N), I can just carry you if you want to sleep.” You boyfriend offered.
You smiled at him, eyes heavy with drowsiness. “Sorry, Hajime. I don’t know why I am so tired all of a sudden.”
He kisses your temple before lowering to his knees for you to climb onto his back.
As you settle into the comfortable hold the two of you are used to in these situations, the last thing you hear before the dark abyss of sleep takes hold is Hajime’s voice clearly stating, “Don’t think of anything unnecessary. I love you, you’re the best partner I could have. Just let me keep protecting you.”
You felt fuzzy, and let your eyes slowly adjust to the image in front of you.
As soon as your vision cleared, all you could make out was the blood and decapitated bodies.
Upchucking whatever contents were in your stomach, you were to busy to hear Iwaizumi calling out for you.
Soon enough he was kneeling in front of your form, caressing your features, trying to get you to respond to him.
“(F/N),” He cried, “Please, please just answer me. I’m so sorry.”
You coughed around a lump in your throat, “What happened?”
He smiled at getting you to respond, but withdrew a bit before answering, “They came from every direction. They used a witch to drug the air. That’s why you got so tired so quickly. Since I was still transformed it didn’t effect me the way they planned. I called Oikawa and the pack as soon as I realized the vampires were trying to take you again. They were here in a matter of seconds and the battle commenced. You wouldn’t wake so we knew we didn’t get the witch they hired, but we couldn’t find anyone. I was so worried-”
“Oh just get to the good party already~” Oikawa sang, stepping around from the building along the main road.
“Shut up, Ass-ikawa.” You boyfriend retaliated. Smiling despite his harsher words. “Anyway, Oikawa and the newbies tracked him down and brought him back. As a team, our pack forced him to release you and then we let him meet the same end as the vampires targeting you.”
You kept coughing, but were trying to memorize every detail of the story Hajime told you. “Thank you for protecting me, Hajime.” You locked eyes with him. Not turning to acknowledge his pack leader at all.
“How mean~” He sang out, pulling Iwaizumi’s attention. “We go through all this work and she still only thanks you.”
Dropping his transformation, Hajime’s gorgeous brown eyes and sharp spiked hair shook in amusement. Picking you up, and carrying you bridal style between his large biceps, he explained, “You’re a really amazing pack leader. Even if dynamics differ, or the pack changes, that itself will not. But if you try taking her from me, I will defeat you.” You snuggled closer to his hold, and he smiled down at you. “Not that she’d ever let that happen.”
The two of them laughed before saying their goodbyes.
You knew the next day would bring hardships, and you’d have to help Iwaizumi through the crushing regret he will face from taking so many lives (even if it was quote un-quote justified by you and his pack), but for now, things were okay. You were in the arms of the man you loved, and he would do everything in his powers to keep the woman he loves happy and safe. Even from the stuttering mess that was his pack leader.
From @supern-a-vengers [Green] to @adorably-obnoxious
4 notes · View notes
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From @theincrediblemoonchild to @supern-a-vengers [Green]
6 notes · View notes
Haikyuu: Hunter!AU Kuroo Tetsurou
From RED
For: Lilliee - http://www.itslliri.tumblr.com -
Kuroo Tetsurou silently ended his side of the call. He was seething.
Chucking the device, from which he just learned you had been abducted, into the passenger seat, the stoic male floored the gas. Attempting with every fiber of his being to get to your last known location and pick up the trail before the creature could do you too much harm.
Once he reached the motel room where you had been staying, his demeanor had only become worse. The thoughts in his head about what could have taken you and what they were doing only causing him worry.
Which he did not like. At all.
He slammed the door open, kicking at just the right angle above the doorknob because he couldn’t bring himself to care about finding a manager to unlock the thing.
His hunting partner, Kozume Kenma, threw his hands in the air defensively.
Upon seeing it was the rooster haired male though, the near blonde went back to what he was doing. His thin eyebrows raised as he reprimanded his friend. “You still have to be discrete.”
Kuroo decided to ignore this comment, and instead started checking for any indication as to what might have taken you.
“Why didn’t you protect her?” He spat out, bending to check some yellow speaks along the edge of where the floor and wall meet.
Kenma’s eyes knitted together as a scowl itched at his normally blank expression. “She told me to get something for us to eat while she washed off. Would you rather I have not listened?”
Squinting his hazel eyes at the ginger, Kuroo clicked his tongue before returning to his search.
“Ah.” Kenma called, stepping away from the nightstand he had been investigating. “Found it.” He held out his hand.
Kuroo squinted at the raw flesh that his partner held out in front of him. Recognition at what creature they were dealing with.
Seeing this, Kenma’s lips inched towards a grin, ready to go kill the creature that took his best friend’s love interest. “Good thing we just bought all those silver rounds.”
You stood on your toes, hands tied high above your head. Flipping your head from side-to-side you recognized there were others in the same situation, and cursed under your breath.
Only alone for ten minutes and I can’t even protect myself from this shit for that long, you thought to yourself. Slightly pulling on the chains around your wrists.
The sound scared the girl to your side and she started crying.
Must not know about the supernatural world being real, you thought, before you began chuckling to yourself, well she will know after this.
It wasn’t even possible, in your mind, that you wouldn’t make it out of this situation. Kuroo Tetsurou was the best hunter around. And he was yours. You were his. He would find you. He would save you. It was the only answer.
He’d kill himself with guilt if anything happened to you when you were with him. Your best friend, Bokuto, would kill him if anything happened to you. HIs best friend Akaashi would kill him, then Kenma, and then find a way to bring you back to life and kill you again if anything happened to you while you were with the Nekoma Hunters League.
And he knows all this.
“Stop crying!” A voice boomed out of the darkness, before whispering, “Stupid human.”
Before you realized they were approaching, the creature who had talked stood starkly in front of you. A hungry smirk playing on their face.
A clawed finger stroked under your chin, and you swallowed a hiss. Not wanting to make your situation worse for yourself.
“Be more like this one humans, and maybe will give you a swift death.” When all the others started crying along with the girl who had started the verbal onslaught, the creature in front of you laughed. Throwing their head back in appreciation of the absolute terror they brought through their victims. “Or maybe I should be telling you to be more like them.” They sang, eyes latching onto yours.
You spat in their face. “Do so and you’ll regret it.”
As they wiped their face, the creature growled at you. “Meatbag.” The insult was probably meant to rile you up, but another creature walked in and started chastising the first about how they were just supposed to watch over the prisoner’s, not interact with them. While the two argued you made the obvious mental note that there existed some animosity between your captors.
He let Kenma wrap his right hand up in the bandage, showing no indication of feeling pain despite the deep gash in his palm.
“So, I take it you don’t want to wait for backup even though we were just told there are 15 wolves in this den…” The short male drawled out, as he tapped the wrapping tight.
The cimmerian haired male flexed his hand a few times before picking up his personalized coonan*. “No.” He replied simply, before grabbing an extra two clips already packed with the silver bullets he’d need to put down every single one of the creatures that dared to bring you harm.
Kenma huffed in annoyance, and even though he knew this was a dark moment for his friend, he still decided to make his friend think, “Y/N is probably just hanging out and waiting for you to come to the rescue. She knows you’d never let her come to harm.” When a slight blush crept over Kuroo’s ears, Kenma knew that he had just caused the male a huge amount of embarrassment. And, it felt like a victory in and of itself.
“Let’s just get Y/N.” He stated. But despite the blunt comment, Kenma knew he was gunning to see you again.
Kuroo had been out for almost a week before you got taken anyway. How in the world he had only been an hour’s drive away when he got Kenma’s call about you being gone…He couldn’t think of any explanation other than his pure luck.
Sure it sucked that you’d been taken in the first place. But he’d rather be close enough to come after you then have to sit back from being multiple states away and just worry.
Nodding his head, Kuroo indicated that he was going to the back entrance of the building.
They had figured out where the pack of wolves were keeping their catches by hitting up a local bar. Kenma had claimed a runt of a man had been a wolf and since Kenma’s hunter instincts were normally correct, Kuroo didn’t question it. Just walked up and punched the dog in the face, before whipping out a silver blade and burning the skin it came in contact with on the individual being pushed across the table. The injury came from the runt’s buddies. Other wolves that had just returned from a smoke break based off the scent Kuroo pulled from them. It was a small fight. Something the hunter could have handled along, but he still appreciated that Kenma stepped in. Kuroo knew how Kenma hated to waste unnecessary information, and the actions showed him just how responsible he felt for your disappearance.
It helped them get the information a lot faster.
Kuroo shook his head out before breaking down a second door for that night.
Two wolves practically gave themselves whiplash from turning around so quickly. But, it didn’t matter. They were both shot in the head and heart before they could take three steps.
He heard something like a howl, and thought, well there goes the element of surprise. Yet, again, he didn’t care. His sole mission was you. Getting to you. Saving you. Wrapping you in his arms, and telling you face to face that he loved you.
The week he spent away was too much for him and he was ready to finally admit the feeling he’d been suppressing.
Stalking through the house, the blue-green eyed hunter would shoot every werewolf in the same manner. Double tap with a shot to the head, because they were stupid enough to steal you from him, and a shot to the heart as payback for making him worry. Didn’t matter the order. Or, if he had already shot them to halt their descent on him or Kenma. Or, that they would instantly die from whichever shot he made first.
It’s what he wanted to do, and you had always told him to listen to the side of his brain that said when HE actually wanted to do something.
He heard wailing, from multiple voices and realized that you probably weren’t the only person taken by this nest.
Leaving whatever wolves were left alive upstairs to his partner, Kuroo descended the stairs.
About halfway down, he ran into three individuals.
A girl was crying her head off, she looked about twelve so he ignored her.
The male coddling her looked to be about thirty, but Kuroo did not want to deal with the girl if he tried asking the male any questions.
Leaving the female that looked to be in her early twenties.
“Are there others down there?” He wouldn’t waste him time checking on people he didn’t know or care for if he could get to you faster.
The female nodded, “There is a girl with Y/H/C, a guy with olive colored hair, and another brunette guy. They were fighting the thing that took, well me at least, and told us to run.”
Kuroo nodded before reaching around himself, grabbing onto the railing and jumping over the edge. He landed on the floor and rolled out, experience telling him to not land straight on his feet if he wanted to keep using them after a jump like that.
There were sounds of a struggle to the left, and he ran through the door frame. Shooting a female wolf three times in the chest, despite them being too busy attacking a male with olive hair to even realise they were about to be killed.
Wide eyes stared at Kuroo as the female wolf fell limp to the floor. Kuroo walked forward and sent an extra shot through her skull before exchanging his clip.
“Th-thank you.” The male in front of him said, before stepping around him and running, presumably, out of the heart of this battle.
Kuroo looked around the room, and there was no sign of you. He screamed out, “Y/N!!! Y/N!”
He strained his ears, and heard coughing. Rushing back into the hall, he followed the sound to the room farthest from the staircases.
There laid a brunette male with a shocked and scared expression permanently frozen to his face. Kuroo didn’t miss the gaping hole located where his heart should be.
Another male body laid a few feet away. A bloodied chain piled between the head and body where he assumed a neck once existed.
Kuroo’s attention was pulled from the scene when he heard more coughing.
Head quickly turning to the wall behind him, he saw you.
While you would probably complain about being a bloody mess, with cuts and bruises surrounding your skin, he thought you were the best sight his eyes had ever seen.
“Y/N…” He whispered, before crashing down to you, and locking his lips with your own.
The action wasn’t necessarily unwelcome, but it sent you into a coughing fit and you had to push him away so you wouldn’t spit blood onto him.
“I knew you’d come for me.” You said simply, smiling up at him despite not wanting to look even worse in his eyes with red-stained teeth.
“Always will.” He said matter-of-factly.
Hearing steps, Kuroo spun around. Blocking you with his right arm and directing his gun to the entrance.
“Kuro” Kenma called, stepping quietly into the space. “They’re all dead,” He informed. Looking at your pair after examining the room.
You winced suddenly and both boys surrounded you to express concern.
But while Kuroo was focused on looking into your eyes and waiting for you to tell him what was wrong like you always would, Kenma’s calculated gaze found the gash in your leg.
He drew his friend’s attention to it solemnly. “She’s not going to make it Kuro.”
Slamming his hand into the wall beside you head, you noticed the bandage, “What happened?” You asked, immediately more worried about your boyfriend then whatever Kenma was claiming about your condition.
“It’s just a cut,” He answered.
Not one to take any of his crap, you pulled his face to direct his gaze to yours. “What happened?” You asked again.
A small smirk toyed with the end of his mouth. How could you be so…you…even at this point when he was losing himself. “I got cut figuring out where you were being kept.” His eyes glanced down to your leg, “But I still wasn’t fast enough.”
You planted a kiss on his lips, “But you can help me now.”
Picking up the gun he had laid down upon Kenma’s entrance. You put it in his hand and directed it to your abdomen.
Kenma picked up on what you were doing and excused himself, giving you the privacy you wanted.
You smiled at your friend as he left the room, silently thanking him for everything and wishing him the best.
The tear that slid down your face told that you were scared, but you knew in your heart and mind you would rather die how you choose then become one of those monsters, or die from how they chose.
“No.” He said, trying to pull the gun away from your form.
However you clutched onto it and his hand, tightly. “Please, Kuroo. You have to.”
“I can’t kill the woman I love!” He stated.
You were surprised he had finally said it out loud. You hadn’t missed that your boyfriend had been struggling to say the three little words you’d always wanted to hear.
“I love you, Y/N.” He said clearly, “I can’t kill you.”
But you wouldn’t accept it. “I love you, too Tetsurou. That’s why it has to be you.” You knew you were being a little unfair. But he should be willing to hear you out, and it hurt to talk anyway. Tonight was a full moon. If he didn’t kill you soon you’d change. “I don’t want to become one of them. I’d rather die as myself. How I choose. In the arms of the man I love.”
He looked into your eyes, searching for any sign against your words. Hoping against everything that this was not real. That it was a nightmare brought on by being away from you for too long. For not telling you he loved you sooner.
But the simplest answer is usually the right one, and in this scenario the simplest answer was that you were on the verge of either death or changing into one of the creatures he hunts. And, you were asking him to take away that second option.
“There has to be a cure.” He stated. “There’s a cure for vampires in the early stages, there has to be one for werewolves.”
You cupped his jaw and smiled to hid the searing pain that suddenly scorched through your entire body. “Please, before it’s too late, love.”
He gave you a chaste kiss than pulled away. “I can’t.” I’ll find you a cure, and keep you safe until then.”
“No, don’t.” You replied, reaching out for the gun as he pulled away.
Shaking his head, he switched the clip out, just beyond your reach. Shooting you with a tranquilizer and causing you to lose all sense of mind.
You woke up sometime later, just to immediately realize you were chained up again.
The shackles clinked as you swung them around.
“Don’t hurt yourself, Y/N.” You heard Kenma call, from the other side of the wall and what had transpired before came rushing back to you.
“Why am I still alive?” You asked him. Dropping your head in defeat, as you realized you would never die as yourself.
Kenma didn’t know how to explain it to you. Didn’t know how to tell you what they learned. Because he knew you would go into a panic attack. He thought it would be better for you to think they let you change into a werewolf. So he didn’t say anything in response, and went back to his device.
Learning everything he could about delayed vampire symptoms.
It felt like days later when Kuroo finally showed his face to your cell. You heart told you that would never be the case, but that’s how you felt.
He unlocked the door, and light flooded in. You winced as you had accustomed to the darkness that was your dimly lit prison.
“Sorry for this, love. But things changed and we had to protect you.” You looked at his questionably, as you processed his words.
“Protect me? You could have killed me when I asked and you and Kenma would have been fine.” You retaliated.
His cat-like eyes that once could enrapture your soul seemed to be darker then you remember. “We never need protection from you.” Then he went on to explain what happened.
How you had started to change, and something happened. That your hands started tearing at your skin and whenever one of them touched you your skin felt as if it was on fire. How you were screaming at a decimal that almost broke their eardrums but your mouth was closed so they had no clue what to do. Until you collapsed into a fetal position and just mumbled about stupid werewolf blood mixing with vampires’.
“What?” You asked incredulously. “What are you saying?”
He looked at you intently, wondering how you could be standing there with that confused expression, asking questions as if you didn’t know you were a vampire.
But staring into your eyes he realized that was exactly the case.
You hadn’t known you were a vampire.
When did it happen, how had it happened, if she doesn’t know how has she survived this long, what do I do, how do I help her, can I help her, questions poured through his mind.
You noticed the brightness returned to his eyes.
“Wait, so I am apparently a vampire. And you honestly thought I knew and kept it from you?”
He just nodded his head in response. Shaking out whatever was going through his mind, Kuroo stepped closer and wrapped you into his arms. “I’m so sorry. I still love you, I just felt so betrayed. And then I thought you wanted me to shoot you before I could see the change happen, and-”
You cut him off with a kiss. Putting all your feelings into it, in case you could never do it again. “I love you Tetsurou. If I knew I was a vampire, I would have never kept it from you.” You smiled before adding, “Besides you only kill bad creatures of the night, and I’m sure we’d find a…productive…way to use fangs.”
Laughing, he uncuffed your hands and held you in a tight embrace. “We’ll figure this out.”
You nodded into his shoulder before letting your smile falter, “Kuroo, I’m scared.”
“I know Y/N,” He said. Voice returning to the serious tone that he gets when he is on a mission. “But, I will always protect you.”
The two of you stood that way for a while.
[Years later]
Stepping over the small pile of dinosaur magazines on the counter, the slim black cat meowed at his witch.
The blonde haired male turned from his current reading and gave a blank look to the creature.
Luckily the two were so in tune with one another that no more sounds needed to be said.
Getting a dish from the back office, the glasses wearing male produced a meal for his feline companion.
Looking down upon the eating figure, he ran a hand over the small fur covered hair, “You’re lucky you weren’t a dog.”
The cat just rolled his eyes, having gotten used to his human’s sarcastic nature.
Going back to his food, he didn’t miss how Tsukishima moved around the store. Restocking shelves, and making sure labels faced forward when going down each isle.
It was peaceful here.
A lot more so compared to where he’d last been.
Transforming to his human form after finishing his meal, the once cat familiar yawned.
“Kei,” He spoke, slowly letting his vocal cords adjust, “Do we have all the ingredients for that one order?”
Humming, he kept his gaze on the task at hand. He had just started rearranging the books since a few customers had misplaced them when browsing earlier in the day.
“That’s not an answer.” Yamaguchi reproached.
Sighing, the former relented, “No. We are missing two drops of werewolf blood and the nail of a vampire.”
The bell to the front door rang out, and both males saw a cloaked individual walk into the store. While it was close to closing, the shop still technically had twenty minutes before lock-up.
“Welcome to The Crow. Where your magic needs are always met with precision and discretion.” Yamaguchi stated. Speaking the mantra Kei had told him to say whenever he was in human form and a customer was around.
The figure made no noise of recognition, but continued strolling down different aisles. In search of something in particular.
Luckily for them, Yamaguchi returned to his original form and dug his claws into the ankle of the cloaked person.
Hissing in pain, the figure dropped a bunch of items they had grabbed while going up and down the different shelving structures.
They also threw their hood back and revealed a beautiful E/C eyed female. Skin flawless and cheekbones emphasized by the dancing flames of the light around the store.
Pulling out his claws from their skin, the cat mewled for his friend. Just to watch the previous scratch marks heal themselves to show no signs of an attack. To see what had been red, pierced skin turn back to a flawless, smooth surface.
Not wanting to be caught by the owner, you quickly retaliated by shoving over a few of the shelving units.
The action caused Kei to momentarily lose concentration.
Using a balancing spell he tried to keep everything up right and stop it all from crashing to the floor…essentially losing all the merchandise he would end up having to replace.
But luckily his friend had regained his mind and warned Kei about your intended departure.
Catching you with another spell, the blonde haired male made quick work of putting everything in his store back in order.
“Let me go before I drain you of every drop of blood flowing through your body, Mr. Warlock.” You warned, letting your eyes flash red. Giving away your vampiristic nature.
The male just shook his head, “After I get my property back, we’ll see.”
When you ignored him, he added, “I ain’t no saint to be forgiving thieving and destruction of property.”
Laughing, you glanced around the shop. “I see nothing broken,” You spat out. Fangs baring as you maneuvered away from his approaching hand.
“Big talk coming from a little vampire.” He chastised.
Reaching into your pocket, he grabbed the only potion bottle you had truly been after.
“Guess this would be obvious. A vampire stealing…healing potion?” He released a heavy sigh and turned away from you.
You struggled as if you were being held in place by invisible restraints, but the feeling of being trapped didn’t leave you.
“Why would a vampire need something like this?” He asked. The sarcasm from his voice setting you on edge. “Don’t you naturally have healing factors?”
“Obviously.” You called, just as sarcastically. “It’s not for me.” At his raised eyebrows you dropped the fangs and red eyes. “My boyfriend is hurt, bad. And he won’t let me feed him to heal him because I will lose control. So I needed to find another way.”
Yamaguchi turns back into a human, grabs the potion from his shocked friend and hands it to you. “Just come back and pay for it okay?”
You nodded profusely before disappearing back the way you came.
“Kuroo!” You yelled, entering your small apartment. Dropping to your knees in front of his form on your couch, and forcing him to swallow the liquid potion you hoped he would turn out okay.
Smiling against his skin you released him. “Easy tiger.”
He glared at the tease.
Holding his shaft in one hand, you readied it quickly. Masterbating him to get the precum as a lubricant. Using your other hand to ready you own opening for his thick piece.
When your hand on him was slipping easily, met with only tiny dry bits towards the hilt, and your own center squishing in pleasure, you lined him up. “Go ahead, love.”
He thrusted into you with such force, you saw spots for a full second. The moan that escaped him the thing that brought you back to where you were and what you were doing.
He kissed you some before deciding he’d rather focus on his thrusts. Trying to flip positions while still staying inside you.
You complied, thinking it’d be easier to let your boyfriend run the show tonight.
His thrusts were hard, his hands around your hips rough, his hazel eyes full of love and appreciation.
Every time you bit into him, drew blood and licked it up, he’d moan and groan in pleasure. His hips slowing as he relished in what you did to him, before slamming into you in reciprocation. You’d release screams and huffs of breaths with every movement.
The squeaking from the bed doing nothing to cover the sounds coming from your sweat soaked bodies.
“Ah, ah. Yes.” You called as his head found your sweet spot. “Right there Tetsurou.”
He stopped suddenly, even though you knew he was close too.
“Do it again.” He said, cat-like eyes latched onto your own E/C ones.
Giving a questioning look, he sighed in exasperation, before tilting his head back and opening his throat to you.
You smirked in response, stupid Kuroo.
Latching onto his skin and sucking his essence, he started thrusting into the spot that would send you into oblivion.
It didn’t take long for the combination of his taste, moans and thrusts to cause you to clutch your walls around him and fall over the edge.
Your walls closing around him and the scream erupting from your lips as your coming interrupted your feeding was all he needed. Letting his seed flow deep into you, he rode out his orgasm while you rode out your own.
Once the two of you finished, he pulled out and sat besides you. Closing his eyes as he regulated his breath.
You turn to face him, a smile on your face. Running your hand through his soft dark hair, “I love you, Tetsurou. I’m glad you didn’t listen to me back then”
He smirked before pulling you closer to him and nuzzling his face into your shoulder. “I love you, Y/N.”
The two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Hello! I hope you liked this story, I had a lot of fun writing it. And sorry if the second half seems a bit off compared to the first. I needed Green’s help for the parts with Tsukishima.
From @supern-a-vengers [Red] to @itslliri
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I hope you enjoy Hinata and Kenma in their dog and cat costumes!
From @nijidragon to @theincrediblemoonchild
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This is Halloween ~
I wish you all a Terrible Day and I’ll now post the wonderful gifts you all made, thanks again to all of youeven if we were not that much participants, I hope the experience was good for everyone ♥
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Join us, we have cute sporty guys!
Inscriptions are still open until Sunday and we’ll be more than happy to count you in, come on, join us, we have bags full of candies [and cute volleyball players!]
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Unfortunately, we don’t have reach an amount of participants high enough to create this event on this last day of inscription. It’s why I extend the deadline and you can now join the event by sending your participation into the box until Friday 13th of October ! Come on, join us we have cookies and candies, it’ll be fun~ 🍭 🍪 🍬
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Hi! I have a question about the Secret Halloween thing event. Yea. So my friend and I share a Tumblr because of multiple reasons, but is this like one per Tumblr name or one per person? Sorry just thought I'd ask. Thank you
Hello ! Don’t worry I’m hear to answer all the questions ~Everyone can participate so there’s no problem at all if you’re several friends/admins sharing a tumblr and you all want to be part of the event!The only little thing is that you all have to send in the Ask/Submit box your informations, I don’t mind if I receive three inscriptions with the same tumblr as long as I have something to distinguish you for the other participants [Nickname/ choices of characters or type of Art]I hope I answer your question and don’t hesitate to send me a little message if I can help you (:
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This is Halloween, This is Halloween ~
Welcome in my humble abode, place where each of your words can change the ugliest toad in a more ugly one and where the first rays of the full moon would make you grow a fluffy mane ! Come on, follow me for this first Haikyuu!! Exchange of Gift Event under the theme of HALLOWEEN, don’t mind the sweet smell of sulfure and the eyes following your every moves behind the walls, be careful with the webs above your head and the traps under your feet and, of course, don’t walk on my black cat’s tail if you care about your life! SOME DATES You’re all probably familiar with the Secret Santa kind of event going on Tumblr every year, this one will follow the exact same rules minus snow flakes and eggnog, for the ones who want to be part of this event and who never participated in any Secret Santa event before, here are some more informations: This event is created to spread and share your love for our Little Perfect Volleyball Players by sharing your type of Art with all of the other participants, but more specifically, with one participant, the one you’ll have to create specially for ! Of course, as you’ll be the Secret Person of someone, you’ll, also, have a Secret Person who will create a little something for you too, all the gifts will be sent to me then released on the 31st of October, since then, everything have to be kept Secret ! ALL TYPE OF ART IS GLADLY WELCOME AND THE PRINCIPAL GOAL IS TO HAVE FUN !
The inscriptions ARE NOW OPEN ! You can submit your participation throught the ask box or the submit box until the 13th of October ! On the 14th of October you’ll receive someone and you’ll have to create a gift before the deadline, the 29 of October. Here is the steps to follow - First Step: Submit your introduction before the 8th of October. - Name/ Nickname/ How you want to be called - Few lines about you [what do you like, food, places, AU…] - What is your type of Art ? [do you write, draw, do music mix, Aesthetic..] - Your favorite characters/ Type of Art [what kind of gift do you want to receive] - Characters you like to create for - Characters you absolutely don’t want to create for Second Step: Find who you’ll create for and do your best! Third Step: Submit your work until the 29th of October and receive your gift full of shivers and fear ! Last step: The most important of all, Have Fun and Spread the word!
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