hakkouname · 3 months
//I find it hard to keep anything remotely going with Hinata on her blog, I'll be moving her over to my multi-muse blog for some canon and a lot of ocs. If you're not an oc fan, all good! Anyway, Hinata will be at @kyuusou 😊
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hakkouname · 4 months
Hinata is corrupted by Shino.
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hakkouname · 4 months
Hinata seated herself next to her teammate, not knowing how to reply to what he just said, she decided to share her bento box with him. "You like mochi?"
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"Rumors has it that the Bikōchū beetle is still following Naruto's backside to this day."
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hakkouname · 4 months
Also, my Hinata is affiliated with my Hyuuga OC, Shinju (@tennome). Hinata's mother was Shinju's cousin. Her bond with Shinju is good, and she learned medical jutsu at an early age from the medical department within the clan.
Hinata is quite knowledgeable, too, regarding medical ninjutsu. She doesn't flaunt being able to heal and only uses it when absolutely necessary. Outside of her clan, only Kurenai, Kiba, and Shino know this. Others just think she's a rookie who's trying. However, Sakura might side-eye her. 
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hakkouname · 4 months
My Hinata is a stalker, and she doesn't even hide it anymore. This is probably creepier than when she still tried to hide it. If you ask her, all members of the Hyuuga clan are stalkers to some degree, and why shouldn't they? Their eyes lend themselves perfectly for it. 
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hakkouname · 4 months
For a moment, Hinata blinked when he enlarged his fist, listening to his explanation of how he used his ability. Expanding the body like that reminded her of her friend, Chouji, and his clan. Was he related to her friend's clan? Desmond wasn't large in size like the members of the Akimichi clan. His chakra pool must be quite impressive to pull off such a feat without following a strict diet. 
“You can do all that without following the Akimichi clan's diet?” Hinata inquired. Taking hold of his hand with her Byakugan activated, his pathway wasn't any different from anyone else's. Mhm. “Is there a different technique to it than the Akimichi use? You don't need to answer that." She let go of his hand and deactivated her doujutsu. It must be a secret technique. Not something he would share if so. 
Continued from here.
"I suppose—?" 
Hinata smiled as he showed what he was able to do. She wasn't particularly impressed; she had seen so many different abilities by now. She remembered someone's head being chopped off and it reattaching itself with the use of water. The dead being brought back to life, teleportation, going to different dimensions—it was crazy to even think about it. However, she was most curious about how he utilized his abilities on the battlefield. “It's a unique ability, but I wonder how you use it during battle,” she responded, her head slightly tilted.
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hakkouname · 4 months
Continued from here.
"I suppose—?" 
Hinata smiled as he showed what he was able to do. She wasn't particularly impressed; she had seen so many different abilities by now. She remembered someone's head being chopped off and it reattaching itself with the use of water. The dead being brought back to life, teleportation, going to different dimensions—it was crazy to even think about it. However, she was most curious about how he utilized his abilities on the battlefield. “It's a unique ability, but I wonder how you use it during battle,” she responded, her head slightly tilted.
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hakkouname · 4 months
"Woah, what's that blue energy around your hands? Is that your power?"
“My power?” Hinata asked in reply. Why did he ask such a silly question? Everyone, including him, had chakra; it was life, and without it, you would die. “It's life energy—in a way, I use it as my power,” she weakly smiled.
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hakkouname · 4 months
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hakkouname · 4 months
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hakkouname · 10 months
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hinata gworly too 🧿
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hakkouname · 1 year
Post-war, Hinata hides a lot behind Shino. She feels 200% comfortable with him. She counts on both the boys for protection. Something Kiba is fully aware off and is quite protective over her. She actually feels really awkward with Kurenai. Actively avoiding her and Mirai.
Somehow, Hinata's resolve to be the best version of herself blew up in her face. She's more weird and awkward than ever before.
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hakkouname · 1 year
Sex Value
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"Oh," Hinata replied a bit confused at the end results. "I'm not sure what to do with this information."
Tagged: by the gracious Ghost 👻🥰
Tagging: You!
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hakkouname · 1 year
My Hinata in her adulthood prefers to wear traditional wear. Kimono and yukata.
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hakkouname · 1 year
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Edo period women obi knots, fantastic reference chart by Edo lover Nadeshico Rin.
You can see here several obi musubi favored by city women, of all class and status. Novelty knots were a fashion statement, often lauched by star onnagata kabuki actors, and spread by iki fashionistas such as geisha.
For top to bottom, left to right, you can see here:
Chidori musubi (plover knot) ちどり結び
Shôryû musubi (little dragon knot) 小龍結び
Kichiya musubi (Kichiya knot) 吉弥 結び - named after onnagata actor Uemura Kichiya I in Genroku period, who single handedly launched a new type of knots and obi fashion
Koman musubi (Koman knot) 小万結び - named after a kabuki character in play Yakko no Koman
Nagoya obi (Nagoya belt) 名古屋帯 - Azuchi Momoyama/Early Edo era silk kumihimo tied in butterfly knot
Yanoji musubi (arrow knot) 矢の字結び - created by onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojo II. Also found under the name tateya musubi 立て矢結び (standing arrow knot)
Yoshio musubi (Yoshio knot) よしお結び
Mizuki musubi (Mizuki knot) 水木結び - onnagata actor Mizuki Tatsunosuke is said to have first worn this variation of the Kichiya musubi
Rokô musubi (rôkô knot) 路孝結び - created by onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojo II
Karuta musubi (card knot) カルタ結び - created in early Edo period, looking like 3 playing cards side by side
Hitotsu musubi (single knot) 一つ結び - during Edo, was also called darari musubi だらり結び. Note that it differs from is nowadays called darari obi (worn by maiko)
Tate musubi (standing knot) 立て結び - see yanoji/tateya musubi for variations
Bunko kuzushi (unbalanced knot) 文庫くずし
Heijûrô musubi (Heijûrô knot) 平十郎結び - created by actor Murayama Heijûrô III
Sageshita musubi (falling knot) さげ下結び
(by request of @fireflybettle, hope this will help you ^^)
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hakkouname · 1 year
After the war, everyone went their own way, and so did Hinata. She focused more on her clan and started practising medical ninjutsu under Hyuuga Shinju. Hinata didn't meet up with anyone else besides Shino and Kiba. She shut herself off from the others. Only meeting them if she was assigned to the same missions. Hinata just didn't fit with the other girls. She had been a loner all this time anyway. 
Desperately, she tried to change her ways, only to realise she was fine all along. Hinata follows her own path in life.
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hakkouname · 1 year
Standing at the side of the main street, Hinata had her Byakugan activated. She didn't like to shop and make conversation with the store clerk—or anyone else for that matter. They were always so awkward. Besides, shopping like this was much more practical! There's nothing weird about it. Nope. Not at all. 
"Oh, that's a cute skirt," she mumbled. 
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