hallow-hollow · 3 days
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hallow-hollow · 28 days
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hallow-hollow · 28 days
idk i think if you find yourself wracked with shameful desires to have been abused in some way, or wishing that your childhood had been worse than it was, theres a possibility that there is actually some substance there and you're looking for validation. like yeah all those "damn i wish i had been sexually assaulted when i was younger" thoughts i had eventually led me to discovering my actual assault, because why the fuck else would I think that
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hallow-hollow · 7 months
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hallow-hollow · 8 months
Man how can you say that no one cares about you there are literally tens of people who derive a shallow pleasantness from your presence which does not require them to engage with the fullness of your personhood
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hallow-hollow · 9 months
if i see one more fucking 'people with low empathy are so valid and i love you uwu!!' post in the low empathy tag i'm going to scream
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hallow-hollow · 9 months
yknow i'm starting to understand why high support needs autistics complain so fucking much about low support needs folks
there's no fucking difference between them and NTs when it comes to actually accommodating you. like even the leftie commie poly queer ones. god forbid you have hearing issues or need to know things in advance or have trouble getting the train. if you can't socialise then you should just go fuck yourself, because the social autistics do not give a fuck about you.
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hallow-hollow · 9 months
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nothing but respect for my troops 🫡
kneel for the flag
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hallow-hollow · 11 months
sometimes you just have to be a cunt to someone on facebook for no good reason
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
i can't believe people start relationships mostly based on the feelings they get from others, like what do you mean you're dating them just because you love them? maybe they're even horrible but you can't break up with them because of ??love?? is it all that matters to you? and i'm not saying this because i don't feel emotions that much, but because i still have many more criteria to decide if i want someone in my life or not (and it involves things like 'are they a good person, are they worthy, do they have something special, do they make sense to me' etc), i really can't fathom just stopping at the feeling or even feeling shit without being able to rationally explain why you chose them and not anybody else
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
if i see one more person use the term 'neurospicy' i'm going to burn their fucking house down
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
low/no empathy culture is not understanding why people will stay with people who hurt them in any way- or maybe im too eager to cut off anyone whos hurt me. -🗡️
low/no empathy culture is
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
when I found out my friends have no siblings I always ask isn’t that kind of lonely??? And they are always like idk not really and yeah u can’t miss what you’ve never known I guess but some nights me and my little sister will stay up late even though we both have class tomorrow and we will listen to fast car by Tracy chapman on repeat no talking just us quietly listening and I think that even if I never knew my sister I would still miss her somehow
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hallow-hollow · 1 year
i'm so tired of being angry all the time
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