hamabi15 · 3 years
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hamabi15 · 3 years
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More of Cassidy 0w0
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hamabi15 · 3 years
Oedipus The King In A Nutshell
So we've been reading Oedipus the King in English class and I do not lie when I say that so far I've found the story interesting, not to mention that the plot is intriguing and has the audience on their edge of their seats as the people of Thebes begin to discover the true nature of their beloved king, Oedipus. Upon reading the story, however, the highly (and sometimes dangerous) creative part of me blinked on like a lightbulb. And then I read another work that violently shoved me into writing this. Now, if you're looking for a serious interpretation of the story, then this is not for you (I got you there, didn't I--). If you just came across this by some sheer chance, then prepare to suffer the product of my currently sleep-deprived brain cells. Last but not least, nope, I do not own Oedipus the King (otherwise I would not even be here today and I would instead become ol' Sophocles), yes, I really should have a better control of my sleeping schedule and why am I even telling you this-- I have dedicated this full chapter to the notes, so flip onto the next for the full work. Enjoy! First written on paper, 12:03 am, 7th of May 2021 to be exact. I’m sorry. [A procession of priests and citizens come onstage. Doors burst open and out comes the King of Thebes, Oedipus.] Oedipus: Hello! It is I, the best king on Earth, Oedipus! My city is dying, but I’m such a heroic and generous person that I’ll do everything in my power to save it! You, old man-- Priest: I’m thirty seven-- Oedipus:-- speak up! Why are you all so gloomy? Why is there smoke and incense in the sky instead of those headless and limbless sheep we know as clouds? Speak up! Priest: The plague is killing Thebes, m’lord. Oedipus: [a pause] Do not fear! I have sent my brother in law, Creon, in an act of modesty to ask the Oracle for help! Priest: [throws arms up] Hurray! Chorus: [imitates Priest] Hurray! [Come Creon onstage] Creon: In order to get rid of the plague, we must find and either kill or banish Laius’ murderer... Oedipus: That sounds simple enough! Creon:... on which we have no clues. [a long silence] Oedipus: Why didn’t you avenge him earlier??? Creon: Remember the sphinx? Oedipus: Well, of course-- Creon: Yeah. Oedipus: Doesn’t matter, I shall deal with this right this instant! Chorus: There’s death everywhere! Woman: [crying] My husband is dead Man: What are you talking about? I’m not-- Woman: [cries harder] Chorus: Oh, the death! Gods be merciful on Thebes! Oedipus: [lifts arms for dramatism] I put a curse on whoever killed Laius! I also banish him from Thebes! [in a quieter voice] Oh, and Creon, you sent for Tiresisas, right? [Tiresias hobbles onstage] Tiresias: Who dares awaken me from my afternoon nap? Oedipus: I kindly and respectfully ask you to speak. Tiresisas: never! Oedipus: I will kindly and respectfully have you killed. Tiresias: Oh dear, well, look at that, you have forced it out of me. You killed Laius! [a silence] Oedipus: How dare you accuse me of such an atrocity??? I bet Creon told you to say that! Of course he did! [stomps off stage] Tiresias: Also, you live in the darkness of your marriage! Oedipus: [comes back onstage] you’re playing with fire old man-- [people in the Chorus usher Tiresias away as Oedipus goes back off stage] [Creon walks back on stage. Pauses by the throne. Glances around, sits on it.] Creon: Oh, woah, this is comfortable. Oedipus: [suddenly comes onstage] I knew it! You’ve been plotting against me! Creon: [jumps up] Wh-what are you talking about? Oedipus: You’ve been plotting against me! You want to be king! Creon: What ? But I don’t want to be King! Everybody already loves me and I get all the money and fame! Why would I want to have the responsibilities of the crown?! Oedipus: Liar. I will banish you! Creon: You cannot! Oedipus: Yeah, you’re right. I will have you killed for treason! [Jocasta comes on stage with an annoyed expression] Jocasta: Now, what did I tell you both about arguing? Creon: He wants me dead, sister-- Oedipus: For treason-- Jocasta: Boys-- [Creon and Oedipus continue to argue loudly. Jocasta turns to the chorus with an apologetic shrug, then stands between the two and spreads out her arms to keep them apart.] Jocasta: Oedipus, please believe him! Why would my brother want to overthrow you? Chorus: Listen to the Queen, o noble overlord! Oedipus: [stammers angrily for a few moments] Fine. Out, Creon, and out of my sight! [Creon exists stage, muttering under his breath] Jocasta: What happened here??? Oedipus: He had Tiresias tell me that I killed Laius! Jocasta: Do you actually have proof of that? Oedipus: well, no, but--J ocasta: Ohhh, the prophet. Well, get rid of your fear, dear; Laius and I, we once got a prophecy, that our son would kill his father and marry his mother. So we left him in a mountain, to die. And then Laius was killed by robbers, according to the shepherd who saw it, at a place where three highways meet. Oedipus: Wait a second. Highways? Jocasta: That’s right .Oedipus: Oh man. Flashback-- Oedipus: Old man, outta my way! Old Man: No. Oedipus: So you’ve chosen death-- End of flashback-- Oedipus: Jocasta, I think I could have killed Laius. I used to live in Corinth before, until a drunk man at a party told me that my parents were not my parents. It was stupid, but I went to the Oracle and I was told that I would kill my father and marry my mother. And so I bravely ran away.
Jocasta: [visible fear] I will, um, send for the shepherd now--
[Messenger comes onstage]
Messenger: I have both good and bad news for the King! [Turns to Oedipus] Your father, King Polybus, is dead, and the people of Corinth want to make you their king! Oedipus: What? Yes! I mean. Oh, what grievous news. I did not kill him, or perhaps the sadness of having been parted from me killed him. Jocasta: [relieved] See?! I told you prophecies shouldn’t be feared! Oedipus: I’m not going back to Corinth, though. My mother is still alive. I might accidentally marry her without realizing it… Messenger: But Merope is not your mother.
[A shocked pause]
Oedipus:... what? Messenger: A shepherd of Laius gave you to me, years ago. Your feet were tied and you were found in a mountain. Also, could you get me a cup of wine…?
Oedipus: Of course, my good man.[louder, to Chorus] Call forth the shepherd!
Jocasta: Wait--
Chorus: You already did! And, conveniently, it is the same shepherd who witnessed the death of Laius.
Oedipus: Well, isn’t that strange. [pause] Jocasta, are you--
Jocasta: [shrieks, runs off stage]
Chorus: That was strange.
[The shepherd comes onstage]
Shepherd: sorry, I suffer long-term memory loss, I can’t remember anything.
Messenger: You gave me a child, years ago.
Shepherd: No I didn’t.
Messenger:Yes you did.
Shepherd: Well, I don’t remember that--
Oedipus: Speak before I have you tormented!
Shepherd: Wait, wait, I remember now! Your wife, the Queen, she gave me an infant to kill, because of some prophecy--
Oedipus: No! It was me! I killed Laius! And I married my mother! The prophecy came true after all! [runs off stage]
Chorus: Oh dear.
[Enter a messenger from the palace]
Messenger 2: The Queen is dead!
Oedipus: [comes back onstage] And I have blinded myself!
Chorus: Oh dear.
Oedipus: Creon, you’ll be King now. You’ll banish me, too, and take care of my two girls for me. Wait, is he even here?
Creon: [steps from the Chorus] Yes. Sweet. Look, here are your two daughters.
Oedipus: I cannot see them. Oh, I can hear them now, Ismene and Antigone. My beloved, sweet children…
Creon: Now off you go, into banishment. 
[Exit all but the Chorus. A silence.]
Man in the chorus:...I guess the truth really does stab your eyes out sometimes.
[Curtains close, but the audience does not clap and instead just look plain confused.]
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hamabi15 · 3 years
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The Elf King’s Magical Barrel Ride ✌
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hamabi15 · 3 years
I’ve been re-watching “The Hobbit” and I felt like doodling something--
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hamabi15 · 3 years
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“ Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride, Nobody gonna slow me down, Oh no, I got to keep on movin--”  *rolls off cliff*
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hamabi15 · 3 years
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My MotW OC, Cassidy Byrne
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hamabi15 · 3 years
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Goat stickers 🐐
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