hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
I’m alive, and almost done with my debut book! It’s already 133k words and I’m a little concerned I’m going to have to split it into two books. I don’t think I will, but we’ll see what happens. I know where I’d split it if I did.
Anyway, I only have a couple chapters left to write, and then I’ll be busy working on edits, getting it to beta readers, cover art, copyright stuff, advertising, etc. Yeah I’ve got my work cut out for me…
But hey, I’ll be an official author within the year! I can feel it!
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hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
I’ll try to only name a couple from my favorite band at most, because otherwise this will be entirely Mother Mother.
5: Cracker Island , Gorillaz/Thundercat
I just found this song and it screams book writing material. It’s hip, it’s chill, and it’s catchy as hell. You can’t stop me from daydreaming to this.
4: Dark Red , Steve Lacy
I also found this song recently, and it just has such a chill vibe, while being kinda sad and romantic at the same time. (With just a touch of yandere?)
3: Viva La Vida , Coldplay
If you know me, I love history. This screams and cries and bleeds that vibe. It tells a story of a fallen hero/protagonist/villain. Even if it’s cliche, I don’t care. This song is amazing material for writing scenarios.
2: Crucified , Army of Lovers
Religious undertones? Righteous death? Pleading for a god to listen? Sorry, did someone call my main characters? This song slaps. I vibed to it for hours straight, I swear.
Honorable mentions:
Little Dark Age, MGMT (uhG this is such a vague and weirdly dreamy song.)
Achilles Come Down, Gang of Youths (Sad and angsty? Yes please.)
Bad Guy, Billie Eilish (I mean- come on. It’s a bop.)
Get Out The Way, Mother Mother (I have to add this one. It’s too out there and awesome to ignore.)
1: Hayloft II , Mother Mother
Honestly, it is so hard for me to choose just one Mother Mother song. I scrolled through the playlist I made, and I can’t not pick this one. I heard Hayloft a long time ago, and I’ll admit, it wasn’t my favorite. But over the last couple years I’ve been listening to more and more of their songs, and I grew to love their unique sounds. Hayloft #1 grew on me, and when I learned there was going to be a second one? I was so excited!
I listened to it and watched the music video. And dear GOD it didn’t disappoint. It hits even harder than the first one, and is so much darker. I live and breathe for music that’s dark, while not being death metal or gothic. Give me those sweet sweet undertones and I will soak in it. This song completes the villain arc, while the music video leaves an ambiguous conclusion. It leaves you wondering what happens.
Vengeance is sweet, and this song is ambrosia.
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hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
In need of a beta reader soon. I have a couple but I need some who are out of the loop on knowledge about the characters.
Imagine a world where time loops every week. Everything you did during the week, and anything else that has changed will be reset when monday rolls around again. You will be back where you started, but with all the knowledge and memories of the week previous. Everyone is aware of the loop, and remembers their time within it. Well- all except Adam. Imagine how well that works when someone unfortunate fellow falls in love with him and learns this the hard way.
It’s called “Except Adam”. As you might have already guessed, Adam is the main character. And by the way, it is LGBTQA+ friendly. However, there are brief mentions of abuse. Not dead dove do not eat, but it can be distressing at times. It’s a dystopia after all. If you’re up for that, cool.
You may be paid for your time. (Requires feedback)
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hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
“It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.”
-Chuck Palahniuk
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hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
I swear I need a full body posable mannequin to write anything involving two people. Smh.
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hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
Reblog if you wanna be tagged in writing tag games!
I need writers to tag. It’s alright if you don’t do it at all or if you wait months before you get to it, I just don’t wanna tag the same handful of people.
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hamhamneedstochill · 2 years
*le gasp*
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
I’m alive.
New chapter today.
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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HERE’S MY FINAL CHAOS! | 33 hours well spent… (Textless and uncompresed versions, WIPs, behind the scenes, and more info here! Warning, it’s a page with lot of large GIF files!)
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
“Never demean yourself by talking back to a critic, never. Write those letters to the editor in your head, but don’t put them on paper.”
— Truman Capote
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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so I was thinking and
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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somebody asked about the ring names :)c
well. I took some creative liberties with the designs but I’m happy with my ideas for it
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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thrown out ??
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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Some gifs for a reel I made on Instagram :]
Can u tell I like bigshot!Spamton
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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"I-It's so [ALERT: Winter Storm Warning]"
An idea I had that things didn't go as Spamton planned, so now he's back where he was but worse.
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
&%$# Gang
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hamhamneedstochill · 3 years
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500 hands in 5 days 💀 ! feel free to use them for reference 💖 
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