hanaemibow · 10 years
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"I-its not like I want you to watch me when I clean myself, b-baka nya!"
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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    “Aria-nee?                      Uh, no I’m not. Not technically her, but how can I help you?”
— ℛ — "Eeeeee..."
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Shes just gonna, casually hug him because shes in a hugging mood "I was gonna ask if she wanted to stay over for a girl night !"
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hanaemibow · 10 years
?movie night
8. My muse falls asleep during the movie
It was late, it was boring, it was quiet… Something, just anything had to break this silence! So Rin had decided that Len and she… Would do it…
Watch a movie! Watching a movie was always a fun thing to do, right? At least if the movie was exciting or something. So they went off to pop some popcorns. Popping the popcorns was Lens job, Rin would probably burn them, so Rin was gonna get the drinks. Some sodas, yes? And the popcorns had came out a-okay, at least better than what Rin could do.
A sprint over the living room, with the sodas in her hands. Ignoring the words of Len that said 'Be careful!' was a bad idea. Now she had done it, now she had messed it up, but she could fix it. She had tripped over something, maybe a cable, but whatever she tripped on, she of course fell. With her hands stretched out forward, the glass of sodas was still in her hands with a tight grip, but the soda itself had spilled itself out.A moment of silence between the two—- Then Rin breaked the silence "I’m fine—-" She said, but had faceplanted so of course her face would hurt. Even so she sitted straight up and looked at the mess she had just made on the floor. "Auuu…" She stood up and looked over at her shoulder, to the blonde who didnt seem really that happy about the situation. "…I-I’ll get new ones!" And with that said she was off with the glasses to the kitchen.
After for not too long she came back—-this time walking—- with the glasses in her hand, with new soda filled in them. Bless Len. He had taken care of the mess by wiping off the soda from the floor. And to add with that he had started up the film and all too. "C-Chotto matte—! You cant just start watching it without me!" She then carefully ran over to the couch and putted the glasses next to the popcorns on the little desk in front of them.
And now it was time to watch the movie.
Yes, the movie was great and all, but she had definetily gotten tired after half of the movie. Her eyelids was getting heavy, and they had covered half way of her eyes… She was gonna drift off any time possible. A gaze over to the male, he was still enjoying the movie it seems, Her gaze went back to the TV. No, she couldnt hold out much longer. She let her eyelids drop down and with her hands hugging her knees, she tilted her head on her knees and started breathing out soft breathings. And within maybe 2 or 3 minutes she had drifted off to sleep.
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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"Am I missing something or is Miku and Kaito together again???"
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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hu ff s hello hej bonjour how do you spell it merhaba dnhujroasy does anyone remember me because I have been inactive and I am very very very sorry pls dont forget me i love you all ; w ;
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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yoooo! today is the day i have reached 500 followers!
i never would have imagined to get this much followers- thank you all so much for this amount of followers! you guys are just— wow you all are great ;w; so here i present to you, this follow forever~
here are some of the blogs in this fandom that i really admire, and are super cool and hella friends i have met that really changed my life, and they are super close friends that i love alot!! ;w; 
if you don’t follow these people, you totally should!!
bold: super close friends— through skype and what not
italic: we don’t talk much anymore— but i still love you!! ;w;
normal: we only talked once or so, but i love your blog alot!
**inalphabeticalorder also hover the names!
angelicfuture | atatakami | askmeganepiko | ask-street-oliver | cherry-purinsesu | cold-symphony | hanaemibow | incrediblen |kaga-mine | len-hold-my-orange | lenv3english | princessoftheplanets |therenegaderogue | sekushibanana | shizukagitaa | sonorousmelodies | themaletwin | virtualvenus |  your-dream-has-a-flavour
picture credit
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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hanaemibow  requested rikka + 12
        chUU - NI - BI - YO 
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hanaemibow · 10 years
jfc seku I thought you'd make a rp blog out of it
sekushibanana replied to your post:Sekushi did the thing
what did i do
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do u see this
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hanaemibow · 10 years
sekushibanana replied to your post:Sekushi did the thing
what did i do
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do u see this
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hanaemibow · 10 years
Sekushi did the thing
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hanaemibow · 10 years
I just want to do the right {.:thing:.}
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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Gdi Crazy
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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hanaemibow · 10 years
When Will I be a active again the world Will never know
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hanaemibow · 10 years
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By pateri
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hanaemibow · 10 years
Love is an closed door
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hanaemibow · 10 years
Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse's body. )
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