hannaweeen · 2 years
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heart dish for my crystals
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hannaweeen · 2 years
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hannaweeen · 2 years
That is true! You are doing so well with it all! Keep being awesome and doing what makes you happy!
thankyou kind person
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hannaweeen · 2 years
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It’s okay if you can’t work.
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hannaweeen · 2 years
NEWS FLASH ! i don’t want to talk to creepy guys on here just cause i posted a selfie! go fuck yourself!
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hannaweeen · 2 years
How are you going to sell content if you block every guy that try’s to msg you? 🤡🤣
my tumblr is for talking about autism dumbass not for selling content - but cry harder on your anon message
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hannaweeen · 2 years
this app is full of creepy fucking dudes. my selfies aren’t an invitation.
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hannaweeen · 2 years
You are welcome! I was diagnosed when I was quite young so I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you.
awh there’s no competition. it’s hard for all of us x
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hannaweeen · 2 years
I feel like breakups are harder to deal with for autistic people, the emotional dysregulation, routines broken, and losing a safe person (when we don’t tend to have many people around us in the first place)
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hannaweeen · 2 years
As someone who is also on the autism spectrum I relate to a lot of your struggles. Sending you good vibes and support!
thankyou xxx
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hannaweeen · 2 years
also for the love of god please stop using “aspergers”
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hannaweeen · 2 years
I didn't know I was autistic because I believed I was suffering from panic attacks at the time.
I had no awareness of autism signs and sensory overload.
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hannaweeen · 2 years
These are the worst things I've been asked/told since my diagnosis in March.
"do you have to take tablets for that"
"everyone's a bit autistic."
"R slur"
"you don't seem like you are."
"you're using it as an excuse."
"you're acting more autistic since you got diagnosed"
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hannaweeen · 2 years
How i’m currently unmasking:
- not forcing smiles or laughs
- saying no without feeling guilty
- using my headphones in public more
- allowing myself to stim outside
- vocalising if I’m overstimulated
- leaving places early instead of suffering
- not replying to dms
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hannaweeen · 2 years
What being angry as an autistic feels like to me:
- The urge to cry & sometimes crying.
- Feeling completely overwhelmed.
- Shaking.
-Unable to concentrate on anything else going on but the situation & emotion.
- Being able to cool down and think rationally can take hours.
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hannaweeen · 2 years
As an autistic person I have struggled to understand sarcasm and most jokes my whole life.
I will take what you say at face value. Every-time, no matter how much I learn sarcasm. I cannot read the social cue. If hurts me if you laugh at me for not understanding sarcasm.
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hannaweeen · 2 years
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