happyslitterbox · 7 years
I'm revamping completely I already have the new main account set up and I'm working on following my mutuals again and then redoing my sideblogs, once everything's moved and I feel safe and secure again, I'm deleting this page, which will delete my sideblogs with it. And I'm making myself mutuals only/closed and will only work with those I feel comfortable with.
Deleting this account and moving blogs!!
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Deleting this account and moving blogs!!
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
-throws a bone for the pup to fetch- 
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
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~♥~ Wynter ~♥~ 
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Woof woof
-flops you over onto your back and scratches your tummy- Who’s a pretty puppy? You are!
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
-smiles and pets you- good doggy.
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Anonymously ask me anything you want.
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
12. Have you ever come out to a cute person of your preferred gender just to see if they’re LGBT also? 19. Any times that you almost accidentally outed yourself?
Coming Out Asks - accepting 
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~♥~ Wynter ~♥~ 12. Have you ever come out to a cute person of your preferred gender just to see if they’re LGBT also?Nah. The town I live in isn’t exactly homo friendly, so the less that know, at least where I live, the better and safer I feel. So most of the time I hide my attraction. I’m just kinda thinking to myself “Oh, she’s cute. Way outta my league too. I’ll just keep my mouth shut.” 19. Any times that you almost accidentally outed yourself?Being at the age I am, family get togethers are friggin hell to try to stay as closeted at home as I am. Because I always get asked, “Why haven’t you settled down yet? You’re 30 already, you sure you don’t wanna get married?” Or “Don’t worry, the right guy will come along soon.” And half the time it makes me wanna scream. I got bombarded with questions like that at Christmas dinner by my Grandma who is highly religious and feels the LGBT+ community are nothing but abominations of God and sinners who need to be converted. Midway through dinner, Gram started on me asking “Why aren’t you married yet? Almost all of your friends are and they have kids. Why haven’t you done anything with your life yet?” As if marriage is the only thing in life that defines success. BULLSHIT! But while she was going on and bashing me, I lost my temper and almost said “Because I’m gay.” Which would have most likely gotten me kicked out and disowned by that side of the family as well, seeing as they’re the more religious side and dad’s half of the family already acts like I don’t even fucking exist. I got lucky though. My cousin, who is one of the only ones in the family that I know I can trust to come out to, had my back. I got out the “Because I’m g-” and he cut me off and finished it saying “Going to wait. She’s been hurt too much already. She just doesn’t want to get married, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Look at me, I didn’t settle down until 2 years ago, what’s that make me?” Gram dropped it then. My cousin pulled me aside later and told me “Please be careful with your tongue. You’re always safe to talk to me in privacy about your girlfriend or bring her over if you need to get away, but remember, even though times have changed, there are still those out there who aren’t as tolerant or accepting and I don’t wanna think of what they might do to you if they knew, or what I would have to do to them if I found out they hurt you.” So while my cousin is accepting and supportive, what he said still kind of hurt, but I do understand his reasoning. Just because of some revolutionary movements that scored more rights for the LGBT+ community, that doesn’t mean everyone out there is accepting and tolerant, so it’s still not 100% safe and probably never will be. So I’m just really thankful that even though my tongue slipped, my cousin had my back. But it really put it into perspective that even though it’s become more normalized than way back before, it’s still not safe for some of us and it may never be. I could end up taking a lot of hate or even being threatened for posting this. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take. I know I crack jokes about it a lot, but honestly if I didn’t get a laugh out of my sexuality I know my name would be among the list of LGBT+ who have committed suicide already. Joking about it is the only way I can cope in a world that’s constantly fueled by stereotypical media that’s shoving straight couples and happy loving supportive families down my throat while the only LGBT characters I see are being sexualized or harassed and bullied, disowned by their families and kicked out of home and exiled or they’re dead already. The part that hurts the most is because it’s the truth. This shit happens every fucking day! A lot of us can’t come out because we’ll be disowned, kicked out and abandoned, beaten, harassed, even sexually assaulted and raped or killed. I was lucky my cousin stood up for me at dinner. And my heart breaks for those who were less fortunate when something like that happened. But it opens my eyes a lot and even if you’re just a straight ally, if something like that ever happens, I hope you have that person’s back. Because you might be the only person who does have their back, the only one in their fucking life who cares enough to support them and gives them a safe space to talk about their life and their lover and that could be the one factor preventing them from becoming just another victim’s name in a hate crime statistics list or LGBT+ suicide statistics list. And please don’t ever forget that! 
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Coming Out Asks
1. Who did you come out to first?
2. Are you out to your best friend?
3. Are you out to your parents?
4. Have you come out at work/school?
5. Do you want to come out at work/school?
6. Do you have a cute coming out story?
7. Do you still get nervous when you tell new people?
8. Advice for people coming out?
9. Advice for people who can’t come out?
10. Opinions on coming out day?
11. Is there someone you’re trying to muster up the courage to come out to?
12. Have you ever come out to a cute person of your preferred gender just to see if they’re LGBT also?
13. If twelve is true, did it work?
14. Have you ever been friends with someone that you knew was LGBT and were waiting on them to come out to you?
15. Have you ever completely missed that one of your friends was LGBT and were caught off guard when they came out?
16. What’s the best coming out story you’ve ever heard?
17. Has someone ever outed you before you were ready?
18. Opinions on outing other people?
19. Any times that you almost accidentally outed yourself?
20. Worst part about being closeted?
21. Best part about being closeted?
22. Worst part about being out?
23. Best part about being out?
24. Any family you’re afraid to come out to/can’t come out to?
25. Have you ever helped someone come out?
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
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Wynter here, testing out a new friend on his little lonely sideblog! Plue has found a home among my crazy FT family of muses, and I’m really shy about putting my newest baby out there. So could you please give this a reblog or like and maybe a follow just so I have an idea of who may wanna work with my little guy? Thank you for your time, hope to write with you soon! ~Wynter
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
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I think I just dug my fucking grave. 
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
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laxusthelightning replied to your post “WHAT'S YO FAVORITE KIND OF FOOD BRUH”
LMA O I CR Y XDDYYY BUT ! ��������
~♥~ Wynter ~♥~ 
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Don’t ask where that came from, it was just the first thing to come to mind when I thought about my favorite things to eat. XD 
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
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“My guild is my family,                                                                     I won’t abandon them”
Indie, Privet, rp blog for Yukino Aguria, Mult-ship, multiverse, Oc friendly/Selective, Crossover selective. As portrayed by Liana Del Suruna
                                                | Blog | Rules | 
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Dick is bettr
Ah yes, it's really good too.
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me.-accepting Pussy.
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me.
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happyslitterbox · 7 years
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