happytsukki · 4 years
Helllllooooooo!! Just wanted to pop in and say I hope youre doing good and that youre happy and healthy esp at a time like this !! Thank you for everything that you do and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!! 💕💕 ahahaha i dont know the time where youre at, I’m literally down In Australia!
thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to say this, i really appreciate it and i hope you’re doing the same!! i’m currently in the pst timezone btw so greetings from california :))
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happytsukki · 4 years
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89. “what are you? a scaredy-cat?”
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YOU’VE ALWAYS PREFERRED THE RAIN. whether it be the light drizzle that places soft kisses on your cheeks or the heavy downpour that leaves your socks soaked, it greets you with something new every day.
“why won’t you tell me?” you huff, glancing over at kuroo with a quirked brow. cold water droplets splash against your legs as you hop from one puddle to another, the sound of its soft pitter-patter lulling you into peace after a rough day of tests.  
kuroo answers wryly, “because it’s called a secret for a reason.“ he looks over at you, his lips stretched into a smile teeming with false innocence. 
Keep reading
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happytsukki · 4 years
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happytsukki · 4 years
im literally so inactive i post temporary fix updates and then DIP 🙊🙊
but im gonna try to finish some requests these week hehe
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happytsukki · 4 years
hi hi! i hope you’re having an amazing day/night
hi!! sorry i answered this so late but thank you 🥺 i hope you’re having a good day or night as well 💘
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happytsukki · 4 years
일곱 | TEMPORARY FIX [ seven ]
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masterlist. previous. next.
synopsis: regardless of how many falling stars you wished on or dandelion seeds you blew away, kageyama only seemed to think of you as a best friend. tired of seeing your countless heartaches, your friends convince you to venture into the perplexing world of blind dating while searching for a well-needed temporary fix you encounter a variety of characters, some bad and some good to help remedy your fragmented heart. fingers crossed it’ll work, right?
a/n: when everyone is team lev 😳 also rip my typos it’s currently 4am and i have my driving test later oopsies
taglist! : send an ASK ONLY to be added (it saves me from having to go back n forth from dms, inbox, replies)
@thechaosoflonging @differentballooncollection @notamazinglizzy @mahalau @1800xibal @afuckingunicornn @goshuwki @astronomyturtle @plantisnotplant @agneyestra @kokogxddess @icy-booh @dyosatalaga @ushiwakaismybae @lumiriai @markkny @influxencer @sugawsites @justholdthesun @jaegersblogh @azgucci @rinnieee @heyimsad @heheheh2547 @krxstynnn @lilacshouko @todobruhski @tremendousglitterthing @kingkagss @kageyamavibes @cuntosaurous @yakus-yakult @cactuski6 @senkuwu-chan @secondsonabrokenclock @maii-flowers @kathya420 @muiyuuuu @tycrackculture @dabilove27 @kuroosrighttoe @moonlightaangel @hikarimidnightmoon @dearkags
thank you for reading <3
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happytsukki · 4 years
i refuse to cut my long hair simply bc kuroo likes girls with long hair 😔
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happytsukki · 4 years
your moment
pairing: yaku morisuke x fem!reader 
word count: 1,500+
A had never seen a fireworks show before, and B was determined to make it one they would never forget.
A has had their first kiss with B planned out perfectly for weeks- and they aren’t going to let anything ruin those plans.
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Keep reading
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happytsukki · 4 years
list of favorite things as a fanfic author:
When someone is really freaking mad at me for inducing an emotional response from them
when readers give me a background of how/when they read my writing
when readers give me a background of why they shouldn’t have been reading my writing (usually while at work)
when readers quote my work back to me in comments
the frickin’ real heroes here, the ones who comment on every chapter of an ongoing multi-chapter fic
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happytsukki · 4 years
여섯 | TEMPORARY FIX [ six ]
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masterlist. previous. next.
synopsis: regardless of how many falling stars you wished on or dandelion seeds you blew away, kageyama only seemed to think of you as a best friend. tired of seeing your countless heartaches, your friends convince you to venture into the perplexing world of blind dating while searching for a well-needed temporary fix you encounter a variety of characters, some bad and some good to help remedy your fragmented heart. fingers crossed it’ll work, right?
a/n: this definitely wasn’t inspired by real events oof 😳 this chapter was lowkey lame sorryy but its building up i promise!! theres a written chapter coming soon hehe
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taglist! : [ send an ask to be added ]
@thechaosoflonging @differentballooncollection @notamazinglizzy @mahalau @1800xibal @afuckingunicornn @goshuwki @astronomyturtle @plantisnotplant @agneyestra @kokogxddess @icy-booh @dyosatalaga @ushiwakaismybae @lumiriai @markkny @influxencer @sugawsites @justholdthesun @jaegersblogh @azgucci @rinnieee @heyimsad @heheheh2547 @krxstynnn @lilacshouko @todobruhski @tremendousglitterthing @kingkagss
thank you for reading <3
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happytsukki · 4 years
no ends
wc: 1.3k
synopsis: where life ends, death begins.
pairing: kuroo tetsurou / reader
“I thought I told you to stop coming here.”
“I don’t exactly have a choice. Throw me a bone, won’t you?" 
"You’re a fucking menace, you know. You know that, right? That you’re annoying and I hate it when you come over?" 
Daichi stays silent. He knows he has no place to speak, not when he’s bleeding pints into your couch. Again. Stabs run deep into his ribs, the adrenaline that kept him running now dissipating from his system, pain sinking into him like a thousand needles. He inhales. The feeling of each breath strikes a growing affliction in his lungs. He exhales.
He hears rummaging through cabinets. Daichi’s crashed at your home so often that, at this point, he doesn’t understand why you don’t keep a first aid kit in the living room. Breathe in. The blood, though most of it has dried into uneven layers on his skin and through the black of his suit, still gushes out. Breathe out.
An eon passes before you walk out, a grimace marring the features of your face. "This will be the last time, Sawamura. You, your new Tetsurou replacement? You have no business being here. Not anymore.” Daichi softly grunts in acknowledgment. “And let Sugawara know he can’t step a foot in my apartment, either.” He has no energy to argue, nor does he have any reason to defy your wishes. 
It’s an old routine. He gets beat up, torn up, whatever up and finds his way back to the nearest home where he knows he can recover. Unfortunately, you find yourself on the giving end of a haven for him. You hands have the routine memorized; fingers deftly move across his suit (“Why, pray tell, do you wear metal if it doesn’t do you any good?”), the rough movements you make reminding him of the days you first had to deal with his surprise visits. He’d have a partner in tow, both broken and bruised and half dying on the floor of your apartment.
He winces at the ministrations, your touch far too vicious to the wounds that pierce through him. He’s used to being hurt. The amount of times he’s snapped a few bones or cut evades his mind. “Would it kill you—”
“It would, actually.”
He pulls his lips into a tight line before asking again. “Would it kill you to be more gentle?” You roll your eyes, but the pressure you put on him is lessened. “Thank you,” he mumbles. Daichi feels a sharp pang from his ribs, jumping at the feeling. You had jabbed him, and the smirk on your face as he writhed in pain paid no care.
You go back to putting the leftover bandages back in the first aid kit. Daichi brings a gentle hand down to the tender spot. “Try not to touch it so much. I’m a bit rusty,” you gesture toward the way you had messily wrapped the bandages around him, “so you need to get it checked out.” Red starts to peek through the stark white of the gauze, signaling to you that, somewhere, you had gone wrong. Your shoulders tense.
“Thank you,” he echoes his words from earlier. He’s uncomfortable in the silence left between you two. Being left alone with you always left him feeling more worn out than he had liked. “I mean it, you know,” he adds, attempting to fill the air.
In response, you let out a low hum to let him know you’re listening. Daichi focuses his attention on a framed photo hung up on the wall. His heart freezes at the sight, breath hitching in his throat. A numbness creeps into his fingertips. He is left tongue-tied. Any words he had fought hard to tell you disappears from his mind.
You notice when he stops fidgeting around in his seat. Part of you knows just why he’s frozen; it’s the same reason he keeps running in the face of death, it’s why he dances dangerously between the line of the beginning and the end. He’s reckless, maybe quite literally insane, and full of shame. He clenches his fists, and you watch as his knuckles turn to white.
“I wanted to save him.” The two of you have this conversation all the time. The photo on the wall haunts you just as much as Daichi. You’ve lost count of the hours you had spent wishing, waiting, wondering how much would have changed if he was still alive.
You suck your teeth. “It doesn’t matter now, does it?” That’s different. It’s different. He had grown used to you screaming that he hadn’t tried hard enough. Yet, now, he hears the aching in your voice. This time, it’s different. You’re quiet, forlorn. When once, you were an explosion, now you had dwindled down to embers.
Daichi wonders how many years its been now.
You clutch onto the closed kit, trying to calm down the rapid beating of your heart. “[First], I’m sorry.” Apologies don’t bring back dead men. Apologies don’t give you your life back, they don’t fix, the mourning, the pain. They don’t take away the nights you had spent wondering when you would be next—if you would do it yourself if someone would finish the job for you.
“Don’t.” You can’t take another heartbreak. “Don’t say anything. Don’t you dare utter one more word, Sawamura. It’s not bringing Tetsurou back to me,” he flinches at the sound of his name, “and it won’t change how I feel. I don’t want to see your face.”
The words come tumbling out of him, an avalanche unleashed on you. He almost doesn’t believe it himself, he wishes he didn’t believe it. If he hadn’t seen it in the flesh—blood boiling, skin burning, mouth snarling—he would have said he imagined it. The images of him still flash through his mind. Daichi looks at you. 
All you can hear is the pounding in your head, the ticking of the clock, the breathing from the man before you—everything is amplified in your head. Only one thing seems to reverberate through your skull.
“He’s alive." 
Whispers in your head try to tell you he’s lying, that he’s playing you like a fiddle. A hand grips tighter onto the first aid kit, fighting the urge to throw it, to watch it crash against the wall of your apartment. You glance at the picture frame. It fills you with the tiniest bit of hope.
He wouldn’t lie to you, not about him. As you collect the frazzled pieces of your mind, you start to think that, maybe, Daichi’s telling you the truth. “I saw him,” he had said through his earlier jumble of words.
Your heart lurched. The notion of him, still out there, still walking the earth without anyone there, it fractured you. And, yet, there was still more questions forming in your head. Each thought was louder than the last, an orchestra of words constantly running into each other until finally, you pick out what’s wrong.
It hits you—the single thought that brings you back just barely into focus. “What did you do to him?” you hiss out. Suddenly, you are vicious. You spit venom with ease, the anger that he saw dying out had reignited once more.
He throws up an arm in defense. The pain in his side still pinches through him, burning every nerve like an untamed fire. “I would have told you already if I knew.” He tells you the truth.
You shut your eyes. “Sawamura,” you drawl. The breaths you take are slow, controlled. It takes everything within you to quell the burning in your chest. 
He’s on the edge of his seat, tense and sore and exhausted by the day’s events. Daichi wishes he hadn’t dropped by, half dead, to tell you the news. Dread fills his heart when he hears your next words.
“Take me to him.”
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happytsukki · 4 years
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I HIT 300!
whaaa i just hit 200 last week 🥺
i find it hard to belive that this many people like my writing but i’m so grateful for each and everyone of you! every like, reblog, reply is very appreciated and makes my heart go doki doki.
thank uu so much i love yall muah <33
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happytsukki · 4 years
hello! reading your writings of the haikyuu boys, I thought they are really well written in terms of characterisation. especially thought the one for tsukki's crush was quite in character. it was easy to read because I could actually see him acting that way. you seem to have a good grasps of the characters, thank you for writing so we could read such well written works!
omg :’))) THIS IS SO SWEET 🥺 i honestly tend to overanalyze characters (esp complex ones like tsukki) but im always afraid that my writing and characterization is too ooc sometimes but ahh im so happy to hear this !! THANK YOUUU
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happytsukki · 4 years
You’re watching kimi ni todoke atm??? AHHH I love that anime I think I cried like twenty times minimum lmao
Also I died from secondhand embarrassment more times than I care to admit
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but yes!! i think i’m like halfway through it but im watching multiple animes at once so i haven’t been able to progress that much w it oof
and i don’t think ive reached a crying point in it yet so 😳😳😳 but the SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT IS STRONG sometimes i just have to shake my head
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happytsukki · 4 years
so i might have an obsession with pop art 🙊
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tagging: @cherryonigiri @msjdott @kxgeyamasmilk
yeehaw here’s anotha one
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here is meee~ lowkey pretty close to how i look irl (rbf 24/7 HAHAHA)
here’s da link:
tagging: @ushiwakasplant @min-nevermind @trashys-things @katsuhoee @namikxze @yamaguchi-stan & anyone else who wants to join innn
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happytsukki · 4 years
can i be added to the temporary fix taglist pls?
hii! i just added you :)
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happytsukki · 4 years
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89. “what are you? a scaredy-cat?”
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YOU’VE ALWAYS PREFERRED THE RAIN. whether it be the light drizzle that places soft kisses on your cheeks or the heavy downpour that leaves your socks soaked, it greets you with something new every day.
“why won’t you tell me?” you huff, glancing over at kuroo with a quirked brow. cold water droplets splash against your legs as you hop from one puddle to another, the sound of its soft pitter-patter lulling you into peace after a rough day of tests.  
kuroo answers wryly, “because it’s called a secret for a reason." he looks over at you, his lips stretched into a smile teeming with false innocence. 
after intruding in on their volleyball practice earlier that day, you're met with the shocking discovery that the kuroo tetsurou, captain of nekoma's volleyball team and your best friend, has a crush. it's like a slap in the face, which causes excitement to bubble in your stomach till a particular sadness emerges from the fissures of your heart, and confuses your mind entirely. 
but despite your dumpster fire of feelings, you were still dying to know. why wouldn't you? kuroo's had a handful of suitors chase after him, juniors and seniors brave enough to confess with a box of chocolates every valentine's day, and no matter how beautiful they were, kuroo always rejected them. you began to believe that he would probably never get a girlfriend, or want one because he prioritized other things. that's why this news left you stunned and questioning who could possibly capture his heart. 
"just tell me her name, kuro. maybe even her initials-- give me something!" you plead, showcasing a pout and the best puppy dog eyes you could offer up at him. you were determined to get something out of him on your walk home together. 
kuroo cackles, shaking his head profusely to indicate that no, he will not tell you who she is nor give a hint for your futile guesses. 
you groan, “but c’mon you told kenma! i thought we were best friends too, ya know.” 
“i didn't tell kenma, he found it out by himself, he’s smart like that," he says smugly. 
“if you won’t tell me, fine," you roll your eyes in annoyance, curiosity itching at your skin. "but if you really want a girlfriend, you need to confess first, idiot.
“hmm," he pauses, scratching the back of his neck with uncertainty, "it's not like i haven't thought about it, i just don't think its the right time yet." 
“what are you? a scaredy-cat?”
you taunt in a sing-song tone, just enough to incite a reaction out of kuroo, hopefully, one that involved him revealing who he had his eyes set on.
"me? never," he mutters in a challenging tone that counters yours.
you're too caught up watching the crystal drops splatter across the pavement to agnize the lack of footsteps beside you. a few feet behind you, kuroo drops his umbrella to the ground, and without protection, raindrops quickly cascade from the heavens and onto his skin.
you turn, staring up at him with bewilderment, he’s an absolute lunatic, you think to yourself. all your attempts to wave him over, hopping up and down whilst you flail your hands around to stop him from whatever he was trying to do were simply ignored. 
“i’m in love with my best friend and i don't want anyone else. she's the only one for me,” he shouts boldly. his arms are outstretched, eyes shut tight as he tilts his face up towards the sky, almost like he wanted the whole world to know. 
the rain doesn’t slow down, it’s relentless and continues to stream down his face and body, soaking his school uniform from head to toe and causing his hair to stick to his skin.
“maybe someday she’ll be mine,” he yells, before pausing mid-declaration to look straight at you with a stupid grin, “but right now, i think she’s too stupid to even realize i’m talking about her.” 
his loud voice reverberates through the streets of your neighborhood, earning a few judgemental stares from onlookers. 
your breath hitches at the back of your throat and the palpitations of your heart hammer against your rib cage. ecstasy envelops you and adrenaline rushes through your veins as you sprint towards kuroo.
you drop your umbrella immediately and almost crash your body into his, but you're able to catch yourself and peer up at him with a gleeful smile that stretched so far that your cheeks began to ache. 
you imitate his actions, shutting your eyes and allowing the rain to pour down on you and your love confession.
"i'm in love with my best friend too," you shout, saccharine laughter mixing with your words, "even when he's cheesy and overdramatic like this." 
you loved the rain, not because of its endless puddles or its calming hum against the earth, but because after every downpour appeared a rainbow.
kuroo was your rainbow, painting your life with all the vibrant colors on the spectrum. 
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+ a/n: this was a cute request but i had so much trouble trying to write it out oof
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