i think it's kinda baller that the think tank is a bunch of NHPs being edged for new weapon designs
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Y’all might want to take a look at this
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
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hey when is Harrison OmniDigital going to finally patch Path of Temperance? My entire MSMC detachment spends literally all their downtime playing that game, both in the MOBA and dating sim modes, and they keep complaining loudly that a few of the mechgirls they're simultaneously romancing and sending to their deaths in the MOBA are overpowered or underpowered. Supposedly "Josephine," the Napoleon heroine, has a well-known glitch that makes her completely invulnerable while she's below half health, and "Andromeda," the Sherman character, is able to exploit an infinite heat-cooling loop bug? I don't play the game myself but my mercs are obsessed with the damn thing and disputes over glitch exploits and meta/off-meta play that results from those are affecting morale something fierce.
Thank you for reaching out! I have forwarded this comment to the correct department. In the meantime, consider using our built-in parental controls should you deem it necessary. Once activated, you will be able to see activity, playtime, chat messages, and more.
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Hey I gotta do some yard work any recommendations
We recommend buying the appropriate tools for whatever tasks you need to complete. How can we be of assistance?
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Hmm. Y'know, considering that @harrison-armory-official are keeping in proper touch with their customer-base, I'm surprised that Smith-Shimano Corpro, IPS-Northstar, or General Massive Systems haven't thrown together their own accounts to do likewise.
Superior By Design, right down to Public Relations and Customer Communication, eh?
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Official Public Correspondence #3
With the end of Pride Month concludes our support for those whose identities fall outside the norm. For the rest of this objective year and into the next, PR will hesitate to engage with progressive movements and our internal policies are rolling back to silence those who speak out. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Harrison Armory, Superior by Design.
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The Harrison Armory helped me realize who I am when they gave their John Creighton-Song Harrison clones such a pretty face. I snagged one of them for my team, then after dating for a bit we found out we were both into the same two other people. (Different people, not other clones.) Now all four of us are together. Without the Armory, I never would have figured out I wanted a plural relationship.
Happy pride but wtf be gay do crime taken too far
your days are numbered, better start counting them
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Hey there, I’m in a bit of a pickle with one of your mechs, so I was hoping you could help. Me and a buddy of mine found this weird frame in the woods. We thought it was like, some custom Tokugawa. It had talons and I’m pretty sure it growled once or twice while we found it, even though it was out of juice. Although on second thought it was too big. But we knew it was Harrison since it had the logo, so we tried to see if we could repair it and then resell, or use it on the farm since we know your products are sturdy.
But I’m getting off topic. Hypothetically speaking, if this frame had turned on by itself when we started testing out it’s movement, and then started throwing plasma at anything that come close how would you stop that? And what if this also lead to law enforcement arriving, but being taken down by the frame while all screens flash with the words “BIFURCARE” in bold an red? In this hypothetical scenario how could one stop this? Time sensitive question btw
We do not manufacture any technology by this description, and it is upsetting that someone has used our logo without permission.
We have an ongoing investigation about an "Enkidu" frame and believe this may be related. We have added your information to the investigation. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Put caution to the wind with the Harrison Armory Tokugawa. A custom-tailored reactor design with direct-fuel-to-weapon feed system ensures your weapon of choice will be star-hot. If you're looking for a little extra "oomph", our stable Overclock system will put you directly into the hot seat. With increased fuel flow, hotter weapons, and a glowing target on your back, not a single millisecond will go to waste with boredom. The Tokugawa is always the star of any battle, through flashy moves and actual emissive heat release.
For all the adrenaline junkies and those who like to ride the line between life and death as closely as possible, the Tokugawa is the frame for you. After all, your enemies can't damage you if their chassis are glowing piles of scrap.
Harrison Armory, Superior by Design.
185 notes · View notes
Greetings, may I get some help with your tech? I am planning to arc weld your amazing piece of experimental equipment, the mighty Apocalypce Rail, to a smaller mech, but am a bit concerned by the way to mount it. Do you have any advice on how to mount it in the best way and/or how to not make a mech blow up upon initiation of charge cycle? Some drafts attached
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Thank you in advance.
just get a barbarossa wtf is this
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Big fan of your mechs, but I had to modify mine, the reactor temperature alerts are way too loud, I usually just silence them entirely.
Yeah you should be good.
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Hi, thank you for big sal. That is all <3
big sal 😎👍
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What I love about Harrison Armory is that every planet in the Purview is allowed to celebrate their Liberation/Unification Day in their own unique way. On my planet, people dress up as miniature versions of HA mechs and attend sporting events. I love seeing a family together where the baby is in a carriage-skeleton that looks like a Napoleon, the older kids are dressed up like a Saladin and/or Tokugawa and the parents are Barbarossas. It's cute! But unfortunately some of the people who dress up like Genghis are real non-conformist weirdos. The rest are really cool pyrotechnic experts. Just thought I'd share this and maybe someone else from the Purview will reblog with their planets traditions.
What a fun tradition!
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Hey just wanted to reach out to PR because I found this really cool mech in the middle of the badlands out back. It looks like a Genghis but if it was really old and retro. I brought it home and started fixing it up in my garage as a small passion project, I love restoring old mechs. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks for the quality frames all the time, even these old ones still look like they hold up well after all these years of wear and tear
Harrison Armory strives to provide the highest quality equipment from the very beginning. Corrosion-resistant plating and reactor neutralization are just a few traits that make our frames highly resilient against time. Clearly your late benefactor made the right choice in a HA Genghis.
We would love to see your completed project.
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We are honoring the Old Earth tradition of Pride Month. At Harrison Armory, we invite all colors under the flag to join us in building a better future. In solidarity with those who live without acceptance for who they are, we have added a rainbow to our icon for this month only. This was considered more than enough by Old Humanity's corporations in supporting a largely oppressed group.
If you have any stories about how Harrison Armory helped you on your journey to realizing who you are, please submit it with the PR Form. We would love to hear how we have positively impacted our customers.
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Official Public Correspondence #2
We have received inquiries about something called "Enkidu" in direct regard to Harrison Armory operations and products. Unfortunately, we are unable to answer any inquiries regarding Enkidu at this time.
Please report any information you may know about this topic directly to us via the PR Form. This includes knowledge of individuals who may have information as well as any information you may have gleaned during conversation or in passing.
We at Harrison Armory Public Relations are investigating this topic's rise in popularity. By helping us with this information we may better gather information from internal HA sources, and in turn, help you with the information you seek. We will share updates as the investigation continues and concludes.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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just curious, what is it about the enkidu frame that causes it to lash out without pilot input with its plasma talons, i dont believe it has an onboard nhp, does it just flail them around at all times and only hit things when they move??
what is an enkidu and how do you know this
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