haruka-my-love · 1 year
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it's september 30th, which is basically october 1st, which is basically halloween. happy halloween!
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haruka-my-love · 2 years
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Made a lil Momiji background to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit! Happy New Year!!!
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haruka-my-love · 3 years
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It’s amazing what a filter (and 6000 years) can do 🙃
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haruka-my-love · 3 years
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Today’s selection pairs well with “Heads will Roll” by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
No one was *actually* harmed in the making of this piece, though, and that’s:
“OCtober Day 2: Mercy”, baby!!!
Chara is usually MUCH more reserved, but siblings always seem to have a way of getting under your skin…or, if they’re a shapeshifter, IN your skin.
So, when your brother, Khareg, kidnaps you and assumes your identity for months, sometimes you have to hunt him for sport 🙃
OCtober prompts by  @oc-growth-and-development
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haruka-my-love · 3 years
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Animal Crossing gijinkas! Art programs: Procreate & Artflow
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haruka-my-love · 3 years
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Lil buddies :’) Drawn with Procreate on iPad Pro
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haruka-my-love · 3 years
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A quick little shoe tutorial I put together for some friends
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haruka-my-love · 3 years
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the unfortunate truth about drawing scales is that they never really get less annoying to do and getting better at them only means you get to draw more complicated ones
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the way they generally work for me is i tend to follow a pattern of larger, flatter scales following the tops of arms and leg surrounded by smaller, rounded support scales - i try to use a lighter touch on the pen pressure while filling in the scales so the outlines end up more distinctive
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this works basically the same for the head!
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for the longer stretches of body i tend to use the interlocking u’s, starting with one row on the widest part of the body and building downwards
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copying and pasting isnt a perfect shortcut, especially if you have a lot of curves, but it DOES save a chunk of time
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they dont have to be perfect!! honestly the hardest part is getting them to be even, and that just takes a lot of practice. remember that theyll fold in a bit as they get closer to the edge of the body if you can manage it ( which is hard ) - the closer the thinner, which helps give the illusion of curving. uhhh hope this helps
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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To celebrate 300 followers over on Instagram I made these colour palettes for the Main 6. I did have my own but these are better and more neat versions of them. Feel free to use! And these images are all available download on Gumroad if you want. Link in bio.
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
How to draw Afro textured 4c hair - an explanation/Tutorial
For those of you that don’t know what 4c hair is, 4c hair is a hair texture type that contains coils to small and tight that the hair appears to be more puffy rather than curly ( like to photo below ) this is in NO WAY to be confused with curly hair. there is a drastic difference.
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As a black artist that primarily draws characters with 4c hair, I’ve been asked many times to do a tutorial on 4c hair so here we go~
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before we get into 4c hair, lets take a moment to fully understand it by talking about hair texture in a general sense first
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let’s take a look at this example of straight hair vs curly hair ( 1 type straight hair vs 3 type curly hair )
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If you take a moment to compare the two you’ll notice straight hair is flat, it has no texture. Straight hair perfectly hangs down similar to liquid-like silk. It’s lack of curl pattern is the reason as to why it hangs perfectly flat.
curly hair on the other hand doesn’t lie down flat and silky like straight hair, It’s more thick. Curly hair in it’s raw and unstyled state has a trapezoid like shape this is because the sides of the hair spread more outward.
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So why is this? Why is straight hair flat and curly hair thick?
the answer to that question is a thing called piling up. When it comes to hair texture, the shape of the hair strands aren’t the only thing that matters, its how the strands coexist with each other, Curly hair strands coexist by piling up on top each other.
moisture also effects hair texture too, different hair types absorbs moisture differently, thus the thickness of each hair type is different. 
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…..soooo, how does this all relate to how to draw 4c hair?? 
Well let’s take a look at the drawing below. Notice how the arrows go outward more as the hair texture gets curlier. As we’ve already discussed, this is because hair piles up, The curlier the hair texture, the more it piles up on each other, the bigger it gets, the more outward the arrows go.
Out of any hair texture, 4C hair has the most curls. Because of this, the hair piles up on each other so much that it doesn’t lie down flat like straight hair, nor does it make a trapezoid like shape like curly hair, it instead becomes more cloud like.❤️
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This is what you need to take into account when it comes to drawing 4C hair.
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Think of it as piling up a bunch of cotton balls on each other. The most cotton on top of top to lead to a bigger patch of  cotton. this is 4c hair.
How to not draw 4c hair:
Garnet fanart. Let’s talk about Garnet Fanart. I notice a trend that when artists draw Garnet from Steven universe, her hair texture is usually changed to 3 type curly like texture. This subtle form of White washing has confused me because this is inaccurate. 
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Garnet’s hair is in the shape of a cube. Though 3 type hair piles up on each other, it isn’t curly nor thick enough for their hair to stay in the shape of a cube. Curly hair lies down more than 4c hair. So garnet’s hair being in the shape of a cube is a dead giveaway that it is 4C. Why do you think hairstyles like flat tops are usually seen on black men with 4c hair? It’s because, the 4c hair texture is thick and strong enough to stay in whatever shape you put it in.
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please, if you’re drawing a character with 4c hair, avoid drawing it like curly 3 type hair, this is very anti-black and texturist.
So, how do you draw 4c hair?
honestly, its the most easy thing in the world
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i wanna clarify that blobby looking 4c drawings ( like the one on the top left ) can work depending on how cartoony your art style is.
Another thing that I want to greatly clarify when it comes to drawing 4C hair is, YOU. DONT. NEED. TO. DRAW. EVERY. HAIR. STRAND!…..like, seriously. I’ve gotten many messages about how 4C hair is hard to draw, and it’s always left me confused; but then I find out that the same people that have trouble drawing 4C hair, attempt to draw every single strand of hair. This is unnecessarily time consuming because it’s merely impossible to get every single detail down, especially when you have a simple cartoon style. 4C hair does not require much effort, all you’re doing is drawing lumps. It’s that simple, nothing more nor nothing less.
The reason why I greatly advise all of you to avoid drawing every single hair strand is because in real life, when you look at a 4C textured Afro, your eyes don’t pick up on each individual hair strand like straight or curly hair. 4C hair, appears to be more undefined and cloud like, so attempting to draw each and every individual strand is unnecessary and will most likely end up looking inaccurate.
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Anyways! that’s it for now! there will be a part 2 to this tutorial that will come out next week! i hope you guys have learned from this and apply it to your black character in your art!~
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun
im on instagram
and tiktok
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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Toko Taira on Instagram
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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WALTZ WHILE FALLING Book 1: The View From the Aqueduct Chapter 1 1-2
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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I wanna be a cowboy baaaaby
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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his names ronsoco and he was cursed to be a capybara monster!!
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
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haruka-my-love · 4 years
2020 Fanart Year In Review
Thanks for tagging me @floraone! I only became active in the fandom (both creating and posting) around July so I don’t exactly have a year to review, but thought it might be fun to look back on what I did during all this madness that is 2020! Here we go!
1.  Number of started vs number of completed fanart this year
I started 319, finished 208!
I thought I only finished maybe half of the ones I started but I did a little better than that and I want to give myself a high five for that. 
2.  Most popular piece of fanart this year
I believe it’s the Usagi’s bed hair compilation!
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This one I tried to emulate Naoko’s art for stationaries that came with the original Nakayoshi magazine and stuff! Also fun fact: I have done several of these Usagi hair fanart and it tends to be quite popular. People seem to really like Usagi’s hair (just as much as I do)!
3.  Personal Favorites
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I like this one because it has a story to it, it was inspired by @floraone’s “Becoming” where I pretty much picked up my Mamoru’s character. 
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I like this one because it was for the first fandom event I ever participated in, Usamamo Week 2020, which I absolutely loved (I basically came to Tumblr to participate in it so I was very happy!)
4.  Characters Drawn Most, in order of frequency
I had about 100 Usamamos together, 44 Usagi by herself, 38 Mamoru on his own, no surprises there. The next frequent one was Harumichi, who had 9 including them together/on their own!
5.  Most Used Color Scheme
In general I seem to use navy~blue a lot! Combination wise, I like to put pink and purple together, blue green and blue together!
6.  A piece of art that was challenging
I drew Mamoru and (almost) every character that loves him/had a crush on him in the series for his birthday. 26 people were definitely a challenge, but oh so satisfying also!
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7.  An area you feel you’ve improved
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I think my line work has improved quite a bit in the past 6 months! I can now draw really fine lines, the kind of lines you would find in a shoujo manga, which I love!
8.  A piece of art you’re really proud of
It would be the Sailor Cosmos art! Starry night sky and galaxy fits really well with SM art (obviously), and I tried to make it look believable, and I think I did an OK job with it :)
9.  New things you tried out this year
Digital art on a drawing software was new to me, so all of that, including layers and blending and masking and everything!
10. Something you learned this year
Using layers to manipulate colour schemes and giving different textures I found was particularly useful.
11.   A comment that touched you
I realize art is harder to comment on in a way, so I appreciate all comments and tags(those are real gems) but I particularly love those that mentions something I did differently in each pieces. @floraone and @brownsugarheartattack always notices these little things - whether that’s the shimmering effect or the orbs or different lighting and it makes me happy every time!
12.  Something that inspired your art this year
I get hella inspired by fanfiction, so pretty much all fanfiction I read this year, especially from fandom events like Usamamoweek and Smutember!
13.  Something that you want to try out next year
I’m doing a doujinshi that is coming out next year, so doing a *proper* manga, with screen tones and actual panels and everything! Also, I want to work on my backgrounds… particularly sceneries.
14. A goal of any sort for next year
 I think the number one thing is to have this doujinshi come out nicely! I will try to improve my skills until then, and after that? I can’t think that far ahead in the future lol but I’m sure I will come up with something new!!
Anyways. Writing this year end review made me realize even more how I am just SO glad to have found this fandom corner, and came to know all of you, it really saved my sanity through a otherwise very lonely year. So thank you to all of you who have interacted with me this year!!🥰🥰
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