hauunted-blog · 9 years
{ look at all those death note blogs.
donttemptmeguys }
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
I’ll randomly generate a number from 1-31 to see how your muse interrupts mine! Mixture of safe & nsfw.
Keep reading
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
{ hey guys, abigail muse isn’t being all that co-operative today. so i’m probably gonna spend most of my time on my matthew murdock today. i may be on abigail later if she decides to co-operate haha. if you wanna chat/plot, feel free to add me on skype; cardicant }
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
"I know you regret it."
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She stands in silence, staring at her feet. Such a bold statement for someone to make about someone else’s feelings. Did Abigail regret it? Did she regret being the lure? Murdering Nicholas Boyle? 
A bout of guilt washes through her system, causing her to shiver ever so slightly. In retrospect, she didn’t regret it. She could never regret such a feeling that runs through you. The adrenaline, the God-like feeling. There was nothing else like it in the entire world, and in honesty, Abigail would do anything to get those feelings back. 
“I couldn’t even if I tried,”
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
"I'm sorry if I smothered you."
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“I’ve been smothered most of my life, I’m used to the suffocation that affection can cause.”
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
“I came to apologize.”
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She blocks his voice out, refusing to hear those candy-coated lies everyone seemed to be speaking these days. Life was so much simpler when her parents were around. They were happy, they were content and they were a family. Her dad’s business was no one else’s business... and if the FBI hadn’t found out, things would still be good. 
“I don’t want to hear this anymore. I will never forgive you for what you did!”
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
Based on my writing, how old would you THINK I was?
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
daughter sentence memes
"I want you so much, but I hate your guts."
"I hate you."
"Thought you said you didn't feel pain."
"She ran out in the woods."
"I pray a lot for you."
"I look out for you."
"I'll do whatever you say to me in the dark."
"You're too old to be so shy."
"Cause we both know I'll never be your lover."
"Please just blow out all the candles."
"You're nothing."
"I think I should be a little more confident."
"Take me home."
"I won't say a word but I think he knows."
"You've got a second chance."
"You could go home."
"You've got a warm heart."
"You told me so many times."
"I know you regret it."
"He's the only one that I've ever loved."
"Did she make your heart beat faster than I could?"
"Did she give you what you hoped for?"
"You don't open up."
"Your kisses are not what I wanted."
"All I really need is you to comfort me."
"We're too similar."
"Now we're strangers."
"I'm sorry if I smothered you."
"Clean up the dead you leave behind."
"Don't bring tomorrow."
"I'll lose you."
"I think I'm dying."
"I'll escape with him."
"I thought it would be fun."
"Please don't ask me to."
"I see the way you look at her."
"I think we should run."
"I won't tell my mother, it's better she doesn't know."
"Will you stay with me?"
"I don't wanna be alone."
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
also i hereby declare that my male fc for abigail is this guy
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bc craig roberts is my fave
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
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Hey guys! This month I’m celebrating three things:
My first year on Tumblr as an active part of the RP Community on this blog, 
I reached a milestone on this blog [Molly Graham] and
The return of my first original character.
So, to show you all my appreciation and love after almost twelve months (ohmygod I’m excited, okay?), I decided to make a small giveaway  before  I  am  going to make a follow forever next month (hopefully).
Rules: You know how it works:
You obviously should be following in any of my three blogs.
Reblogs and likes will both count. 
I’d prefer if only roleplay blogs participate, but fandom blogs may as well.
Please do not follow for the giveaway only and unfollow after.
Giveaway ends June 4th, 9 pm (EST). The winners will be published the day after.
Prizes: *will depend on the content available. 
1st. Place: 50-70 icons + 20-30 gif-icons
2nd. Place: 40-50 icons + 15-20 gif-icons
3rd. Place: 30 icons + 10-15  gif-icons
4th and 5th: 25 icons + 10  gif-icons
Good luck, guys! Ü
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
{ a big shout-out to customcreatiions for my new blog theme! go order themes and stuff from this darling because they’re the absolute best!!! <3 }
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
STRANGE SENTENCE STARTERS —— for the creative writer in you. Send these in and see what your partner comes up with as a scenario!
*These are completely interchangeable, they’re just in categories to make it easier for all of y’all.
“How many times are you going to do that, exactly?”
“You were right. As per usual.”
“Sometimes it’s hard to see the lines you’ve drawn until you’ve crossed them.”
“You’re surprised because you have a soft spot for hot blondes.”
“Is that – that’s a naked Scarlett Johansson on your fridge.”
“You can stay, but for no more than two nights.”
“Please don’t look in this drawer. Please.”
“I told you not to pick him up, he’s very sensitive.”
“Yes. I might have given you rabies. But in my defense, that’s ridiculous and I didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, my cell phone data coverage does not cover the bullshit zone you’re in.”
“Hey! Give me your pants. Quick, give me your pants.”
“No, I’m serious. Stop it right now or I won’t give you the last cookie.”
“You think I’m kidding. But I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life.”
“How much would a stripper cost and why so much?”
“I’m going to buy you a drink. Next week. On Thursday. When I get paid. Can you swing this one?”
“Hippos are hungry, hungry! And you are considerably larger than a small piece of lettuce!”
“When I was little, I used to be afraid of mummies. And now look at me. I love dead people!”
“I don’t even miss my ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, I just miss my glockenspiel.”
“It happens to everyone, you just sell your skirt for some coke.”
“Please do not pull your pants down in front of baby Jesus.”
“That’s not the phrasing you want to use.”
“Because nothing says heterosexuality like a gold sash.”
“Please don’t take it out on my boobs.”
“When it gets really windy I look like a bizarre combination of Marilyn Monroe and Cousin It.”
“We have to change our names and run away to Mexico. It’s the only way. Adios.”
“How much money do you have on you?”
“Please tell me that’s a raisin and not a tiny hamster shit you’re eating.”
“Life is a lot better when you put things on your head.”
“For someone who’s not very deep, I’m incredibly not shallow.”
“I need you to remind me what it feels like to love you.”
“I love you. What? No I don’t. Forget I said anything.”
“I need you to tickle my feet but like, sexually.”
“If we got married, would I have to take your last name? Or could we just make up a new one?”
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“I heard you say his/her name in your sleep last night. Want to explain or should I just leave?”
“I want to spend the night with you tonight. But I also want to sleep on your side. And without you on the bed. So technically I just want your bed.”
“Please don’t be proposing to me in an empty parking lot.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry, you stupid fucking broken record. It’s done.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m curious. About the things you were doing. With him/her. Without me.”
“Your mother’s looks could kill. Actually, are you sure they haven’t before?”
“If you’re breaking up with me tonight, can I at least eat first?”
“Stop sweating. It’s not attractive during sex, and it’s not attractive now.”
“Are you – are you checking me out? In the line for the confessional?”
“We have to go. I might have told your mom I’m pregnant. I don’t know why I said that. I’m not.”
“So what you’re saying it that you’re snorting sugar to get excited for sex.”
“My dog licks better than you do.”
“But through every stupid thing you do and say – and those are a lot, by the way – I love you.”
“I don’t care if you’re growing another head. I’ll talk to both of them. I love you.”
“And I’d take fifty years of not talking to you for just a day of doing so. I promise that’s a compliment.”
“I don’t want to hide this anymore. I’m not some dirty little secret, you American Reject.”
“This is a bit too dramatic for my taste, so can we skip it and have sex instead?”
“I don’t want you to think of me as your personal sex toy.”
“Thanks and all, but that makes me feel like a low-class escort, so.”
“A kiss in exchange for every nice thing you say about me. Deal?”
“Promise me you’re not like him/her. I need to hear it from your mouth. Promise me.”
“Look, I’ve had my heart broken before. I’m not ready to let you in just yet. Anywhere.”
“Don’t leave me here. Anywhere else, okay, but not here.”
“I wish I could say that was the worst sex I ever had, but I’ve had worse.”
“I just blew you. Could you look a little happier about it?”
“I’m attracted to shiny things, so if it looks like I’m staring at your chest, it’s because I am.”
[text] This is upsetting my poop.
[text] Hey, are you up? If you’re not, can you wake up? I need some help.
[text] So it involves feces and large birds.
[text] She said that to you? Why?
[text] Please come back. I miss you.
[text] What are you good for if you’re not gonna bring me ice cream?
[text] Can you ignore that last text? It wasn’t meant for you. I’m sorry.
[text] …did you just send me a nude?
[text] I don’t know why I said that.
[text] Leave it to you to fuck the simplest of requests up.
[text] Do we have to go to their wedding? He’s only my first cousin.
[text] How much does ‘I love you’ mean to you?
[text] I am not stalking you. But you should do something about your bathroom, it’s gross.
[text] Please. I need this so badly.
[text] I trust you completely.
[text] I’m a genius. You’re a peasant. Everything makes sense again.
[text] Hey, buddy! Got like, five hundred bucks I can borrow? Times ten.
[text] She lost it. She completely lost it. She said her uterus was attacking her bone marrow.
[text] I will not get you donuts.
[text] Please? I love you.
[text] I think I’m gonna go to sleep now, but you keep thinking that.
[text] I can’t say this out loud. They might be listening.
[text] I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think he’d duck when the ball came at him, I’m sorry.
[text] You’re cute.
[text] I just need you to understand how important you are to me.
[text] Fuck off.
[text] Okay. Guess we’ll leave it at that then.
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
Send me a ♫ for a song that reminds me of our muses together
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
If your muse wants to hit mine - do it. If your muse wants to yell at mine - do it. If your muse wants to kiss mine - do it. Never hold anything back. As long as you don’t kill my muse, anything goes. Never hold anything back with me. Because I won’t with you.
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
*looks at fictional character* nobody loves u more than me
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
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              It’s been a long time since my last confession
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hauunted-blog · 9 years
Things are about to get weird.
Paste the last thing you copied in my inbox and my muse will react to it.
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