headcace1906-blog · 8 years
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headcace1906-blog · 8 years
Humpty Dumpty
“Same VOICE that gave me life, feed my love death”
LOCATION: Reflecting
Time:  I was in love with you am
“Humpty Dumpty “
Repeat after Me
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Queens horses and all the king's men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty had a dream
A dream to sit on top of the wall
A big wall, beautiful wall
Like a really a big fucking wall
Like Game of Thrones big
He wanted to sit on top of the world
He wanted to sit at the top of the world with You
Who’s you, you ask?
Ms. Dumpty
You didn’t know there was a miss Dumpty did you
Well I’m here to enlighten you
But first say it again
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Queens horses and all the king's men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
So there they stood staring at that Great Wall
That Wall, the wall of love
They decided to climb at their own risk
The climb started out great they were moving so fast
Laughs, conversations, dreams, sex and hope
The rope to the top seemed so close
But the journey got shaky
Few obstacles stopped them from the top
But like Destiny
And 99 Bad Boy Records they couldn’t stop
So the two climbed and reached the top
Dumpty could taste his happy ending
His taste buds jumped with joy
It smelted like Easter Dinner
Tasted like ice cream  birthday cake
He was at a place he wanted to be
With the woman he wanted to be there with
They were in love
We’ll he was in love
The two sat at the edge
A few weeks at the top
The view seemed so nice
In her eyes he found life and then
She blinked
Just like that she pushed
Yes Ms Dumpty
She pushed him off the fucking wall unbelievable right
She whispered I’m sorry
There’s more to life than being on top of the world with you
Or at least I want to find out
So one more time guys
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Queens horses and all the king's men couldn’t put Humpty together again
The shock in Dumpty’s eyes
So much pain on the way down he couldn’t even cry
The woman who’s back he had
Stabbed him in his
People ever wonder what humpty thought on his way down
As her memories feel out his pockets
Lost earrings, her panties, her pic, movie tickets, dinner receipts
Likes on the gram, comments, hope
All these thing come cashing down with him
Nothing fell harder than his love
She said she had to choose herself
But why the fuck did that mean she had to
Push him away
Turn her back and not look back
He thought how it was his fault?
What more could he have done?
Was she not ready to love a man like him?
Was he too good to her?
Why didn’t she fight for this?
Why didn’t she think he was worth the risk?
Pushed him off the Wall and wanted to act
Like the journey didn’t exist
Was he too demanding?
Was she not the woman he thought she was?
Was it all just a lie?
If she had to go somewhere else why the fuck
Was Humpty the only not allowed to join the journey?
He sacrificed for her
Ready to take on the world for her
She found 200 reasons to fucking make that push
But she couldn’t find 1 fucking  reason to make it work
Love was one of the reasons she let him go
Isn’t suppose to be the other way around
She said love was half the battle
So what’s the other fucking half
Was that part more important to  her
She made that push
Ms Dumpty
How you sleep at night knowing what you’ve done
Killing a perfect love song
Time is going by and you have all these things that help you
Close your eyes to what you’ve done
You didn’t even stay to watch the crash
Are your old and new friends that much better in your life than
Having him
You ran back to them so they could help you grow
Why you didn’t see growth in him
He’s almost to the bottom
And DUMPTY still acting like it was a fucking accident
She didn’t mean to push me when I crash they would be able to put us back together again
Crash, Boom, Boom
The crash was a fucking warzone, like 911 all over again
Smoke everywhere
My Ground Zero honey
Look what you did
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Queens horses and all the king's men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty Sat on the wall
He took a big fall and he learned his lesson
But the problem is he still loves Ms Dumpty
But no matter how much love he has
He realized he wont ever be the same again
She broke his love into pieces
For what truly
He will never know
But no matter
How many love poems
No matter how many sorrys
No matter how much time goes by
All this queens actions
Are the reason Humpty Dumpty
Will never be put back together again
His heart will never be whole again
So now you know how Humpty Dumpty fell
Say it again
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty was pushed to a great fall
All the love poems, pictures, and memories
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
“I would say you don’t care, I would ask why but at this point it doesn’t matter  I wasn’t ready to stop loving you its not fair, but life has shown me that its not fair and wont start being now…... Keep your sorry “
The one you let get away
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headcace1906-blog · 8 years
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headcace1906-blog · 8 years
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headcace1906-blog · 8 years
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
Suicide Bomber
                  What ya’ll know about the L word
The Three Musketeers
Like, Lust and Love 
Y’all know a few things about LIKE
Even a fewer about Lust
But y'all free folk  don’t know about  that 
My favorite bad bitch 
That sweet .....my sour 
My Ying ....my Yang 
That gentle ....that dangerous 
I call L..O..V..E
See y’all just  like me cause i thought i knew 
But I don’t know shit , that’s what love told me 
See you guys have heard folk tales 
Saw Disney movies about my leading lady 
My Love or Luv as the kids say 
My baby My bae
But i have a love story not coming out anytime soon
No need for a theater near you 
This love story a tragedy my heart calls it a pity 
No glory and its a true fucking story 
Im not lying I am/ was in love with a ...
....suicide bomber  
I swear to Allah 
Swear to the Jihad
Hear this sad tale 
Im in love with a suicide bomber,
Do you know how that feels?
Knowing she’s ready to blow it
Blow it up 
For her faith or what she believes  in is right 
That’s all she knows 
Herself , what she believes what she feels
Even if she sees its wrong to her it feels right 
Im in love with a suicide bomber 
She's ready to die
Even if my love is to be sacrificed 
Click Clacked now she's strapped up 
C4 around her heart 
Ski mask showing me her sad eyes
Ski mask covering her warm smile
Im in love with a suicide bomber
My head says let go 
My heart says don’t go 
I try to reason with here telling her showing her  it doesn't 
have to be like this 
You don’t have to go 
Those fake prophets before me lied 
I know your worth 
Those fake prophets showed u ducktales 
Made u feel worthless 
That you weren't meant for more 
That you weren't good enough 
That you weren't a queen 
Belittled you 
Kept you caged up 
Trained your mind to believe
what they wanted 
Now you don’t know any better 
so you run scared of love
 of me 
Now u run 
you give up
blow up to send a message to those who 
scorned mocked and neglected,  your love ,your trust 
But what about me ....
What about us .....
What about the L..O..V.....
See brown eyes 
 She whispers 
“you the reason why i have to cause destruction
You made this bed so lay”
I shouted i made  the bed
But you took a gun 
Now its at my head dont pull it
You have the knife in my back don’t stab it
You have the bomb don’t blow it 
Blow this 
She said go 
i believe i must do this 
I need to be free
I need my nirvana 
I got 40 virigins waiting in heaven for me
I guess we both going down 
In smoke
Cause i cant give up hope 
Hope in You 
Hope in us
I pulled the masked back and pulled her in for a kiss 
She smiled and i saw two thug tears fall from her eyes
She smiled then closed her eyes
Like in the mobster movies 
The bad guy never quits when he’s ahead
You know why ?
Cause all they know
Is how to  be is a crook .... till the very end
This solution is what she believe is her route to happiness
Thats all she knows
Now we gotta go 
As i hold her tight 
Now my love is dead
I fought so hard till the very end
My actions couldnt save her
My words were all i had left 
Even that couldn't stop her in the end
My words couldn't provide guidance 
My words couldn't provide strength 
She wanted to be at a better place
She wanted happiness
Ill never understand how she saw a place like that
without me attached at the end 
I hope it was worth it old friend 
Sacrificing the good i saw in you 
She told me she was flawed
I always taught her flaws were just beauty marks
You were a blessing from God boo
Too bad you didnt feel the same way 
about my love 
Hope it was worth it old friend  
Knowning ill never love you again
I was in love with a suicide bomber 
Hope it was worth it sending my heart up in flames
Now the thin line has been crossed
And under the love thats up in smoke 
is hate
No indifference cause i actually gave a fuck about you 
I knew more than what those prophets told you 
Now i hate you 
For not letting me show you 
Hope it was worth it 
Hope you having fun in heaven 
Cause when you pulled that cord
You sent me to hell
now i know ill never love you again
I don’t know if ill ever trust someone with my 
Heart ever again
So in the end you'll haunt me 
If love ever creeps back into my life again
Would say i hope you happy 
But  i know you are 
Cause this what you believed happiness would be
a life without me 
Thats why you pulled the cord 
Boom Boom 
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
See that smoke floating in the sky 
Thats the love i had for you 
What ya’ll know about the L word
The Three Musketeers
Like, Lust and Love
Y’all know a few things about LIKE
Even a fewer about Lust
But y'all free folk  don’t know about  that
My favorite bad bitch
That gentle that dangerous
I call L..O..V..E
I was in love with a suicide bomber 
Even if see sent my love away in a firey blaze
I know the prophets lied to you 
This wasn't the ending for you 
For Us  .......
RIP the woman i use to know 
I don’t wish strangers good luck  cause stupidly i’m still in love with you 
Who ever you find in heaven i hope you look at them like how i looked at you
But eventual the smoke will clear 
Just like you wanted it to.....
She gave up on me  and sacrificed my love what does that say about her 
i feel for her what does that say about me 
    By Casualty of love and war 
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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Good Kid x Cole World
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
I Dont
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I Dont
So I’m in my home  and in my mind feeling alone
and i realize i don’t
I don’t wanna love you any more
Now before u skip over these words
Know i don’t wanna love you no more
it makes no sense to
Why should i
I don’t  wanna love the way you smile
the way the edges of your mouth wrinkle
 just the slightest
When your consumed with joy
I don’t wanna love the way
The way you hold my face, the way the inside of your
Equals my calm
The way you lips taste
The way your lips taste i don’t wanna love
Like my favorite candy as a child
My real life sweet tooth everytime i taste you
I don’t wanna love the ways that make you so cute
The way you do your hair wavey
That use to drive your Ex crazy
The way you put your hair in a messy bun when you lazy
The way you wear red lipstick when feeling frisky
They way you wear pink to drive me Brazy
The way you wear dark when you wanna be artsy
I don’t wanna love the way you walk
How you give me a fashion show even when you in the kitchen
heating up some chicken
I don’t wanna love your energy
I don’t wanna hear your angelic voice
Singing our favorite love songs
Turn off  the radio
That won’t work i still hear your songs in my dreams
I don’t wanna love how stubborn you are always wanting your way
I don’t wanna miss how u bite your lips when i go deep in you
I don’t wanna feel a cool breeze on  a hot day and be reminded of you
I don’t wanna feel heat on a cold day cause it reminds me of you
I don’t wanna miss how your tongue stole my soul
I don’t wanna fall in love with you like  the first time i saw you
Everytime i see u
I don’t wanna fall in love with you thinking about this
I don’t wanna watch you fight battles alone
When I’m suppose to be the Major
I don’t wanna miss how smooth your skin feels
The freckles on your nose
The way u hide your little toe
The way u fake laugh when annoying niggas around you
The way its never regular between me and u
The way your hands feel around the back  of …
Of my head when  your legs spread
The way my similes love your metaphors
The way my stanza wanna grab you around the throat
The way our love is so loud in a quiet room
So Full in a empty room
The way  our love listens
Felling like i have the only audience ill ever need
When its just me u and the parking lot
When everything was simple
When i would ask god to make my days longer
Just so i could think  and be with you more
The way your scent would linger
The way your brownies were the second best tasting thing from you
The way you show compassion
Laugher and joy
The way you dream big and how i wanna help guide you
I don’t wanna fall in love ever again
But even wanna  when i read this back
I don’t want you to take away
My friend
My lover
I don’t want you to be scared of me 
Light a child in the dark
Knowing you my light
I don’t wanna tell myself that i don’t love you …
I do…….
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
Doctor: Hello state your name
Dr. Jekyll: They call me Dr. Jekyll and this is Mr.….
Mr. Hyde: Relax I can state my name I’m Mr. Hyde and I don’t know why this guy brought us here
Doctor: What’s the problem state why you here
Dr. Jekyll:  We are not getting along he wants to dominate the relationship breaking the agreement.
Mr. Hyde: You need me to be I cant fucking sleep I can’t eat u got us not moving right
Doctor: What’s the root of the problem
Dr. Jekyll: I don’t know doctor.
Mr. Hyde: Fuck up nigga we got a broken heart if he won’t say it I will and it’s eating him alive
Doctor: Dr. Jekyll care to explain?
Dr. Jekyll:  We met this woman and she my drug
Mr. Hyde: WAS
Dr. Jekyll:
She’s my drug the most sweetest thing I’ve seen, smart and her smile is the shooting star of my heart, she is my
Mr. Hyde:  She don’t belong to nobody you forgot how she reminded you of that this fool lol
Dr. Jekyll:  She my angel
Mr. Hyde She’s the devil in a Blue dress
Dr. Jekyll:  Fuck up man this why I don’t let u talk I don’t let u out
Doctor: Wait your turn Hyde
Dr. Jekyll:  We not seeing eye-to-eye she’s feeling betrayed and have taken her drugs away and I’m trying not to relapse
Mr. Hyde : Yeah little man been trying to be strong but he knows that’s my job don’t take much for him to relapse a song , a picture of her  anything and his mind runs, and his relapse isn’t pretty  wakes up in cold sweats dumb nigga looking at his phone for a text , a missed call or  her hand to pull him up lmaooooooo  its rather sad woke me up out my sleep to wipe a Crybaby tear from his left cheek .
Dr. Jekyll:  I wasn’t crying I told you that was something in my eye
Mr. Hyde: Yeah Ightttt he misses his Pusha love girl so much he told her he would be her shield but she not fighting no more at least not for his war and its looking like he got PTSD
He’s a soldier with no war to fight I’m telling him
Dr. Jekyll:
But there’s still a war going on I can feeling it in my heart
Her VOICE makes the music for my heart to dance
Her touch makes my passion flow like an avalanche
She’s my Mount Everest one of the great wonders of the world
Her Freckles outline the key to my soul
Her sweet smell breathes life into my airless atmosphere
Doctor I’m fighting this war and it feels like I’m losing every battle now a days
She thinks ill commit treason she scared I’m a double agent I don’t know
But I’ve been relived from my post and I know it’s only so long till I’m replaced
Fearing that day when she says your services are no longer needed
Don’t message me don’t call me I want more distance
Doctor cant she see I was born to serve her
That I’m dying without her
Thought I had a high ranking how can she send me to court martial
Her mouth tells me she still loves me but
Her actions say I’ve been dishonorable discharge
My stripes don’t mean anything?
My war scares don’t matter?
Years I took and studied her heart don’t matter?
My friendship doesn’t matter?
My love doesn’t matter?
How it so easy for her doctor explain
Cause Mr Hyde says bad things mean things that’s why
I keep him locked away cause he’s so angry
He’s so mean and cold
Mr. Hyde: Fuck up nigga
Dr. Jekyll:  Hyde loved her more than I did too so I don’t get how he cant understand what I’m going through
Doctor: Mr. Hyde how do you feel
Mr. Hyde:  Does it fucking matter how I feel my god I hate it here u really got us here
I hate you Dr Jekyll you didn’t want to hurt  anyone  but why nobody ever worry about hurting you
You hate me Dr Jekyll but we all we got when that bitch left you in 06 because u didn’t worry enough I was there to tell you life goes on
When that other heaux strung you along I was the one that had you having fun
showing these girls how to make love
When everyone turns their back on you its, me the only one left staring back in your eyes
So don’t tell me I’m mean and cold
See doctor this niggas problem is that he really loves with all his soul 
Like he wears his love on his sleeve
He thinks in black and white
I live in the grey I was born in it
they merely adopted it
Dr. Jekyll likes addition subtraction and multiplication
Im the one that handles the algebra
1+1= me and you
1a+1b= WTF
And I’m here for the wtf cause his 1A, A standing for his  love not adding up to her variable cause we don’t know what B means only she does
And Dr Jekyll is so stress on what it will be Emotion getting the best of him can’t blame him
Cause I loved her too
I loved her more
She made him happy which made me
I didn’t need to put amour around Dr Jekyll heart cause she made it strong
Fuck she made mines strong too
But I don’t expect much from people
He thought his two cents was worth more
Cause her two cents worth millions to him
Doctor: What about you how u feel
Angry, angry with him angry with her
I miss Ms. Hyde she had her own side to her
Ms. Hyde and me had a connection I could feel miles away
When they were making love Ms. Hyde and me would fuck
Fuck long and strong so much passion in her eyes
Felt like a starburst when she bust in my mouf
Dr. Jekyll: Watch your mouth
Mr. Hyde: Shut up
I miss when she let me eat it like double  stuffed crust pizza from the back
The way she moaned in my ear had me full throttle like a stallion
Doctor: Is that all
Mr. Hyde: No dumbass doc it was more
Her dark passenger was my best friend
Finally I met someone I like me
and Dr. Jekyll  is cool
But she was different
We both had scars hiding in plain sight
And we were the only ones that saw it
They took away and advantage of her innocence
They stole and neglected my youth
She didn’t judge me
She kissed me like I was the one with the location to the end of the rainbow
Doctor: So why are u so mean to Dr Jekyll
Cause like how her dark passenger pushing us away
I’m HURT and I want to shove back
I want to be stubborn too
Make it easy for him too 
If Dr Jekyll the only one that want to fight he must be the only one wrong right
If you the only one that knows the truth maybe you the only one telling a lie
I love her but she don’t want to fight
And it makes him sad but makes me angry
You promised that it wouldn’t go back to the past
We both liars now then
Dr Jekyll stood by every time never leaving your side
You tossed love for others in his face
And still he never stopped being by your side
He never bluffed his cards
He worried about you
He always went out his way to make sure you were fine
Dr. Jekyll: But Hyde you got to understand where she’s coming from she doesn’t want false hope she doesn’t want to be hurt
Mr.Hyde : Lmaooo Doctor talk to this fool ,how is it false hope if we both feel it in our heart how’s it not real when we feel it everyday
Dr Jekyll maybe she’s just not into you no more
Maybe we don’t do it for her any more
Maybe she’s on to better things
Dr. Jekyll:  Don’t say that
Mr. Hyde: I have to that’s the only defense we got
Can’t you see?  
When the last time she called, texted first , reached out just cause she missed you?
Dr. Jekyll:  Maybe she just handles things different
Mr. Hyde:  Maybe she does maybe she doesn’t
Maybe the Wars over soldier and we are the losing side
We have signed the treaty and we are casualties of war
What you tell her Dr Jekyll …what you use to say?
That when you love something when you miss someone you make time
Why the FUCK is she not relapsing
Why the FUCK she don’t miss us
She don’t even want our compliments she got Instagram for that
Dr. Jekyll:  You’re a piece a shit that’s going to push away everything I  love
Mr. Hyde : Fuck up Dr Jekyll they pushing us away cause we not worth it
So I got to shove to protect you
Reach out Dr. Jekyll see if you feel her hand …
Doctor : I feel this was a good session any last words
Dr Jekyll: I love you so much still I miss you more and more everyday I’m relapsing sweetest drug I ever knew and I want to make you happy again and I’m sorry and I have a lot of love left a lot of good times left please don’t tell me the wars over
Mr Hyde : Fuck you Dr Jekyll this is your fault and if she doesn’t want to fight cool just another thing  he was wrong about stop looking at your phone Dr Jekyll she aint calling or texting she’s not checking for u online or real life and if that’s the case thank you for the time u gave us I miss my dark co passenger  but fuck all of u because in the grey area its alone and cold and Dr Jekyll knows ill show him how life goes on.. And Fuck u all cause Kraft macaroni don’t taste the same no more, R&B don’t sound the same no more , Dexter and realizing u fell out a love so quick makes kennedys not taste the same no more…. Doctor why u make me say this shit but its how I feel so don’t erase this shit … Worst Gears of War partner I ever had and the best one I’ve ever had cause I  pray everyday for my partner to come back : Tear falls down  left cheek:
Papi Champu
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
RAW: #Cincinnati #police officer Ray Tensing shoots unarmed #SamDubose in head
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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@therealmisslouboutin 😋😋😋 by 4thicksake
Bitches Freaking Off On Cam Live! | Sex Toys
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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headcace1906-blog · 9 years
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Nicki Minaj takes her mother on stage at the 2015 BET awards
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