headsnacke · 4 years
I owed a drawing and you bet I'm going to deliver it
inktober day 3 (delayed)
the legendary super mewman MINA LOVEBERRY
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headsnacke · 4 years
sorry I missed day 3
I have the sketch done but totally fogot to finish it, I'll do that in the next hour or so an then post it ...
day 4 done 27 to go,lets keep it up
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headsnacke · 4 years
all right day 2
honestly this is the only wisp I know, never bothered to investigate what the word actually means but mnee what's done it's done.
see ya tomorrow.
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headsnacke · 4 years
is that time of the year again, inktober is back and so am I
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this year has been quite a ride and worst of all, it ain't over yet...
even if it kills me I'm gonna get through with this year's inktober schedule, because that's the only entertaining thing to do...
see you tomorrow
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headsnacke · 4 years
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sup tumblr??
so, I got bored ( that would be a lie, my regular state of mind is bored with few episodes of inspiration and happiness) and decided to do another evangelion drawing but the twist here is that I actually colored it for once.
so enjoy my attempt of evangelion unit 01
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headsnacke · 4 years
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when you play a joke on the wrong guy
aqua: hey, hey kasuma look! I upgraded my party trick with the skill points we got from the last mission.
Kasuma: so you're telling me that where you come from, money comes out of the grass??
what is it aqua? what do you want noooow??
link: huhhh?
aqua: who are calling a maggot, you muscle-head?? I AM A GODDESS!!
broly: GRAAAAAAA!!
I gotta say, I love action figures posing them is so much fun...
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headsnacke · 4 years
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all I see is pink, stretchy and mentally unstable
inspiration comes and goes and you never know what it will make you do, as of this week? my Musa was a certain pink gem with a lovely design and a hamster wheel for a brain.
who's ready to play a game in the garden?
so... we have bad ending spinel reflecting over her actions and sliding deeper into madness
spinel wearing different outfits
spinel imitating my favorite knucklehead from a nudist anime (it's quite obvious, but 10 billion points to the first one who says it)
tiny spinel(also imitating an anime character) and some random doodles and finally two sides of the same coin, something I did a while ago but forgot to post it
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headsnacke · 4 years
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so... quarantine still sucks
honestly the worst part of all this is my new work schedule, but enough of that.
what do we have today...
peridot's bizarre adventure: starlight crusaders
momonga(ainz ooal gown), gardevoir, a tiny spinel, a gengar and aggretsuko... truth be told I don't know what was going trough my head at that moment.
the man out of time, cable the omega mutant.
spinel doing a Harley quinn cosplay, but not that cheerleader bullshit, the original suit.
the loneliness of the night shift and thevwish to be somewhere else doing something else.
and deadpool using a maid outfit, nothing out of the ordinary for him.
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headsnacke · 4 years
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got bored at work and while I was scrolling down on Facebook I discovered the sailor moon redraw challenge, soooo...
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headsnacke · 4 years
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working and studying make an awful couple...
sooo, 2020 keeps getting worse with each passing day and that sucks... almost as much as evangelion's ending, the mechas were pretty neat tho, wich brings me to my most recent drawing in a looong time...
eva unit 01 awakened and ready to fuck up some angels.
now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go to sleep in my mountain of toilet paper and hand sanitizer bottles, because I'm running out of ideas of what to do with the tons of each that I bought.
until next time and happy pandemic to everyone.
your inconsistent wannabe artist, headsnacke
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headsnacke · 4 years
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"yes steven I was the gem who killed your father, now let's do something fun"
I was re-watching kill la kill today and thought... 'man I like Nui Harime... and she only has one eye...why don't I try and mix her with white pearl from steven universe???
but not the show version of her nooo, lets mix Nui with @thechekhov version of her, the @ask-whitepearl-and-steven version, cause at some point she got her body colors in a mix of both pink and grey and it looked great... also because I needed an excuse to draw white pearl and inspiration appears whenever she feels like!!
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headsnacke · 4 years
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is there anything that's worth more, than peace and love on the planet earth...
a little something I wanted to happen in the show, why would I choose between one waifu or the other when we could have both working together to milk out up to the last drop of love that our poor boy steven is able to give?
I might try and make more for this idea( a full on comic? maybe?), no promises you know I'm lazy and forgetful.
welp see ya next year and happy holidays.
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headsnacke · 5 years
I'm not dead, I've been busy
it's almost end of semester and I got a lot of shit to finish for college, also I got myself an internship in a company so all my mornings now belong to someone else and to top it all off there is con coming in December and I need to get all my shit together for it.
anyways, enough bitching, lets see what we got for today's post...
invader zim laughing maniacally from his "planning room"
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spinel posing both in a menacingly way and a lovely way.
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also featuring spinel we see her losing her mind being all alone... here in the garden, lets play a game...
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white diamond steven and Earl (pink pearl) taking a selfie, both of them from @ask-whitepearl-and-steven an AU created by @chekhovdraws, also from there we got Earl posing adorably for the camera.
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and lastly while scrolling down in Facebook I happened to find a rather funny pic of steven from the episode were he gets cat fingers, the funny part was that one of the fingers was the face of killer queen... so I thought "what if he kept the stand and used it as a backup plan for future emergencies?"
although I think he would have called it cookie cat instead or something like that...
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welp see ya guys next life or later than that
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headsnacke · 5 years
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apparently someone has been looking for some rather questionable stuff in my computer while I was distracted
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headsnacke · 5 years
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the end at last
"happy Halloween to all of you miserable and pitiful creatures, I hope that all of your houses get covered in eggs and that your children don't receive any tasty candies.
with all the hatred from my death heart, BLACK HAT"
and with that inktober's over, now if you excuse me I need to go buy some candies to eat while I laugh at the dumb children that knock at my door.
see ya next year... most likely no, I only posted on schedule like 3 times and I'm sure I'm the only one seeing or caring for this shit.
headsnacke out.
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headsnacke · 5 years
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beep beep steven
"hey steven, amethyst told me that around this date earthlings like to dress up as various things, she also told me that you love this particular clown after a 'movie' you saw a few months ago, sooo... don't you want a balloon? go ahead, take it..."
awww shit someone ain't gonna sleep well tonight... besides me of course.
one more day and I can finally crawl back to the comfy hole from where I came
ps. I know my steven looks odd but mistakes were made while redrawing the lines of the face with my pen.
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headsnacke · 5 years
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"blah, blah, blah, rose, blah, blah, blah, rebellion, blah, blah,blah, leave white diamond, blah, blah, blah lesbian stuff about rose, bla, bla, blah..."
*speaking in hand sign language and in her mind*
"I've had enough of this parrot and her never-ending BS about rose and the crystal gems, now, I'm gonna count to 10 and if you don't get your arm off of me I WILL SHOOT YOU RIGHT IN THE GEM"
oh shit white P is packing heat... and she's had more than enough of regular P babbling about rose and all of her nonesense.
I insist on the fact that more people should see @chekhovdraws AU of steven universe @ask-whitepearl-and-steven. and more so now that WP got a gun, I wasn't expecting that.
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