healthasblog · 1 year
5 Keto Mistakes You Must Avoid To Lose Weight
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1. Too Much Protein
To produce ketones, your body needs to enter a metabolic state called ketosis. Ketones are produced from the breakdown of fat and are used as an energy source instead of glucose (sugar). To get into ketosis, you need to consume a diet high in fat but moderate in protein.
When you eat too much protein, your body converts the excess into glucose. This can happen if you consume too many foods like chicken, turkey, and low-fat beef and pork as the mainstay of your meals.
To curb your protein intake, opt for the fattest cuts of meat. Eat chicken with the skin on, and consciously try to reduce your protein intake.
As a general rule, you should keep your protein intake at under 0.9 grams per pound of body weight. So, if you’re a 130-pound woman, you will want to keep your daily protein intake to under 117 grams.
2. Relying
When starting a keto diet, your main goal is to get into the state of ketosis.
So, how do you know if you have achieved that goal? A common way is to use keto urine strips. They effectively tell if you are in ketosis at the beginning of your keto journey.
However, after about a month in ketosis, the kidneys will adapt to and excrete fewer ketones. After that, you will only see a trace amount of ketones in your urine.
Yet, most people continue relying on keto urine strips to let them know if they are staying in ketosis.
This is a mistake – once you are fully keto-adapted, keto urine strips will not accurately depict whether you are in ketosis.
As a result, keto urine strips can kill your enthusiasm just at the point when your body is starting to burn fat.
Once you have adapted to burning fat for energy, your body will rely on a specific ketone called beta-hydroxybutyrate as its main fuel source. The problem with keto urine strips is that they don’t measure beta-hydroxybutyrate.
When your body first enters ketosis, it produces another ketone called acetoacetate, which is the ketone body that is measured in urine. As your body adapts to ketosis and ketones become your primary fuel source, acetoacetate converts to beta-hydroxybutyrate.
So, after a while, keto urine strips will no longer turn to the magic purple. This can cause people to stress out and think they're no longer in ketosis.
The bottom line is to stop using keto urine strips after the first month. Just stick to the game plan – a very low-carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet – and you WILL remain in keto.
3. Not Eating Enough Fat
When something has been ingrained into you your whole life, it can be extremely difficult to think differently. That is the case when it comes to eating fat.
Contrary to what we’ve been taught, dietary fat will not clog your arteries or make you fat. The truth is that eating more fat is one of the best ways to stave off hunger and cravings, especially for carbohydrates, when you are going on a low-carb or keto diet.
To succeed on the keto diet, we all must overcome our fear of fat. Don’t feel guilty about chowing down on fatty cuts of steak. Enjoy that delicious crispy skin that’s covering your roast chicken. 
And eat more healthy fats like olive oil, butter, coconut oil, sour cream, cheese, avocados, Greek yogurt, and whipped cream. There is no limit to these foods!
4. Over Eating
Let’s consider the first basic principle of nutrition and losing weight...
To lose body fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume each day.
To gain weight, you must consume more calories than you burn daily.
This principle is known as the Law of Energy Balance.
Now, this law may seem like common sense.
Yet, this is why so many people cannot reach their fat loss goals, even on a low-carb diet like keto.
They are sticking to their high-fat, moderate-carb, and low-fat macronutrient plan, but the fat loss isn’t happening. The reason?
They are ignoring the Law of Energy Balance. Simply put, they are eating too much.
You see, even if you are eating the right foods, your body has no choice but to put on weight if your calorie intake exceeds your output.
Calorie control is the missing ingredient.
A lot of so-called healthy eating experts promote the idea of eating five, six, or even seven times per day.
You really don't need to do that on the keto diet.
When you begin producing ketones and burning body fat for energy, it is easy to feel full and satisfied eating just a few meals daily.
Once your body becomes keto-adapted, you will stop feeling hungry because your body has a readily accessible store of energy in the form of stored body fat.
If you eat beyond your body’s requirements, you will use more of the fat from food than the fat from your body for energy.
You will also be consuming more protein, with the possibility that it may knock you out of ketosis.
To overcome this keto newbie mistake, you must get out of the programmed eating trap (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and really start listening to your body.
That means only eating when you are hungry. Another issue has to do with plate size. We have been conditioned to finish off what’s on our plate.
The problem is that the size of the average dinner plate has gotten one-third bigger in the last thirty years. It’s no surprise that the rate of obesity has skyrocketed during that same time period.
The solution is to use smaller dishes and smaller utensils. It may sound a little goofy, but if you have children, use their bowls, forks, spoons, and cups.
If you eat with smaller utensils, you will eat between 25 and 40% less food – that’s a whole lot of calories!
If you are eating something out of a packet, tip it out and place it on a napkin. That way, you won’t feel like you have to finish the packet.
5. Not Stabilizing Blood Sugar
Most people can relate to controlling their blood sugar with diabetes. Yet, keeping tabs on your blood sugar count is the best way to assess how you're going hormonally on the keto diet.
It is way more effective than using keto urine sticks long term. You can pick up a blood glucose meter at any pharmacy or order one online here.
If you stick to the keto regimen of a low-carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet, you will show a fasting blood sugar count of between 70 and 80 grams.
As your blood sugar level goes down, your ketone production will increase. So, what’s the most important thing you need to eliminate to reduce your blood sugar levels? Ironically, it’s not sugar. Grains are the worst offenders in triggering blood sugar. Click to get your keto diet
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healthasblog · 1 year
keto meal diet : is it worthy atry or a waste of time for a weight loss plan
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Unlock the Secret to Success: The Rising Popularity of the Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Improved Overall Health. However, a pertinent question arises: is a keto diet healthy? Unveiling the Secrets: A Comprehensive Exploration of the Benefits, Risks, and Long-Term Effects of a Ketogenic Eating Plan. The Keto Diet's Impact on Well-being Explored.
Understanding the Keto Diet
Click here to watch video on keto diet
O9This innovative eating plan revolves around a strategic combination of low carbohydrates and high healthy fats to fuel your body. It focuses on drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with healthy fats. Our main objective is to guide your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Unlock the power of ketosis and watch your body transform as it taps into its fat stores for energy, resulting in remarkable fat burning. This switch allows for increased fat burning efficiency. Entering this metabolic state is thought to kickstart a process of accelerated weight loss while also providing numerous additional health benefits.
Weight Loss and Metabolic Effects
Among the key reasons why people choose the keto diet, weight loss takes precedence. Through the limitation of carbohydrates, the body is compelled to rely on stored fat as the primary energy source, resulting in notable weight reduction. Discover the remarkable effects of the keto diet on your metabolic markers. Experience improved blood sugar and triglyceride levels, leading to a healthier you.
Benefits of a Keto Diet
Uncover the multitude of health benefits linked to the keto diet, extending far beyond just weight loss. Keto diet: Blood sugar control, ideal for type 2 diabetes. Keto diet improves insulin sensitivity, glycemic control. Unlock the potential of the keto diet to improve your cholesterol profile. Witness an increase in the beneficial HDL cholesterol and a decrease in the harmful LDL cholesterol.
Here's something amazing: the keto diet can make a real difference for neurological conditions like epilepsy, offering potential relief and better days ahead. Keto diet: Reduces seizures in epilepsy, especially in children.
Saturated Fats and Red Meats:
A concern often raised about the keto diet is its reliance on saturated fats and red meats. Critics warn: High intake may increase heart disease risk. Here's the scoop: not all fats are the same. They can have different effects on our health. However, recent scientific research has introduced new perspectives challenging the traditional association between saturated fats and cardiovascular risks. Moderate consumption of saturated fats in a low-carb diet may be less harmful than once thought.
Balancing Nutrient Intake:
While the keto diet emphasizes fats and restricts carbs, it's crucial to maintain a well-balanced eating plan. Incorporate fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Low-carb options are leafy greens, broccoli, avocados, berries. Additionally, incorporating high-quality proteins, such as poultry, fish, and tofu, can help meet your body's needs.
Risks and Side Effects
Unveil the full picture of the keto diet by exploring its proponents alongside the important consideration of potential risks and side effects. After a few days, the symptoms commonly subside as the body undergoes the process of adaptation to its new metabolic state. symptoms fade as the body adapts to the new metabolic state.
Listen up! Keto warriors, take heed! Keep an eye on your saturated fat intake while rocking the keto diet. It might up your chances of heart disease if you don't balance it out with other healthy fats. These foods give vital vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Another concern is the restricted intake of fruits and vegetables due to their carbohydrate content. These foods give essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber vital for health. Maximize the benefits of your keto journey by including a variety of fruits and non-starchy vegetables. The long-term effects and sustainability of a keto diet are actively discussed among health professionals, fueling our quest for a comprehensive understanding of prolonged adherence. Some experts suggest that maintaining a highly restrictive eating plan like keto may be challenging for some individuals and could lead to nutrient deficiencies if not properly balanced.
The keto diet, undoubtedly, emerges as a powerhouse for weight loss, unleashing a multitude of health benefits that are especially advantageous for individuals grappling with conditions like type 2 diabetes and epilepsy. Seeking advice from a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before undertaking any significant dietary changes is highly recommended. Placing emphasis on consuming high-quality sources of fats and incorporating a diverse range of non-starchy vegetables while maintaining a balanced nutritional approach is crucial. Remember, the choice to embrace a keto diet should reflect your personal preferences, goals, and holistic health considerations. Acknowledge that nutrition varies for each person. Understand your body's signals and consult experts to decide if a keto diet is right for you.
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