healthytips47 ¡ 2 years
Unusual ways to lose weight
What are the 10 ways to lose weight?
Unusual Ways to Lose Weight
Adjust your mindset. Weight loss is a highly individual journey, and some people have found a few unusual ways to…
Adjust your mindset.
Weight loss is a highly individual journey, and some people have found a few unusual ways to lose weight. For some, these methods are a means of tricking their brain into complying with the diet. For others, their approach is about setting boundaries on what they will and won’t do. This all underscores that “many cognitive factors influence our eating behaviors,” says Gaby Vaca-Flores, a registered dietitian and founder of Glow+Greens, a nutrition and skin care consultancy based in Santa Monica, California.
Sometimes, the best way forward is to outsmart yourself by adopting some unorthodox weight loss tricks that have worked for other people. “Reframing your mindset can help make your weight loss journey easier,” Vaca-Flores says.
These 11 unconventional weight loss tips and tricks might help you in your efforts to shed excess pounds.
Skip the calorie counting.
“For some people, not counting calories can be helpful to avoid a diet mentality,” says Brenda Bennett, a Rhode Island-based nutritional therapy practitioner, sugar detox coach, keto coach and writer behind Naturally Sweetened Sugar-Free, Keto, Low Carb Recipes for the whole family
, an allergy-friendly low-carb food blog. She is also the author of the books “The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet” and “Naturally Keto.” “When someone is on a ‘diet’ and then loses the weight they want to lose, they may regain weight once they hit that goal and stop ‘dieting,'” she explains.
Enjoy carbs.
Recently, carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap as a dietary pitfall that adds pounds or prevents you from shedding them. However, not all carbs are created equal, and your body needs carbs to fuel daily activity and to ignite fat and weight loss.
Mia Syn, a registered dietitian based in Charleston, South Carolina, and author of “Mostly Plant-Based,” says, “Allowing no foods to be 100% off-limits while keeping portion control in mind can also help with weight loss and weight management. You can still enjoy your ‘fun foods’ as long as you focus on making healthy choices the majority of the time. In fact, labeling certain foods as off-limits can create an unhealthy relationship with food and feelings of food guilt that can sabotage weight loss efforts and mental health.”
Nix the moderation message.
On the other hand, Bennett says the common advice about eating anything and everything in moderation might be working against some dieters who struggle with food addiction. “The belief that you should be able to eat anything in moderation can be a big downfall for those who struggle with sugar cravings. People are either moderators or abstainers when it comes to sugar. Some can enjoy a little and still be successful in weight loss, while others have a little and are unable to get back on track with their weight loss efforts.”
To address this potential issue, she says that “abstaining from sugar temporarily might be easier than trying to moderate sugar consumption to lose weight for those who find that just one bite has a snowball effect.”
Tune into your body.
While many diet plans tell you to plan every single calorie you eat each day, many nutritionists recommend a more body-based way of eating called intuitive eating. This newly popular approach “rejects diet mentality and focuses instead on honoring your hunger,” Syn says. This can help you make peace with food and better understand your body’s innate signals around food and satiety. “It does away with structured meal plans and focuses on eating mindfully without distraction when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full,” she explains.
Pause before seconds.
Vaca-Flores says waiting 10 to 15 minutes before reaching for seconds can help you consume less because this pause gives your brain time to catch up to your stomach. “You have a better opportunity of allowing your sense of fullness to settle in. Once time has passed, you might feel too full to continue eating.”
That said, if you truly are still hungry, go for it. “You should still respect your body’s hunger cues and eat if you are still feeling hungry,” she says.
Eat healthy fats.
For decades, diets of all stripes urged those seeking to lose weight to strip out all fats, because wouldn’t it be logical that eating fat can make you fat? The truth is that your body needs fat, and incorporating some healthy fats into your diet is a key component of smart weight loss.
Healthy fats like those found in salmon and other cold-water fish, avocados and olive oil offer heart-protective benefits and can help you feel full for longer, which can decrease the number of calories you consume over the course of the day. The Mediterranean diet contains many sources of these healthy fats and can be a good option for those looking to drop some weight the healthy way.
Limit food imagery.
Vaca-Flores recommends limiting how many images of foods, such as food commercials, you see throughout the day. “Seeing images of food can actually increase ghrelin, your hunger hormone. Research has also shown that viewing food advertisements is linked to increased snacking.”
In other words: Out of sight, out of mind.
Choose the exercise that’s best for you.
Exercise can help you reach and maintain your weight goal, but you don’t need to go to the gym every day. Instead, consider options better suited to your personal likes and dislikes.
Take Tim Chambers, a digital technologist from Bethesda, Maryland, who lost 110 pounds in two years and has maintained his weight loss. He explored new neighborhoods, hiked park trails and adopted a dog to help incentivize his walks. He also engaged in weightlifting sessions with his son.
Ditch the scale.
While many dieters want to track how much weight they’ve lost, Bennett cautions against using this standard means of assessing how you’re doing with weight loss. “Many women tend to obsess about the number on the scale, which really can’t tell you how you’re feeling in your clothes. Focusing on non-scale victories is best when it comes to sustainable weight loss.”
These victories can be simple and measurable tasks, such as:
— Eating more whole foods. Reaching for single-ingredient foods like fresh fruits and vegetables instead of processed or premade foods can help keep your weight loss and health goals on track.
— Ditching processed and packaged foods. Bennett recommends limiting or avoiding highly processed foods as these are “full of unhealthy ingredients like inflammatory seed oil,” such as corn and safflower oils, which tend to be high in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that are fine to consume in moderation but when eaten in excess might elevate the risk of several conditions, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease.
— Quitting snacking. “Oftentimes, snacking happens out of habit rather than true hunger. We might be bored or need a momentary break from work-related deadlines,” Bennett says. Instead, “finding alternatives that are not food related and developing a self-care routine can be more enjoyable and rewarding than that vending machine snack.”
Don’t sweat day-to-day weight fluctuations. Chambers, for instance, learned to trust that by staying consistent with his healthy choices, he would see his weight balance out as he worked toward his goals.
Go slowly.
While many dieters are eager to make big changes to shed as much weight as they can as quickly as possible, this approach can be counterproductive. Your body strives to maintain a set weight point as part of its innate survival instincts. Over time, those big alterations can become difficult to maintain, and inevitably, the weight creeps back on.
Instead of getting into this yo-yo dieting cycle, Syn says you should aim to go slowly and make small changes. “Slow and steady wins the weight loss race. The most successful weight loss plans combine diet and exercise,” and “successful habits that support weight loss include portion control, using healthy cooking methods and getting enough sleep.”
Stay the course.
Lastly, Vaca-Flores adds that there’s no one single solution for losing weight. “A
successful weight loss
journey will prioritize sustainable behavioral changes in how you eat, move and relate to food.” Keep trying until you find what works for you, and then stick with it. Losing weight should be about a long-term lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
When asked about a secret to productivity, Jerry Seinfeld once said he marks an X on a calendar every day he makes progress toward a goal. “Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day,” he told the reporter. “Your only job next is to not break the chain.” Chambers used this call to action to fuel his own weight-maintenance mindset.
11 unconventional strategies for shedding pounds:
— Skip the calorie counting.
— Enjoy carbs.
— Nix the moderation message.
— Tune into your body.
— Pause before seconds.
— Eat healthy fats.
— Limit food imagery.
— Choose the exercise that’s best for you.
— Ditch the scale.
— Go slowly.
— Stay the course.
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healthytips47 ¡ 2 years
Eat Stop Eat Fasting Tea Reviews (NutraThesis) Read This Before Buy
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Intermittent fasting has become one of the most common weight loss programs worldwide. The fasting practices are meant to help people cut off weight and increase their metabolism. Intermittent fasting has several approaches. The Eat Stop Eat is one of them.
Eat Stop Eat is a short-term fasting practice done twice a week. Drinking fasting tea is said to boost the fasting routine. The new Eat Stop Eat Fasting Tea will fasten weight loss and make it easier.
According to the makers of the fasting tea, a single scoop of the tea makes one feel fuller as it increases fat-burning metabolism. The delicious tea is taken on your fasting day to keep you hydrated and serves weight loss.
Here is everything you need to know about Eat Stop Eat Fating Tea, how to use it, its effectiveness, pros, cons, pricing, and guarantee. more
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healthytips47 ¡ 2 years
7 Tips to Set Effective Boundaries and Improve your mental health
7 Tips to Set Effective Boundaries and Improve Your Mental Health
Boundaries are a necessary part of life. You set these limits to protect your mental health and maintain healthy relationships. You can set boundaries in any aspect of your life, and there are no rules. Boundaries can look like anything, including learning to say no more often or not taking on more work to maintain a work-life balance. 
Setting boundaries can be hard to do and even harder to figure out how to start. Learn why boundaries are important for your emotional well-being and how to set and maintain them.
For more help understanding your mental health, try these tips to improve your mental health without therapy and six thought exercises to boost your mood.Why are boundaries important? 
Boundaries can look different in different situations for different people. Perhaps it's standing up for yourself with your friends or speaking out at work. These are some reasons boundaries are important:Protect your mental health and values: Tracy Hutchinson, a licensed mental health counselor who holds a Ph.D, says setting boundaries is key to protecting your mental health in your relationships. When boundaries are pushed, she says it can lead to "feelings of confusion, anxiety or feeling drained," and even a feeling of being violated. When you set boundaries, you honor your mental well-being.Helps you maintain healthy relationships: Beyond protecting your mental health, setting boundaries in personal and professional relationships keeps them balanced, respectful and healthy. In intimate relationships, couples who check in regularly and express their needs experience more satisfaction than those who don't. In professional relationships, setting boundaries can maintain a level of respect in the workplace while also giving you a work-life balance.Ensures you're treated with respect: If you continuously fail to set boundaries, you run the risk of setting the precedent that people can walk all over you. Research describes how we can examine our own assertiveness in various aspects of life which includes asking for what you need, conceding wisely, saying no and listening.Helps you avoid burnout: Failing to set boundaries, whether personally or professionally, can actually lead to feelings of burnout. These feelings of overwhelming stress can result from working too much or bending over backward for friends and family. Studies show that burnout can lead to deeper feelings of anxiety, but setting boundaries can stop this from happening.
Read more: What to Know About Anxiety, Signs to Be Aware of and How to Cope7 tips on setting and maintaining boundaries
Boundaries are self-care, and setting them can be emotionally fulfilling. It can be challenging to know how to begin, so here's a guide to setting boundaries and how they can improve your life.Define what your needs are 
Before you start setting boundaries, you need to figure out what boundaries you'd like to set. To do that, you need to examine what your needs are. For example, if you want to set boundaries at work where you're not taking work home or working outside of paid hours, figure out exactly what that looks like. Do you need to make sure work stays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.? Does this mean having a discussion with a manager? Does this involve turning notifications off on your phone during certain hours? Figure out these parameters first.Set your boundaries early
Sometimes when you get too deep into a situation, it's very hard to backtrack and set boundaries. It's not always possible to set boundaries early, but do it whenever you can so you don't find yourself stuck in a situation that's hurting your mental health. If you're getting into a new romantic relationship, set your boundaries early on so that your partner knows what you need for your mental health. These conversations can help strengthen your relationship because you understand each other better, and it can also raise any red flags if a partner takes issue with your boundaries. Practice saying no 
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Boundaries aren't about other people -- they're about you. When you're setting these boundaries and informing the people in your life about them, use "I" statements to let them know that they're important to you. Say things like, "I need to focus on this" or "I need to take a step back here" or "I would be more comfortable if things were like this." This sends the message that these things are important to you and your mental health. Be consistent and create consequences if boundaries are ignored 
Once you've started to set boundaries, it's important to stick with them. If you pull back on the boundaries, you run the risk of not being taken seriously when you try to set boundaries again in the future. For people in your personal life who ignore your boundaries, let them know there are consequences, like taking time apart. Practice direct communication
When you're setting boundaries, speak clearly and concisely. You might even want to practice what you want to say to people you're setting boundaries with so you can speak confidently. Also make sure to speak to them directly. Make it clear that these boundaries are important to you and, for the most part, they're not up for discussion. If you're someone who tends to apologize excessively, practice what you want to say without including the word "sorry."Remember that boundaries evolve and change 
While you want to make it clear up front that your boundaries are set for now, don't be afraid to change them later. Just be sure you're doing it on your terms. Your boundaries are important to you, so you should be the only one to make adjustments to them. And it's fine if you want to change it up down the line. What are the types of boundaries? 
Boundaries look different across the board, whether they're at work or at home, and different depending on each person. Regardless of what the boundaries are, it's still important to set them when you need them.
Main types of boundaries include: Emotional: Emotional boundaries come into play when you're examining how much of your emotional self you're willing to share with others. If certain people make you feel emotionally drained, you may need to set a boundary with them to prevent them from affecting your mental health.Physical: Physical boundaries are largely those that require touch and your personal space but can extend to your physical wellbeing, like how much you rest. You have every right to decide how you are willing to be touched, even if it's just a hug. Allowing these lines to be crossed can make you physically uncomfortable around people, which can weigh on your mental health. Not valuing your need for rest can hurt your mental and physical health.Sexual: Sexual boundaries are those you set forth in intimate situations. These are important for making sure you're comfortable in sexual relationships. You should set these boundaries early in a relationship to ensure you and a partner are sexually compatible -- some of your hard limits might be a deal breaker for others and vice versa, and that's OK.  Financial: Financial boundaries are all about your money. This might be setting boundaries for how you spend your money on yourself but it also might be setting boundaries with how you spend money with friends. If you have a friend group that always makes plans that involve a high dollar amount that stresses you out, a boundary might be sitting out plans every other time so you're not so financially anxious.Intellectual: Intellectual boundaries are largely communication related. These are things like understanding when to stop having a discussion with someone, perhaps it's because it's an argument or you're feeling belittled. If those conversations happen frequently at work or with certain people, you may need to set a boundary so you're not feeling these things with these people.Time: Time-related boundaries involve setting parameters to put value in your time. This might mean ensuring you leave work on time and don't bring it home with you. It might mean cutting off a friend who's late every single time you make plans, devaluing your time. Your time is important and you should be able to spend your time in ways you see fit. 
For more on setting boundaries and your mental health, check out our guide to social media and mental health, tips for what to eat to boost your mood, and myths about anxiety that may surprise you.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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healthytips47 ¡ 2 years
Weight Loss Tips for Busy People
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You swear that tomorrow you will have time to pack a nutritious lunch before leaving for work, but that tomorrow rarely comes. You are convinced you will get to the gym on your lunch hour or do a workout video at night after the kids go to bed and that happens close to never. Your intentions are good, but sometimes your busy life gets in the way of your weight loss plans, but don’t give up. You can still eat healthily and squeeze in some exercise, even on the craziest days. Here are some ways busy people stay on track with weight loss:
They Prep Ahead – Mornings can be crazy so don’t try to add something else to your to-do list. Instead, use the night before to make your lunch and spend an afternoon on the weekend portioning out a bunch of healthy snacks that you can grab on your way out the door such as hardboiled eggs, trail mix, a handful of mixed nuts, or string cheese.
They Stand Up – Any opportunity you have to be standing instead of sitting, you should take—like at a staff meeting, when you’re on the phone, or during commercials while you’re watching TV. That little movement not only burns more calories, but it also helps keep your metabolism humming. When you sit, body processes that help break down fats and sugar in your body stall so stand up or walk a little and you kick the processes back into action.
They Make Smart Swaps – When hunger strikes and you realize your only choice is a vending machine, deli or drive-through, you can still stay on track. Get the smallest plainest burger; think grilled, not crispy; get your sandwich in a lettuce wrap or on whole grain bread, not a white roll; replace fries with a salad or steamed veggies. And if you just need a little snack to hold you over, opt for unsalted trail mix or a hard-boiled egg.
They Break Up Their Workouts – Take a 10-minute walk several times a day. You get the same health benefits in more manageable bursts. Keep an extra pair of walking shoes at work or in the car to sneak in extra steps whenever you can. For example, if you’re out running errands, you can speed walk between stores for an extra calorie burn.
I hope this gives you some ideas that will help keep you on track with your weight loss until next time, stay happy, healthy, and beautiful!
Smoothie diets weight loss in 21 days
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healthytips47 ¡ 2 years
Weight loss in 21 days
The Smoothie Diet Reviews - Effective Smoothies Recipe for Weight Loss? [21-Day Program]
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Many weight loss programs promise fast and unrealistic results that attract desperate people. But beneath the facade of these programs lie unhealthy recipes, unsustainable routines, and weight loss that never lasts. Most of the time, people who undergo these programs fail to keep the weight off or incorporate the diets into their regular routines.
That is where the 21-Day Smoothie Diet program comes in. Everyone likes a smoothie; first, they are healthy since they are made from fruits. And if certain fruits are not appealing, you could always replace them with the ones you prefer. They also taste refreshing and are easy to incorporate into your regular diet plans.
That is aside from the fact that it is much easier to make smoothies than most other meals you would find in other diet plans. The 21-day Smoothie Diet program by health coach Drew Sgoutas might solve all your weight loss problems.
About the Smoothie Diet
The Smoothie Diet is a 21-day program created by a health coach. According to the product website, Drew Sgoutas studied his clients and combined his observations with his knowledge as a health coach to create custom smoothie recipes that can transform the weight loss journey of the average person.
The idea is to replace two meals daily with selected smoothies six days a week. On the seventh day, you can eat regular meals without a smoothie. However, you are encouraged to eat healthy foods to help the Smoothie Diet be as effective as possible.
The smoothie recipe for each day contains nutrient-dense foods that vary in constitution and properties. Complete adherence to this program will create a daily calorie deficit proven to result in losing weight.
Components of the Smoothie Diet Program
The Smoothie Diet program is not just a book of 21 smoothie recipes but a combination of different materials. These materials will help you complete the program as quickly as possible when used as directed. It also comes with some bonus materials that may enhance the effectiveness of the smoothie diet. The following items come with the program:
A 21-Day Schedule
You get a food timetable for each day of the three weeks you will be undertaking the program. Two smoothies are carefully selected daily and easily adjustable to your taste and preferences. Per day, there is a summary of the calorie intake the smoothie diet would provide.
You can also have two low-calorie snacks and one solid meal daily. The entire schedule is comprehensive and almost literally holds your hand through the three-week journey. Because of how extensive and helpful the plan is, it is something that you can quickly elongate or repeat depending on your needs.
Weekly Shopping Lists for All Smoothie Recipes
Each week in the plan has a shopping list to make getting the smoothie ingredients easy. So, you can go grocery shopping in advance for everything you need and avoid the stress of running to the store mid-week. Also, the list saves you the headache of thinking about the ingredients you might need and possibly forgetting one or two things.
Smoothie Preparation Guides
The program reveals the smoothies to drink and how to make them the easiest way possible. Therefore, you will be able to save time on trial-and-error preparation methods and get right into making great healthy smoothies. This makes it the perfect program for busy people keen on losing weight.
A 3-Days Detox Program
This is one of the bonuses that come with the program. According to the website of the Smoothie Diet, this program alone is worth the cost of the entire package. It is a program that you can do before starting the 21-day program. It claims to help restore, balance, and cleanse the body. You can also use it as a quick weight loss fix, although the fat is unlikely to stay off.
Quick Start Guide
The quick start guide is a crash course summarizing everything the three-week plan offers. It is for people who want to avoid running through too many different materials before getting into the good stuff. You can download this, skim through it, and start the program.
Features of the Smoothie Diet Program Adaptable
One of this program's major attractions is its adaptability to your preferences. The program comes with a swap list of ingredients you can use to substitute one another if one is not suitable for you or you cannot find one in the grocery store. So you don't have to worry about being allergic to certain ingredients. And since it is only a guide, you get to decide what you consume at the end of the day.
Another great thing about the program is its affordability. For all of the things that come with it, it comes at a very great price of $37. Furthermore, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. For a 21-day program, that is all the assurance you need that the program is solid. Moreover, the ingredients it includes are items you regularly have on your grocery list.
The truth is that most people need more fiber content and fruits in their daily diet. This program will change that by helping you incorporate them easily into your diet. The result is a much healthier lifestyle and a happier body. Also, this diet allows you to still snack and eat other foods. Many other diets require you to eat only one type of meal for prolonged periods leading to a depreciation in your health instead of an improvement.
Additional Benefits
Fruits have so many health benefits in addition to helping you lose weight. Many consumers of the 21-day Smoothie Diet have consistently commented that it gives them glowing skin. Oranges are famous for their antioxidants and their amazing anti-aging effects. Fruits like red grapes also have scientifically proven positive effects on the skin. Additionally, most fruits have other properties that may help you fight disease and live a healthy life.
Digital Product
Another reason you should use the 21-Day Smoothie Diet is that everything is entirely digital, making it accessible anywhere in the world. You are not getting anything in the mail, and there are no shipping fees or delivery times to worry about. All you need to do is pay $37 on the website, and all the relevant materials become downloadable. You can make this diet plan work with a blender and a few dollars.
The program comes with accessories that make it easy to stick to the plan
Easy to incorporate into a busy lifestyle
Smoothies are very easy to make
It might help other things like skin health depending on the fruits consumed.
Calorie intake is sure to reduce with consistent use
Tons of verified positive smoothie diet reviews
You will learn many new healthy recipes
The Smoothie Diet is effective when combined with exercise and consistency
Great for people with sugar cravings since it is filled with delicious smoothie recipes
It might help you get into the habit of healthy eating
Not completely restrictive since it still allows you to incorporate complete solid meal days
Developed by a certified health coach
It helps the body accumulate healthy fats
Meal replacement regimes can take a lot of work to follow through
Liquid meals are typically not as filling as solid food
Available as a digital product only
Purchase the 21-Day Smoothie Diet
With each purchase of the 21-Day Smoothie Diet, customers get the following:
The 21-Day Smoothie Diet digital program can be purchased for $37.00 on the official website, with instant access after payment is completed. Each Purchase comes with two free bonuses:
Purchases are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Unsatisfied customers can reach out to customer support at:
Conclusion: Should You Get on the 21-Day Smoothie Diet?
If you want to lose weight and are into dieting, you might as well start this Smoothie Diet plan, as it is one of the most fun and effective. However, healthy smoothies will not automatically translate into rapid weight loss like other diets.
This means you should get enough sleep, exercise, eat other healthy solid foods, and complete the 21 days required. Keep up with this healthy lifestyle even after 21 days.
Summarily, following this diet plan responsibly will yield the best results. So should you get on the smoothie diet? The answer is yes, but the Smoothie Diet works best with a healthy lifestyle. Visit the official website to order the 21- Day Smoothie Diet today!
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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.
Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.
The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
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