heartflw · 2 days
mercer was resigned now time to for the bruins to resign swayman
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Finally the real announcement
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heartflw · 8 days
jack: i'm so nervous for shoulder surgery
luke: you'll be okay jack i promise
jack: wow I feel so great, my shoulder is all better
quinn: that's so great jack
jack: thanks quinn, but where's luke?
quinn: ...who do u think gave u the shoulder😔😔😔
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heartflw · 8 days
jack hughes hard launch was not on my 2024 bingo card 😭
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heartflw · 11 days
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luke you better get your ass uninjured i swear
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heartflw · 12 days
i CANNOT keep defending you trevor zegras. the mullet needs to go i’m not even sorry.
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heartflw · 23 days
guys i started an intro should i actually post it
and what if i start a jack hughes au? then what? (i’ve actually got a problem with making au’s in my head i need to get it out somehow)
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heartflw · 23 days
and what if i start a jack hughes au? then what? (i’ve actually got a problem with making au’s in my head i need to get it out somehow)
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heartflw · 24 days
i still don’t believe it…
There are going to be a lot of people who have never mentioned Johnny on their blogs before bring him up today or the coming days.
Be nice. Just because someone doesn’t talk about a certain player 24/7 doesn’t mean they don’t like them.
There are going to be people who have opinions on intoxicated drivers that pop up here and there.
Remember you don’t know their personal life. They may have experienced something with a driver under the influence. Let them feel their feelings.
Everyone grieves the loss of someone they loved, looked up to, etc differently. It is no one else’s place to tell another person that how they feel is too much. We all need to be nice to one another, this isn’t a joke or something that most are saying they’re grieving over like they do trades. This is real. This is painful. We are hurting. We are grieving and crying over losing Johnny.
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heartflw · 26 days
YAYYY CONGRATS!!! i’m going insane without marry me pt.2
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There’s 1.5k of you lot now, that’s wild!! What do you mean my silly little blog has that many people following it?!
I’m so incredibly grateful for every single one of you, thank you so much 🥹
(marry me pt.2 coming tonight along with a 1.5k celly 🥳)
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heartflw · 1 month
MARRY ME — luke hughes x gf!reader
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summary: three times you and Luke disliked weddings and the one time you both said ‘fuck it’.
note: I am a sucker for this kind of thing I won’t lie, and this is lowkey a long one (6.4k words) 😵‍💫
warnings: cute fluff, she/her pronouns, fem!reader, Luke and you being lovesick
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1. wedding number one
When you were ten, your parents dragged you to a wedding of their friends.
It was one of those summer weddings, where the air was hot and sticky, the kind of wedding where the adults are all excited about seeing people they haven’t seen in ages, and the kids are just trying to find something to do between the long, boring speeches and the endless pictures.
You wore a scratchy outfit that your mom insisted looked "absolutely doll-like," but all you could think about was how uncomfortable the whole thing was.
As soon as you arrived, you realised this wasn’t going to be a fun day —as if it ever could’ve been.
The reception hall was decorated with twinkling lights and white tablecloths, but all you saw was a sea of grown-ups, laughing and talking in the way that adults do, oblivious to the fact that you were completely bored out of your mind.
After a round of hugs and fake smiles from your parent's friends you barely knew, your mom nudged you toward a table at the back of the room where she’d told you, you’d be sitting for dinner.
Unsurprisingly, it was the dreaded ‘kids' table,’ a place where you'd be stuck with a bunch of other kids you didn’t know, desperately trying to survive the next few hours until you could go home.
You trudged over, noticing a group of boys already sitting there, whispering and laughing among themselves. They looked about your age, maybe a little older, but you didn’t recognize any of them.
You hesitated when you got to the table, feeling a sudden shyness overcome you before you swallowed and slipped into a seat beside one of the boys and a little girl who looked to be around five. The boy beside you glanced at you quickly, before turning his back to talk to who you presumed was his brother.
You shrivelled into your seat, your fingers fidgeting beneath the table as you bit the inside of your mouth. The little girl beside you was busily rearranging the crayons scattered across the table, completely engrossed in her task. You considered joining her but decided against it, not wanting to draw any more attention to yourself.
"I'm Jack," the boy across from you said suddenly, breaking through your wallowing thoughts. He seemed friendly, and his smile was wide, the kind that would make you feel a bit more at ease.
You gave a small, nervous smile back, mumbling your name.
"That's my older brother, Quinn and little brother, Luke," Jack pointed out, nodding towards the boy beside you who’d ignored you earlier.
"Hi," Luke muttered, not really looking at you. He seemed more interested in whatever was happening on the other side of the room. You felt a pang of disappointment but quickly shoved it aside.
What did it matter to you if he didn’t want to talk?
Jack, on the other hand, was chatty.
He asked you where you were from, if you liked sports (specifically ice hockey) and what grade you were in.
Slowly, you found yourself opening up a bit more, even managing to crack a smile when Jack started telling you a story about a time he and Luke got into trouble for playing hockey in the house. You tried to laugh quietly, not wanting to draw any attention, but Jack's enthusiasm was infectious.
As the night rolled in, the room grew darker as strobe lights flickered above, barely illuminating the dance floor now swarming with spinning, giggling adults. Music blasted from the speakers, vibrating through the room. You’d been sitting at the table, searching the crowd for your parents as your head throbbed.
You found yourself squirming in your seat, overwhelmed by the noise and the unfamiliar faces surrounding you.
The room was growing suffocating, and you honestly wished you could be anywhere else, anywhere quiet and calm.
Then, from the corner of your eye, you noticed Luke fiddling with something in his pocket. He pulled out a small, blue iPod, its screen glowing softly in the darkness. He hastily put in one earphone, the other dangling loosely by his side as he wearily glanced around for his parents.
For a moment, he seemed entirely absorbed in his own world, away from the noise and the crowd.
But then, he glanced your way, catching you watching him. His face flushed slightly, his pink-tinged cheeks not going unnoticed in the dark. He glanced between you and the iPod and hesitated before holding out the spare earphone towards you, a shyness flooding his face.
"Wanna listen?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the blaring music and the chatter around you.
You bit your lip for a moment, surprised by the unexpected gesture, but the thought of escaping into a different world, even for just a few minutes, was too tempting to resist.
You nodded and reached out to take the earphone, careful not to touch his hand as you did.
As you slipped the single earphone in, the sounds of the room instantly dimmed, replaced by the soft strumming of a guitar and the soothing voice of a singer.
You didn’t recognise the song but it was the kind of music that made you want to close your eyes and drift away in the melody.
You glanced at Luke, and for the first time that night, he smiled at you—a small, bashful smile that made something warm and light flutter in your chest.
For a while, you sat with Luke, sharing the music in comfortable silence. The chaos of the wedding reception was left to dwindle into a hum until it was just the two of you, connected by a thin wire and a moment of peace.
2. wedding number two
“You said they were coming!” You huffed.
At sixteen years old, being dragged to another family friend's summer wedding was becoming exhausting. You were wearing a nice outfit, definitely an upgrade from the ones you used to be forced into, walking alongside your parents as you entered the reception.
You’d been to seven weddings since you were ten and at least four of them had your favourite people in attendance.
You and the Hughes family ended up becoming quite close after the first time you’d met them.
In a weird turn of events, your mom revealed that Ellen, the boys’ mother, had been her friend’s dorm mate in college and since reuniting at the wedding, they’d become the best of friends. You’d visited their home and lake house, countless times now, as your mom and their mom reconnected.
And that’s how you and the Hughes brothers became closer friends.
And your parents had promised you that they’d be in attendance at this wedding.
You folded your arms over your chest, your eyebrows scrunched. You’d sat through a two-hour ceremony in a stuffy church with absolutely no sign of the Hughes boys or the entertainment that usually came with them.
“I said they’d be coming to the reception,” your mom hummed, her hand brushing your shoulder as she led you towards the large, open ballroom. There were tens of tables lining the wooden floor, except for the patch of designated dance floor.
Your eyes scanned all of the tables, the majority of them filling up quickly until your eyes landed on a half-filled table in the corner, already seating a variety of kids from the ages of what you’d guess to be four to eleven.
“Please, tell me I don’t have to sit at the kid's table,” you begged, your eyes wide in horror at the idea.
You watched your mom’s face drop to a wince as she tried to muster up a smile.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” she started, smoothing a hand over your hair. “Everyone sixteen and under has to sit at the kid's table. Not our wedding, not our rules.”
“Right,” you huffed, suppressing an eye roll as you stepped away from your parents. “See you later.”
You trudged over to the kids' table, your steps heavy with the sinking feeling of dread. The chairs were smaller, the table too low, and the conversations were mostly about cartoons and schoolyard games. You dropped into an empty seat, folding your arms and sinking back, trying to make yourself as invisible as possible.
The younger kids at the table barely noticed you, too engrossed in whatever game they were playing with their forks and spoons. You blankly stared at the table, choosing to submerge yourself in your thoughts completely
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t notice someone approaching until an arm slung casually around your shoulders. You flinched slightly, immediately turning to see a familiar face grinning down at you.
It was Luke Hughes, his curly mop of brown hair wild and mussed as he looked at you with a mischievous smile. He was taller now, and had grown into his features more since you last saw him, but there was no mistaking him.
"Hey," he smiled bashfully as he slid into an empty seat beside you. "You get banished here too?”
“Yup,” You couldn’t help but smile, some of your irritation melting away. "Just living the dream…” your eyes glanced around at the chaos of the kids' table, your lip furling as you watched a little boy stick the end of a fork up his nose.
"It’s only me and you this time,” Luke remarked, rolling his eyes. “Jack’s old enough to sit at an actual table now, so of course, he ditched us…but hey, at least you’ve got me."
He waggled his eyebrows in a way that was clearly meant to be funny, and despite your glum self, you laughed.
"I guess it’s not so bad then," you admitted, the night already looking up now that he was finally here.
"Besides, those old people's tables are boring. All they do is talk about stocks, football and real estate.” Luke reached across the table, grabbing a stray roll from one of the bread baskets and taking a bite. “At least here, we can have some fun."
"Fun, huh?" you sceptically, raised an eyebrow, lolling your head to look at him. "What exactly do you have in mind?"
"You know me, I’m always full of ideas, but first…" Luke grinned, his eyes lighting up as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze still on you. "Let’s start with not sitting at the kids' table all night. I say we sneak out of here and find a quieter spot. And maybe if we see Jack’s table, we can stop by and annoy him a bit."
You smiled at the idea, the prospect of sneaking around with Luke sounding infinitely better than sulking at the kids' table all night.
“Please get me out of here," you spoke with a wince as a kid’s sharp scream rang out.
A signature smile spread across Luke’s face as he stood up and offered you his hand. You tentatively took it, feeling the warmth of his palm against yours, and let him pull you up from your seat as a rippling feeling ripped through your stomach.
One thing you hadn’t mentioned about the Hughes family?
You had a crush on Luke Hughes.
The same Luke who held your hand in his and the two of you ducked and weaved through the crowded room.
Luke’s hand remained firmly in yours, and you couldn’t help but notice how natural it felt, how right. The laughter and chatter of the wedding guests gradually ceased as you both slipped through the exit door, your footsteps echoing along the long hallway.
You hadn’t asked where he was leading you and you couldn’t help but laugh at how easily you’d fallen into step with him, how the mere sight of him had lightened the heaviness in your chest.
The corridor stretched ahead, and you could hear the faint thrum of music from the ballroom growing even quieter as you moved further away.
Luke finally slowed as he reached a pair of ornate double doors. He hesitated for a moment, looking behind you before pushing one of the doors open with a soft creak.
You let him pull you into the room before he shut the door. The large room was shrouded in darkness, except for the slivers of moonlight streaming in through tall, arched windows.
It was another ballroom, empty and quiet, compared to the chaos you’d just left behind. The air was cool, carrying a faint smell of polished wood and cleaning products.
“Perfect,” Luke whispered.
Your mouth fell open as you wandered towards the centre of the room, your hand slipping from Luke’s as you looked up at the ceiling toward the arches high above, adorned with a crystal chandelier that glinted faintly.
Luke watched you with a smile before joining you in the middle, only to sit down cross-legged on the polished floor, motioning for you to join him. You bit your lip as you sunk down beside him.
“Better, right?” he raised a brow, leaning back on his hands as he stretched his legs out in front of him.
“Way better,” you agreed, a smile tugging at your lips as you mirrored his posture. The silence between you was comfortable, the kind of silence that wasn’t awkward or uncommon but soothing.
After a few minutes of relishing the silence, Luke broke the silence.
"You know, I was thinking about something the other day," Luke hesitated for a moment as if choosing his words carefully. "Do you remember that time when we were, like, eleven, and we played that stupid game of truth or dare at a wedding?"
"Yeah, I remember,” You laughed softly, “I dared Jack to eat that dessert spoon full of sugar and he almost threw up."
"Right, and then you refused to do the dare Jack gave you," Luke turned to look at you with a cheeky smile. "What was it again? Oh, yeah—he dared you to kiss someone."
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you briefly ducked your head in embarrassment.
"I was too scared!" you protested, pulling yourself together as you gave him a playful shove. "It was embarrassing, I’d never kissed anyone!"
"I thought it was kinda cute," Luke admitted, his voice lowering slightly, the teasing edge softening. He gulped and looked at the floor as he spoke his next words. "…have you had your first kiss since then?"
You felt your heart skip a beat, the question catching you off guard. You turned to look at him, his eyes still cast downwards.
"No, I haven’t," you confessed quietly, feeling a little self-conscious as the words left your lips. Luke’s gaze lifted and softened as it settled on your eyes.
"Me neither," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked down at the floor for a moment before meeting your eyes again, and in that instant, you could feel the shift in the air between you.
“No, not yet,” you admitted, trying to sound casual about it, but your voice wavered slightly.
Luke was silent for a moment, his gaze never leaving yours. There was something different in his eyes now, something more deep.
“Do you ever think about it?” he asked quietly.
“About what?” you replied, your own voice just as soft, almost afraid to break whatever delicate thing had settled between you.
“Your first kiss. What it would be like.”
You swallowed, the question lingering in the air. You had thought about it, of course. You were sixteen, after all.
But now, with Luke sitting so close, the thought of it seemed to carry a new weight, one that had your heart racing in your chest.
“Sometimes,” you admitted, the honesty of it taking you by surprise. Luke’s ears tinged pink as he shuffled even closer to you. “Do you?”
“Sometimes,” he echoed.
You swallowed hard, the room suddenly feeling smaller, the distance between the two of you shrinking with every passing second. Luke moved closer, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. His touch was gentle, a far reach from his typical joking self, but it sent a shiver down your spine nonetheless, your heart pounding in your chest so loudly you were sure he could hear it.
"Would it be weird if we…?" Luke started, his voice trailing off as he searched your face for any sign of hesitation.
"I don’t know,” you whispered, barely able to find your voice as you stared into his eyes. “But I don’t think so..."
That was all the encouragement he needed as he leaned closer slowly as if giving you every chance to pull away, Luke leaned in. His eyes fluttered closed, and you found yourself doing the same, your breath catching as the distance between you disappeared entirely.
3. wedding number three
“All I’m saying is weddings during summer should be illegal!”
“–but, it’s the only time any players have time to actually do the whole thing.”
You rolled your eyes as Luke gestured towards the grand wedding reception.
The two of you were at yet another summer wedding. Luke had completed his first year as a rookie with the Devils and the two of you were going strong.
After the two of you had kissed at that wedding when you were sixteen, the two of you had grown closer and closer until Luke asked you out less than a month later. The two of you made it official soon after.
It had been a chaotic year, and whilst so much had changed, like the distance, the long nights apart, the pressure of his new career, one thing had remained constant, and that was the way Luke looked at you like you were the only person in the room and how butterflies flooded your stomach whenever he was around.
The two of you stood at the edge of the reception hall as soft music, laughter and the clinking of glasses surrounded you.
The air that filled the room was warm, it was the kind of thick heat that made the days feel endless, and the evening was no exception.
Fairy lights twinkled above the heads of countless couples swaying to a slow beat on the dance floor. Luke’s parents and brothers were also there somewhere mingling, with you being Luke’s plus one.
“It should be illegal, Luke,” You groaned, your head sinking onto Luke’s shoulder as he laughed at your dramatics. “Especially in this heat. It’s like they’re trying to cook us alive.”
“Maybe so,” He admitted his head dropping to press a kiss to your temple. “But hey, at least the food’s good, right?”
“True,” you conceded, thinking back to the hors d’oeuvres you’d both indulged in earlier. “And I guess it’s nice to see everyone dressed up.”
“We do clean up pretty well,” He agreed as he glanced down at his tailored suit, then at you in your elegant dress, and nodded appreciatively.
You smiled, tilting your head upwards to meet Luke’s lips with your own. They were soft, tinged with the taste of champagne. His tongue brushed the seam of your lips, as you chuckled and pulled away, your hand falling onto his chest.
“Down, boy,” you spoke, eyes glinting in the light. “Save it for later.”
At your words, Luke pouted and threw his head backwards in dismay. You simply shook your head and allowed your fingers to fix his tie.
Before you knew it, the two of you were sitting at your designated table surrounded by the Hughes family. You and Ellen were deep in conversation as Luke’s hand settled on your thigh, his thumb smoothing circles over the material.
As you laughed at a brief comment Ellen made, the music in the room shifted, the DJ’s voice crackling through the speakers.
“Alright, folks, this one’s for all the couples out there!” He boomed, “Grab your partner and join us on the dance floor for a special slow dance.”
The announcement hung in the air, and for a moment, you cringed at his words but when you glanced at Luke, who was already looking at you with that warm, knowing smile, your heart skipped a beat.
“Go on, you two,” Ellen’s voice broke through your thoughts. She had that twinkle in her eye, one you often saw in Luke’s, as she nudged you both. “Get out there!”
“Yeah, Luke, show them how it’s done!” Jack called out from across the table, as he and Quinn sat back in their seats with wide grins.
Luke’s ears turned slightly pink at the comment as he stood up, holding out his hand to you.
“Shall we?”
“I guess we should.”
You took his hand, your fingers slipping easily into his as you stood, a soft smile spreading across your face.
With Luke leading the way, the two of you made your way to the dance floor, joining the other couples who were already swaying to the gentle rhythm of the music. Luke pulled you close as the two of you found a gap in the crowd.
His hands settled on your waist, yours wrapped around his neck, and you began to move together, your bodies swaying in perfect harmony. The music was slow and romantic and you could feel the warmth of Luke’s breath against your cheek, as your fingers sifted through the curls at the base of his neck.
“Remember the first time we danced together like this?” Luke murmured, his voice soft as he leaned in close, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“How could I forget?” You nodded, with a teasing grin. “You stepped on my toes at least twice.”
“In my defence, I was nervous,” Luke chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest.
“Nervous? You?” You joked, raising an eyebrow in playful disbelief. “The same guy who plays in front of thousands of people?”
He shrugged, his smile turning a bit shy.
“It was different with you.” He stated simply, pulling back to look you in the eyes. “Always is.”
Your heart swelled at his words, a warmth spreading through you that had nothing to do with the thick heat of summer.
“I’m glad it is,” you whispered, leaning in closer.
Luke’s grip on you tightened slightly, pulling you even closer as the music continued to play around you.
“So,” Luke began after a moment of silence as he looked at you with a soft, almost wistful expression. “Have you thought about it?”
“Thought about what?” you questioned, tilting your head in curiosity.
“About us,” he lowered his head, his voice gentle but serious. “About, you know…our own wedding someday.”
The question hung in the air between you. It wasn’t the first time the topic had come up, but it was the first time it truly felt destined.
You felt your heart flutter, a mix of excitement and nerves. You hadn’t been expecting this conversation tonight, not here, not now.
But as you looked into Luke’s softened eyes, you couldn’t think of anything else.
“I have,” you admitted softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “I think about it sometimes.”
“And? What do you think?” Luke’s eyes lit up, a small, tender smile curving his lips at your words.
“Hm…,” you hummed, your fingers coiling around one of his curls. “I’d like something small, just me in a simple dress and you in a nice suit.”
“That’s all?” Luke’s eyebrows raised as his nose brushed yours.
“A big wedding isn’t really my scene,” you murmured, your eyes fluttering shut. “It’s nice and all but all I really need is you.”
“So, you want a small wedding? Hm,” Luke mumbled, bending closer to you. “That, I can get behind.”
Your lips twisted into a smile as his lips descended on yours, the two of you wrapped up in one another as the lull of music engulfed you.
+1. wedding number four
“You want to what?!”
Your eyes bulged as you clasped onto Luke’s hands.
The two of you had been walking hand in hand down Las Vegas Boulevard, taking in the bright lights and music all around.
Luke had two days off after he played an away game against the Knights, so naturally, you travelled up to watch him play so that after, the two of you could spend the two days in Vegas enjoying the novelty of it all.
Luke was no longer a rookie with the team, feeling more comfortable in his standing. The two of you had officially moved in together at the beginning of the season, it was a small apartment in Jersey, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The two of you had spent the early evening having dinner and in and out of casinos, wandering around aimlessly, hands interlinked.
Which had led you all up to that very moment as you blinked up at Luke in shock.
“Sorry,” you repeated in a choked voice, unable to believe what you were hearing. “You want..?!”
“Marry me,” Luke stated again, his hand falling to your waist to drag you closer.
“Luke, I…”
“No, look, I know this is a lot, and it’s totally out of the blue,” Luke interrupted, his voice softening to a murmur as he locked your gaze. “But I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I don’t want to wait any longer. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’ve known that since I was fifteen.”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to process what was happening.
“Luke…” you began in a shaky voice, your hands gripping his biceps. “Is this a joke or are you serious? Like, actually serious”
His grip on your waist tightened slightly as he nodded bashfully.
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life,” he confirmed, his voice steady despite the obvious nerves floating across his face. “I know this isn’t the most traditional proposal, but let’s be honest, nothing about us has ever been traditional and it’s something I love about us.”
You blinked up at him, searching his face for any sign that this was some kind of joke, but all you found was sincerity. Luke had always been spontaneous, something you had learned to adapt to being so introverted.
Many times, he always liked to live in the moment, but this was different…this was basically forever.
“Luke, we’re in Vegas,” A small, incredulous laugh escaped your lips as you spoke. “Are you really suggesting we get married here? Tonight?”
“Why not?” He grinned a boyish, lopsided smile that made your heart skip a beat. “It’s not summer, it’ll definitely be a small wedding…just you and me like we spoke about.”
You stared at him, your mind racing. This was crazy, impulsive, and so very Luke, but what shocked you was that you weren’t scared of the idea…in fact, as you looked into his eyes, the same eyes you’d loved for close to six years, you felt the same excitement bubbling up inside you.
The idea of being with him, of spending your life with him, was something you’d thought about more times than you could count.
And now, he was standing here, asking you to take that drastic leap with him.
“And you sure about this?” you asked, your voice light as you reached up to cup his cheek. “I mean, this is huge, Luke, if you want to take it back, there’s no hard feelings.”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” he replied, nuzzling into your familiar touch. “I love you, and I want to be with you, now and always. We don’t have to do this here, tonight, if you’re not ready. But I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer…I, oh god, I even have a ring back in New Jersey.
You felt your heart swell at his words. He already had a ring for you?! The sincerity in his voice made your decision all too clear. It wasn’t about where or when…it was about who.
And you knew, without a doubt, that Luke was your person.
“Okay,” you whispered, a smile spreading across your face as you saw the relief and happiness spark up in his eyes. “Let’s do it…Let’s get married.”
Luke’s face broke into the biggest smile you’d ever seen, pure joy radiating from him as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace, your head against his chest.
“You just made me the luckiest guy in the world,” he murmured against your hair, his voice thick with emotion.
“I think I might be the happiest girl in the world right now.” You laughed, your own elated tears welling up in your eyes as you hugged him back just as tightly.
Luke had simply made two phone calls before the two of you had taken a taxi to the marriage license bureau, waited and ran through all the required details and now all you had to do was go back to the strip and be there on time for your slot in a chapel nearby.
Luke kept glancing over at you, his smile never fading. Throughout the entire process of getting the license, the two of you had been radiating excitement, your hands interlocked as the two of you applied
"Right," Luke spoke from beside you in the taxi. "We need to find you your dress."
"But where are we going to find a wedding dress at this hour?" You frowned with a small tilt of your head.
"I know a place,” the taxi driver called back to the two of you. Luke and you exchanged a quick look before he turned back to the driver.
“Would you mind bringing us there?” Luke asked, “We wouldn’t even know where to start looking.”
“This is Vegas," the taxi driver replied, adjusting his grip on the wheel. "If there's anywhere in the world you can find a wedding dress at night, it's here."
He wasn't wrong.
It didn’t take long for the taxi to sidle up alongside the curb in front of a boutique, nestled between a casino and an all-night diner, specializing in everything from formal wear to the most extravagant, last-minute wedding attire you could imagine.
You both thanked the driver as Luke slipped him some extra cash, before hopping out and draping his arm over your shoulders.
“Ready to shop?” Luke mused, looking down at you with a fond grin.
You bit your lip and nodded your head excitedly, pulling him into the shop.
The place was small but packed with every kind of dress you could think of, from classic white gowns to sparkly, unconventional pieces that seemed to scream ‘Vegas wedding’.
The shop owner, an older woman with bright red lipstick and a leopard print dress, greeted the two of you with a knowing smile.
"Last-minute wedding?" she asked, taking in the way Luke's arm was wrapped around you, both of you practically glowing.
"Yeah, something like that." You nodded, heat rushing to your cheeks as you laughed.
"Well, you’ve come to the right place," she grinned, clapping her hands together. "Let's get you a dress, honey!”
The next thirty minutes flew by in a whirlwind of satin, lace, and tulle. Luke watched from a plush chair in the corner, his eyes never leaving you as you tried on dress after dress, each one more beautiful than the last. The shopkeeper flitted around, pulling options for you with the practised eye of someone who had done this a hundred times.
Finally, you stepped out in a simple yet stunning white gown that felt like it was made just for you. It was elegant and timeless and the moment you looked in the mirror, you knew this was the one.
Luke, who’d gotten up to stretch his legs to look at some bow ties, turned around at the sound of your heels clicking against the tiles.
He felt his breath catch in his throat as he walked over to you. His hands cupped your cheeks, his eyes locking onto you as tears brewed in your own eyes.
"You look… incredible," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
"This is really happening, isn’t it?" You breathed out with a smile, as you broke from the kiss.
"Yeah, it really is." He murmured.
“You’re going to make a beautiful bride," she said, helping you gather the fabric of the dress so you could change back into your clothes. The shopkeeper beamed at the two of you, clearly pleased with her work. “Now, go get married!"
Luke paid for the dress while you changed, and soon enough, you were back on the street, the boxed dress in one hand and Luke’s in the other.
It was almost time for the ceremony as you made your way to one of the many iconic chapels that dotted the Las Vegas Strip. It was a small, charming place with neon signs and a gaudy yet endearing exterior that emanated a typical Vegas wedding venue.
The Little White Chapel had seen its fair share of elopements, and tonight, it would witness yours.
Inside, the chapel was cosy, with soft lighting and rows of velvet-cushioned pews and it was covered in flowers and white drapes.
Luke spoke to the woman at reception, sussing out last-minute details such as payment and the need for a witness and then you were introduced to the officiant who’d be overseeing the wedding. He was a friendly, middle-aged man who greeted you and Luke with a warm smile, and no judgment towards your quick marriage.
"Ready to get married?" he asked, his tone full of good humour.
"More than ready,” Luke looked at you, his eyes shining with excitement, his hand smoothing circles on the back of your hand.
You were shown to a small room where you could change into your dress and as you slipped into the gown, you took a deep breath, your heart pounding.
This was really happening.
You smoothed the fabric over your hips, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You looked different—older, perhaps more certain.
The dress was perfect, and the occasion was extraordinary.
When you stepped out, the woman from the reception desk handed you a small bouquet of flowers, before opening up the doors to the ceremony.
You took a deep breath in before walking towards the open doors, as a swell of classical music filled your ears. You let your eyes travel down the aisle, landing on Luke, who was waiting for you at the end.
He had changed into a sleek, dark suit that you hadn’t seen before. He looked… well, he looked perfect. You swore your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, standing there, waiting for you with glimmering eyes that scanned your gleaming self.
The officiant motioned for you to join Luke, and you took a deep breath, walking down the short aisle. Your mind raced, but one thought rang clear–this felt right.
As crazy and spontaneous as it was, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
When you reached Luke, he took your hands in his, holding them gently as if you were something precious. The officiant began the ceremony, his words a blur as you and Luke looked at each other, completely lost in the moment.
The world outside faded away, and all that mattered was the two of you, standing there.
When it came time for the vows, Luke spoke first.
His voice was somewhat steady, but there was a tremor of emotion beneath the surface.
“I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you," he began, his eyes never leaving yours. "And I can’t imagine a future without you in it. I promise to be by your side, to support you, to laugh with you, and to love you for the rest of our lives. I promise to never let you suffer through a summer wedding alone. You’re my everything."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to his words, your hands squeezing his as your emotions overwhelmed you.
When it was your turn, you took a shaky breath to keep your tears at bay.
"Luke, you’ve been my best friend, my partner, and you continue to be the love of my life. From the moment we met, when you gave me one of your earphones at that wedding, you’ve made me feel special,, and loved. I promise to stand by you, to encourage you, and to love you with all my heart…I can’t wait to spend forever with you."
The officiant smiled at the two of you, but you and Luke didn’t notice. You both were wrapped up entirely in the moment.
"By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The officiant spoke, “You may now kiss the bride."
Luke didn’t hesitate.
He pulled you close, his hands cradling your face as he kissed you with all the passion he had. The world seemed to stop for that moment, the only thing that existed was you and him, just as you had planned.
A singular tear slipped from your eye as you broke away, a giggle escaping your lips as you locked eyes with a grinning Luke.
"Congratulations, you two! You’re officially married!" The officiant beamed, causing both of you to laugh.
You were married.
Luke Hughes was your husband, and you were his wife. It was surreal and perfect and exactly what you both wanted.
After signing the marriage license, you stepped out of the chapel into the warm Las Vegas night.
You didn’t have a big reception or a traditional send-off, but as you walked down the Strip with Luke’s arm around your waist and headed back to your hotel, you knew you didn’t need any of that.
Like you’d said at that summer wedding long gone, all you ever needed was you in a simple dress and him in a nice suit.
That, along with the timeless love you had for him and him for you, it was a recipe for perfection.
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heartflw · 2 months
ok i think i need a clingy boyfriend right about now (and that boyfriend should be luke hughes)
I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND — luke hughes x gf!reader
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summary: Luke Hughes is a clingy person. here’s four times everyone around you found it excessive and the one time they didn’t.
note: I missed writing for Luke <3
warnings: use of she/her pronouns and y/n, fem!reader, luke being clingy and all lovey.
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1. first day at the lake house
“You’re here!”
You stumbled backwards as Luke’s body engulfed you, the force from his run down the driveway to meet you, pushing you back. His arms held you tight to his chest, your body squished in his firm hold. You hadn’t seen your boyfriend in three weeks, due to you visiting family, and to say the boy missed you would be an understatement.
“Missed you,” you breathed out, manoeuvring your arms around his waist.
"I missed you more," Luke mumbled into your hair, his voice low, only for you to hear. His grip tightened as if he feared you might disappear again if he let go. You could feel his heartbeat drumming against your chest, fast and steady, as you leaned further into his warmth.
Luke didn’t move, relishing the feeling of you in his arms.
"I'm not going anywhere," you promised, giving him a warm smile.
Luke's grip tightened even more for a moment before he finally loosened it slightly, just enough to pull back and look at you. He smiled, a soft, relieved smile that made you want to melt, a smile reserved solely for you.
"Good," he said simply, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Because I don't think I could handle it if you did, two weeks was enough.”
"Well, I'm here now, and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon." You laughed softly, the sound soft and muffled against his chest.
"Oh god, look at them! Absolutely horrible."
You slightly broke away from Luke, as Jack’s teasing voice carried across the driveway. You glanced towards the sound, noticing both Quinn and Jack watching the two of you. You raised your hand bashfully and waved at both of the brothers.
"Luke, you're so clingy, man!" Quinn groaned, his eyes rolling as Luke turned to fake laugh at them.
"Yeah, seriously," Jack added, his lips drawn back into a smirk. "You act like she’s been gone for a year or something."
"Shut up, you two," Luke called back, rolling his eyes, but you could see the hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
You couldn't help but laugh along with them.
"It's okay, Luke," you reassured, looking up at him, as he pulled you in for another kiss. "I like that you're kind of clingy."
His lips met yours in a delicate kiss as Jack and Quinn both groaned
“Disgusting, dude!”
“Get a room!”
2. the boat day
The boat bobbed gently beneath you from where you were seated comfortably on Luke's lap, his arms wrapped securely around you as you leaned against his chest.
The sun was shining down on Michigan, leaving the perfect opportunity for a boat day. A few friends of the brothers were scattered around the boat, chatting and laughing, soaking up all the sun they could.
Every so often, you felt Luke's lips press a light kiss to your shoulder or his fingers brush against your arm. His head rested atop of yours, the hum of his heartbeat thrumming beside your ear.
"You know, she’s going to melt onto your lap, if you keep her there all day," Quinn teased from the wheel of the boat, shading his eyes with his hand as he looked over at you both.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile as Luke buried his face in your neck.
“I’m comfortable, thanks." He mumbled against your skin, his lips pressing against the fading purple he’d marked you with last night.
"Yeah, I bet you are,” Jack snorted before settling his gaze on you. “You know you’re stuck with him like this… he hasn't let you out of his sight since we got on the boat."
“Not just on the boat!” Cole called out from the bow of the boat.
Luke chuckled, his chest vibrating against your back. "Can't help it," he said, kissing the top of your head. "I like having her close."
"You both need to cool off, I mean we all knew Luke was clingy, but this is a new level,” Trevor piped up from the bow, “I feel like we need to start calling you Velcro for you to stop."
From beside Trevor, Cole tilted his head back in a small laugh, nearly losing the drink in his hand in the process.
Luke chuckled along, but his hold on you didn't loosen. If anything, he seemed to pull you even closer, his fingers intertwining with yours.
“You two are almost sickening,” Coke taunted with his lovable smile.
“Jealous, Caulfield?” You finally asked with a raised brow that was paired with a teasing grin.
"You caught me," Cole feigned a dramatic sigh, pressing a hand to his heart.
You giggled as Luke suddenly stood up with you in his arms, the boat steady on the water.
“Luke, I swear,” you threatened, clinging to your boy as he approached the back of the boat.
“Didn’t you hear Trevor, sweet girl?” He mused, nose brushing your cheekbone. “We need to cool off.”
Without another word, Luke jumped into the water with you still firm in his hold, a soft scream escaping your grinning lips.
3. the party
The Hughes brothers were known for their annual summer party filled with various friends and NHL players, and tonight was no exception. The house was alive with loud music and laughter, all of which you’d ended up getting lost in when trying to grab a drink.
You wandered through the crowd, looking for a drunken Luke. Your boyfriend had been given a ‘get out of jail free’ card from his brothers for this years party.
Luke could drink what he wanted as long as he was responsible enough.
You’d gotten separated from him when you’d gone to get water for Luke and yourself, and now you searched for your boyfriend’s curly mop amongst the crowds.
Meanwhile, Luke was on the other side of the house, clutching an almost emptied beer and animatedly talking to Jack and Trevor, who both watched with signature shit-eating smirks. Luke’s face was flushed, whether from the alcohol or his words, it was hard to tell.
"You don't understand," Luke slurred, waving his hand. "I love her so much. Like, really, really love her."
"We know, Luke,” Jack rolled his eyes, prying the drink from his younger brother’s hands. “You've told us about a hundred times tonight alone."
"Yeah, man, we get it,” Trevor laughed, taking a sip of his drink. “You’re head over heels…but, where is she?"
Jack shot Trevor a glare, knowing his younger brother would instantly lose his shit and be intolerable when alerted to the fact you were nowhere to be seen.
Luke's eyes widened suddenly, his heart dropping as he looked around the living room for you.
"Oh my God, I can't believe I lost her,” he stammered, running a hand through his mussed curls. “She's the best thing that ever happened to me, and I lost her!”
Jack put a hand on Luke's shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"Relax, Luke,” Jack reassured, placing down his beer. “She probably got caught talking to someone, she’ll find us eventually."
“Y’know I didn’t believe Jack when he said you're like a lovesick puppy,” Trevor began, his eyebrows raised. “I’m starting to believe him now.”
"I can't help it," Luke briefly with a pout, his eyes flitting around the room, entirely focused on finding you.
Just then, you turned the corner into the living room and spotted the trio amongst the crowd. Your heart did a tiny, little flip at the sight of Luke’s puppy-dog eyes scanning the room desperately.
His head suddenly snapped in your direction, and a huge grin spread across his face. You sheepishly smiled and wiggled your fingers in a wave as the boy jumped to his feet
"There she is!" he practically shouted at Jack and Trevor, making his way over to you with surprising speed given the crowd.
When he reached you, he pulled you into a tight embrace, lifting your feet off the ground slightly as the drinks in your hands splashed dangerously. You shook your head at the smell of alcohol wafting from him, knowing how extra clingy he managed to get when slightly intoxicated.
I was so worried," he mumbled sadly into your ear, as you handed him the water and tilted your head to listen. "I thought I'd lost you."
"I was just getting some water for us,” you hummed, combing your free fingers through his unruly curls. “I was just looking for you too."
He set you down but kept you close, his eyes serious despite his tipsy state.
“I love you so much," he spoke earnestly, his tone almost pleading. "I can't even explain it…you make me so happy."
You felt a warmth spread through you, his drunken words filling your heart. You knew that despite his intoxication, your boy was an absolute sucker for you.
"Love you too, Luke,” you softly answered, “…now I think it’s time you drink that up, you don’t want to be sick in the morning.”
Jack and Trevor, standing a few feet away, exchanged amused glances, watching as Luke admired you as if you were the rarest diamond amongst countless lumps of coal.
“He’s down so bad,” Trevor whistled, raising his own drink to his lips as the two watched you talk away to Luke who steadily drank the water you’d given him.
“Oh, bud,” Jack sighed, pinching his brow. “You’ve got no idea.”
4. dinner with the hughes family
You nervously fidgeted with the rings on your fingers as you stood outside of the restaurant beside Luke. Tonight you’d be having dinner with the Hughes family, including Ellen and Jim, at a fancy restaurant.
You’d met Luke’s parents multiple times before but your nerves still shook. You were never a severely social person and you were terrified that one slip-up around his parents would cost you the greatest relationship you’d been in.
“Hey, sweet girl,” Luke mumbled, breaking your stupor as he took your fidgeting hands in his own. The two of you had driven together whilst Quinn and Jack had opted to pick up their mom and dad.
“They already love you,” Luke continued, his thumb smoothing gentle circles over your skin, his eyes locking with yours. “Mom won’t stop asking me about you, there’s no need to be worried.”
He bent down ever so carefully and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, almost instantaneously relieving most of the nerves swirling in the pit of your stomach. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. Luke’s reassurance helped a little, but you couldn’t completely shake the nerves.
He leaned in, his arm wrapping around your waist as he led you inside
As you walked into the restaurant, the two you weaved your way towards the rest of the Hughes family at a table near the back. The four of them were already seated, causing your stomach to knot.
That knot, however, loosened as soon as you witnessed Ellen's face light up when she saw you, and she immediately stood to give you a warm hug.
"There you guys are!" Ellen spoke with a smile that reached her eyes, her gaze locked on you. "It's so good to see you again."
"How have you been?" Jim offered a friendly nod from his seat as Luke helped you pull out your own before sitting down in the middle of you and Jack.
"I've been good, thank you. How about you guys?" You smiled, feeling a bit more at ease, Luke’s hand intertwined with your own, squeezing lightly as if to anchor you.
Throughout the dinner, your boyfriend never strayed far from you, whether it be his hand resting reassuringly on your knee under the table, brushing a hair out of your face, his fingers smoothing circles on your palm or his leg brushing against yours.
Every so often, Luke would lean over to whisper a sweet nothing or joke in your ear, making you laugh and easing your simmering nerves. He'd even tried to sneakily press a kiss to your temple or cheek, which you’d rolled your eyes at. You loved how clingy your boy was but you didn’t want to make dinner awkward with excessive PDA.
When the main courses were served, Jack leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eye as he looked between you and Luke.
“You know, Mom, Dad, we've got to talk about something," he grinned, still glancing between the two of you.
"Oh?" Ellen asked, her eyes flitting towards Jack.
"Yeah, it's about Luke,” Jack tried to stifle his chuckles. “Ever since he bagged y/n, he's been like superglue,”
“He can't go five minutes without her," Quinn added with a shit-eating smirk.
"Hah, hah, so funny." Luke rolled his eyes, squeezing your hand, as heat rose to your cheeks.
"Oh, you boys,” Ellen chuckled, shaking her head as she wiped her mouth on a napkin. Her kind eyes fell on yours as you winced. “Out of the three of them, Luke's always been the affectionate one.”
You ducked your head with a bashful smile and squeezed Luke's hand as he watched you with love-shining eyes.
+1. the aftermath of dinner
You and Luke walked just slightly behind his brothers and parents as you walked towards an ice cream shop the family typically frequented during the summer. Your arms were linked as Luke babbled on about anything and everything, your full attention on him.
Ellen glanced back, a warm smile spreading across her face as she watched Luke lean in to whisper something in your ear, causing you to laugh softly. His arm was draped casually around your shoulders, fingers tracing light patterns on your arm.
“Look at them,” Ellen murmured to Jim, who allowed himself to look back.
“They're good together,” Jim replied, his voice filled with pride. “I don’t think I’ve seen him so happy without skates under his feet.”
“Remember when he used to be that shy, quiet kid who wouldn’t even look at girls, let alone talk to them?” Ellen chuckled, linking her arm through his. “Now look at him, head over heels.”
“Yeah, he’s grown up a lot…and she’s been great for him.” Jim hummed, “You can tell he’s more confident, more sure of himself.”
As everyone reached the ice cream shop, you and Luke lagged a bit further behind, completely lost in your own little world. Ellen watched as Luke stopped to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, his eyes never leaving yours. He seemed to say something else that made you gently hit his arm and giggle before he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
Luke was a very clingy person, so much so that at times it could be classed as disgustingly overwhelming, but you didn’t care.
He was yours to keep and you loved every clingy bone in his body.
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heartflw · 2 months
okay I've just uncovered this, so for everyone who desperately needed the kiss scene!!!!
(not mine, I got it from here https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNuSPQoG/)
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heartflw · 2 months
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heartflw · 2 months
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heartflw · 2 months
told my guy friend/ex situationship this the other day and the thought i was stupid
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heartflw · 2 months
brynn i just have one thing to say: my ovaries are exploding
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heartflw · 3 months
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NJ Devils you should be ashamed of yourselves! How could you even consider breaking these two up?
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