Fan artworks of DSP 💖
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Doodle doodle! Apologies for inactive, reminder that I'm still looking at posts, messaging and such! Here's cute disability cat i drew for my friends 💖💖
If you wonder how's going for me, yeah I'm okay just vibing on Discord. Do welll!
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Okegom Characters in Neko verison, i thought I'd post them but discord messed me up! (there's still more verisons of any!)
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Cloud from Final Fantasy, anonymous' requests art
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And hilarious one that dumbass self think it's actual cloud, i add face instead after anonymous said that is literally from final Fantasy i went "wait oh welp time to put his face on cloud"
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Pssstt @justscrolling765
Made them for Sully's request, That belong to their written Canon x OC fanfic
Their OC, Sliver & Idate belong to Deep Sea Prisoner and some doodles (the fanchild of both)
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Forgotten how i was active on this, More sketches and art! Okegom OC of mine! (and his verisons & forms)
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NNT OCS Part 1: Grumpy Vampire
i wanted to share my SDS/NNT ocs for now, not even ready to color though but i can send info adout them if want,,
Here my vampire boy, Zegrath!
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Without "his" old scarf, fabulous right?
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I had idea to create this man, however vampires never been in there scene a lot-
(i know that chapter they has, only appears in right? except Gelda if i spell correctly i mean she's beautiful and it's wholesome to see her and zeldris hdhddh, i don't wanna her being only vampire so i made my oc now she's not lonely to see fellow vampires,,,)
I'll just send much of a databook thing for him, again i will post info adout him if you're interested
Zegrath's Databook:
✥ His special skill is unknown
✥ His hobby is watching the full moon
✥ His daily routine is exploring and discovering
✥ Weakness point: his deceased close friend's ripped cape and Foxslpash
✥ Birthplace: Vampire Realm
✥ His Dream/Hope: His close friend being alive & To defeat Lothian
✥ What he likes adout himself: Nothing...
✥ Greatest regrets: Unable to be kindness & not saving his close friends and fellow vampires
✥ The most embarrassing thing in his life: non-stop bumping onto anyone when daydreaming & exposing by Lothian
✥ Favorite animal: canines
✥ Favorite scent: lavender
✥ Favorite food: ...Does blood i mean drink count?
✥ Charm point: His braid hair & fangs
✥ The persons he respect the most is Lothian and humans who hates demon
✥ The person he does not want to make an enemy is Lothian and acquaintances
✥ What he wants the most right now: Seeing his close friend again
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The fanarts funumusea are on my Twitter so I'll post this new (That Okegom March arts i made in it too tho!)
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Neko Fumus + ICE SCREAM
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I got urge to make a character that based Blue Demon from SDS (Seven deadly sins) and dumbass idea to add details more,,,
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I mean it's fun to draw demons, they are pretty underrated (like literally some characters, you know, Ban's sister,,,)
Have this i drew Kilia AKA Ban's young sister! i don't get why i seen some girl in tumblr or social media gets mad over her
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Just a fire warmth original character that hates his fire, really—
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Wait n—
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(Bold of you to assume my friend's oc isn't literally Whitty, just Bombsona right?)
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Fire thingy with oddly eye boy — My OC, RedStar (Not his actual true name)
Bomb boyo — My Friend's OC, LoveStruck
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A Demonic Crow
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Always hungry over everything (even if it's his friends or someone else to tried eat them)
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A Red-Eyed Sloth & Black-and-white Demon
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My OC sprite i redraw
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Oh yeah, that's servant cat, Katu. if you wanna/don't know who they is, I'll surely make a info for them!
but have this!
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plus TW: abused
Katu is polite and timid but coward and crybaby same time well clumsy which pissed (Their boss)Yakedo off and was thinking of their foster father that is dead by their boss out of jealousy and rage since Katu's childhood past was bad that Yakedo abusing and torturing them a lot for their punishment. They do have siblings but some of them were also dead along with parents, except a twin, BC (stand for Black Cat), who wandering off everywhere and mother were missing after abandoned them. Katu have a mysterious form?
Katu's tail is literally broken you could see their zigzag tail...but they'll be fine and got a nickname "Pi-Katu" by Yakedo's brother. how dare you for stomp on tail, Yakedo...
I mean it makes sense Yakedo do hate cats and has allergies to it
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The Apple
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Funamusea OCs, Gelna is belong to me and Noom is belong to my internet demi-brother
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