heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul glanced over at Narae, thrilled by her reaction. He was very proud of his store, and so seeing her obvious admiration made him very happy. "Amazing, isn't it?" He smirked, deciding to go with the Alice thing just a little bit longer, "Welcome to Wonderland." Heechul laughed softly, taking Narae's hand and walking with her further into the store. Taking her over to the dressing room, he stopped and pushed her inside gently, handing her a robe to change into. 
"Here, you put this on, arasso? I'll wait out here, and once you're finished we can find you a new dress to wear." He raised an eyebrow and bowed slightly before turning away, walking back out into the main room and looking through his clothes thoughtfully. Heechul loved playing dress up. It was one of his favorite games to play, and now that he had someone to be his model, he surely wasn't going to just let the opportunity pass. Running his fingers through the different fabrics, he smiled to himself. This was going to be a very fun evening after all.
Rough Around the Edges || Narae and Heechul
Narae toweled herself off and even as he pulled her up the steps of his place, she clutched it in her hand.  It was a vast store, beautiful and fashionable of course.  She felt so out of place, a prostitute, poor as a church mouse usually, standing in this beautiful place in her rain soaked dress.  Her hair was dripping down the back of her neck, making soft splats on the floor around her feet.  She had never, not once in all her life, seen a store like this from the inside.  She had always walked by them, longing to go in, explore, learn.  
She had a hunger for clothes just as much as sex and drugs.  If she had enough money the three would run her life.  Lots of other girls had sponsors.  Men who kept them off the streets for their own personal enjoyment, a courtesan of sorts, in exchange they would fund that girl in particular’s needs and wants.  Narae had never had a man like that, so her desires were left unresolved.  So here she stood in this ridiculously huge store, beautiful and she had no idea what to say except: “W-wow.” 
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul smiled slightly, and stepped into the car after her. He was secretly very happy that she had agreed to come along with him. After all, he didn't just run out into the rain for anyone. Sighing, he reached for the hand towel that his chauffeur so readily handed him, and wiped off his face and neck before turning to Narae. "Here, would you like a towel too? You were out in the rain even longer..." Not really waiting for a response, he got a second towel and handed it to her. He couldn't have his Alice catch a cold now, could he? Heechul smirked and checked his reflection in the mirror, trying to fix his hair some.
He allowed the rest of the car ride to pass in silence, it wasn't very long of a ride in the first place, but the girl seemed to be thinking about something, and Heechul didn't want to interrupt her. They soon pulled up along side a building in the wealthy district of central Seoul. Turning to the girl next to him, Heechul tapped her arm lightly, "We're here now." He waited for the driver to open his door for him, and then stepped out. It was still raining, but he waited for Narae to get out before reaching for her hand and leading her quickly up the steps and to the main entrance of his store. Flipping his soaked hair out of his face, Heechul grinned his signature crooked smile, opening the door and gesturing inside with a flourish of his hands. "Welcome to my palace, Narae."
Rough Around the Edges || Narae and Heechul
Narae glanced at the car, attributing her flustered, embarrassed reactions to low in her pill stash that was currently occurring.  She glanced at the handsome guy, offering her clothing and in exchange for what?  Regardless she hurried to the car that he had so readily and suddenly prepared, as if he had been watching her and waiting for an opportunity to sweep her away in his fancy car to help her with the rain.  The irrational thought that it was his fault that there was rain flickered across Narae’s mind.  She shook the feeling off, rubbing her face slightly as she settled into the nice, thankfully warm chauffered car.  
She was fascinated by this man, his attractiveness masking a sort of Mad Hatter-like quality.  She liked guys like that.  A little more than average, the kind who liked to play games and but didn’t leave it just at the games, you did win something if you played long enough.  And suddenly, that was exactly what Narae wanted to do.  If she had pegged this man’s character correctly, to play his game until they reached whatever point he wanted to.  She didn’t necessarily want them to part ant time soon, but she knew that she wanted to know more.  So she let herself be whisked away in this fancy car, skipping out on her job, after all, who would really notice if she wasn’t at that club, however long ago she was supposed to be there.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul nodded, his face unusually serious. "Very well. So a red dress with chinese qualites..." He drifted off, chewing on the end of his pencil, deep in thought. After a few moments, he started scribbling down on the pad of paper that he had brought with him, his pencil moving in quick, precise strokes. He smiled and answered her without looking up, "Mm, well thank you very much. It really is a pleasure to work with you on this project; I'm quite certain that you will not be disappointed." He stated, not really caring if he sounded arrogant. Heechul was proud of his work, and didn't see the point in pretending to be modest. 
After several moments, he stopped, tilting his head as he looked at his rough sketches, then glancing up at Victoria. "You say that red is also reserved for weddings, no? Well, we can't have you looking like a bride..." He erased a few lines and redrew some of the features before stopping once more. "However, I do want the gown to be beautiful. Maybe not overly extravagant, we can't have you look too strange, but definitely attention grabbing."
Heechul looked once more at his drawing, staring critically at it before flipping the paper around to show Victoria. This first design was strapless and floor length, figure hugging around the chest and waist before flowing elegantly over the legs. "Perhaps we can give the traditional design a modern twist. Rather than the trademark collared chinese dress, we could make it strapless." His eyes widened as he thought of another idea, quickly sketching that one out as well. "Or possibly we could keep the collar but add cutouts." He turned the paper towards her, gesturing towards his second design. This one was shorter, with a triangular cutout just above the chest, the tip of the triangle being where the collar tied. Also, it was backless, with a thin silk ribbon crisscrossing over the back. 
"It really depends on your style. If you wish for a more princess like appearance, I suggest the strapless one, as that will be form fitting for the top, but looser and floor length on the skirt part." Heechul explained to her, pointing out the rough features of each design. "Or you could go for a more chic appearance, with the streamlined cut out dress. This one would be shorter of course, and do more to show off your figure. Does either of those sound good to you?" 
Heechul set the paper in front of her and took a sip of his water, leaning back in his chair. "Of course, this is only a basic outline. We can decide more on the fabric and prints for the dress later, once the design is more definite."
Sky-high Stilettos - Victoria + Heechul
A single smile quirked and brought her lips as he complied with both calling her Victoria and her want for water.
She was convinced this guy was nice; perhaps a bit too nice but she was a customer and it in no way reflected how he acted to others. Part of her was interested in digging into this guy and finding out all his interesting quirks and stories to be told. However that was not what she was here for and for once she swallowed down her immediate urges and instead focused on the task at hand.  Slender fingers wrapped around the glass and brought it to her lips for a quick drink before she took away the lemon wedge and popped it into her mouth. If it was to sour for her then the expression she wore didn’t show it. Though if she was honest it would be with the fact she liked sour over sweet; its taste was different and there were so many different uses for them that it could be dizzying if you didn’t have the capacity to understand and utilize it to your advantage.
She was drawn from her thoughts and her ears pricked intently as he spoke about how many years he had been designing. Oh, so then he was her Oppa at the same time then. To have been at your trade for such a long time, and to her five years was long, was astounding. It seemed he had a passion for his work as she had for her own. That devotion was little to nowhere to be found these days so she took a quiet moment to appreciate it. “Wow, that’s kind of amazing~ I hope I can be just as passionate about journalism as you are when I get to be around your age.” She said quickly figuring their differences and going with it. Her comment was almost a compliment of sorts and she only kept the same inquisitive look about her as he seemed to shake himself back into reality.
She tilted her head to the opposite side as he took the liberty to comment on her features. She was certainly hearing a lot of good things about herself recently; one who took themselves too seriously might get a big head. Thankfully she was in no danger of that. “Ah, I was hoping you would say that. I’ve been wanting a styled Chinese inspired dress like that for a year or so now but it’s hard to come by.” She let her lips purse together in a small pout at the thought. It was hard enough to find her many things that reminded her of home that didn’t come with her Father’s monthly care package and that didn’t cost more than she made normally. Imports were expensive though they were right off the side of the country. “I was definitely wanting red; it’s something of good luck in our country. Though a good bit of It is reserved for wedding gowns as opposed to normal evening wear.”  If her mother had any idea what she was saying she might have spazzed out at her daughter; if she had been alive of course.
“Other than those two broad elements I’m really interested in seeing what you can come up with. The work in your store sold me on artistic freedom~” She told him, voice taking on a sing song type quality to show her delight at the prospects of what could happen.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Luna to show up. After a few moments he heard a door open at the other end of the room, and his head snapped up. There was Luna, and she seemed to be pretty surprised at seeing him. Part of Heechul wanted to just run up to her and swing her around in a hug, to tell her how much he missed her. But the other, more dominant part, reminded him that he had come here for a reason, and his gaze darkened as she walked towards him.
"I came to talk with you, Luna." He stated in a cold voice, not bothering to go with usual kind greetings. He nodded his head once, and followed her towards her office. He knew that she could tell that he was angry, and he allowed the silence between them to stay uncomfortable. When they got to her office, Heechul sat down where she had gestured to, and shook his head, declining her offer of a drink. 
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at her for a few moments, not speaking. Finally, he reached in his pocket and took out a slightly bent photo, slapping it down on her desk angrily so that she could see it. It was an old picture of Heechul and Luna smiling happily, taken several years ago before Luna's father was killed. "Do you know who this is, Luna? Hm?" He pointed at the picture, his voice still dangerously calm. He probably wouldn't start yelling for at least a few more minutes. Probably.
"That," He pointed towards the picture, "Is my best friend." He looked up at her, glaring. "But this is what she's become." He gestured towards Luna, his anger building up as every second passed. "You never spend time with me any more, and you're obsessed with your work. You've changed, and definitely not for the better. I don't even know who you are anymore."
Confrontation || Luna + Heechul
Luna was surprised when the receptionist called her telling her she had a visitor. The woman walked out of her office and down to the reception desk where her old friend Kim Heechul stood.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, surprised at him. “Come to my office, we can talk there.” She said, suddenly conscious of the receptionist listening in to the conversation.
Luna did not speak on the way to her office, leaving an uncomfortable silence in the hallway, she opened the door to her office and invited Heechul in. She sat at the desk, motioning for him to sit. She paused, unsure of what to say.
“Do you want a drink?” She asked, suddenly nervous of what he was going to reply.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Confrontation || Luna + Heechul
Heechul leaned his head against the cold window of his car, watching as the busy streets of Seoul flashed by. He was currently seated in the backseat of his private car, being driven to the headquarters of the Seoul PD. Honestly, he wasn't even sure what he was going to say to her. All he knew was that he was angry and needed to talk with her. Though knowing him, it probably wasn't going to be a very pleasant conversation. Heechul never was very good at controlling his emotions.
Running his fingers through his hair, he took a deep breath as his car stopped right outside of the headquarters. He waited for his chauffeur to walk around the car to open the door for him, before he stepped out of the car. Heechul straightened his jacket and began walking purposefully towards the building, his head held high.
Upon entering, Heechul looked around, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he searched for her. After a moment he gave up, accepting that she wasn't in the lobby, not that he had really expected her to be. Pressing his lips tightly together, Heechul stalked up to the reception desk. "Excuse me, but is Officer Luna in the building? I wish to speak with her." He gave the receptionist his most intimidating glare, making sure that she knew that his request was not something that could be denied. She just nodded and hurriedly started pressing numbers into a phone.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul watched her silently as she blushed and excused herself, preparing to leave. If it was anyone else, he would have just shrugged and allowed them to go, but for whatever reason, he didn't want her to leave him just yet. Heechul frowned. Was he really so strange that people didn't even want to talk with him? He allowed her to make her way to the door before he too stood up, taking a last sip of his tea. Heechul dropped a few bills on the counter and straightened his jacket before following Narae. 
He stopped dead at the door though. It was still raining. Cursing under his breath, Heechul sighed and pressed a few numbers into his phone before hurrying out onto the street after the girl. Upon reaching her, he took her by the hand, spinning her around to face him. "Now, Narae, my love, I can't have my Alice running off just yet." He shivered in the rain, shaking off the water that had already collected on his hat. Gesturing to her dress, he raised his eyebrows. "Your dress isn't the type that can handle water well. You ruined it the moment you stepped out into the rain."
He smiled slightly, hoping to reassure her. "However, if you come with me I can help you." Heechul looked up, nodding to his private car which had now driven up and stopped on the street next to them. "My chauffeur can drive us to my clothing boutique. I'm a designer, you see. If you'd like, I can help you find something else to wear."
Rough Around the Edges || Narae and Heechul
Mad Hatter huh? she thought in surprise.  She’d met some pretty eccentric people in her day, crazier definitely than this guy, but this was a first.  At least he admitted it.  Seoul was a city full of crazies and broken people as she had experienced and it was rare to meet someone who embraced their supposed ‘madness’ instead of suppressing it with narcotics and alcohol like she did.  She coughed a little on her tea, setting it down and holding out her hand.  ”Kim Narae.  Let’s just say I don’t have day job hm?”  she smiled ruefully.  ”Magnificent huh?  That’s the first time I’ve been told anything like that.”  She smiled softly, her cheeks flaring up so she probably looked like a damp tomato as opposed to a damp prostitute. 
She wasn’t sure where to go from here.  He seemed like an interesting and likeable fellow, but she felt a little insignificant in the process.  She bit her lip, looking at him, tossing her hair back that had been falling in her face, sticking to what was left of her lip gloss.  Uncomfortably she carefully dabbed it off before standing.  ”Look, I’m sorry to have bothered you.”  she said, her cheeks still bright red,  ”I-i’ll go or something.”  Flustered she went to pick up her tea.  She didn’t rush because somehow some part of her hoped he would stop her.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul looked up, watching the girl with an unreadable expression. He nodded his head once, slightly but still noticeable, and took another sip of his tea, closing his eyes. He was kind of surprised that the girl had been so bold as to approach him, and even sit down at his table. Even if he bought her tea, he still wouldn't have expected her to do that. Heechul was aware of his rather eccentric appearance, and sometimes off putting personality, and he liked his space. But for some reason, he didn't mind so much when she came over to sit with him. Just like he'd thought when he first laid eyes on her, this girl was interesting.
After a few moments, he breathed out deeply and slowly opened his eyes. Hm. She was still there. Heechul set his tea cup down and smiled slightly at the girl in front of him. "Hello to you, my love. I hope you enjoy your tea, then..?" He asked, motioning with his hands toward her teacup. "I had it specially ordered. You see, it matches mine. This is how royalty takes their tea, and so I would expect nothing less." 
He picked up a scone from the plate in front of him and dipped it in his tea before daintily taking a bite. Patting his mouth with the cloth napkin, he looked back up at the girl. "If I may say, I think you are quite magnificent. Very beautiful." His smile deepened into a mischievous grin. "My name is Kim Heechul. Welcome to tea with Seoul's very own Mad Hatter." He stated, bowing his head regally towards her, before reaching to his side and picking up his top hat, setting it gracefully on his head at an angle. "And to whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?" He inquired, reaching out to take her hand in his. He then brushed his lips lightly against the top of her hand, all the while not taking away his gaze from her face.
Rough Around the Edges || Narae and Heechul
Narae sat on the couch, trying to get her hair to stop dripping.  It was completely soaked, each drop adding to the water stains on her velvet dress. “Oh, hell,” she muttered, “This is…ugh so expensive.”  She sighed, leaning back unthinkingly against the couch.  She rubbed her hand over her face, sighing a bit.  She was so tired and she had work starting soon.  In this dress.  Her boss had specifically requested she wear it, it hugged her curves in such a way that it was appealing but not revealing.  Classy, like he wanted their clientele to be.  Men and women with classy taste paid quite a bit of money for girls like her.
Just as she was standing, bracing herself to dive back into the rain to go home and change, against orders, a waiter showed up with a tray and a very pricey looking, precisely arranged cup and saucer of tea.  She blinked up at him as he carefully set out this cup of tea beside her, indicating that it was for her, courtesy of a fellow customer.  ”Who?” she said bewildered, looking up at the waiter.  He looked a bit put out by the whole thing, but pointed out a handsome, extremely well-dressed man across the cafe. Having done what he believed to be his duty, the distinctly distressed waiter headed back behind the counter, setting the tray down.
She stared across the room at the man, he was fairly tall, not so much for a guy, but taller than her at least.  He had longish hair that suited him well, and an atmosphere that drew you to look at him.  Flustered and flushing a bright pink like the sunset outside, she looking down, her fingers playing with the lace of her garter a little bit.  This at least had not been soaked, it took forever to dry.  Tenatively she turned and scooped up the cup of tea, the steam rising from it warming her face.  She let her eyes shut a little, sipping the warm, bittersweet drink.  Narae sighed happily, feeling wonderfully warm.  She looked up again, trying to catch his attention with her eyes, to thank him.
The man, however, seemed too absorbed in his tea to notice her.  Bringing it along, she stood, starting to cross the cafe to him.  She shifted around the tables, sipping her tea as she went.  Finally she reached the table, seating herself carefully, distinctly conscious of the ruffled and damp appearance she was giving off.  Regardless she set the tea down carefully.  ”Hi there, handsome,” she said, giggling a little bit, “I must say I’ve never been sent tea before.  Its a nice change.”  She sipped it, tilting her head, watching for his reaction.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul raised the corner of his lips, his eyes watching her intently. "Water it is, then, Victoria." He carefully taking out two elegant glasses, filling each with ice water and completing them with a perfectly cut slice of lemon. He placed them on a tray and walked over to where Victoria was sitting, placing the tray on a table nearby and handing her a glass.
He nodded regally, acknowledging her question. "I've been designing for several years now. I opened this studio when I was 22....So, about 5 years. Though, that's not counting my years of school..." He drifted off, a slightly vacant look on his face as he took a sip of his water. Shaking his head slightly, he looked back at Victoria, analyzing her features with his expert eyes. 
"If I may say, Victoria, you have a very sweet face. Well proportioned features that give you a very feminine appearance." He tilted his head, still staring attentively at her face. "You're chinese, hm? Perhaps we can incorporate that into the design, so that the dress will reflect yourself."
He sighed, leaning back into a chair, his hands clasped together neatly on his lap. "Of course, I would love to hear any ideas you may have, my love. Are there any special requirements you have? Any design elements you would like to try? I really do love getting input. Like I said earlier, this gown should show who you are."
Heechul's eyes glinted with excitement. This design was definitely going to be fun. She wants to impress all these reporters, hm? To make an impression? Heechul grinned. If there was one thing he was good at, it was making an impression.
Sky-high Stilettos - Victoria + Heechul
Well this seemed pretty quaint!
She nodded her head to his confirming and a small welcome into his shop. She felt a different aura from here then she did in the gang ridden streets of a beautiful Seoul. It was almost like one had stepped into a different land and she could appreciate the change. Not a word was said as he laid a gentle kiss to the back of her hand but a light of curiosity sparked in shadow pools as she watched him. “Ah yes, there is a gathering for reporters next week that I need to go to.” She said without much of second thought on revealing her occupation to this man. She was kind of known around these streets anyway for her eccentric personality, bright hair and the want and need for all things eerie, spooky and strange in the lives of various gang members. She didn’t expect him to know that though; most other people who held down normal and slightly safer jobs didn’t. She was just fine with that because she experienced that they often passed swifter judgments then those who were drawn as irrevocably into the darker society as she was.
His mentioning of making her dress being no problem definitely made her feel better; she could definitely say she trusted his judgment with the things she saw lying along here without a home on the racks. “Oh, maybe they’ll mistake me for a foreign ruler then! How interesting would that be.” She said clapping her hands slightly as she joked freely with the male before her. She lapsed into observant silence as the male moved forward to grab what she supposed was necessary components considering it seemed to be a pencil and a sketching pad of sorts. Oh, she wondered how he would draw his creation before she got to see it in person. “Of course! Also; you can call me Victoria. It’s easier to work without all the stuffy formalities…at least I think so.” She told him with an honest tinge to her voice. She was always overly familiar with everyone and while it bothered some it helped her be able to make sense of things easier when she didn’t have to stick with stuffy rules on formality. Besides, she liked the friendly aspect of acting as friends right off.
The blonde in question followed him without much of a thought a bit further into the store that he claimed his studio and followed his suggestion on sitting on what looked like a vain persons dream come true area. She slid her petite body onto the stool with relative ease and instead of sparing a glance to herself in the mirror let her eyes train on him instead. “Mmm, water would be nice! Thank you.” She acquitted to him. Instead of following into a silence to wait for him to talk she took it upon herself to ask questions to sate her curiosity. “Have you been designing long?” straight to the point, one of the things she was best at when it came down to it.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul was sitting at a table in the cafe, watching the rain pour down onto Seoul's busy street. He had closed his shop early so that he could take the late afternoon off. Taking a sip of his tea, he glanced up at the door as a young woman walked in, soaking wet. Wrinkling his nose slightly, Heechul watched her curiously. He hated the rain. He hated anything that could make his appearance less than perfect. He looked out the window, though this time he was actually checking his reflection to make sure his hair still looked good. It did. 
'Hers doesn't, though' He thought sullenly, still watching her, unashamed. And yet she didn't look bad, despite being drenched in the rain. It was a different kind of beauty then, he figured, a sort of imperfect kind. Maybe she would be fun, then. He was pretty bored, after all. Stopping the waiter who had served him earlier, Heechul smiled. "Hello again, would you mind serving that girl over there a cup of tea? Preferably in a china tea cup, if you will. Like how you did mine." He said happily, motioning to his own china tea cup, complete with a lacy doily underneath. "I think it looks classier that way. You can charge it to me." The waiter nodded, slightly annoyed at Heechul's very precise order. But Heechul didn't care. If he wanted to pretend he was royalty, he would. And the best way to do that was by drinking from a china tea cup and munching on tiny pastries. Head held high and pinky out.
Around the Edges || Narae and Heechul
Narae wandered down the street, the sun was setting in the distance making the sky a mix of blood red and a bright, sunshine-y yellow.  She watched as the clouds skittered across the sky, feeling at peace for once.  She was always so stressed, or holding on top her character that she didn’t know who she was anymore.  She sighed a little, her eyes slipping shut.  Despite the number of people around her, she spread her arms widely, tilting her head back, smiling.  After a moment, she let her arms fall at her side, her eyes opening softly, looking around.
She kept walking, feeling a little surprised at her own confidence, her own ability to feel so at peace.  Suddenly a sort of paranoia seeped in around the edge of her happiness.  For her, anything good happened, her feelings of peacefulness, were always ruined.  She always felt the calm before the storm of whatever was going on.  She sighed, shaking off the feelings of frustration and fear that chased her good moods, dodging into a nearby the cafe as rain started slapping onto the pavement around her.  She shook the water out of her long blond hair, sinking into a nearby couch, looking out the window at the rain. 
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Heechul watched as the young woman made her way through the shop, smirking when she complimented his boutique. When she finally reached him, he smiled slightly, looking down in his record book and confirming her appointment. "Yes, of course Miss Song. Welcome." He stood up and walked around his desk to face her, taking her hand in both of his and kissing the back of it.
"So I was told that you have an upcoming event that you would need an evening gown for? That will be no problem at all..." He said looking her body up and down critically, walking around her slowly. "...especially considering the exquisite canvas you have provided me." He grinned, his crooked smile easily spreading over his features. "Your name is Victoria, hm? Like the queen. I promise to make you a dress fit for a queen."
Being a designer, Heechul has created all types of clothing. But his absolute favorites to design have always been the dresses, and it had been awhile since he last made an evening gown, so he was very excited. Reaching around his desk, Heechul grabbed a pencil and sketchpad. He pointed towards the back of the store, "Now Miss Song, if you don't mind, please come with me to my studio, so that we can take measurements and discuss the details of your dress."
Leading her into his studio, he pointed to a stool on one end, where there were several full body mirrors set up. "You may sit there, if you like. Would you care for anything to drink?" He asked, walking over to some cabinets lining one wall. "I have champagne, water, or tea. Whichever you prefer." 
Sky-high Stilettos - Victoria + Heechul
She wasn’t the type of girl to splurge everything in one go.
At least not normally; today was her exceptions for sure. Just like her father had, she had been invited to a party for just reporters. If you wanted a loyal fanbase or praise for your abilities these were the types of things you gathered at. She had been asked to present some of the findings that she and her father had been working on and a quick call to Jaye left her with a fake story to give them and an invitation to something that was ‘going to be good’ for her. At least in the words of her own idol, in the words of her Father.  
The dress code was something strict and she knew if she walked in there in the less then magnificent dresses that she did happen to own she would probably get sneered at and written off as someone who didn’t have the necessary skills. It was vain but that was the world and she had to put aside all eccentricities for at least one night to get her name out there. It was her goal and the goal of anyone who wrote for a living to be at this venue for one magical of doing nothing short of ‘whoring’ out your works to anyone who was willing to listen. She had to be particularly careful because of the sheer weight of what she carried on her shoulders because of who her Father happened to be. Song Jaye was well known in several countries in the Asia region and even overseas in places like America and the Europe continents. If she dressed the wrong way or said the wrong thing then it would reflect on him and she would be as good as done for.
It had taken a bit of searching and asking but she finally came across the perfect store. It was quaint, one of a kind and expensive as everything. It was her Father’s insistence that cost wasn’t a problem and this was the place to go that sealed the deal for her. She had called earlier that week and had set up an appointment because it was now less than two weeks away before she had to go all dolled up for the sharks to attack. A small bit of her knew what she had in mind for a design and she hoped he would be willing to listen to her very few specifics. She was going to play up her heritage a bit because to be honest she missed the places in which she had roamed. To be able to wear what was a normal in her country in fine silk or other materials would give her a aura of confidence she probably wouldn’t up keep if she was left by herself.
A smile and soon she had become aware that the man in the taxi had been telling her she was there at the destination. She bowed her head in an apology before paying him and ducking out and into the store. The small tinkling of a bell caught her attention for a moment and she looked to wear it hung above her before letting shadow colored optics snap down and into the interior. “Ooo, how nice looking.” She commented idly before pushing her way further. Ok, so her father was right…this place did seem to be a good idea from just the rich fabrics that hung around in various, eye pleasing locations. Approaching the desk with a distracted purpose the woman leaned forward a bit and let her arms rest against the slick surface and a friendly smile quirked her lips. “Hi! I’m Song Victoria, I have an appointment here.”
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Sky-high Stilettos - Victoria + Heechul
Heechul slowly spun his chair around, glancing at his studio with one eyebrow quirked.  Tapping his chin thoughtfully, he narrowed his eyes before striding purposefully over to the door, opening it, and walking out into the front room of the building. This was his clothing store. No, his clothing boutique. Heechul grinned, correcting himself. The french word just seemed to make it classier, more elegant. Definitely worthy of the self-proclaimed Cinderella that he was.
Glancing around at the various racks of clothing, most of them designed by himself, he finally found what he wanted. The fur was magnificent; so dark and shiny and perfect. He walked over to the shelf it was lying on top of and picked it up, smiling as Heebum let out a meow of protest. "Yah, Heebum what did I tell you about leaving the studio? We can't have you scaring the customers away, can we?" He shook his head at his beloved cat and carried it back towards the back of the shop, into his studio. "Here, now stay kitty. Daddy has some work to do." 
With that, Heechul closed the door and walked back into the front room where his store was. He spent some time rearranging clothing and carefully stacking up some shoe boxes. Heechul had an eye for beauty, and he filled his boutique only with the most beautiful clothing, shoes, and accessories he could find. Many of the items he sold were one of a kind originals he had created himself, and though his store was expensive, there was no doubting its superior quality. 
After he finished with the arrangements, Heechul sat down at his desk, waiting for a customer to come in. Glancing in the mirror by his desk, he checked to be sure that his appearance was immaculate. Smirking at his reflection, Heechul straightened the tie of the suit he was wearing. Of course he looked perfect, he didn't expect anything less from himself. Heechul leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes as he thought of what he would design next.
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heechul-citizen-blog · 12 years
Hello everyone, Heenim has arrived ~
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Would anyone care to plot? 
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