helen-cool · 11 months
Some things in life just happen, and we simply have to accept them for what they are.
#helennuggets #myroar #buythetruth
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helen-cool · 2 years
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REAL ESTATE, MY PASSION. turned 3 today!
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helen-cool · 3 years
Hello New Year 🌟 HELLO Investments!
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Great deals available NOW!
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helen-cool · 3 years
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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
The Multipliers Realty
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helen-cool · 3 years
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helen-cool · 3 years
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helen-cool · 3 years
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helen-cool · 3 years
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*"Procrastination is the thief of time, a year from now you may wish you had started today."*
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helen-cool · 3 years
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Proverbs 6 vs 6-8
“Go to the Ant...
Consider Her ways and Be Wise
Which having no Guide, Overseer, Ruler
Provideth her meat in the summer,
And Gathereth Her Food in the Harvest”.
📌 *ANTS ARE FUTURISTIC in their approach to life:* Every effort they make in the present ties into their Future goals. As you go about your daily activities,ensure today’s actions will create the Tomorrow you desire.
The ants are known to be so consistent with what they do and how they do it. This Month , the word to RUN with is CONSISTENCY. Instability has never produced Greatness.
📌 *ANTS ARE ACTIVE BOTH AT NIGHT AND DAY:* The question is, Isn’t their hard work in the day enough? It probably is but yet they think differently. They still go the EXTRA MILE.
This Month, remember to Go The Extra mile if you want to close deals as a realtor. Nothing good comes easy. It is time to start thinking outside the box as regard the ways through which you can close deals.
This month, enough of waiting for someone to motivate you to do a thing before you do it. It is time to GET UP AND DO IT. Be self-motivated...
If they don’t share your Goals, Vision, Purpose and Passion, what exactly are they doing in your space?
This month, be intentional about who you bring to your space. You don't need pessimistic people around you, they drain energy.
Cut off whoever or whatever that could discourage you from pushing your real estate hustle. Remember, the goal is to make money, opinions doesn't pay bills.
Be focused!!
They do this by building a raft to themselves with their legs which enables them to float on the water.
Dear Friends, with the right people and network, you can survive any situation.
This Week, Do a Relationship Audit of your Circle.
*Today might be the first day in the month of November but it is not the end of the year yet or the end of your pursuit. Life will only come to a halt when you stop moving👌👌*
#themultipliersrealty #thingsyouneedtoknow #buythetruth #realproperty #realestatesolution #referandearn #inspiration #realestate #future #network #people #work #money #building #realtor #energy
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helen-cool · 3 years
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Do not despise the days of little beginning
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helen-cool · 3 years
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"TOO BUSY" is a MYTH. People make time for things that are important to them, and OUR CLIENTS are our PRIORITY!
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Blogger: themultipliersrealty.blogspot.com
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/GVLYHSEFGJQBA1
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helen-cool · 3 years
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Let's connect and do business.
*Follow, Like, Recommend, and Rate us on:*
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/the-multipliers-realty-a6631021a
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Telegram: https://t.me/themultipliersrealtylink
Blogger: themultipliersrealty.blogspot.com
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/GVLYHSEFGJQBA1
Thanks 👍
Please share!
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helen-cool · 3 years
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helen-cool · 3 years
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Ownership of real property is to be supported by documentary evidence. There are five documents every property must have. If you do not have any of them, there is a need to discuss with a real estate consultant at your earliest convenience. They are:
1. PURCHASE RECEIPT: A purchase receipt is a written acknowledgement of the recipient of payment for a property. It may be required as an evidence of ownership or acquisition of property in certain circumstances.
2. A REGISTERED SURVEY PLAN: A survey plan is a diagram that describes the margin and precise dimension of a parcel of land. A surveyor is an expert who is concerned with the official assessment for evaluation and measurement of land. The survey is expected to be lodged (registered) at the Surveyor General’s office of the State in which the land is situated.
3. DEED OF ASSIGNMENT: A Deed of Assignment is a document that shows the new legal owner of the property; i.e. the property has been transferred from the seller to the buyer. It is a contract from the seller to assign his/her rights in the property to the buyer.
4. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (C of O)/ REGISTERED GOVERNMENT TITLE: The C of O is a document evidencing your ownership of a particular portion of land for a specified period of time (usually 99 years for residential land). It is issued by the Governor of the State in which the property is situated.
5. APPROVED BUILDING PLAN: This is an endorsement to proceed with the construction or reconfiguration of a particular structure in a specific place, in accordance with the approved requirement. It is very essential that you ensure that the structure of the property corresponds with what is shown on the plans.
If your property does not have any of the documents listed above, it is pertinent to discuss with your Real Estate Consultant or Advisor as soon as possible. Thank you.
More info? Please contact;
The Multipliers Realty (Real Estate Consultant)
Call/WhatsApp: +234 704 533 3366
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helen-cool · 3 years
Land excision is a mechanism through which State governments releases portions of lands to the indigenous holders or settlers through procedures and processes that are recognized by law.
The procedure for processing of land excision in Lagos State are as follows.
1. Application for Excision: A land excision application will be forwarded to the Lagos State Land Use Allocation Committee (LUAC) with the official letter-head paper of the family head, community head or Baale. The application will contain such details as historical background of the community, population, major occupation of the community, perimeter survey, purpose of the area to be excised, and justification of the excision.
2. Processing by Technical Committee: Within a period of 7 days after the application was received, it would be forwarded to the Technical Committee of LUAC for further processing.
3. Charting Information: The Perimeter Survey of the area to be excised will then be handed over to the Surveyor-General, who will in turn look at the charting and discern whether or not the requested excision falls within government committed-area, in which case the application will be revoked outright.
4. Site Inspection: On getting the Surveyor-General’s approval, the technical committee will proceed to carry out a physical examination of the site in question. The purpose is to determine the authenticity of claims made in the application and interview community members in order to gather additional information that will be crucial to approval or disapproval of the application. The duration for this part of the process is usually 14 days after Surveyor-General’s report is issued.
5. Conformity to Master Plan: After inspecting the site, the technical committee will make sure the intended use of the land conforms to the Master Plan for the respective area.
6. Submission of Report to the LUAC: After due processing, the technical committee generates a report and sends it to LUAC. This report contains all the information obtained on the land and their findings from the on-site inspection as well as their opinions on the granting or revocation of the application.
7. Consideration by the LUAC & Recommendation to the Governor: The LUAC reviews all the documents submitted by the technical committee and give a final opinion and recommendation to either approve or refuse the excision request to the State Governor with appropriate reasons.
8. Preparation of Survey Description: In case the Governor’s Office approves the excision request, the Office of the Surveyor General is immediately notified, so that a full perimeter survey of the proposed area is conducted within 30 days.
9. Preparation of Layout Plan: Registered Town Planners of the community or families involved in the land excision application will be commissioned to draw a layout plan for the proposed piece of land, which is then submitted to the State’s Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development for approval.
10. Execution of Indemnity Agreement: The grantees of the land shall be required to enter into an agreement with the government, binding them to take the land in full and final settlement of all claims that have been on the land in the past. Likewise, the grantees will agree to indemnify the government against damages due to encroachment or vandalization of land caused by relatives, agents, and members of the community outside the area of excised land.
11. Publication in Lagos State Official Gazette: When all the conditions above have been fulfilled, the technical committee in collaboration with the Office of the Governor, publishes the land excision in Lagos State Government official gazette.
12. Publication in Newspapers: The official Gazette will also be published by the technical committee in at least, one widely-read newspaper. The purpose of the publication is to inform the general public of the status of the land, the boundaries of the excised land and provide other relevant details. The applicant is required to bear the cost of the newspaper publication.
13. Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy: Within 30 days of publication of the official gazette in newspapers, the government is required to issue a Certificate of Occupancy on the excised land to the authorised representatives of the grantees.
14. Forwarding of Final Documents: At the completion of every steps outlined above, all records of the Excision and administrative files is forwarded to the State’s land bureau office. The excision, surveys, maps, titles and gazettes will then be officially entered into the records by the Registrar of Lands in the Lands Registry.
For enquiries on verified properties, please contact;
The Multipliers Realty (Real Estate Consultancy)
Call: +234 704 533 3366
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helen-cool · 3 years
When couples jointly buy real property, it is pertinent for them to properly state their names on the title documents.
If, for example, the husband is Mr. Musa Chibuike ADEKUNLE, and the wife is Mrs. Elizabeth Edidiong ADEKUNLE, it is not right for them to state their names as: Mr. & Mrs. ADEKUNLE or Mr. & Mrs. Musa Chibuike ADEKUNLE.
The right way to write the names of the couple is Mr. Musa Chibuike ADEKUNLE & Mrs. Elizabeth Edidiong ADEKUNLE because any other woman can be "Mrs. ADEKUNLE."
A Deed of Rectification is the legal instrument that is used to correct errors in the name(s) of the parties on a property transfer document.
Thank you and Have a great day!
For enquiries on verified properties, contact;
The Multipliers Realty (Real Estate Consultancy)
Call: +234 704 533 3366
Click here, let's chat:👇
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helen-cool · 3 years
We are into Real Estate Affiliate Marketing. Refer your family and friends to buy our properties, and walk away with a great smile. Let's deal!
For more details;
Call/WhatsApp: +234 704 533 3366
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