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Did you KNOW? That Hellian, Adelara, and Revion Autumnheart's grandparents, who died during the War of the Ancients, have been in the Shadowlands since? It's true, they have, and while they were mated in life, they have not seen one another since their deaths. Nylandrias Autumnheart, the previous Highborne Warrior preceding Hellian Autumnheart, resides in the afterlife of Maldraxxus, whereas Silnestria Autumnheart, the former Highborne Priestess, resides in the afterlife of Bastion. While they have not seen eachother, they have both done good work for Maldraxxus and Bastion in their afterlives, even while the Shadowlands were in chaos because of the anima drought and warfare that was brought to the Shadowlands by Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee, and Zovaal, the Jailer. Even though the Shadowlands have currently been at peace now, both Nylandrias and Silnestria have continued their work since the mortals and maw walkers conquered the realms of death. However, there could still be hope that these two lovers and mates will see eachother again in the hereafter, even if not now, whether they journey the inbetween to the eternal city of Oribos from their proper afterlives of Maldraxxus and Bastion or not.
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hellian-autumnheart · 9 months
Kaldorei Roleplay Community (WRA & MG Roleplay Community)
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The Kaldorei Roleplay Community is a discord server dedicated to all things Night Elf, spanning nearly all forms of roleplay and characters. The KRC project and discord, which encompasses all World of Warcraft servers, was not only created with the intent of fostering relationships between Kaldorei and Highborne roleplayers, both in and out of character, but also continues to grow with amazing roleplayers like yourself! Our mission is to promote and advertise enjoyable and exciting fan-made fantasy, roleplaying events centered on Night Elven civilization, culture, and locations, and to bring people out of the cities of Azeroth and into the wild for roleplay! These events will be promoted and advertised through our discord server and community calendar in-game. Note: This is a discord server meant for Night Elves Only. If you wish to join but do not yet have one, please establish a general idea before joining or contact the Admin or a Mod to let them know you are trying to create and come up with one. KRC Discord Link:
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House of Autumnheart. The House of Autumnheart has been laying in ruins off the coast of Azshara of Kalimdor ever since the War of the Ancients when Hellian Autumnheart left home because of Tar'reldor Autumnheart. Although the house barely sits just upon the shore... Its debris also has been slowly sliding and sinking into the ocean without the proper ground to support it. The Autumnheart siblings; Hellian, Adelara, and Revion could be doing something about this, but they have seen no point in repairing their once beautiful and glorious home with the voluminous history in it and so.
It will eventually be in the bottom of the Great Sea with the remains of Zin-Azshari (Eldarath). There is the house itself; surrounded by withered bushes, a lifeless tree, heaps of debris, and then the barrow dens located behind it. The barrow dens have been unavailable and inaccessible since the War of the Ancients, as they already have sunken into the ocean and the sands. The entrance has quite literally become blocked off by water and sand, but it is said of that the Autumnheart Barrow Dens were about as large and deep as the corrupted Shadow Hold Barrow Dens over in Felwood of Kalimdor. (WIP)
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hellian-autumnheart · 2 years
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Hellìan of the Nightfall has a storied history of defeating 458 raid bosses throughout all of Azeroth with more than 279 of those victories occurring in the Wrath of the Lich King era.  Their legend continues to grow as their 8 cheers have rallied their parties to improbable victories.
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hellian-autumnheart · 2 years
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The Nightglade Family.
This is a framed picture of the Nightglade Family that dates back to the times of when Eldre’thalas still was an capital city for both the Highborne and Shen’dralar after the Sundering in Feralas of Kalimdor.  There are only two Highborne or Kaldorei members of the Nightglade Family who became Death Knights after they found certain death and rebirth. From left to right you have; Shan’Drassilin Nightglade, Lay’lleathly Nightglade, Daritharian Nightglade, Dramel’larius Nightglade, and Elia’Mayne Nightglade.
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hellian-autumnheart · 2 years
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The Autumnheart Family.
This is a framed picture of the Autumnheart Family that dates back to the times of when Zin-Azshari still was an capital city to the Highborne before the War of the Ancients and Kaldorei Resistance.  Today? There are only few members of the Autumnheart Family who are still alive. Tar’reldor Autumnheart, an Highborne Archmage, recently was killed by both the remaining Autumnheart and Nightglade families during the Fourth War after he somehow returned as an undead to remove his children from Azeroth.  Tar’reldor’s mate, Sadrielia Autumnheart, in opposition is thought and believed to have died in either war or by illness during the War of the Ancients before him a long time ago.  Tar’reldor and Sadrielia Autumnheart both were parents to Hellian, Revion, and slightly to Adelara since Adelara Autumnheart seemed to have found her own set of parents amongst the Autumnheart Family when she was adopted into it as an infant. Nylandrias and Silnestria Autumnheart both took Adel into their care after she was found and brought to them with the Fel. Nylandrias, being the Warrior before Hell. Silnestria, being the Priestess before Elia’Mayne Nightglade. While they were the parents to Tar’reldor and Elia’Mayne. They are also the grandparents to Hellian, Revion, Lay’lleathly, and Daritharian.  They had Adelara cleansed of the Fel while she was an infant and started calling her an Autumnheart with little knowledge of where she came from and her true family.  Silnestria Autumnheart is thought and believed also to have died of old age during the War of the Ancients. Nylandrias’s attention was on another house samiliar to Autumnheart at the time. House of Falconheart, since they had an corrupt leader. Although Nylandrias and their head ended up dying together during the Kaldorei Resistance? He recently was found and brought back from death to life in Maldraxxus of the Shadowlands. Hellian, Revion, and Adelara all still live to this day too.  From left to right you have: Revion Autumnheart, Hellian Autumnheart, Tar’reldor Autumnheart, Nylandrias Autumnheart, Adelara Autumnheart, and Silnestria Autumnheart. 
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hellian-autumnheart · 5 years
Daritharian & Hellìan: Reunion.
I just wanted to try and do something new with my character tumblrs / blogs. I have been thinking about trying and doing this for a long time now and.. I have, finally figured that I would put the idea and thought of RP stories / writings into motion. We will see of how this goes and whether, if I will continue? This is the first of many to come for the following tumblrs / blogs though: @hellian-autumnheart @layndarith
]|{——» MODESTY CUT «——}|[
Daritharian Sorrowblade had left from the cemetery in Stormwind City after talking with the kaldorei druidess, Tarrledra Moonsun, that night. It seemed that they both would be parting ways for this time.. Tarry, had to go to the Saberpaw Citadel to help the Saberpaws in securing their home and finding an infilitrator while he had one more person to see and talk with besides of Tarrledra and Revion. He walked through and downward of the stone path, turning his back to the kaldorei druidess.  His long dark cloak dragged and pattered along the ground behind him as he brought his right dark plated gauntlet to the darker green hedges that had white flowers. Only few of his fingers touched the petals of each flower as he walked past, plate on soft.. Tarry had given him a stare of which meant for him to stay and be safe as they both not wanted for him to die again. He would be.. Especially, with the person being none other than his cousin that he was planning and intending on seeing, and meeting upon leaving the city. 
Hellìan Autumnheart had recently recovered from his injuries or wounds and after the battle at the highborne archmage, Tar’reldor Autumnheart’s fortress in Val’Sharah. And although, he could vividly remember of what had happened before a warglaive of an apparent nearby glaive thrower had came crashing through the wallside of a hallway and the fortress that Adelara, and himself were inside of?… Tar’reldor also had came falling from somewhere high into the hall, caught while he was running on his stained teal plated boots to get up further and deeper into the fortress.
They both stopped, Hell turned his head and eyes over to Tar as the highborne archmage got up and shoved the highborne warrior into the wall. Tar’reldor brought his hand up to Hellìan’s neck to hold and choke him, “What do we have here?..” He wanted to act and do something in the middle of it all, struggled with a growl and brought his blades up as he knew that he could end and finish it here, when the kaldorei druid of the nightmare and other highborne warrior, Dramel’larius Nightglade and Adelara Autumnheart had came stepping through the hole in the wall. 
Dramel’larius Nightglade looked to Tar’reldor Autumnheart while Adelara Autumnheart stood next in silence and in trance.. Tar’reldor hesitantly dropped something for another for the moment, to look over his shoulder to Dramel’larius and smirked, “Dramel’larius?.. You have saved me the trouble of locating you. To what do I owe this surprise intrusion about? Can you not see that I am quite busy trying to kill one of my sons?” Dram was the first to bring his hand to his hat and flick it off as the smirk was returned, “Oh, Thal’nar.. Calm yourself, Tar’reldor. I did not come for a fight, but to give a proposition since it seems that we have found ourselves in this predicament?”
Tar’reldor Autumnheart pressed his hand tighter and harder against Hellìan’s neck, pushing his head upwards to the remains of the ceiling while he still was trying to strongly break free.. The tip of his right blade, had at least actually started to ram and pierce the side of the highborne archmage. His smirk gone, “I am listening?.. Make it quick.” Dram nodded and spoke as his smirk became a smile, “As you can see? Adelara is under my spell and control.. I can have her attack and deal with Hellìan, long enough for us both to escape if you were to tell me the location of the Neph’anis Family?” He brought his left hand up to Adelara Autumnheart, unraveling it as to wave his fingers at her.
Hellìan Autumnheart brought the backs of his stained teal plated boots to against the brick wall while his pure golden eyes went up to the ceiling, but he did slightly look over to catch a glimpse of his long lost and forgotten sister, “Adelara, don’t do it.. You can break free of this. Dramel’larius is not your master.. Remember, who you are.” Adel’s eyes were black and red since she was currently taken by the Emerald Nightmare.. Tar’reldor’s dim silver eyes brightened as with a smile of his own, “You have yourself a deal, Nightglade.” and just like that.. Tar’reldor and Dramel’larius were allowed to walk and leave after Tar’s hand fell, and Dram snapped his fingers. Allies more than enemies.
Hellìan Autumnheart stood prepared after having been released.. He had to fight in order to keep himself from dying and alive besides of the rest of his families, but Adelara Autumnheart’s agility and ferocity was too much for him to bare handle. She was a far better Warrior than he was since she was taught, raised, and trained directly by their grandfather warrior, Nylandrias Autumnheart. Adelara’s head and eyes fell as they were, she came rushing over like an armored person, of course but lifted and carried in the wind, without warning. No voice or sound given, as Hellìan brought his swords up to face.. Adelara brought imminent and immediate danger with one of her black twinswords through Hell’s chest and shoulder checked him into the wall again, “Dying is a privilege.. You shall be free of life only when you have died by the Nightmare in his name.” She brought her left plated gauntlet up to his wrist, grabbed and twisted, to make him turn the sword upside down and drop it. It fell, hit the floor with a clank and a thud as she slammed Hell’s hand into the wall next to his head. Adel proceeded to headbutt him with her forehead. She would not be dizzily-dazed, but he would become so besides of that her sword had him pierced and pinned against the wall.. He grumbled through clenched teeth and breath behind his stained teal plated helmet, “Adelara, snap out of it… This is not you~” Interrupted.
By her, Adelara took and swung the hilt of her other black twinsword across Hellìan’s face and caused his stained teal plated faceguard to split or crack open.. Hell could not keep up with how fast and stand these beatings for much longer, allow her to do this damage to him through her onslaught anymore. He tried to bring his other sword towards her, but she somehow saw it coming and threw her twinsword into his swordarm before she brought her plated gauntlets down to his leg.. She was relentless and remorseless in this state, she did not stop besides of that his arm was stabbed through like his chest and started to punch his stained teal plated kneeguard inward for until it shifted out of place and broken..
Hellìan held back a grunt or a growl besides of the incredible amount of pain that he was in now, “Adelara!~ Lara, come back to me.. To reality, this is not you.. Be who you are and were again. The Nightmare does not have you? You are letting him, you are letting it..” Adelara brought her plated gauntlets to both hilts of her black twinblades for one last attack on him as the attack on the fortress was still going on outside.. Her hands tightly grasped and wrapped, she slowly twirled the blades in his chest and arm around before bringing the one in his chest further upward to open the injury or wound up more.. Adel pulled her black twinsword from Hell’s arm while staring into his pure golden eyes with her black red eyes, and this was when..
The trance broke and faded. She shook her head as the Emerald Nightmare haze left her gaze, her silver eyes widened as her dark blue brows rose at the sight of her long lost brother, “Hellìan! Where are we?.. What have I done?” She stepped backwards while letting the hilts of her black twinblades go, but before the highborne warriors could speak and catch with eachother? There was another glaive that came flying through the side of the fortress and struck the wall.. Adel threw herself at Hell, to grab him by the arm as the stone brick wall came falling and crumbling down on top of them. 
Hellìan Autumnheart was saved and taken from Val’Sharah to Highmountain by her as she was by him. Of course, they had talked too, but this was a story to be told another time? He was fully.. Healthy and mended. He was standing on his stained teal plated boots on a hill that overlooked the ruins of Eldarath (Zin-Azshari) in Azshara and waiting for Daritharian Sorrowblade to arrive. His long, grey chain cloak was draping and blowing..
Daritharian Sorrowblade walked to his dark large undead horse that was in armor, much like himself and though, the steed was dead? The creature still appeared as he remembered it. Before his death at the inn in Duskwood again. Before his sister and other kaldorei death knight, Lay’lleathly Moonshade, had taken it to escape from their old enemy. The horse had long sharp silver spikes coming out of the top of its black and silver armor that was nailed to keep the corpse together.. Its eyes, mouth, and hooves had a cold firey blue glow as he brought his dark plated gauntlets to the saddle and pulled himself up from his dark plated boots, “We are going… Let’s find my cousin, Hellìan.” His hands came to its mane as he spoke from behind his facemask. 
He slipped his fingers between the strands and yanked tight so that he had something to hold onto while the undead steed started galloping. It would take him some time to get from the Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor.. It did, but Darith eventually reached his destination.
He looked.. He stared, both with his icy eyes up to the Azsharian hill and saw Helli. He did not ride up on his horse or steed, but got off and walked besides of that it was a bit of a climb.. “So, the last time that we saw and spoke? You and I were trying to kill eachother. Why now, Hell?” He said as the kaldorei death knight came up to the highborne warrior’s side and stood next to him.
Helli looked over to Darith with his pure golden eyes.. He did not seem to mind and bother the close proximity of which the Death Knight used to stand with. He rose a long teal brow and grunted from behind his stained teal plated faceguard, “Hm, you seem to have forgotten?.. That it was you that started that whole messy chain, Darith. You took the Huntress from me and tried to kill her, not once, but twice.. Twice? The only reason that you did not succeed was because of that her order of Kaldorei, Alu Dora and I had shown up at your tower’s doorstep to explode it.. You did succeed in taking the life and killing Priestess Mysti Arawen by sacrificing her to Tar’reldor however and why though? I still have questioned and wondered over the years and this day.. Perhaps, you, can tell me why now?”
Daritharian Sorrowblade brought his dark plated armplates up to fold them across his chest while keeping his frozen gaze with Helli.. His long dark cloak was draping him since sliding off his horse and coming here too.. He had and did remember having done all of these actions since his rebirth again now and he guessed, that actions had consequences after time, time, and time.. He had hoped that he would not have to fight his cousin again. He kept his cool and anger stable this time, “You know of why I started it, Hell.. You were trying to control me at time of when you thought that I was a danger? Rook Shadowsong, meant something to you out of being the only person that was in your life then and how else, was I suppose to get through to you? Because, you had noone else. This is why I had to take her and try to kill her.. It was Mysti that told me that I could be my own person, make and mold myself, be off the chain rather than allowing you to control me.. I killed the Priestess then, yes.. Maybe, this was all a mistake?”
They, the both of them.. Kaldorei and Highborne agreed to meeting and talking to eachother out here in the wilderness and weather of Azshara. Daritharian continued, “At least, I see of that it was now?.. Maybe, if I had kept the Priestess alive? She would have helped me further understand the cruelity of undeath like your Huntress did you a life. I do have someone.. That is helping me. We are, helping eachother..” Hellìan listened as the Kaldorei gave his answers.. He glanced over his stained teal plated shoulderguard to see the steed laying on the ground in the distance, “I consider that an apology and forgive you, Darith?.. I-.. Maybe I, should not have controlled you in the ways that I did out of, yes.. Thinking that you were a hazard and a danger waiting to come loose?.. It takes a great man to keep from their anger while coming to Azshara and speaking with me as you did. We are and have always been cousins in arms and in casual, when we were not fighting?.. Perhaps, our past fight belongs in the past times and has ended?”
Hellìan Autumnheart turned his persons and extends his right stained teal plated gauntlet to Darith for a handshake.. Daritharian Sorrowblade unfolded his arms and slowly, took Helli’s hand. He nodded and they both firmly shook them.. Hell’s grasp suddenly became tighter and stronger while something more came along for to happen? He pulled his little cousin in for a hug with a smile behind his stained teal plated faceguard. Dari’s long white brows were risen as his icy eyes widened. More as if in disbelief and shock that he was recieving this from the Warrior.. He could not stop himself from being pulled in and simply wrapped his arms around his older cousin. The hug between cousins and family lasted for until he stepped backwards on his ghoulish plated boots. Of course, he was the first to break and shatter the hugging, “What do you intend to do about the leadership situation and matter?.. What about our families, Hell? What is to become of the Autumnhearts and Nightglades? Because, I doubt that anyone will follow you at this time.. You have repairing to do.”
Hellìan Autumnheart remained standing where he was on the hill under the moon and stars with Daritharian Sorrowblade in Azshara.. His head and gaze were turned towards the Temple of Zin-Malor as he thought and wondered in silent contemplation.. He even lowered his head into a bow as his long indigo ears drooped, “There was another.. A lost sister to me and cousin to you. She is a Warrior like me, but fought harder and stronger.. More good and truthful. She was in a trance when she did it, but she almost killed and defeated me? If noone else will follow me, perhaps Adelara could and will take the final blow? Perhaps, my leadership has come to its end and I need to accept this while it is another’s turn to lead.. And I think, that she can do this as an Autumnheart. But, for now? I do have mending to do and I must try.”
Daritharian Sorrowblade’s icy eyes narrowed as his whitened eyebrows raised some.. He might have found this new cousin curious, but he listened too.. “It seems that we have it figured out then? For the first time, the probability of a new leader for us Autumnhearts and Nightglades. We’ll make sure of it, if all else fails and does not fall to your plan.. I can not lead either.. Lay’lleathly can not.”  It was time for both the Death Knight and the Warrior to depart from Azshara after they were done.. Event over and finished, talking and meeting with eachother once more and again. That’s what they did anyway? Hellìan Autumnheart and Daritharian Sorrowblade turned their backs to one another and walked off or away in seperate directions from which and where they came from.
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hellian-autumnheart · 6 years
Hellìan: Time To Let Go
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hellian-autumnheart · 6 years
Hellìan: Heroic Highborne Warrior
The Warrior. A mere title. A title that he earned, himself. 
Hell has been fighting the wars, fights, and battles of everyone for soo long as a Highborne that he had become lost and failed to see the much smaller struggles of peoples’ every day lives upon coming to new places for until a certain Kaldorei Huntress came into his life.
Rook Shadowsong, helped him find a way to combat the darkness. Find his way. He found his way to that forgiving sight and she had taught him that he could be an elf with a wild path amongst the rest of the Kaldorei as not only a Highborne, but as that Warrior who solomley swore to raising his blades against the enemies.
Something more. (WIP)
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hellian-autumnheart · 6 years
Hellìan: A Bad Dreamt Fight
It were the darkest of times like these that Hell feared the most of what was to come...
He has been fighting and has fought for such a very long time that he has become a good Highborne Warrior to have in the field of wars, fights, and battles, but even then. He was fearful and was afraid.
There still was... This fear. This fright. These dreams.
It was when he was sleeping and dreaming that he could see himself standing in a courtyard in Duskwood while it were raining with his back to his cousins'. Darith's back was to his and Lay, only standing on the statue above them while their blades were raised in defense of preparation for their oncoming attackers. Autumnhearts and Nightglades fighting an unfinished war.
Revi disliked Hell and Tar, but Darith and Lay would keep him safe in spite of their past grievances anyway.
Tar would have used his spells and magic as an Highborne Archmage, but stood completely un-phased, un-moved, and disliked all of them.
Hellìan wondered of why Tar'reldor had started this war between families since it has been expanding throughout years with no end.
A bad dreamt fight. A bad dream. He had hopes that this would never come true. An end that needed to come.
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hellian-autumnheart · 6 years
Hellìan: Living A Highborne Warrior’s Life
Hell is still living and though, there are many people that know him now. It never always use to be... Andissial “Hellìan” Shalor’Azshune was all, but just a young Highborne Warrior fighting a war against demons of the Burning Legion once. 
He has been alive since the War of the Ancients, since the Kaldorei Resistance, and since his time spent alone in Kalimdor after the Sundering. He has lived, seen, and fought it all. 
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hellian-autumnheart · 7 years
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a shoulderplate and an angry face: all i could do in 4 hours
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hellian-autumnheart · 7 years
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I finally finished oh god! I’m so proud!
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hellian-autumnheart · 7 years
Theme Songs of Hellìan: Three.
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hellian-autumnheart · 7 years
Theme Songs of Hellìan: Two.
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