hemispherefamily · 9 years
Adventurer Interview
Adventurer Interview
(EDIT: Since this interview, Adventurer has launched an indegogo campaign to get themselves a van.  If you would like to be able to see Adventurer play live near you, please consider supporting this campaign! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/advanturer-adventurer-needs-a-van/x/4257472)
Hey Miles, thanks for taking the time to do this interview! My name is Steve Dietrich, I am a big fan of the band and I love getting to know more about the musicians behind the music we all love.  Since this is the first Adventurer interview (ever?) that I know of at least, let's start with the basic questions.
Can you tell me your name, age, role in the band, and arandom fact about yourself?  
M: My name is Miles, I’m 22, I play drums in the band. Proceed to the next level to unlock ‘random fact’.
When did you all meet and how did the band come together?
M: Jeff and I have known each other since high school and were in a pop punk band around 2010 called Fly Like Kings before we wanted to start something like Adventurer. I met Steven through trying out for drums forhis past band, Some Sort Of Oasis. I ended up not wanting to join, but I asked Steven and one of the other guitarists of SSOO if they wanted to jam with Jeff and I. We ended up just keeping it as the three of us, and the only reason Steven was down at first was because of the band name, hahaha.
What are some of your biggest musical influences? What were some of the common ground bands that influenced the band as awhole?
M: PMToday, Pierce The Veil, A Lot Like Birds, The Devil Wears Prada, Fall Of Troy, Four Year Strong, Hail The Sun, DGD, The Wonder Years, Lower Definition. These are the bands who have had the most impact on my drumming and style. Common ground bands would be ALLB, Fall Of Troy, Four Year Strong, DGD as some of the major ones, but honestly there are so many.
What can you tell us about the Adventurer EP?  Whenwas it written? recorded?  Who was it recorded with? Etc.
M: We began writing in October of 2012 I believe. It took us about a year and some time to write and record it. We recorded Living With A Ghost and Pursuit of Happiness before the other 4 songs, but I think we began recording in February or March of 2014 with Mick Maslowski of Zoinga Studios in Ferndale, Michigan. The EP released at the end of May 2014.
What is the writing process like?  Do you try to writetogether, or write songs individually and show them to each other?  
M: Typically, Steven writes a guitar part or a couple parts and we usually start jamming it and working on it together to see what happens.We usually try to go with what feels right or what we randomly jammed after the parts he wrote already. Structure and parts can change pretty easily, though.Sometimes Steven will write simple drums over his guitar parts on Tabit and it helps because I can get more of a feel of the direction he had for the part.After we have a structure we’re happy with and we’ve began working on vocals, I start rewriting certain drum parts and sections to compliment both the instrumentals and the newly added vocals, and they might want to make minor changes to their guitar and bass parts as well. Making the vocals pop and standout is one of the most vital parts of our process, in my opinion.
Who writes the lyrics?  What sort of things do youwrite about and how do you get inspired to write?
M: I helped write lyrics for the EP, but I’ve been letting both of them do mostly all of the vocal work for the full length. The part I mainly like being a part of is the minor details and vocal work we can fuck with in the studio.
Who is singing on your songs?  
Jeff sings and does some little yelly guys, and Steven also sings and screams.
A couple months ago you guys were listed as 'Post-HardcoreBand of the Month' on the Post-Hardcore Reddit.  How did that feel and doyou feel it gave you more exposure?
M: Steven and I have been members of /r/PostHardcorebasically since Adventurer started, so being AotM over there was really awesome for us. I fucking love that community. I’d say it definitely gave us a bit more exposure, but we’ve been trying to maintain and grow our momentum ever since the Blue Swan announcement.
How did you first become involved with Blue Swan Recordsand what is your relationship like with the label now?
M: We were interested in the label ever since it began,which is right around the time we started as a group, basically. We first became involved with BSR when Kurt asked us what label(s) we were interested in, and Blue Swan was definitely high on our list since it was so new and we thought it’d be a great first home for us. I love our label and Will. Couldn’t ask for a better place to start off this journey of ours.
Blue Swan is a very new, small label, yet it seems to havea very passionate cult following already.  It seems to be like a family. Do you feel that is an accurate description and how do you think being onBlue Swan is different from any other label of its size?
M: I absolutely think BSR is a family. It’s not like we’re on a label and there are some bands also on the label that we don’t even know or communicate with. Everyone is cool with each other, and everyone seems willing to help and support each other. It’s all about the love for music,progression, and support.
Do you guys see Blue Swan as the permanent home for theband or a step along the way to getting signed to a bigger label?
M: BSR will always be so important to me, but we see it as a stepping stone. We’re still such a young band and there is still so much to see and experience. I want to always be involved with BSR, but I see us looking at bigger labels once the time comes.
What tours have you guys been on so far and do you have anyupcoming tour plans?
M: The only tour we’ve been a part of was The Blue Swan Tour, which we jumped on for a week. We’ll tour more later this year for sure.
Were you always set on being a three piece band or did youmess around with second guitar players?  
M: We’ve tried multiple times to add a second guitarist,and we even tried adding vocalists to the mix, but it never felt right. We just work the best as just the three of us.
Where do you guys see Adventurer going in the next fewyears?  Do you intend to become a fulltime touring band?
M: I haven’t even thought about what could happen in the next few years. Definitely more touring, that’s for sure, but, when it comes down to it...I think we’ll just have to wait and see. All three of us would love to be able to explore and tour the world with our music. I don’t think there’s really a boundary to what we want to do with the band when it comes to growth.
How did you meet Kurt Travis and what is it like beingmanaged by him?  
M: We met him once or twice at shows before he approached us about managing us at our EP release show with him, Hotel Books, and So Much Light. Kurt is honestly one of my favorite people on this planet. All of this is still pretty surreal when I think about it sometimes, but I don’t think I’d want it any other way. I’d consider him the fourth member of our band out of anyone, hahah.
What advice would you give to people just starting a bandnow?
M: A band is a business, but if you genuinely enjoy being in a band, its the most rewarding and amazing business you could run. Take your time with your art. Don’t do/release anything you’re not proud of. Use your intuition. If something needs to be fixed/changed, talk about it and resolve the problem. COMMUNICATE WITH YOURFANS. The actual band might be the heart, soul, and brains, but your fans are the muscles, tendons, and support system of the band. They’re the reason you’ll be able to reach the goals you want to reach.
What advice would you give to bands aspiring to work withBlue Swan Records?
M: Honestly, I’m not too sure. All BSR bands have something in common, but are alldrastically different. If the goal is to get signed to BSR,focus on that goal and don’t let it drift away from you. That goes for any goal a band might have. You won’t get far if you keep changing your minds/directions of the band and all that.
I've had this idea that it would be amazing if there was asuper-group like Sianvar of the other bands on Blue Swan.  So it wouldhave members of Adventurer, Eidola, and maybe some other members of Hail theSun and/or Stolas that aren't in Sianvar.  Or if Blue Swan acted as acollective and different line-ups of various members of those bands would cometogether to make an EP or something.  Do you think something like thatcould ever happen?
M: I don’t see why not. All three of us would fucking love to be a part of something like that.
Any plans to play a show in Chicago anytime soon?
M: We want to tour everywhere! I’m not sure how soon, but we’ll for sure hit Chicago at some point.
What are your plans for 2015 and beyond?
M: Right now, the full length is our main priority and our baby. Releasing that and getting to the point where we can focus a lot more on touring is mainly the plan.
Your EP has received very high praise from those who havefound it.  What do you have to say to all the people who love your music?
M: I can’t even really explain how it feels to have so many people enjoy what we do. I appreciate each and every single one of them, and I’m so happy and grateful that they want to take the time out of their day to connect with us, and even themselves, through our music. We learned SO much from the EP and throughout the lifespan of the band so far. I hope everyone will enjoy these new songs as much as we do.
Any plans for a full length in the near future?  Orany new music in general?
M: Read above. :) We’re doing 12 songs overall: A prelude,an interlude, and 10 songs. I don’t really see why we’d stop writing music. We wrote 25 song ideas for the full length and kept our favorite 13-15.
Any last comments?
M: I love our Adventurer family and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Thanks for wanting to even interview us!
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview with me! Interviewing bands is part of what were trying to do to make HEMISPHERE a bigger, more interactive entity for music lovers.  Keep up the good work!
EDIT: Since this interview, Adventurer has launched an indegogo campaign to get themselves a van.  If you would like to be able to see Adventurer play live near you, please consider supporting this campaign! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/advanturer-adventurer-needs-a-van/x/4257472
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
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To celebrate the chaotic nature that tonight will bring - NIGHT OF THE BLUE SWAN - I made a Spotify version of the Blue Swan Records Label Sampler. One Eidola song wasn't found on Spotify, so I replaced it with another. If you're going to Night of the Blue Swan, I'm assuming you'll be blasting this and anything related to it, no matter what. See y'all there tonight!
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/…/a…/playlist/0UkxnHvZtzdwrG2UbzKbY7
HOWEVER... If you guys wish to purchase the Blue Swan Records Label Sampler, you can do so here: https://blueswanrecords.bandcamp.com/releases
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
Check out Sianvar's new merch on their brand new web store.
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
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Hail the Sun just announced the Rest/Resume Tour with The Ongoing Concept and Brent Walsh of I the Mighty. Check out the dates below and head out to one of the shows!  2/17 Portland, OR @ Analog Cafe 2/18 Seattle, WA @ El Corazon 2/19 Boise ID @ The Crux 2/20 Salt Lake City, UT @ The Music Garage 2/21 Denver, CO @ The Moon Room 2/22 Oklahoma City, OK @ The Conservatory 2/23 Dallas, TX @ Sons of Herman Hall* 2/24 Houston, TX @ Walters 2/25 San Antonio, TX @ Korova 2/26 El Paso, TX @ Sector 7 2/27 Tempe, AZ @ 51 West 2/28 Las Vegas, NV OMD
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
Underoath is releasing a DVD documenting their farewell tour as well as the reasons for their separation. Unfortunately, the costs of completing and distributing the final product are too great for the band to carry on their own. You can help fund the piece by pre-ordering it.
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
Somos Drop Off Dads Tour For Mental Health
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Somos have unfortunately dropped off of their upcoming tour with Dads due to Michael’s mental health regarding anxiety and depression. Read a statement from the band below.
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
A Note to Musicians
In such a tough time in the world, with judgement and pressure from what seems like everyone around you, it's easy to lose sight of what is important. It's easy to be told you're "not good enough" and believe it. Teens of our generation were taught to do something for your future that will make you happy, but when that path is not as prestigious as a doctor, not as well-paying as a lawyer, or not as intellectually demanding as an astronomer, they're shot down. They're told that their dreams are "unrealistic" or not "financially sustainable." But my message to you is to hold on. Hold on to that dream with every fiber of your soul and don't ever let go. Prove the other generations wrong and show the future generations what pursuing a dream does. With that, I want to address all musicians, young or old, new or experienced. Don't let society or the media bring you down. Keep working hard every day towards your goals as a musician and don't let anyone or anything be a marker for your success except for YOU. Every single creation is beautiful and important. So what if your first song isn't great, every journey starts with a single step. This journey might be long and tiring, filled with twists and turns and rough patches... But you need to push forward. Do it for yourself, someone you love, anyone... put all of your passion into your music. Music is such a beautiful art, giving ways to express any type of emotion through haunting poetry, mesmerizing melodies, and rhythms that echo through the chambers of your heart. So let it all resonate within your soul and always remember that you are so important to the music family. And we are all learning and growing together. Never give up on music because I swear to you, it is the most gratifying thing you'll ever do. So where are you in that journey? What are you doing TODAY to improve yourself? Remember, no journey has to be traveled alone. The music industry is like no other place. We are a family. - Julia
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
Dead Messages // Hail the Sun // Elephantitis
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Walkblind // Luminous Orange // luminousorangesuperplastic
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Forty Winks // Tangled Hair // Apples
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
‪#‎H‬.‪#‎E‬.‪#‎M‬.‪#‎I‬.‪#‎S‬.‪#‎P‬.#H.#E.‪#‎R‬.#E. Keeping you connected with the best: hardcore,experimental,math-rock, indie, skramz, progressive, hip-hop, electronica, reggae, emo music & much much more. Welcome to our family.
Mark Delang
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
yesteryear still rings in my ear,
like buttons and pins, this mess we’re in 
dissolves in time
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
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Sianvar is currently working on their full length LP.  My body could not be anymore ready. -steve
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
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Happy 10th Juturna.  You were a fantastic, groundbreaking album.  You made Jonny Craig know how he wanted to sing for christ sakes.  
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
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Happy 10th, Discovering the Waterfront.  Always been my favorite album.
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hemispherefamily · 9 years
What's up, everyone!
Our Tumblr blog is now up! If you'd like to become a member, please send in an message via our Ask link. If you'd like to submit content, please post them at our Submit link. Please share and follow our blog! Each and every follower helps to get our name out there to expand our ever-growing family! Thank you for your support!
-H.E.M.I.S.P.H.E.R.E Street Team
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