What we learned in Battle of Mewni:
Unicorns can be made by roasting pudding.
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Star Butterfly, Future Queen of Mewni
The only Queen to have destroyed the royal wand multiple times in the entire history of Mewni.
- what Star’s future entry on her page will be like
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What is your response to people who say "Ichigo and Rukia had a deep bond but there was never love between them"?
Why the fuck do I gotta make one of these posts? This literal exact same post has been made a million times. Is this like a right of passage?
“Enter here, ye who would carry the mantle of IchiRuki, prove thy worth and test thy might.”
Fine, fuck it. Briefly, and by no means comprehensively:
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If you and someone you have a “deep bond” with look at each other like this (and they regard the people who hurt you with murderous rage, or vice versa) then you need to have a serious conversation with your Significant Other.
(Also, Rukia, please, “I forbade you to come!” Talk like that shouldn’t be used in public, especially not in front of your brother.)
While I’m here:
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Ichigo equated death with the end of his suffering, and felt that Kisuke had made a mistake in rescuing him, as he wasn’t worthy of living after failing to protect Rukia. Succeeding in doing so also ended his suffering and reaffirmed the value of his life.
They saved each other’s lives physically several times, but much more importantly, they saved each other’s lives spiritually and psychically. They each asserted and affirmed there was value in the other’s life.
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Okay, here’s the spoiler climax summary. All of the good magic was corrupted into gooey black mass and Star failed to take the last gold “piece”, ending up being in a limbo-like world with Glossaryck with his metaphorical soup from the first episode of season 2. 
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Glossaryck was offering to eat the soup with him, feeding her with a spoon. She rejected it, remembering his lesson about being a “skimmer” or “dipper”. And as Star realized that the “real” power is in the “chunks” at the bottom of the boiling pot. . .
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She took the last remaining gold piece. . .
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And EPIC MOMENT ensued!
But you know what’s more epic?
At the beginning of the movie, we see Glossaryck roasting Ludo and his pudding-like marshmallows. We see him fail every time and was very determined to get it “perfect”. To be honest, it reminded me of his “perfect” chip from the Page Turner episode. And normally, we would dismiss that scene as Glossaryck being “Glossaryck”. We all know how he loves food right?
But guess what? 
Before he disappeared thanks to Ludo, he managed to perfect it! And the result? 
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A golden meatball!
Glossaryck had already figured out what will happen at the end and was preparing for it since the very beginning!
Last but not the least, it’s not just any meatball.
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It’s a unicorn meatball! 
And I bet that little cutie is her wand’s new soul unicorn.
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Please help! I don't have cable i cant watch star unless its online!! Do u have a link to the ep??? plz help a sister out!!!
Someone on Tumblr post that link on SVTFOE tag, thank them xD
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Well, Glossaryck would definitely be Dumbledore.
Although River is very fitting to be Hagrid, it will be awkward considering Moon and River are husband and wife. What about Raphael as “Hagrid”? After all, he is shown to be very hairy (in the chest area) and scary strong too (Hungry Larry episode). Mrs. McGonagall is very fitting for Moon so she keeps the role. Then for Mr. and Mrs. Weasly would be Eclipsa and her husband?
AU Idea wolol svtfoe
AU where Marco is Hermoine, Star is Ron, Tom is Harry, Toffee is Voldemort, Janna is Ginny, Alfonzo and Ferguson are Fred and George, Angie and Raphael (Mr. and Mrs. Diaz) are Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ludo is Lucious Malfoy, and Lobster Claws is Draco. Oh, and Glossaryk is either Sirius, Lupin, or Dumbeldore. Professor McGonagall is Moon, Hagrid is River, Snape is Tom’s father. I’m so sorry HP fans. I had too. XD 
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Battle of Mewni Spoilers
I really like the uncanny similarities between Moon and Star but at the same time, the stark contrast.
Not just the looks! Both of them are fighting the same enemy, both used the dark magics from Eclipsa’s chapters, and both had dark sides of their magic.
But the stark differences are that Moon is more of a defensive fighter who will only snap when pushed to the corner with no way out while Star is more aggressive who will fight right away at the sign of danger. Moon’s dark magic is used as a final trump card against her enemies while Star’s dark magic is her whimsical side of magic that is usually unintended and makes her fail. And the most important contrast to me is that . . .
When it comes to their most crucial moments. . .
Moon uses her Dark Magic. . .
While Star uses her Light Magic. . .
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Glossaryck said implying that he is dead is a little bit insulting. . .
things I still need to process
-Star’s wings
-Glossaryck being dead???
-Young River
-Marco being seriously depressed when Star left suddenly 
-Marco using cereal as an excuse just to see Star
-Star opening flirting with Marco
-The new outro 
-Queen Moon’s backstory
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Her parents live in the palace where monarchy is prevalent, meanwhile Star hang out with clubs outside the palace where democracy and liberty is more prevalent. . .
tbh why does star have an american accent when her parents have british ones
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Battle of Mewni Scenes
I don’t know what’s worse.
The fact that Star was stuck inside Ludo? Or the fact Star was stuck with Toffee?
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Is nobody going to comment how Marco is ready to KILL for Star? Like, he just punched A HOLE in Toffee’s chest (and probably his heart)! That’s a LOT of killing intent he has there.Too bad he can regenerate. . .
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“It’s not over yet”
I really like the get-back quotes here. 
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Thanks. This is a nice interesting read.
If I have to make a comment, I don’t know what to feel for IH ship anymore or Kubo for that matter. It’s like when you try to fix one side, the other side collapses and when you try to fix that side, the other side collapses. I’m amazed to see a ship where the more one tries to defend or make it sound better, the worse it get for the ship, the characters, AND the story.
Also, about the Neutral Female, I agree with Rukia not being that at all but like to add that the reason she’s willingly to be executed is not only because she’s guilty (though I think that’s the main reason). There’s also the fact that she stays in a tower that completely drains her power (making her unable to fight even if she wanted to) AND she’s branded as a criminal in Soul Society. For a world that is heavily concentrated on law&order, breaking herself out would make her a criminal and she’s a shinigami who was trained to obey the law (granted, Rukia also doesn’t care of the law if it’s to save someone unlike some other shinigamis *cough*Renji*cough*Byakuya*cough*). But you get the drill, if you go against SS, you’re pretty much dead unless you’re Aizen or become an exiled figure like Urahara. This is why Ichigo was completely needed there as he’s pretty much the only one who can save her. The situation is completely different with Orihime. Not only is she an innocent outsider kidnapped into their world (hence, her actions there won’t affect her life), her powers wasn’t even blocked or sapped away from her. And while I understand that this might be just to portray that she’s just a normal teenage girl like any other who can panicked when faced with devastating situations, it doesn’t make sense with the previous story where she was clearly showed far from “normal” girl who can smile and remain strong even when a love one came charging to kill her (Tatsuki&her Brother). Rather than an annoying character, I think it’s more disappointing for the wasted potential.
Orihime and Ichihime in the Hueco Mundo Arc: Mega-post
This is the last post regarding Orihime that I’m going to make about the Hueco Mundo arc. This post will center on the things that drag Orihime (and to a lesser extent, Ichigo) down in this arc, both on the ones that weren’t addressed in the other posts and the ones that have to do with Kubo pushing a ship. I understand any hesitation to read something that so heavily discusses Ichiruki and Ichihime; however, I’ll ask you to bear with me and hear me out. 
This post is long as hell, so to those who are on mobile, please accept this apology.
Here are the posts that came before:
Orihime’s Mental Trauma Orihime’s Mental Trauma Revisited Why the Final Ulquiorra Fight Fails
Here are the sections this post is divided into: 
Keep reading
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I think this is from a flash back. That’s Toffee’s clothes from back then and Rasticore’s eye have diamond now and looks tougher.
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Toffee’s Curse: Moon’s Darkest Spell Theory
Arrrgh! I was postponing this one because I want to write an analysis on how Star’s emotions and cheek symbol affects and connected to her magic but I’ve been thrown a bomb about the movie.
AND IT WILL FEATURE MOON AND TOFFEE’S BATTLE AT THAT TIME IT SEEMED! So I am going to post my theory now here, right now! Of course I’ll fix this theory a bit after watching the movie (but this is what we can hypothesize so far). . . since it’s going to be shown in just a few days.
First off, we have no idea what on earth Moon did to Toffee. It’s never been mentioned aside from the “will forever be haunted” by Moon’s darkest spell. However, we have clues.
The first one is Toffee’s missing finger.
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Toffee is from a race of monsters that can regenerate, and we see this ability of Toffee first hand when Star blasted off his arm. However, it seemed that Toffee cannot regenerate his missing finger despite this ability.
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The book suggest that Toffee lose the ability to regenerate since his great fight with Moon. So either he regained his regeneration ability little by little (until his finger) OR he really just can’t regenerate his finger no matter what.
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Next is the difference in Toffee’s attitude then and now. 
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Now, this is only a speculation base on art. But Toffee back then seemed to be more barbaric and expressive than he was now base on clothing where he uses skulls and spikes for clothing (and the original design was that he’s supposed to be shirtless. In SVTFOE, this kind of attire is used for expressive and individualistic characters like Star and Solaria) compared to his now more restrictive and “boring” suit attire like a lawyer’s.
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Marco also noted the significance in clothing. In SVTFOE, attires can show what kind of personality you currently have. 
Which brings us to the subtle clue that needs to be mentioned.
The time Marco snap back to Toffee and called him “boring”. 
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Now, I find this to be noteworthy because Toffee is almost always composed and only a few things could faze him (one of them was Star being able to deep down during the rescue which was something for her age). Even having his arm blasted off didn’t make him bat an eye. So this reaction of his is definitely worth noting and shows that Marco’s words affect him somehow.
Most likely, he turned this way due to the curse.
So what is the curse?
Going by the clues so far (before the movie trailer), we can theorize that it has something to do with emotions. 
My first thought that he wasn’t able to feel anything. Happiness, love, excitement, he wasn’t able to feel anything due to the curse. Hence, making his life monotonous and boring. 
I wasn’t even sure if he really feels anger and resentment though it seems that he’s out for vengeance against Moon and his daughter. Maybe not, considering that he didn’t even went so far as to torture Moon or gloat at her at the finale. By this point, he looks like just a man with high ambition.
On the other hand, saying that Toffee cannot feel any emotion doesn’t seem right either after thinking a bit because Toffee did show to have some emotion on few instances like sneaking smiles during the Fortune Cookies episode as he watched Star’s unique spells or his “surprise!” on Season 1 finale where Star and Marco were totally flabbergasted at his demand. He also showed irritation towards Ludo and Boo Fly. To put it simply, the curse is not something that sealed off all his emotions, but something enough to turn him into a “boring” person he is today (take note, I only meant boring in Marco’s words. We all know that he is one among the many plain villains nowadays that are both capable and interesting. He’s far from boring).
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And so, this conclusion:
  Toffee can’t feel “Love”.
Maybe his heart was sealed or destroyed or maybe it’s his soul core that was taken. To put it simply, he cannot feel love or passion for anything. His brash attitude back then (base on his outfit that is similar to those who are battle-loving people like Solaria, King River, and Star when she went crazy), was then change into a monotonous one, and he now takes an apathetic approach to things.
This is backed-up by the missing part in his body which is the middle finger. While it cannot be certified because there are only four fingers in the SVTFOE universe, but what if. . . the missing finger is the “Ring” finger and not the “middle” finger?
Edit: Found a good art in this one for example.
Then his curse being about his “Heart” or “Love” would explain why he cannot regenerate his finger no matter what when he can regenerate the rest of his body.
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Quoting from this site (x):  “ The Ring Finger: Emotion & Creativity The third finger is associated with affections because it is the one with a direct connection to the heart. It also represents our creativity and artistic self. A wedding or engagement ring on this finger proclaims to the world that the wearer emotions and creative goals are committed to the giver of the ring. If the ring is acquired by the wearer instead of a mate, it symbolizes self worth and a commitment to one personal skills and talents.”
The tradition of putting wedding rings on the ring finger is because it is traditionally symbolizes as a finger connected to your heart. If Toffee cannot feel “Love” at all (in a general sense), that would explain why he cannot regenerate his finger and also needed Star’s power. 
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In SVTFOE universe, Magic is connected with the wielder’s emotions. This is highly displayed with Star’s and Ludo’s magic. Star magic effect depends on her emotions aligning with her thoughts. If she wanted to do good magic but have contradicting negative emotions like anxiety, boredom and anger, the results are a failure. Her casting spells is more effective when she’s feeling good through love and passion like saving Marco and her friends OR when her reasoning’s aligned with her negative emotions like jealousy and anger like when she learned to use the Spying Spell. Ludo cannot use magic at all at the beginning unless he’s feeling extremely angry or malicious.
If Mewman’s powers are through projecting magic and casting spells, then the Septarian’s powers are through regeneration. If Toffee is missing a “Heart” or cannot feel “Love”, then it explains that he cannot regenerate his “Ring” finger that is symbolically connected to one’s heart. 
Not to mention, The Ring Finger is actually associated with a celestial object we are all familiar about. The Moon
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Now, isn’t it interesting that the one who inflicted the curse is named “Moon”. And isn’t it more interesting that Toffee appeared right after the “Blood Moon Ball”? The moon that is dubbed as “The Moon of Lovers”?
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And that brings us to Star and, to a certain extent, Marco. And the reason why he went through all the trouble of kidnapping Marco to get at Star. It is obvious that Toffee has big plans for Star ever since he first appeared.
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Watching Star fighting with Ludo’s gang in Fortune Cookies
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He secretly smiled.
If we go with the theory that Toffee cannot regenerate his middle finger because he cannot feel the emotion called “Love”, then it can explain why he went after Star and went through the whole trouble of breaking the wands in half and penetrate it. It’s not just to get back at the Royal Family (particularly Moon and her precious daughter) or to get access to the power of the Universe (or Multi-verse for that matter). 
He needs Star’s magic power which is powered mainly by “Love” or her passion for her friends. Remember, Star’s cheek symbol is also “Heart” which not only represents her personality, but also what kind of power she mainly wields. That is why he chose to break the wand in half and share half of her power. He also penetrated her memories that connects her to the wand by implanting his finger there.
I guess this is also why he was quite “disappointed” with Marco. With Star as his “key” to unlocking the curse, Marco plays an essential part not only as her partner and subject of her “Love” but also the other half of the two bonded soul together for eternity. Not to mention in Fortune Cookies, Star received a fortune that “A Great Evil has been unleashed”. To say it is “unleashed” showed that he was previously tied or chained somewhere and this happened right after the Blood Moon Ball. With Star and Marco being chosen to be “tied together for eternity” may have untied or freed Toffee “partly” from the curse. 
Now that he managed to sap part of her powers and a large part of the Multiverse’s magic, it would explain Toffee’s last lines in the finale. 
"Tell Star I'm coming for my finger."
With half of the wand in his hand, he can finally get his finger back.
This theory came up thinking on what could possibly Moon’s darkest spell. It should be something malicious enough to call it “dark” but at the same time not something so sadistic like being killed and remain kid-friendly curse. And the curse I come up with and makes sense is the curse to never feel “Love”.
Note: This theory was supposed to be posted months ago, but I got writer’s block and now I think it’s too late to post this because the movie is coming up and this theory might get debunked soon. Still, I decided to post this for what it’s worth. 
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Hmmm, maybe this is what makes me unsatisfied with renruki that much. Despite being childhood friends (a trope which I really like), I don’t feel settled that Rukia ended up with him. 
My thought about RenRuki
I saw many IR blame Renji for abusing Rukia. For me “abusing” was too mean for him.
I think Renji never ever really want Rukia to be hurt. When he went with Byakuya to take Rukia, I think he attacked her just for threaten her, if she didn’t surrender, Rukia and Ichigo must be in a danger that time.
But.. what Renji did showed that he was a coward, and he knew it. Unlike Ichigo, Renji was not brave to give his life to protect her in the first place.
And back to the past, when Rukia was adopted by Kuchiki’s clan, Renji turned back from her. That was a big emotional abuse.
However; Renji is an important person in Rukia’s past. He was special to her, I admire him as Rukia’s best friend.
By the way, I respected all who ship RenRuki. But for me.. No other ship in my mind except IchiRuki.
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We’ve added four new animated tokens for sale (elf, spirit, servo, and knight ally). Check them out with all my other tokens here. Thanks!
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