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@bnhaheroes hey mod rosa! i’m so glad you like my blog- yours looks like it’s off to a great start! and don’t worry, i think we can always use more writers :-) everyone please check out this amazing new blog!
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Hello! Since Autumn is upon us soon, may I request some super fluffy Autumn themed hcs for Iida and his s/o? I'm such a sucker for the Autumn aesthetic and my fast boi. Thank you, and good luck!
Who doesn’t love the fastest sweetest boy and autumn? Iida Tenya: - loves walking alongside you especially during autumn because the trees are kissed by a golden touch, no matter where- if you two weren’t in the same neighbourhood, he would wake up earlier to escort you from your home to school - would make sure that you are dressed properly and always have an extra scarf, beanie and gloves with him for you- would increase the physical contact between you, he wants to be as close to you as possible, his figure not leaving yours, always having an arm around your waist or shoulder, only if you are okay with that of course!- random hugs and confessions how you make him happy are to be expected- asks you almost every day to watch the sunset with him because he is so fascinated with its beauty- when you sit down on a bench, he pulls you closer to him and puts your head against his shoulder so he can rest his his head on top of yours and inhale your scent as you chitchat or enjoy each other’s presence in sweet silence- if you were tired or cold, he would instantly offer you his jacket and carry you princess style to the nearest warm place, be it a cafe, restaurant, his or your home- would surprise you with fresh self-made or mom-made cookies as often as possible 
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wow okay so i just looked and apparently i’ve passed 400 followers on this blog??? and i’m pretty busy with school at the moment so i’m still not sure if i’ll be able to do matchups. however, i’ve thought of something else i think could be fun. here it is!
send me a character (or characters- max number is 3 per ask for the sake of convenience and so that i don’t get too overwhelmed and procrastinate haha,,) and i will give you either a song that makes me think of them, a song i think they’d like/listen to, or both! depending on what i can think of or how well i know them.
i’ll answer these in between the normal requests i have already! sorry things have been pretty slow here, and thank you all for bearing with me and being so sweet!
also, my askbox is always open for chatting! so if you don’t have a request or anything it’s still fine if you want to just tell me about your day or a neat fact you learned recently or your favorite thing someone did for you in the past week. anything is fine! i’m here!
i hope you’re all doing well. stay safe!
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@thatswhatiam-lovernotafighter (ugh i hope that tag worked, they seem to be acting strangely on urls that have a hyphen in them for some reason?) thank you so much for the warm welcome, haha! i hope the fluff patch does not disappoint! this was such a cute request thank you for blessing me with these Good Good Boys. i hope you’re having a wonderful day/night!!
Tokoyami Fumikage:
Sure, Tokoyami acts cool and collected. But I bet this kid is such a hopeless romantic oh my god. Really he’s just shy???
He gets really flustered and honestly he’s kind of conflicted about whether he wants his s/o to be super affectionate in public? On the one hand, he really appreciates knowing she likes him so much, but on the other hand, he has an image to keep up. He can’t just….. Let people see his weakness like that…………. Tsk……………………….
But since she’s so considerate everything is good! Soon enough, the two find a good balance and it’s very nice.
Tokoyami seems like he’d appreciate things like writing cute notes to him, making him small gifts just because and like. Leaving them places for him to find? He thinks it’s fun haha
Oh my gosh but at first he didn’t really know what to do in return? He wasn’t quite sure… what might seem over the top and what wouldn’t? But one day he picks some flowers he saw in a park somewhere or something because they made him think of her and he gives them to her
She loves it, and from then on he’s a little more confident in his gift giving skills and does that sort of thing a lot more often
He just needs a lot of love okay I love the goth bird hgjklsfld-
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Shinsou isn’t really….. Trying to keep up a “cool” image. If he seems as though he’s something of an outsider, it isn’t because he wants to be seen that way; it’s just what he’s used to. That’s just how things are.
This means that he doesn’t mind the affection. In fact, he loves it. Of course sometimes he wonders why someone like her would want to date someone with a reputation like his, and so this affection and reassurance is so, so important to him.
He appreciates that his s/o is so considerate. It’s another thing that shows how much she cares for him- The fact that she pays attention to his needs and ways of doing things means the world to him.
Shinsou does anything he can think of to try and repay these kindnesses done for him, but he… Isn’t the most romantic person in the world? It’s not for lack of trying or caring, it’s just that he really doesn’t know what kinds of things people… Do to show romantic appreciation.
Really the only things he ends up being able to think of are things she’s done for him in the past, and he worries that if he just does all the same things it’ll look like he doesn’t care enough to think of his own things to do.
So he does think of some things. He looks up ideas on the internet, and tries to stick to ones that are a little more low-key (he generally doesn’t like to make a huge scene)
Shinsou is just very happy and very much in awe of her and he just. Really wants to find the best way possible of showing that. Usually this manifests itself in the form of physical affection (small, simple gestures- an arm draped around her shoulders, carefully brushing the hair out of her face when they face each other, holding her hand as often as possible)
Please shower him in love and affection I’m begging you he deserves nothing less than to know that people believe in him please-
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oh and by the way, school has started for me recently and i’ve decided that i’m going to try harder this year!!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ but that means focusing more on completing assignments, which in turn means less time spent on the internet... and i know my posting here has been fairly inconsistent recently (sorry about that! i’m not really one to stick to a schedule when it comes to things like this,,,) but this means that i’ll most likely be doing any writing on the weekends! when i have time, of course. anyway, i just thought i should make a post explaining what i think can be expected of me in regards to posting and whatnot. also, i’ve been running this blog completely from the computer (as opposed to mostly on mobile like most of my other blogs because i’m on my phone more than my computer), and that’s why i’m not really able to answer asks right away. but feel free to send them in!! i’ve been more and more invested in this blog the more people interact with it, so i’ll probably end up checking it more and more frequently.
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of course you can!! guys, please go check out @justherothings !! looks like the blog is off to a really good start, what cute headcanons!!!
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oh my gosh that sounds terrifying!!! it’s nice of your friend to help you with that, though. swimming is a really important thing to be able to do, it can save your life (even if it is scary at first)!! i’m proud of you for taking the steps to start learning, that’s really huge!!! nice job  ☆
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kirishima’s manly ideals apply to all genders reblog to support kirishima’s manly ideals
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you think so? then maybe i’ll try my hand at them! i have a couple other ideas as well, so i think i’ll make a post with rules and such once i’ve got it all figured out!!
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oh my gosh you guys i??? this happened so fast??? uh anyway does anyone have any suggestions for something i might do as a celebration of sorts for reaching 200??? i really wanna do something haha but i don’t know what kinds of things people might like so...!
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@xoaces i’m so glad you’re enjoying my blog!! everyone, please check out xo’s blog, it looks great!!! what great headcanons, and what a cute theme! i’m in love (。♥‿♥。)
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here you go, anon! i hope these are good!
kirishima, shinsou, and bakugou with an s/o that wants to swim with their friends but is too embarrassed to admit they can’t swim (headcanons):
Kirishima Eijirou
I think Kirishima would find out they can’t swim relatively soon. Whether it was because of their body language or because they kept stalling or what, he would figure it out.
He’s… friends with Bakugou, king of stubbornness, so I think he would mostly just roll his eyes and grin, and proceed to give them some kind of advice. It wouldn’t phase him much
“So why don’t you just learn to swim?? Come on, I’ll teach you!!”
If the reason they haven’t learned yet is because they’re afraid to do so, he comforts them by saying something like “I promise it’ll be fine! I’ll be right there with you”
He teaches them how to swim, and then congratulates them on their efforts.
“Overcoming your embarrassment like this is the really manly thing to do!! You did a great job!”
He says this with the widest grin possible. He’s so incredibly proud of his s/o. What a cutie
Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou can probably tell they’re hiding the fact they can’t swim right from the moment it becomes something that’s worrying them. He supposes they’ll probably tell him if it becomes a big deal
But as time wears on and they say nothing, he can tell it really is bothering them. He decides to try and get them to admit it. He says subtle things to them, trying to nudge them into confessing that they can’t swim and that it’s bothering them. Eventually they do
“It’s really nothing to be embarrassed about. I know it must seem that way to you, though” he says in a very matter-of-fact tone. “No one knows everything. The only thing to do is learn”
He teaches them to swim and congratulates them on finally learning. It’s hard to get over a mental block towards something like that and he’s very proud that they had the mental strength to do it
Bakugou Katsuki
He doesn’t fully realize they can’t swim at first. After a while, though, he puts two and two together and sees what they’re trying to hide.
He confronts them directly about it. Why beat around the bush, right?
When he gets them to admit it, he’s all business (in his own way)
“What the hell do you mean you can’t swim? If you’re so embarrassed why not just learn?”
Whatever their reasons are, he makes it his mission to make them the best swimmer anyone’s ever heard of, god dammit
Their friends will be impressed and a little terrified at them
Where did they learn to swim like that???
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every time someone adds tags to one of my posts or replies or something and adds a comment about it, like 20 years are added to my life
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Aizawa Shouta:
how he would become interested in someone and approach them (headcanons)
Iida Tenya:
jealous iida (headcanons)
with a shy and nervous s/o (headcanons)
first confession, date, and kiss (headcanons)
Tokoyami Fumikage:
female s/o wanting to hold hands and cuddle for the first time (headcanons)
Kirishima Eijirou:
female s/o wanting to hold hands and cuddle for the first time (headcanons)
s/o who wants to swim with their friends but is too embarrassed to admit they can’t swim (headcanons)
Todoroki Shouto:
first confession, date, and kiss (headcanons)
Shinsou Hitoshi:
with a shy and nervous s/o (headcanons)
s/o who wants to swim with their friends but is too embarrassed to admit they can’t swim (headcanons)
Midoriya Izuku:
with a shy and nervous s/o (headcanons)
Bakugou Katsuki:
s/o who wants to swim with their friends but is too embarrassed to admit they can’t swim (headcanons)
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is this it? (it’s so cute gosh)
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@deitydeceit aaah thank you!!! i’m sure i will!!!
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ANON DUDE THIS IS SO COOL I’M!!! and yeah i think this should be good!!! i was mostly wanting to know about the more battle oriented part of the quirk (if there was one) and just a bit more detail. this should be good! thank you so much!!
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