heroxwithxdreams · 7 days
Hello everyone!
Maybe everyone has noticed that I have been absent the past few days/weeks. This has had certain causes. Some things have happened in the family that cost a lot of energy, by also being there for my parents and helping each other. Partly because of this I am not working at the moment, is it a distraction? Maybe, but I have decided not to go to work because I do not have the full concentration for it either. I do not know when rest will come again, but I will try to write something when I can, because I still love doing it incredibly much but when the answers will come I have no idea yet. I am sorry for the people who have to wait, but then you know the situation. I hope everyone is doing well, but I will be back, I promise. Have a good night everyone! <3
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heroxwithxdreams · 16 days
Sorry I haven't been online this weekend. Things have been happening in my family that are driving me crazy. Sometimes I don't know what to do. Trying to be online next week, but can't promise. Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but love you all! ❤️
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heroxwithxdreams · 19 days
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
Is there a reason why mosquitoes always know where to find me? Is my blood really that tasty?
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
🔆 glad to see you back on my dash :)
Don't know who this is, but I appreciate this so incredibly much! Sending you all the love and you don't know how important it is for me to hear. That's what I do it for! Thank you so much!! <3
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!! After all these years you are still here and I can’t wait to write with you again! BESTIE AND LOVE YOU SO SO SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! <3333333
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
Send me a “🔆” if you enjoy seeing me on your dash!
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
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'' Elise...I.... '' Liam couldn't find the words to say to her. It was true that his fiancé didn't know that Elise wasn't invited to the wedding and there were plenty of reasons why he didn't invite her. Although? For Liam it was the easiest way to avoid awkward situations, to keep his feelings for Elise hidden. Yes he still loved Elise very much, he couldn't deny that and for him it was hard to give certain feelings a place, not knowing how to deal with them. But now there she was, right in front of him, hearing that she knew him and that it was them against the world. It always was, but now he was about to marry someone else. And yes, he loved her very much too, but without thinking about it he found himself in increasingly difficult situations. '' It can't be, us, that can't be. You know it. I love her, why would I marry her? I don't want any problems at my wedding. Please... '' he said with a sigh, still not knowing what to say.
open to anyone.
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" she doesn't know , does she ? that i didn't receive an invite to your wedding, but you actually thought of inviting me. she doesn't know that i knew you by heart, that it used to be us against the world. "
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
Give this businessman and his daughter some angst, drama, everything!
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heroxwithxdreams · 20 days
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disappointment? it was more anger that went through his body when he was warned by his ex. ‘ you’re not the one who decides what i should do or not. ‘ Dylan said clear. ‘ if i want to drink until i’m drunk, i will do that. if i want to talk to every girl, then i will do that. don’t forget that you are the one who caused all the problems, so accept it. ‘ he said, shaking his head. ‘ you are nothing more than a jealous ex. ‘ he said angry, while he took another sip of his beer. but actually, this was not Dylan. no one knew him like this, but it hurted him so much.
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heroxwithxdreams · 21 days
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'' Do you even know what you caused, Wren? Do you know what's going on and who's responsible for this?'' Jack continued to look at her with a serious look, still leaning against the door of their daughter's room. Of course Jack knew how much Wren loved their daughter, that was obvious and he also had a lot of praise for the way she was doing as a mother. Because having a child with someone who has a difficult job at the FBI, someone who also works extremely hard, that's not easy. But something inside him was bringing out his anger. The accident on vacation was something he still couldn't understand. Maybe it was the thoughts that were going through his head, afraid of losing his child, but when it was his daughter, the protection was at its strongest, even if it had to be against her mother.
Hearing her say how sorry she was and how much she hoped she was in a coma instead of their daughter, he slowly shook his head. He had heard it from her many times, every day, and it was natural that she should be with her daughter, but that anger made him make certain decisions, but he had to do something. He looked down at the floor for a moment when she told him that they had to do this together, that she had as much right to be with their daughter as he did. '' Together? Get out of this together? I think it would be wise to first think about why you came up with this idiotic plan to take our daughter with you? Because I'm still waiting for an answer, Wren. I can't do anything with sorry, you did something, you knew the danger. What now? ''
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For weeks were Jack and his wife in the hospital. Their daughter was in a coma after an accident on holiday. They actually had to support  the most beautiful thing they had, but there were only discussions about what was best for  their daughter. Jack could not think logically and wanted that his wife   would not visit their daughter.   He saw her as guilty and now almost like an enemy. He did not want to get their daughter in danger and did not want any wrong people in her room, even her mother.  This was a totally different side of Jack, but it was the protective side.   He stood in front of the door of their daughter and tried to stop you for coming inside. “ Stay away from our daughter! You just  bring her in danger. It’s your fault that she is here in the hospital,  fighting for her life. If you had not been so stupid to take her with  you, then… ”  He said quite frustrated and very seriously.
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heroxwithxdreams · 21 days
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Colin tried everything he could to find out who Scarlett's stalker was. He saw a woman change in the period from the moment it started until the moment now, his best friend change. A woman who was scared every second of the day, not knowing who or what she could trust. Someone followed her and every time something happened he was there at the right moment. Was that a coincidence? But when he tried to find a lead or something in her environment he could not find anything and that frustrated him too. Colin knew that he was the only one Scarlett could still trust, by helping her in this and he did that with all the love he had for her. Even letting her live with him to be able to offer her that safety. And now? He had not even expected this, she was desperate, not knowing what to do anymore. And now a gun pointed at him, it made Colin scared. Yes she was his best friend, but in this situation everything was uncertain what could happen. Apparently she only saw 1 possible stalker and that was him.
Watching her hands shake, Colin seemed to realize that she didn't know what she was doing. How did she get the gun? Did she get it from someone or did she buy it somewhere? She had never told about a weapon before, that was clear. But he couldn't even think about it. And trying to get closer wasn't an option either, afraid of the consequences that would come or that she would make a wrong decision out of panic that would endanger his life. Hearing that she wasn't sure if he was innocent, he tried to look her in the eyes. Especially when she told him that others had told her that it might be him after all. '' Scar, try to stay calm. If you think logically, you know it's not me. How long have we known each other? '' he said very carefully. ''Who told you that it might be me?'' as he stood next to the bar but still fully concentrated on Scarlett with the gun.
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Busy behind the bar, Colin heard the door of his pub open. It was still closed, so he stood up in surprise and when he saw who it was, he saw someone whose eyes seemed to be looking at him like a magnet. '' Hey, are you okay? '' he said softly, but no answer. '' What is? '' But before he could walk over to her, he froze. A gun pointed at him, his heart beating faster. What was going on here? '' Put that gun down, you don't know what you're doing.'' he said completely shocked, not knowing what was going to happen. There she stood with shaking hands holding a gun pointed at him. His best friend, completely confused it seemed. Colin knew she had a stalker and every time something happened he was there. And despite his attempts to find out who it was, he still couldn't give the answer. Colin didn't know who was standing in front of him anymore, it had become a completely different person because of the fear, not being able to trust someone anymore and apparently she was now convinced that it was her own best friend. '' You know it's not me, put the gun down and we can talk. Trust me. ''
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heroxwithxdreams · 21 days
Answers will come tomorrow! Had a very busy day at work and I am really exhausted. Also because of the high temperatures here in Holland everything feels harder, so time to go to bed and then I will be back tomorrow afternoon. Have a good night everyone! <3
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heroxwithxdreams · 22 days
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Dylan knew how busy Lacey was with her group project that she had. Sometimes he couldn't believe that she was still working on it even at night. Despite the fact that he told her a few times that she also had to get enough rest and that she didn't have to do everything alone, that there were also more people in this group who could do something, she turned out to be stubborn. Her health was the most important thing to Dylan and sometimes he was afraid that it would also have a negative effect on their relationship, because she got tired quickly and also irritated. Of course he was also still studying to become a hotel manager and yes he couldn't deny that he was putting too much time into it, but if there was one thing he could park his studies for, it was Lacey. And tonight was again very telling about the situation she was in. Even when watching her favorite movie, she couldn't stay awake. And at first he thought it was a good thing that she was sleeping, of course it was a date night on the couch but the intention was that they would have some rest, but when he saw that she was having a nightmare he quickly woke her up.
Hearing her start talking about her project again, he slowly shook his head, sighed and still ran his hand through her hair. '' Something has to change, this can't go on like this.'' he said softly. Looking at how tired she was, not knowing what she was talking about or what she had been dreaming about, it seemed like this project was starting to take its toll on her. Dylan sat up straight, as he looked at her with a serious look and put his hand on her leg. '' Look at yourself, these people need to do more. You don't sleep, you don't drink or eat enough. You're only busy with this project! '' he said worryingly, but he was trying to make something clear to her even though he knew she was stubborn. '' Either something has to change, or I'm going to talk to them. I'm not going to let it happen that our relationship suffers because of it, because Lacey that's been going on. We just moved into our apartment together, you haven't even had a chance to really enjoy it here. Do you know what you're doing? '' he said again with a sigh.
Closed starter for @fullofhcart <3
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Concentrated looking at the movie Lacey had chosen, Dylan did not notice that she had fallen asleep. Normally he never watched such movies, but since Lacey wanted to watch it, he decided to accept it and apparently it was not the wrong choice of her. He said almost nothing, while he took a sip every minute of his glass of cola and was eating popcorn. It was an exciting movie and he almost started talking to himself about what was going to happen. When a quiet moment came in the movie and he paused the movie to get a drink for both of them, he saw how she had fallen asleep. Actually, a cautious smile should appear on his face as he watched his girlfriend fall asleep during the movie she had chosen. But instead of a smile, he looked shocked at her how she was shaking and saying words he could not hear well. She seemed to have landed in a nightmare, so he decided to wake her up. " Lacey! "He put his hands on her shoulders as he watched her wake up and look at him. Looking at how she started to play with her hair, (ALWAYS!) she did not seem to realize at first that he had noticed that she had a nightmare. As he sat close to her and put an arm around her, he looked worried at her. ''  Is everything alright with you, hun? It seemed like you had a nightmare. You said a lot of words that I could not understand well, you seemed very scared. " He said a little bit confused, because normally she never had a nightmare, at least, he had not seen it before.
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heroxwithxdreams · 22 days
Dean loved every second of them having sex in the shower, loved everything that happened between them. How they sat in the restaurant last night, just the two of them, music playing from a local band, candles on the table, as if they were going back to their first date. A perfect evening followed by a perfect night, despite the fact that Alisson wasn’t feeling well because she had eaten too much. But just the moment they went to bed together, without an alarm clock that would go off early in the morning because they had to go to work or because they had to take care of Charlie. Being tired and not having the chance to be there for each other. And then breakfast this morning, looking out over the beach and the sea, feeling the wind in their hair as the sun began to shine brighter and brighter. The sound of the seagulls flying overhead and a complete peace around them. This would be a perfect weekend and they had one more day and he wanted to use it to let his wife and the mother of his child enjoy, to show her how proud he was of her, to show her how much he loved her. And also this moment, how they went to the shower together, felt how the intimacy came up, without a certain thought of going for a second child. It felt different, very different and that made the moment more perfect. That made this weekend more and more complete.
He knew that Alisson had not been on the pill since they were trying for a second child together. Was she stubborn about that? Absolutely. It was the time that they both wanted a second child and of course he hoped that the moment would come, but as it went on and it started to have negative consequences for their marriage, they stopped trying and actually despite the fact that they said to each other that if it happens then it will happen, those thoughts had gone away from Dean faster than he thought. He was happy with what he had now, a wife and a child. A happy family and that was the most important thing to him. And that she was not on the pill, he could quickly accept that, because he thought that Alisson had also accepted that they were not specifically going for a second child and therefore also not on the pill.
Hearing the confirmation that she also found this perfect, this moment between the two, brought a big smile to Dean's face. Still recovering from his orgasm and the wonderful feeling he had, he shook his head when she told him that he was indeed an old man. '' Yes I know, thank you for the confirmation. I secretly hoped you would say that I was still young. '' he stuck out his tongue. '' But it's also nice to hear that my wife tells me that I still know how the game works. Maybe that says it all.'' he laughed as he gave her a little push with his hand against her shoulder. It was different, their behavior was different but he also noticed that he had changed in recent times. When he saw how it was, during the beginning of her pregnancy when they were almost separated from each other and sees how it is now. It felt like back then, the time they had met. Laughing with each other, teasing each other, sometimes like a bunch of little kids. He was honestly the happiest man on earth, everything about her was right, everything was perfect. He gave her a soft kiss on the lips when she told him she wanted to continue as 1 team. '' Yes, we were, we are and we will remain strong. No one can beat us, I promise you. For the rest of our lives.'' he whispered in her ear, while he had his head on her shoulder, feeling her arms around him.
'' Maybe we should do this more often before we go shopping, it's also good for our fitness. '' he said with a wink, as he let go of her. When he had done his hair and Alisson hers, he was the first to get out of the shower and grab a towel. Dean turned around and followed his wife's movements again. He couldn't help it, her body was like a magnet to him and he enjoyed every second he saw her. '' I still have to recover. You're still good.'' It didn't take long before they were both dressed. As he grabbed his watch that was on the nightstand, he saw a notification on his phone from the family app. A picture of Charlie together with Alisson's mother on their way to the zoo. His son's smile, the most beautiful thing there is. '' They're ready I see! '' he said a little louder, as he walked to the bathroom and showed the picture to Alisson. '' Our monkey '' he said laughing. '' This lady almost finished with her make-up? Your shop is waiting. That woman must be surprised when she sees you come in. Last time she couldn't stop talking to you. We'll pretend we have somewhere to be, then hopefully she'll stop talking. Ready to go? ''
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This moment between them felt like it had been an eternity. And Dean knew he wasn’t the only one thinking about it. They were so busy trying for a second child, that sex between their busy jobs was almost a necessity. It didn’t feel spontaneous anymore, it wasn’t the moment they both wanted it, but more like let’s try again and who knows, maybe this time it will work out and that was disrupting their marriage. Not at first when they decided to go for it together, because it was their biggest wish that they would have a second child. A little brother or sister for Charlie, that was the perfect dream. And how proud would that make Charlie when he would be the big brother who would protect his brother or sister, because Dean knew for sure. He was a mama’s boy, but he also had certain character traits of Dean that would make him a big brother. And actually it wasn’t that long ago that they stopped trying for a second child. In fact, at the moment that they had decided to end it because it would cause obstacles in their marriage and they wanted to avoid that, his mother came up with the idea that it would be a good idea to go to the beach house together, without Charlie. You couldn't have said it was a more perfect moment and Dean knew it. It was a certain pressure on their shoulders that they had and they had to get rid of it, as soon as possible. If Alisson got pregnant, then so be it. Then that would be great, but it shouldn't become a obstacle in their marriage anymore. And despite of Alisson, Dean had accepted it and his wish for a second child had actually been forgotten. He was happy with Charlie and if his son was also his only child, then that was no problem. But he didn't know that Alisson actually still had the great wish to have a second child. But whether it would ever happen, nobody knew.
A grin appeared on his face. The heat in his body rose to a peak. How good this felt, how familiar this felt. As if this moment made everything good that had happened between them in the past period. He didn't even notice that the water was still going over their bodies because his full concentration was on Alisson, looking deep into her eyes as he went faster and faster. Enjoying her moans, louder than expected. And normally someone would be able to hear them, but because it was in the beach house that was impossible. With his hands still around her waist, his lips pressing against hers, while he sometimes let go and heard her moans. '' Come on baby! '' he said breathing a little faster. Feeling her nails in his muscles and over his body at the moment she came. You would think he would feel it, but Alisson always did it with all the love, with all the respect for him, exactly what he would do for her. And actually her last moan caused a last feeling in his body and not much later his sperm flowed through her. He groaned softly, as he slowed down and enjoyed the moment. '' Wow…'' he said, searching for breath. '' This is…you…wow…'' he laughed softly, as he gave her a loving kiss. '' This makes everything okay, doesn't it? '' he nodded, as he slowly put her down on the ground with both feet. '' This was perfect. This old man can still do it, right? Your old man. Let this be the beginning, darling, without obstacles. No pressure on our shoulders, obligations. Without everything around us. Us, together with Charlie. As 1 team. '' And as he said that, he put his arms around her and his head on her shoulder. He would never let her go, he couldn't live without her in his life.
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heroxwithxdreams · 24 days
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