Caesar? i hardly know her!
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i haven't been on t*mblr in a HOT SEC but I thought yall might be horrified about what our prof was going to propose as our devised project until we told him that that was a bad idea for many reasons.
3 nb friends discover one of their brothers has been posting transphobic stuff online, they have 1 conversation with him, and the brother doxxes the California gender reveal parents....
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no more delancey brother apologists. society has progressed past the need for delancey brother apologists.
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time theft this thime theft that the REAL time theft is working in a room where all the clocks run slow
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quarantine memes have suddenly become a lot less funny- all talking about how terrifying and awful not having a haircut, or having to video chat, or whatever is, when people are dying- not just from covid, but from all the things that would be considered a tragedy during normal times, but not a word of it is appearing on social media. It could be because Nova Scotia isn’t in the US, or maybe because it was too rural- but this is too scary of an event not to see on social media
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my brain, flipping through a binder of cds: hmm and what shall serenade us this fine eve? ah, perhaps every note in rent that also belongs to amazing grace, two lines from mamma mia, lyrics from a song you dont remember the name of, Turkeys submission for Eurovision in 1991, and, lets see... of course! ducks
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Albert: when i was a kid, jack told me that the paper strip thats in the chocolate kisses were edible and i ate them with the chocolate for like a year
Race: they are!
Race: why would you fall for that again
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jack: ... and he promises that he won't raise prices for another 3 years- he'll even put that in writing-
Tumblr media
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Race: im bisexual so i can only be attracted to two things
Race: ive chosen cigars and fame
Jack: I’m bisexual so I can only be attracted to two things.
Jack: I’ve chosen sante fe and revolution.
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newsies and their physical affection styles
jack: wont initiate affection but leans into it- you touches his face and he kisses their palm. he falls asleep the moment someone touches his hair. a happy puppy and little spoon.
David: shy about contact, asks permission before everything, even after the 100th date. "can i hold your hand?" he definitely thinks about each request for a good 10 mins before asking, but once he has a hand or some lips hes fully committed to whatever hes doing
Katherine: reassuring and unconscious affection- someone holding your hand when you need it most. a hand on your back that doesnt need acknowledgement. a kiss on the cheek that is instinctual but needed.
Crutchie: enthusiastic kisses- on the cheek, on the forehead, wherever he can reach. sitting beside him means a head on your shoulder, or as much cuddling as the situation allows.
Race: not a pda person but makes affection a game- a kiss because their something on his lips and a hand squeeze no one notices. in private hes all about that physical contact- even if its just laying on top of one another
Romeo: cliché affection, a kiss on the cheek and an arm to walk you down the street. brushing hair out of your face and a kissing your hand like a gentleman.
Spot: protective affection, an arm around your shoulders or a kiss to claim his SO. Also likes lap sitting- whether hes the chair or on top. he needs to be big spoon.
Albert: not a big pda person either, he doesnt like to be touched so any form of contact is affection. a tap on the arm or ruffling your hair. often goes for throwing someone over his shoulder or play wrestling if youre alone.
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broke: "cant make a cake without breaking a few eggs" boring- assumes i know what eggs are
woke: "cant have a bubble bath without popping a few bubbles" exciting- reminds people that baths exist
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newsies au where every background newsie is named steve and anytime one of them is addressed all of them answer
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heres the link to the album- https://open.spotify.com/album/61uMfE9AvlA7pqBVs3tWmh
IT IS A MASTERPIECE! TBH it was better than A Band’s Visit, and yet this has 0 following on tumblr.
WHatt is it about you ask?
Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story is about you guessed it- a refugee love story. Two jewish romanian refugees come to canada in 1908, and the dude falls hard for the girl in line next to him- hes a 19 y/o baby who’s lost everything and shes a 23 y/o widow whos also lost everything. Meanwhile Ben Caplan yells at the audience about sex, refugees, traditions, and hypocrisy and is generally a magnanimous narrator. It’s HELLA relavent in case you couldn’t figure that out and also really catchy and really well done. I wrote a 2000 word essay on it when I only needed to write 500 words, so i guess you could say I’m a fan.
Just listen to it... you might cry
that said, they do discuss antisemitism, violence, and death (of small children specifically) so be smart but boy is it good and relevant and in the end, a happy story.
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i came back across this thought it said "monster fucker" and tbh would he be wrong?
Sprace Wedding
Jack, raising a glass: To my new son-in-law, I would say this- You have released me. This monster is yours now
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Newsies as weird things my grandmother has said
Jack: Everyone 30 years older than me is dead
David: On my first date with my ex-husband in 1958, he forgot his wallet and I had to pay for dinner. That should've been my first sign
Katherine: I was always told not to look into my family history because of the pirates
Crutchie: You know the man who spends all his time washing and fixing up that old car that he never drives? well the car blew up. No one knows why. And it would be absolutely hilarious if he hadn'tve parked it next to my damn car!
Race: Have fun! ... I would say be safe but those two things don't go together
Romeo: Hey kid, come here, let me give you some advice. Marry rich.
Spot: Back when I used to sell drugs we would robbed a lot, and we always just took a few xanax and went back to work. whenever the bank across the street got robbed they got the rest of the day off... pussies...
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life update: its winter break and i have a new bf who i like 300× more than the last one and heres a list of reasons why:
- we wake each other up for 8:30 ochem
- he has a really giggly laugh
- his hair is very poofy
- he cracks my back whenever i want
- he tells me when im being dumb
- he physically cannot be upset around me and immediately calms down and relaxes once im in the room
- anytime he wants something he says hes going to call the ceo of (noun) ie. "why cant it be snowing yet- im going to call the ceo of snow"
- he thought christmas was the 24th of December
- hes like a 6'4 puppy
- we keep arguing what "real people numbers" are- metric vs. imperial
- he can easily pick me up with one arm and does so on a regular basis
- his eyes are blue at the edges and fade their way into hazel
- he puts up with my musicals if i put up with the action movies
- he thinks all of my bad puns are hilarious
- he thinks toronto is a small city, but turkey is a large country area-wise
- hes genuinely curious and open to lbgtq stuff even though he comes from a pretty homophobic background
- hes always warm and puts up with me pressing my cold feet against his legs
- he thinks 5°C is cold
- hes a top tier city kid and it makes me laugh
- he corrects me on my pronunciations even though english is his second language
- he cares about his health and wellbeing
- he cares about my health and wellbeing
- hes secretly a theatre kid and not-so-secretly a huge nerd
- he loves his grandmother more than anything
- he lets me almost win when we wrestle
- hes got a nice butt
- he only teaches me turkish so i can swear at his friends
- he once spent 15 minutes trying to help a random drunk guy who was passed out on the sidewalk and his friends whilst blackout drunk himself
- he takes my earrings out when i fall asleep so they don't hurt me
- he likes to be little spoon
- he hates how much pressure guys like him have to be dominant and masculine
- he doesnt mind when i get lipstick all over his face
- he falls asleep faster in my bed than his own
- he thinks im hot no matter how im presenting
- my dog that normally hates men loves him as much as she loves me- and thats saying something
- he says what im thinking, or what im too afraid to say
- he acknowledges my intelligence
- he doesnt think he's as smart as he is
- he really wants to impress my parents- to a level ive never seen
- he thinks im a better driver than i am
- he trusts me
- he respects me even when he doesnt quite understand me
- he makes me a better person
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ppl really just be out here hating women for being people huh?
if you have opinions or care about anything youre crazy, and if you dont youre boring and have no personality.
ik ppl are going to fight me on this but like, just think about how we talk about women-
"i asked her where she wanted to eat and she didn't know! God, I can't make all the decisions/women can't make up their minds/whatever"
"She wanted to eat at _______! that place is so ______, she's so controlling/picky/stubborn!"
hmmm its almost like anytime women voice their opinions theyre critisized and you only want to hear them agree with your opinions.
and on top of that- women being passionate about something and having opinions on a topic- the other reaction is "oh thats cute", a total mitigation of the woman's opinions.
Its a losing battle, either youre crazy or youre boring- people dont like it when you agree with everything they say but they also dont like it when you have youre own opinions.
its all just an excuse to hate women huh?
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