hexora · 3 days
Curse of Aphrodite
A curse to cast sickness upon one who has wronged you. Use with caution. Please read my disclaimer before using.
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By Aphrodite’s grace, I call upon thee,
To bring upon sickness, as foul as can be.
With a whisper of wind and a touch of sea foam,
Illness shall descend, to make their heart moan.
Let fever rise, with chills and aches strong,
Till health flees their body, and days seem long.
By Aphrodite’s might, this curse I weave,
Till they seek forgiveness, and ailments leave.
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hexora · 4 days
Witchy Questions to Ask
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What drew you to witchcraft in the first place?
How do you define your personal witchcraft practice?
Can you share a memorable experience from your magical journey?
What are some essential tools or ingredients in your magical toolkit?
Do you have a favorite spell or ritual that you find particularly powerful?
How do you incorporate astrology into your witchcraft practice?
What role does divination play in your craft, if any?
How do you connect with nature and the elements in your magical work?
Are there specific deities or spirits that you work with in your practice?
How do you handle skepticism or misunderstandings about witchcraft in your life?
Do you have a favorite book or resource that has influenced your craft significantly?
How has your witchcraft practice evolved over time?
Can you share a favorite recipe for a magical potion or herbal infusion?
What role do crystals or gemstones play in your magical workings?
How do you celebrate the phases of the moon in your practice?
Have you ever participated in a group ritual or coven? How was the experience?
Do you have any favorite tarot or oracle decks? Why do you resonate with them?
How do you balance your magical practice with everyday responsibilities?
What advice would you give to someone just starting their witchcraft journey?
How do you cleanse and protect your space energetically?
Have you ever encountered any challenges or obstacles in your witchcraft journey?
What role does meditation or mindfulness play in your magical practice?
How do you incorporate folk magic or traditional practices into your craft?
Can you share a favorite folklore or myth that inspires your magical work?
What is your perspective on ethics and responsibility in witchcraft?
How do you navigate cultural appropriation in your magical practice?
Do you have a favorite season or Sabbat that you feel most connected to?
How do you use dreams or lucid dreaming in your magical work?
Have you ever had a synchronicity or meaningful coincidence related to your craft?
How do you stay inspired and motivated in your witchcraft journey?
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hexora · 26 days
I have the energy to clean my room
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hexora · 1 month
“but i need the newest apple product and i love pumpkin brew from starbucks and i can’t live without disney plus and im still gonna vote for biden because well he’s a democrat hes doing the best he can and it isn’t happening over here so what else do you want from me im burnt out” u r a failure
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hexora · 2 months
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my beauty evokes the most intense feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment. in fact my beauty is so inconceivable that everyone gets completely starstruck when they look in my direction. they can’t stop thinking about me for days, weeks, months even after years they still have reoccurring and random feelings of deja vu whenever they see something that even in the slightest reminds them of me.
when people look into my eyes they can see galaxies and stars, they feel the past, present and future all at once. the only word that can even in the slightest describe me is angel. because that is what i am - an angel. my heart made out of pure gold. i am kind, sweet and generous. i am the greatest gift that his ever has bestowed upon earth.
nothing and no one outshines me, that is scientifically not possible because i am the star that shines the brightest. that is why people can’t help but absolutely love and adore me, i am one of my kind and people just know that they will never even in the most ancient myths and legends hear of a more heavenly, alluring beauty.
although they already know it they will spend the rest of their lifetime feverishly searching for someone or something that is even slightly similar to my image. people would travel to the moon and back just to earn a single glance from me. just one glance and their heart will be happy for the rest of their life.
i am wise beyond not only my years but centuries and millennia’s. my knowledge and talent is infinite. i am musically inclined to say the least and in truth an absolute genius. my voice brings people to tears, it brings their mind to a choir of angels in heaven, they never have and never will hear a voice more beautiful and touching. there has not been one person since the dawn of time that has made a fraction of an impact as big on the world as i have.
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hexora · 3 months
What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.
What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.
Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.
1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.
2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.
3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.
I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™
Help Support a Native artist?
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/jnwampler
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/khanji
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hexora · 4 months
What your favorite morning drink says about you <3
Coffee (Black):
You're a no-nonsense, efficient person. The simplicity of black coffee reflects your straightforward and focused approach to life.
You likely value substance over style and appreciate the essence of things without unnecessary additions.
Your mornings are all about getting things done, and you don't let distractions stand in your way.
Latte with a Flavor Shot:
You enjoy the finer things in life and like to add a touch of luxury to your daily routine.
Your adventurous spirit is reflected in your willingness to try different flavor combinations, showcasing an open-minded and creative personality.
Treating yourself to a flavored latte is your way of making even the ordinary moments a bit extraordinary.
You're a go-getter who values efficiency and productivity. Espresso drinkers are often on a mission to tackle their day head-on.
Your fast-paced lifestyle requires a quick energy boost, and you appreciate the intensity and concentration that comes with a shot of espresso.
You're not afraid to take risks and savor the intensity of life's experiences.
Tea (Green):
Health-conscious and zen, you prioritize well-being in both body and mind.
Green tea is a symbol of balance, and you approach life with a calm demeanor, even in the face of challenges.
Your mornings are likely accompanied by a sense of mindfulness, and you appreciate the natural harmony found in a cup of green tea.
You're on a health kick and want to start your day with a burst of nutrients. Your mornings are dedicated to promoting your physical well-being.
Being active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important to you, and your choice of a smoothie reflects your commitment to fitness.
You're likely the type of person who sees mornings as an opportunity to nourish both body and soul.
Hot Chocolate:
You're young at heart and enjoy indulging in comfort. Hot chocolate drinkers find joy in the simple pleasures of life.
Your sweet tooth is satisfied in the morning, and you approach the day with a sense of warmth and coziness.
While you may be an adult with responsibilities, your morning ritual reminds you to embrace a bit of childlike joy.
Practical and health-conscious, you understand the importance of staying hydrated for overall well-being.
Your mornings start with a clear focus, and you approach each day with a rational and level-headed mindset.
You're not swayed by trends or unnecessary frills – your choice of water reflects a straightforward and practical approach to life.
Matcha Latte:
You're trendy and probably into wellness trends. Matcha lattes are often associated with a desire for holistic health.
Your choice reflects an appreciation for balance, both in flavor and lifestyle choices.
You may be drawn to mindfulness practices and seek harmony in all aspects of your life.
Orange Juice:
You're a classic and timeless individual. Orange juice is a staple, much like your enduring values and straightforward nature.
Your mornings are filled with simplicity, and you appreciate the timeless pleasure of a fresh glass of orange juice.
You likely approach life with a sense of reliability and authenticity.
Iced Coffee:
You're laid-back and adaptable. Iced coffee drinkers are often easygoing and flexible in their approach to life.
Your mornings are cool and refreshing, reflecting your ability to stay calm under pressure.
You appreciate the versatility of iced coffee – it's suitable for any situation and mirrors your adaptable personality.
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hexora · 4 months
oh my god no it's NOT okay that you do nothing all day it's NOT fine that your dishes are piled high and your hair is in depression mats it is NOT okay that you've alienated everyone who might have cared about you it is NOT okay that your diet is trash and your primary socialization is online and your primary literature intake is slash and your primary media intake is anime it's NOT OKAY you're addicted to cheap pleasure while you struggle with your whole being against acknowledging your problems while your spirit languishes within you
your positivity posts are ruining your lives!!
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hexora · 4 months
Support your local bakeries, libraries, beekeepers, diviners, and soapmakers. 
Especially if they’re witches. But also if they’re mundane. Keep your town alive, keep those economics flowing, and you’ll build not only great local businesses, but relationships with businesses that you can actually trust.
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hexora · 4 months
Healing Bath ❤️
Pampering myself today with a healing bath and thought I might share my process with you all ❤️
Epsom Salts - grounding, pain relief, magnesium boost, calming, clarity, and protection
Lavender Soap - love, peace, protection, and happiness
Apple Cider Vinegar (hair mask) - cleansing, hair growth, unblocking, feminine energy, divination, healing, love, and luck
Hot Water - stress relief, cleansing, healing, recovery, grounding, and divination
Ice Water (drinking) - focus, stillness, self defense, protection, purification, new opportunities
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hexora · 4 months
“My job interview goes perfectly”
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hexora · 4 months
Buying jewelry is a devotional act to Lady Aphrodite.
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hexora · 4 months
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Not too long ago I had an anon ask me how to fake it till she makes it in manifesting her luxury lifestyle. I gave a bit of advice (you should read that before finishing this) but I want to elaborate more on a certain aspect that is crucial to obtaining an ideal life: becoming your ideal self. That ask was focused on lifestyle, but what about the self glow-up? That’s where this guide comes in. I see a lot of guides where the OP tells you the type of woman you should become, and it’s usually based on their own idea of what is desirable. This is different. This is a barebones guide that requires you to think hard about yourself and what would satisfy you to live in your own skin. To no longer wish to be anyone else. To be the best version of YOU. Who is the the ideal woman you are aspiring to be?
Here’s how to start:
BUY the 12 Month Dream Girl Guide Planner here
Step 1: describe your dream girl and create a list of 12 essential qualities/skills she has. Things that are controllable by a person themselves, not reliant on another person or location. (Good: she drinks tea every day. Bad: her boyfriend makes tea for her every day)
Step 2: make a list of how you can acquire those qualities
Step 3: dedicate one quality to each month of the year and for every single day of that month, cultivate habits that will make those qualities now belong to you. 30 days is a great amount of time to build a habit that you can continue on with even after the target date has passed. It’s not too long to feel scary but it’s long enough to make really good progress. Plus you won’t feel overwhelmed about doing all of these new things at once. Just one quality at a time :)
Step 4: after 12 months, you will have dedicated 365 days to your own personal growth and transformation and will now emerge a brand new woman.
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To make this even easier on you, I will create an example using a mix of things that are about me.
My dream girl is: a beautiful and fit domestic goddess who speaks multiple foreign languages, plays instruments, is a wiz in the kitchen, and has a killer style
12 qualities to create her:
Takes expert care of her outward appearance
Eats healthy and works out every day
Speaks french
Speaks korean
Speaks spanish
Plays piano
Cooks a proper meal every day
Always dresses well no matter what
Keeps her home spic and span
Manages her emotions well to always be kind and composed to others instead of combative and volatile
Is a minimalist
Studies hard in school
(When you make your list of 12 qualities, don’t worry about making them perfectly correspond to a certain month just yet. First, just get them all written down and then you can rearrange it later. For the sake of this, let’s just pretend that mine are in a perfect order as is)
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January: takes expert care of her outward appearance
For January, I will spend 31 days focused on beauty. Every single morning and night I will do my skincare routine, a face mask, use my serums and exfoliants (when necessary), and make sure to apply sunscreen. I will get a skincare consultation if needed, I will schedule a dentist appointment or do at home teeth whitening treatments. I will take a bubble bath once a day and always make sure that I’m exfoliated. I will always make time to shave/wax/epilate/whatever and maintain manicured nails and eyebrows. My hair care will be completely on point because my hair will always be deep conditioned, well moisturized, and styled to perfection.
(Keep a log and make sure to do this every single day. You will now be in the habit of taking care of your external appearance and will be used to looking and feeling a certain way)
February: eats healthy and works out every day
For February, I will find a list of healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners and make sure to use them as my eating guide. I will watch my calories and eat foods that nourish my body. I will cut out sugary drinks and extra sweets and do a workout for at least 30 minutes every day. I will watch a lot of content on health and fitness to keep me on track and make sure that I know what I’m doing.
(Keep a log and make sure to do this every single day. You will now be in the habit of making and eating healthy foods, have a 30 day workout streak, and will have a new relationship with your health and fitness. Because you have successfully committed a whole month to this lifestyle, it will be easier to keep it going to reach your body goals)
March: speaks French
For March, I will study french every day for at least an hour. I will watch french movies and tv shows, learn grammar and memorize vocabulary. I will always keep my flashcards on an app and study them frequently so that I don’t forget anything. I will find a french language exchange partner online and talk to them everyday so they can correct my mistakes.
(Keep a log and make sure to do this every day. You will now be in the habit of studying a foreign language for a dedicated amount of time each and every day. This will get you to a strong start and make it much easier for you to continue learning the language as time moves forward)
November: is a minimalist
For November I will focus on living a minimalist lifestyle and being intentional with the items I allow into my space. I will go through my whole house and declutter all of the things that I don’t need. I will not buy things this month unless they are essentials to me and my growth. I will watch/read a lot of content on consumerism and try to understand why I own so many things. I will have a better relationship with my possessions and take better care of the things I own so that I won’t need to keep buying new ones.
(Keep a log and make sure to do this every day. You will form a better relationship with your possessions and learn to let go of unimportant things. This will build the habit of being mindful of the things you allow into your space and allowing you to make better buying choices in the future)
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You get the idea. So basically you will elaborate on each of the 12 qualities and make it very clear what your daily goals are for that month. The most important thing is to stick to it. You have to build the habit so that it becomes your new normal. This is how you acquire a new lifestyle and persona. You do it every day until it’s your default setting. You don’t call someone an a good student because they got an A one time, right? You call them a good student because they consistently demonstrate the actions that makes one a good student on a daily basis.
“But 2pretty! How can I stick to these things every day? What if I don’t feel like it sometimes?”
It’s all about discipline and consistency. Having your effort correspond to how badly you want something. Focusing on the big picture and sacrificing a little bit of comfort. Choosing to be your most excellent self rather than the easiness of staying the same. Growth is hard! But that’s what makes it worth it.
You all can sit here and read level up posts until you turn blue in the face but the fact of the matter is, The Ideal You can only emerge if you put in the work to become her. I believe in you.
I can’t wait to meet the new you in 12 months. See ya then.
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hexora · 4 months
⠀ 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
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hexora · 5 months
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hexora · 5 months
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Recently I went to one of my favorite museums of all times, the Muskegon Art Museum, and discovered this new bronze by UK artist, Beth Carter, Minotaur Reading. When people think of the myth of the Minotaur it’s almost always in context of his violence, his lust, his impossible body. Here all that is swept away with this monstrous form reading a small golden book. This made me crazy happy to see.
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hexora · 5 months
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cupid !! (they/them)
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