heysugarwantacoke · 2 years
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3H x Tumblr [50/?]
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heysugarwantacoke · 2 years
So as promised I have mustered the courage to send a request! I have Claude brain rot (which probably isnt a suprise to you) and have a lot of thoughts. Something I would love to get a fic for would be a Claude x Reader where reader is introduced to Judith and/or Nader and they make fun of Claude (and maybe reader?) a little bit! I love them WAY too much for them to be NPC’s lmao. I know those two can be hard to write for since there isn’t too much screen time for them (especially together), so if you want to decline this request I don’t mind sending a diffrent one. I hope you are having a lovely day!!
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER i hope you’re still here shy anon😭😭 and i hope you have a nice day too!!
first meeting
fire emblem: three house
claude x reader
warnings: none
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your footsteps echo in the empty ornate hallways. back and forth, back and forth. you can’t stop yourself from pacing as you listen to the muffled voices in the room next to you.
you had tried putting your ear up against it, but quickly felt nauseous after hearing your name. you almost stumbled over yourself from how fast you pulled away.
claude is definitely in there talking with judith and nader. two renowned fighters, both holding special talents for fighting and helping with the alliance. you have heard so much about them, it’s unbelievable that you have the opportunity to meet them.
it’s a great opportunity and you can’t mess it up because of a bit of nerves! this is an excellent time to gather tips to get stronger, yet you can’t even get over a stomach ache!
you sit down on a nearby bench with a sigh. why can’t claude just finish up already? it’s not like you’re telling them you’re dating. it’s just gonna be the hero of daphnel, a renowned general of almyra, the leader of the alliance and…then there’s you. your head buries in your hands
not to downplay your position, of course. you are one of claude’s best fighters of the alliance and one of his most trusted captains as well. but, putting yourself against all those titles… it just makes you nervous.
the door in front of you cracks open, claude peeking his head out. your head immediately shoots up to look at him. when his eyes meet yours, he grins and comes to sit down next to you. “you ready? i got them all warmed up for you.”
“took you long enough,” you scoff. your hand goes to hold his as you prepare yourself. they were some of his closest caretakers, so they’ve known claude for a while, to put it lightly.
claude seems to take notice of your troubles, squeezing your hand. “what? did you get yourself all worked up back here?” he raises an eyebrow with a smirk, which you choose to ignore. “come on, you’re gonna do great. they’re just a bunch of old geezers, alright? nothin’ to worry about.”
he keeps his hold on your hand as you both walk towards the room they’re in. his thumb smooths over the back of your hand as he tells you more words of encouragement.
judith and nader stand in the middle of the room, conversing with one another as you both walk in. judith is the first to notice you, as nardel’s back is facing towards you. she puts her hands on her hips with a smile, her eyes going back and forth from your face to your still intertwined hands. you can feel your cheeks burn from her intense stare. she’s much more intimidating in private.
nader only turns around when judith nods her head in your direction. when he turns, he just stares for a second before something in his mind clicks. a large toothy grin adorns his face as he walks over.
“so this is the great commander you’re always blabbering on about!” nader guffaws, clapping a hand on your back. the action would have sent you flying if you weren’t gripping claude’s hand. “finally! we get the opportunity to meet you.”
your face starts to heat up. why did he say ‘finally’? how longhad claude been talking about you? what does he even say? you glance over to your side only to see claude unfazed, sporting a proud smile even.
judith speaks up, making you move your attention onto her. “yes, it seems o’boy here sure wanted to take his time introducing us to his partner.” there’s a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach when she says that. partner really does sound nice.
but also, is this a partner introduction?! you thought this was a simple meeting to see where to go from here. you suppose this is a little informal for a meeting, but you thought ‘maybe it was special or something’.
before you can think on it more, claude makes a remark. “we are in the middle of a war. there’s not a lot of free time on our hands.” both nardel and judith roll their eyes in protest. even so, claude continues to smile, going so far as to stifle a chuckle.
“there’s always free time when it comes to love, kiddo.” general nardel lets out another laugh, clapping claude on the back this time. “besides, judith gets to see you two all the time!”
judith crosses her arms and scoffs, “if by all the time you mean on the field, we’re a little too busy fighting.” to that, nardel scoffs back and waves his hands back at her.
“don’t you have all this downtime at the monastery? i’ve been told you roam around with all this free time.”
“roam around?! last i checked, i’ve been doing more than you have-“
the two continue to argue right in front of you and claude. you’re partially glad their attention has been turned elsewhere, but another part of you is disheartened at how quickly things have, seemingly, turned for the worst.
claude gives your hand another squeeze before whispering in your ear, “don’t worry they do this all the time. give them a few seconds and they’ll remember you’re here.”
so, you wait a little, awkwardly holding each other’s hands. claude even asks you how your day went. but eventually, just as claude said, judith and nardel bring it to a close.
“can’t believe you’d act like this in front of such an esteemed guest,” judith clicks her tongue, making nardel mumble under his breath.
“anyway kid, it’s great to meet you,” nardel extends his hand out. when your hands meet, his grip almost cracks your hand, but you give a firm shake back.
“likewise. it’s an honor being in the room with people held in such high regard.” you also turn to judith and offer your hand, which she gladly accepts.
judith hums, “good manners on this one. make sure you treat them well, boy.”
“i like to think i do a pretty good job, miss judith. wouldn’t you agree, sunshine?” he winks at you while he asks. judith has to hold back a smile just watching the two of you.
you nod your head, looking only towards claude’s eyes. “i have to say i’m inclined to agree.”
“you two are disgusting,” nardel breaks through with a laugh that quickly breaks your moment. “sunshine, really?”
in your head, you’re kicking yourself. probably not the best of times to be showing affection. but you just can’t help it. claude is just too sweet.
“what can i say? my life seems a little bit brighter.” claude is so gross.
judith puts her hands on her hips and agrees. “don't get too over your head now boy.”
“you know i will. besides, i believe we’ve been off topic for far too long. let’s get on with the meeting, shall we?” everyone murmurs an agreement before sitting down at the table and getting to work.
planning takes up a good chunk of what was left of the day, everyone, except nardel, being thorough with everything. at the end of it, nardel stretches and rises from his chair.
“just as boring as i thought,” he says, “thanks for the reminder of why i skip these things.” judith smacks his side with a disapproving sigh.
she also rises to get off her seat “i’ll go get started on my rounds around the monastery. you two stay safe. and get some sleep, boy. i won’t ask again.” judith points a finger to claude’s chest before walking out the room.
“totally will!” he calls out, then turns to you and whispers, “totally won’t.”
nardel laughs before also pointing a finger at claude. “you better listen to her, kid. that last line didn’t sound so flexible.”
“yeah, yeah. now, get outta here. i’m sure your people are waiting for you,” claude sends him off as nardel leaves with a salute.
once nardel leaves, you let out a long sigh. you cover your eyes with the palm of your hands. “that wasn’t too bad. not bad at all”
“see, i told you they’d like you.” claude gives you a reassuring smile and rubs your shoulder.
you scoff, “as if you talking about me to them helped. what if i didn’t reach their expectations?”
“why worry about it? they already like you.”
the words sit in your brain as you think them over. they already like you. during that meeting, nader was always whispering jokes to you and judith highly valued your opinion.
you hum, intertwining your fingers with his, “i suppose you’re right.”
“of course i’m right.” he places a little kiss on your cheek. “as if anyone who matters would hate you.”
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heysugarwantacoke · 2 years
skate date
genshin impact
thoma, xiao, venti, ganyu
modern au??? sure
warnings: none
sorry about that long ass absence,,, you know finals and draining mental health and all that lol. anyway, enjoy these skating headcanons (defo wrote thomas before he came out, if you want to know how long ive had this drafted💀)
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would be absolutely so excited when you say yes to going roller skating with him. he knows this really chill place with barely any people so it’s just gonna be him, you, some neon lights and hella cool jams.
the only problem is, he has no idea how to skate. poor boy can’t even make the transition from the carpet to the skating rink. he has to sit down and stand up that way, or ask you to help him down (which he definitely doesn’t mind, a nice excuse to be all touchy feely~).
he’s a mess on the skate floor, shuffling and falling on his butt every two seconds. but he always plays it off as “i’m just getting the hang of it!”
eventually, he just asks you to teach him, so he doesn’t have to keep watching you skate laps around him. thoma CLUTCHES onto you while he’s learning. while he’s not afraid of falling, he is scared of bringing you down with him. and he’s also always welcome to hug, whether is purposeful or not.
after a while, he does get the hang out of it. “i’m practically a natural, right? haha, i’m just kidding! don’t look at me like that!”
thoma also asks you to race him a few times, which he also tends to lose to at. then, he’ll pout and ask you to do it again.
“alright, but this time loser has to buy us drinks! i’ve got a good feeling about this one!” he did not, in fact, have a good feeling about this one.
but, he wasn’t complaining because that means he gets to get you two a cute little drink with two straws to share <3
the night tends to go on pretty chill, thoma suggesting to hold hands while skating. so, with slow jams on and the two of you skating hand in hand, he’d like to call this a pretty successful date!
it’s winter time. the snow is falling, people are getting together again, and the sweet smell of peppermint hangs in the air.
couples all over the place were doing the CUTEST things. going to light shows, drinking hot cocoa near the fireplace, ice skating, you saw it all.
you thought to yourself, you know what would be a good idea? forcing asking your darling boyfriend to go on a winter date with you?
when you ask the question, you were very surprised when xiao actually said yes. he’s not the type to be very showy when it came to your relationship, even in private. but you definitely aren’t complaining!
much to your distaste, the ice rink was really busy. you actually had to wait until a few other people left so that it wasn’t too crowded. while you were pouting on the benches, xiao quietly turned your attention to one of the dessert stands.
so, the two of you shuffle over there, ordering plenty of lovely deserts to pass the time. you both order your favorites and watch as the skaters go on. you elbow xiao and point at some of the couples skating and passing by, saying “that’ll be us soon!”
it was, in fact, not soon. your wait wasn’t over until maybe an hour before they finally let the two of you skate. and you did not waste any time.
immediately after putting your skates on, you drag xiao over to the ice rink and held onto him with both hands. you spun him and glided with him all around the rink.
xiao was mostly embarrassed of how tightly you were holding onto him, but didn’t mind after a while. after all, you looked so excited to be able to skate with him that he didn’t want to ruin it.
he even pulled out some moves his own, spinning and twirling while holding onto you. it almost made you dizzy, but you weren’t complaining that xiao was finally getting into it.
after exhausting yourself out on the ice, you both found a nice bench to sit on, holding hands and watching the night sky. you even used the excuse of cold weather to snuggle into him, which made him hot enough for the both of you.
venti was the first to ask if you wanted to go skating. at one of his little gigs, he was at a super cute skating rink that he thought looked pretty fun. there’s even a little arcade area to the side!
he quickly led you both inside, making sure to get the right sized skates and everything, before going out to the skate floor. venti doesn’t leave your side for a bit, holding your hand while zooming around in circles.
to your surprise, venti was actually pretty fast when he’s skating. he had only brought up the fact that he was good at skating until he had gone to ask you to go with him, so you were a bit skeptical. but when the two of you got there, venti had actually lapped you the first time before coming back to stay by your side.
venti’s a bit clingy, hanging onto your sleeve and tightly interlocking your fingers together. he also loves pointing out the other skaters on the floor or coaxing you to sing along to the music playing above.
venti often asks what songs you would like to hear before going off to tip the dj. surprisingly, venti did know him from one of his gigs. and while the dj did give venti a bit of a hard time, most of the songs played were suggested by you and venti.
after skating for what felt like forever, you both go over to the arcade area. they had a few cabinet games that you just had to try. so, you exchange some money for tokens and immediately got to work.
there was a racing game with a motorcycle that venti almost fell off of trying to ride it with you, a pinball machine you almost wanted to kick, and a maze game neither of you could figure out. there was definitely a lot of do despite the small room!
you both nearly ran out of money with how many tries you guys took to get yourselves on every leader board. some having cute mixes of you and venti’s initials or really inappropriate names on there. it was all in good fun and you couldn’t possibly contain the laughter from all the little names on there.
at the end of the day, venti drove you home and was singing the whole ride back. every song you put on, he knew instantly and was already singing to you and all the other late night drivers.
when you got back to your house, he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before riding off into the night, a giggle following him the whole way off.
there weren’t too many times where you would be able to go on a date with miss busy bee ganyu. she would either be too wrapped up in her paperwork or in a deep sleep on top of her desk. of course, you would come visit her with snacks and blankets, but sometimes it didn’t feel like enough.
so, you pulled a few strings (begging a few of her coworkers) to get her work done and quickly went to convince ganyu to come ice skating with you. it can take a bit of convincing to pull ganyu away from her work for anything, so you had a few notecards filled with points to try and coax her to agree.
convincing her took a lot more than you thought, ganyu constantly worrying about if her work could handle her being gone for a day. after a few work phone calls and a whole bunch of “please!”, she finally accepted. you almost jumped with glee when she said yes, but settled with a nice kiss to the cheek instead. the blush on her cheeks and the lovely smile afterwards only made your day better.
the day you two decided to go skating was, surprisingly, pretty empty. but, neither of you were complaining. immediately, you both started putting on your skates.
ganyu was pretty nervous while fumbling around with her skates. she just kept thinking about work. you know she can’t help it, so you just took a hold of her hand and tried to reassure her.
you were surprised to see ganyu skate so well on the ice. only a few stumbles here and there, but other than that, she looked amazing. you would take your hand and she’d lead you around the rink, spinning you and herself while making the rounds. ganyu was practically skating circles around you, but you didn’t mind watching.
the matching gloves you share did a very good job of keeping you warm. you knew the ice rink was going to be cold, but you didn’t know it would be this bad. even ganyu’s face was turning red.
to keep her warm, you’d pull her over to the side and cup her cheeks, watching as they turn even more red. honestly, just her getting flustered heats up the whole room. you fear the ice may melt.
after skating for who knows how long, you both went off to the side and took off your skates. sitting side by side, the two of you held hands decided to people watch before heading home.
other than the expected coldness of the ice rink, the date went pretty well! even if right afterwards, ganyu immediately got back to busying herself.
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
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warm-clothes minato commission for @bluevelvet-room! thank you for always giving me cute prompts :’)
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
Could you do cuddly itto headcanons with a male s/o? I love that man so much.
as you can tell from my entire theme change to match my itto pfp, i am in the same boat as you.
itto cuddles
genshin impact
itto x reader headcanons
warnings: none
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itto LOVES cuddling. he’ll do it with you whenever he has the chance. just lost an onikabuto fight? cuddling with you. won a ramen eating contest? cuddling with you. just generally feeling bored? you already know.
and he will PROUDLY announce it to his gang. “nah, can’t roast melons today. gonna cuddle with my lil sunshine.” or “oh yeah, i’m just gonna hang out with you know who today.”
whenever itto’s slacking off and you’re with him, he’ll just pat his chest and go “wanna join?” with his arms splayed out in your direction. and when you’re not with him, he’ll go out looking for you. but if you’re busy, you’ll usually come back to find him snoring away, laying on his back and waiting for you.
itto loves being big spoon for sure. or at the very least holding you. wrapping his arms around your waist while you sleep ever so peacefully, pressing your head up against his chest. his favorite thing ever is feeling your heartbeats sync up together. he couldn’t ask for a better moment.
he doesn’t mind being little spoon, though. it’s really funny watching you squish your face into his chest or feeling you squish into his back just to wrap your arms around him. he gets all warm and fuzzy, he can’t help but press kisses into your face before also wrapping his arms around you.
he’s definitely the clingy type and he’ll keep you right by his side until, honestly, who knows when. not you and definitely not itto. he just holds you there with him, begging you not to leave until it’s absolutely necessary for either of you to get up. he’ll also just straight up roll on top of you and pretend to fall asleep just to get you to get you stay.
don’t EVER wake up before itto. it’s terrifying. he most definitely sleeps with his open and they’re all rolled to the back of his head (if you’ve seen saiki k its like how nendo sleeps when they were on that trip to okinawa). when you told him about it afterwards he felt so bad, but he absolutely does not know how to stop it.
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
genshin impact
ajax x reader
soulmate au
word count: 1.5k
warning: a lot of mentions of scars
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everyone was worried about you. about your scars. you would hear all kinds of whispers. “their soulmate must be dangerous.” “will they be okay? their soulmate sounds like a trouble maker.” “if they’re soulmates, does that mean they’re trouble too?”
it was exhausting. everywhere you went it was pitiful looks from strangers, random people coming up to you and telling you it’ll be okay. it was sickening.
the scars never stopped showing up either. it seemed as though every morning you’d wake up and when you went to bed, a bigger one would make home deep in your skin.
so, you became an adventurer and gave those scars your own story. whenever people would come up to you with the same sentiments, you would just simply tell them. the scar came from a hilichurl or a ruin grader, maybe even a lawachurl. lies spewed from your lips every second and your stories only got bigger and almost unbelievable. every person who heard would be in awe.
of course, you got your own scars in due time. but they weren’t as big as the ones from your soulmate. they weren’t as fun to tell stories of. usually, they’d come from some hilichurls that got too close or treasure hoarders that were a bit too feisty. so, you kept using the scars gained from your soulmate and you kept telling bigger, more jaw dropping stories.
bar nights were even better. everyone too drunk to even think about second guessing, but not too drunk to lose interest. their eyes were locked on you from the moment you said monster.
there was one bar in particular that you always frequented. you had everyone memorized until a new patron came to visit. ginger hair, slack face, only seemed to be focused on drinking. he seemed to be as full of scars as you were.
you noticed he was a fatui harbinger from the mask. it was the first thing you noticed, honestly. made you want to tell the story of your biggest scar to boot.
“and there i was, facing five lectors that were crawling straight out of the hell we call the abyss with nothing but a chipped sword and my fists.” the table shook beneath you as you gathered every patron who cared around for another story. your eyes would glance back from the harbinger to the awestruck bar goers in front of you, watching for any type of reaction.
you told the story of how you fended off those abyss lectors, your gestures getting bigger and bigger until you finally caught his eye. and when you were finished, all you could hear from the crowd was “show us the scar.”
all you did was sit back, shaking your head. “no, no. you guys don’t really want that, do you?” you stifled a laugh, watching them all beg to see it. you’ve heard this all before, of course, but that doesn’t mean you ever tire of it.
what really came as a surprise was the sound of heavy footsteps making their way towards where you sat. “i, for one, would love to see this abyss lector scar,” the harbinger said, standing tall before you. “you must be quite the admiral fighter. so, come on then. let’s see this scar of yours.”
his smile was bright, full of curiosity and wonder. but his eyes told a different story. it was full of darkness. like staring into the abyss and it was the only thing you could see in them.
so, you showed him. a large, deep scar that ran right across your lower back. from when the final abyss mage struck, according to your tall tales. your head swelled from all the ooo’s and ahh’s. but, the harbinger seemed to be the most impressed out of all of them.
“fascinating.” you could barely hear the word under his breath. he quickly crossed your table to lean in close. “tartaglia, eleventh of the fatui harbingers. i can tell we’ll become good friends.”
you couldn’t help but think of how much of a weirdo this guy is. but, you decided to humor him. “what makes you say that, stranger?” his smile grew at the sound of that.
“because we share the same scar.” he lifted up his own shirt and turned around for everyone to see. your jaw would have dropped if you didn’t catch yourself. all you could think was ‘no way is this guy my soulmate.’
it seemed like everyone else had their own opinion to share, too. whispers flooded in quickly around you. “soulmates? with a harbinger?” “a harbinger? but they’re so dangerous.” “so then, who was the one that got the scars?”
“nice meeting you, soulmate. and if your stories are as you say,” he laughs, watching you try and keep your composure, “i’m sure it’s meant to be. just as the universe foretold.”
you had to avoid him at all costs. obviously, a member of the adventurer’s guild wouldn’t be able to best a fatui harbinger. and if the scars that you shared with him had anything to tell about him, it’s that he’s experienced a lot more than you have.
but it was all so exciting at the same time.
your soulmate was a harbinger. your soulmate’s scars were huge. your soulmate wanted to fight you. this could finally be the moment you get a scar just as big as his yourself. and if the small chance that you win were to come true, this story would shake the entire village.
“you’re on.” the words slipped from your mouth before you even realized you were talking. your heart was racing, but you refused to shy away. “name a time and place.” the bargoers ‘ooo’ing was more than enough to solidify your answer.
“ohoho, i quite like your spirit.” with a grin, he continued to tell you of a field near the town that you’re very familiar with. you told him you’d meet him there at noon tomorrow.
and that’s exactly where you were the next day. you saw some of the barfolk on the way there. they all said something along the lines of “we wanted to watch one of our very own kick a harbinger’s ass!” or how they were waiting to see your ass get kicked. it didn’t dishearten you, though. he was a harbinger after all. the outcome wasn’t hard to predict.
when you got to the field, tartaglia was already there. he was sitting next to a tree, getting his weapons together. you thought it was a bit unfair he gets to use two weapons, but there weren’t really rules to this whole ordeal.
“hello, harbinger,” you greeted, catching his eye immediately. he plastered a grin on his face and got up to shake your hand.
his grip on your hand was strong as he firmly shook it. “afternoon, comrade! i was beginning to get bored.” he leaned in close, his grip almost crushing your hand, “i almost thought you’d run out on me.” you bit your tongue and waited for him to let go.
“i would never,” you said through gritted teeth. thankfully, he let go, allowing you to shake the pain off. “let’s get this over with already.”
the battle didn’t last long. he was quite relentless with his attacks, but you stayed up a lot longer than you thought. you were both trying hard to catch your breath while you were on your back and he had his daggers on either side of your head.
then, his sudden laugh caught you off guard. “despite being just an adventurer, you put up a good fight,” tartaglia huffed.
“thought i almost had you there,” you joked between breaths, which in turn made tartaglia laugh as well. he takes his daggers out of the ground, resting on your lap.
“i look forward to sparring with you more in the future…soulmate.”
after long days of work, you lay comfortably on his lap, your head resting on his leg. ajax listens ever so carefully while you recount your day before you ask how his went. he’d say something cheesy like “better now that i’m here with you,” but the sound of it always leaves your heart aflutter.
the two of you would stay like this until one of you falls asleep. his thumb slides over all of the scars that have healed over time. a smile always graces his face, genuine happiness shines through it. you never tire of watching the light in his eyes grow brighter whenever he sees your face.
“tell me how we got this one again, my light.” his thumb smoothes over a small one at the crook of your neck. “it sounds better when you tell it,” he insists.
ajax’s eyes never leave you, shifting constantly from your eyes to your lips to the very same scar you’re talking about. his thumb outlines your features as you tell of the great battle between the two of you and the hilichurls. you relish in the feeling of his rumbling chest whenever he nods and hums.
his fingers would dance along your skin, asking where’d we get this one. he never cared about who actually got it or how, he just loved listening to your voice. and that’s something that will never change between the two of you.
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
oops before i forget happy new years everyone!!
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
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cozy little book adventure ft. holiday  ✨📚🎄 - a secret santa gift on twitter! 
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
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howlbedo with black hair~🏵️
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
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they all have two hands, but raphael also has two big ol’ arms to hug bernie and ignatz with. 💜💛💚
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heysugarwantacoke · 3 years
hi there ! could you do a sebastian x (male) reader please ? like when the reader tries to hide the fact that theyre sick and refuses to rest since they wanna spend time with seb more ? you write rlly good so i thought id ask for one since like sebby my beloved
thank you so much! sebastian will always have my heart <3 i did make this gender neutral, but i really only mentioned like a gendered term i guess once so i hope that doesnt bother you! anyways i hope you enjoy!
sick s/o
stardew valley
sebastian headcanons
warnings: none
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it wouldn’t take long for sebastian to notice you were sick. as soon as he hears you sniffle multiple times in a row, it’s over. he’s already holding the back of his hand to your forehead and asking if you’re sick.
he would send you home SO fast. of course, he’d be right alongside you because, obviously, only the best boyfriends take care of their partners when they’re sick. sebastian would refuse to leave your side until you’re feeling better. he’d make you soup and make you drink lots of water. he would also make you a whole bunch of herbal teas he got from robin or caroline.
doing the farm work would always be something he would attempt to do. it’s not like he’s an expert on it, unless you wanted to count his experience in his farm simulators and comics. but, that was about him. your favorite pastime while you’re sick is always watching sebastian try to feed your goat and end up getting bite marks from it. or that one time he tried refilling his watering can and he just fell into your pond. after you got better, the first thing you did was install a well.
while you’re favorite part was the farm work, sebastian’s favorite was getting to read his comics to you while you were bedridden. since you couldn’t go anyway, he’d gush and dump all of his favorite series on you. bonus points if you’ve read them already or don’t really care about spoilers because then he REALLY gets to go in-depth with them. and in return, he’ll happily listen to any hobbies you may be dying to talk about.
minimal physical contact when you’re sick, though. sebastian would go the extra mile to avoid touching you, like leaving the plate of food on your dresser and sleeping on the couch. even putting a piece a paper up to his lips when you ask for a kiss goodnight, just to watch you get all pouty. which he’d only respond with “you shouldn’t have gotten sick, then” while he goes off to make more soup.
even after you get better, he always sticks around for at least a week, just to stick around. he always makes excuses like “what if you’re still sick” or “what if i get sick and you have to take care of me?” but really, it’s just to hang out with you for longer (and have an excuse that his mom would accept to be a homebody).
it’s always a shock that sebastian never gets sicks after staying with you for so long. you would think he has a weak immune system, but him getting sick from you has rarely happened. but, he always calls his mom and coughs a few times and says he needs to “protect the immune systems of everyone else” by staying with you. which the two of you just end up playing video games and reading more comics together.
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