hicetubiquee · 1 year
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rural gothic
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
sometimes i read my older writing and think to myself ‘wow i could write pretty well for a sixteen year old’ and sometimes i read my older writing and think to myself ‘wow i sure was sixteen when i wrote this’
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Antigone in front of dead Polynices (1865) by Nikiforos Lytras (1832 – June 13, 1904). His earlier work was inspired by Greek mythology and history to a great extent before he turned to portraits and scenes of everyday life, which he is most known for.
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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“The Secret School” (1885-1886) by Nikolaos Gyzis (1842-1901)
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
i'm going to scarborough fair do you guys need anything
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
when fiona apple said "go out and sit on the lawn and do nothing, 'cause it's just what you must do, nobody does it anymore" she was definitely up to something
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Some lovely ladies, painted by artist Thalia Flora - Karavia (1871-1960). She was one of the most important representatives of the impressionism movement in Greece, and her full work is yet to be recorded since she is said to have created more than 2.500 artworks, including oil paintings, sketches and watercolours.
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Interior of the church of Saint Sulpice, Paris
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Small interior with burning candles   -    Laurits Andersen’L.A’ Ring , 1898.
Danish, 1854-1933
Oil on canvas,  40.0  x 29.0 cm.
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Still Life with Books, Jan Davidsz. de Heem, 1625 - 1630 (detail)
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
i must admit lying around in my bed all day is not very carpe deim of me
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
That is my old life. This is my new one. My newest one. This one feels different—more permanent.
– Rick Bass, from “Fiber,” The Lives of Rocks: Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 2006)
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
online university is just *hyperaware of how itchy I am in a zoom meeting* *opens an email and forgets to respond to it* *lack of focus* *lack of focus* *lack of focus* *headache from staring at a screen all day* *constantly snacking* *fantasizes about dropping out* *zero motivation because you need tangible in-person class time to feel like you’re in a course and right now this just feels made up* *misses campus* *loathing* *frequent bathroom breaks* *frustration bc my brain doesn’t like digital readings* *romanticizes last fall semester* *timing when to join the zoom class so you aren’t the only one in there with the prof but you aren’t too late* *cheats on quiz* *NaViGaTiNg UnCeRtAiN TiMeS*
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Villa Farnese, Italy
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hicetubiquee · 3 years
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Library of Rolduc, Netherlands
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