Progression Update: We're getting there!
we're sorry for leaving this blog on read for a little bit, but when 3 adults have life trying to fistfight them it prevents work from being done sometimes...
But we're back to it now! Things are still in the works before the fic actually starts, but we just wanted to update everyone on the progress so far.
What we have done as of right now are: the players, their starting lives, a way to keep track of lives, most of the game rules and features, and a couple other minimal details
What we're currently working on right now are: important worldbuilding details, the setting (we're basing it off an actual minecraft seed, which may end up being released at the end of the interactive fic), and the major "plot points"
once those are finished (and they will be in the future), the show will be on the road! thank you for being patient everyone, we can't wait to start
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If y'all saw a reblog... I'm so sorry. I didn't check before I reblogged smth SOBS
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“Where did you lot come from?! Make yourselves comfortable, I suppose!”
Thank you for showing interest in our little interactive project! We can’t wait to show you what else we have in store...but other than that, here’s a treat for you!
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"So. Pheme, Pandora, how do you two like how everything's set up so far? All we have left to do is pull in the players, and then we can begin."
“It’s already time..? That’s ridiculous, it feels like just yesterday we watched Xelqua send them home!”
"Oh, but it is simply so boring to just Watch. He was right about that, it is far more entertaining to… intervene, than to just observe."
"Be careful, Pandora, you make it sound like you want to be a player too. And, well… you Saw how that played out."
"Oh, no. That's too much for me, obviously! I do pity that we cannot interfere more, however..."
“I mean, there’s no harm in a little interference here and there! Say Argus, since you know so much, Xelqua has definitely broken their own rules — hasn’t he?”
"Oh, he definitely broke the first rule when he decided to Play instead of Watch, but other than that? I'm not sure, honestly. Sometimes I do wonder, though, if he's done more than we think he has."
"He gets attached, rather easily, even. That is quite unbecoming of Watchers, but I imagine it happens when you find yourself thrust into those tensions."
“Definitely. Have you seen the way he looks at that Scar of his? Oh, he’s so smitten! He would burn down the world for him then murder him senseless!”
"And he has."
"I will admit, that's one of the reasons I'm so excited to Watch this play out. But I'm also curious about the others and what they'd do. This is the first time all seventeen of them are going to be in one game, after all."
"Oh, the stories will be amazing! I cannot wait to see what happens to Jimmy this round, his death always seems to bring a big ruckus with it!"
"Poor Jimmy, first out all three times so far. I wonder if his supposed curse will prevail even here?"
“I’d hope to see him finally witness another’s death!”
"Ah, but it's so much fun to watch the chaos unfold after him! Canaries in their coal mines, and all. Regardless, these games will be quite the spectacle!"
"I definitely agree with you on that, Pandora; I can't wait to see what ends up happening."
“As much as it is in our hands, it really isn’t. It’s not just us, right, Argus? Pandora?”
"True. There's more that will be intervening soon, and their numbers are only growing."
“I was surprised by such a response! Do you think they have the same goals as us?”
"Oh, unlikely. There's so many, I'm certain there are some conflicting interests!"
"I agree! But we'll just have to wait and see to test that hypothesis…"
Argus: the guardian
Pandora: the curious
Pheme: the rumor
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Well hello there...
This is the introduction of the delightful world We have crafted for you all! Hello and welcome!
As stated by the blog description, this blog is actually an interactive life series story! What this means is that you, the reader, will get to decide all the player's fates in a series of polls.
But what game will the players be playing, you ask? Well, allow me to introduce...
"Which Life?"
Quite unlike all the other life games, "Which Life?" has a premise that shakes the life series down to its very core: nobody knows what life they're on. Not the players, and not you, dear reader! Death messages are also disabled, and the tablist doesn't show if someone's a spectator (ghost) or not.
On top of that, there will be a life-trading system like Last Life, and special occurrences that happen every time a player makes a kill.
Interesting, right? (We certainly hope so)
Anyways, there are going to be 17 players total, are they are as followed:
And as this post is being typed, these 17 players have already their number of initial lives chosen.
Oh, wait, you didn't know? An honest mistake, sorry: Everyone starts with a randomized number of lives. It could be as low as 2 or as high as 5, but nobody knows how many lives anyone has except for the three Watchers pulling the strings behind the scenes of this game (who will be introduced later, in a separate post)
Now, in order for this fic to work, there will have to be people voting in the upcoming polls. Your answers will be incorporated into the futures of these players. If nobody votes, then you will change nothing.
That being said, the Watchers are begging for people interested in this premise to reblog this post, so that more people can see it and follow it as they please. They want to show everyone a spectacle, but that can't happen if nobody has their eyes open.
So, what do you say?
(P.S. official release date is currently unknown as things are still being ironed out, this post is mainly to spread awareness and hopefully hype)
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