himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Ted plans an overly elaborate schedule of events for his and Lily's road trip to Farhampton.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Barney tells Ted about the origin of the Bro Code, when Broses showed the tablets containing the Bro Code to the assembled masses.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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The visor was originally worn by Ted. But when Ted realizes that Barney started his wedding poker game without him and then sees that Billy Zabka is now wearing the visor, Ted realizes Barney is angry at him.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Infuriated that Ted never gave them a wedding present, Marshall once dressed as a wedding present for Halloween as a passive aggressive way to get Ted to realize his mistake.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Infuriated that Marshall and Lily never sent him a thank you note for his wedding present to them, Ted once dressed as a thank-you note for Halloween as a passive aggressive way to get Marshall to realize his mistake.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Marshall is greatly amused when he sees this mug while stopping in at Ted's childhood home on his drive from Minnesota to Farhampton.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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The Canadian Package includes a mug from Robin's bedside, kept on a warmer with maple syrup in it.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Barney uses these on Lily in a bar scene in Season 9. 
Dave Baker (Property Master): “Another expensive prop we had to make in a short time frame. Our producer Chris Harris wrote the episode with these in it, and he really wanted people to think that Barney could have had a ‘guy’ who could have possibly made these for him. So we showed Chris a few prototype drawings and what you see is the final result. It has two working red lights that can flash or stay solid. It also has a blue light that emits from the goggle area. Fun stuff!
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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A very pregnant Lily decides to get out ahead of the jokes on Halloween in 2018 and dresses as a white whale.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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It's in this potted daisy that the gang discovers the pregnancy test Lily took in the Captain's bathroom.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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These campaign buttons are seen in a flash forward to 2020, when Marshall runs for New York State Supreme Court.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Completely and utterly drunk, Barney finds two shlubs, teaches them how to live, and hand-writes a copy of the Playbook for them on some cocktail napkins before disappearing from their life forever.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Ted wants so badly to play piano at Barney and Robin's rehearsal dinner that he's willing to dress up like Liberace to do so. 
Reiko Kurumada (Costume Designer): “That happened so quickly. Everyone kept changing their mind about their vision for it. We had a wonderful seamstress make that costume. We went to garment district and bought all the fabric and jewels and sequins, and we sketched out what we wanted it to look like. We couldn’t even do a fitting with Josh because he was out of town. So we took one of his suits and measured it to that. So the first time he wore it was when we were ready to shoot it for the show.”
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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This figurine sits on the desk in the security office where Barney and Robin are being detained. It piques Barney's curiosity all episode, until he presses the button on it, revealing Robin's surprise rehearsal dinner on ice.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Barney's investigation of who Robin might have stalked in her younger days eventually leads him to this VHS of Robin Sparkle's "Behind the Music"-esque expose on Canada's music channel, Much Music.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Ted fills this out, initially saying he's going to bring Jeanette, before realizing how insane she truly is.
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himymdvdboxedset · 10 years
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Robin has saved this locket since childhood, intending to make it her "something old" at her wedding.
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