historys-forgotten · 3 years
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|| today on “X has chronic AU hell brain”
Motonari from the samurai warriors series, but he’s an ogma
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
They saw the outsider earlier, surrounded by the people of it’s land. Arceus wasn’t surprised that she weren’t picked out from the crowd and struck down, however, she looked so much like them, after all. On the other hand, she didn’t belong here. This was not her land to exist upon, and thus it was the sovereign deity’s duty to eradicate any potential threats from it’s land.
Now that she were alone, they could get rid of her much easier.
A burning sensation causes the legend to cut the tie holding it’s left sleeve over it’s respective elbow, covering it’s lost form before reaching for their katana.
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“You.” It closes the space between the two of them. “Do not move a muscle.”
// @ranseiuniter
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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They’ve been watching for a while, studying the star’s every move... Easier said than done when they’ve been using steel beams in-lieu of bushes to hide behind during the construction of some sort of building.
Lowering their spyglass, Izanami looks over their small frame, then back up to their rival.
Of course! If their initial form was too frightening to emulate the other’s cuteness, they could just opt to make their human form cuter! A small snap of ‘her’ fingers, and a small part of their true form revisited the visible world in the form of a long scarf, tied ‘round the neck like a backwards-facing bow and a short, bouncy black dress. Why they never tried this sooner was anyone’s guess.
For now, however, they’ll have to move a little closer for some more notes on Jirachi.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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She’s cold and wet and nee-sama was angry that she’d been gone for so long. It’s what she gets for fishing something out of the almost frozen waters of Echigo, really.
Speaking of, she had nearly forgotten to check for holes in her precious plush tiger. A quick look-over seemed to note that he was fine, at the very least. Cold and damp, but he could have been in worse shape.
In true Uesugi fashion, she steps almost silently out of her ‘hiding place’ (which truly just where she managed to rescue her toy) and greeted her elder sister with a soft, shivering nod.
【  starter for @historys-forgotten   】
She’s been looking for her sister for ages now, but she’s nowhere to be found. 
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“Honestly, where has that girl even gone to again?” 
It doesn’t pay being the older sister and looking out for a tricky yun’ one that has a thing for trouble, but she cannot let anything happen to her precious little Kenshin, can she? Besides, it’s rather amusing playing a daily game of hide and seek with her!
…or at least it had been, the first couple of hours or so.
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“Kenshin Uesugi, come out here right now!“
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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She’s so sick of this argument. It may not be currently coming from her pantheon, but it’s not going to make the sting lessen any.
“While humans have their flaws, it is our duty as gods to protect them. We were created to help our creation, whatever it may be to strive, and I will gladly give my life to protect my creation. No matter what it takes or whom I will have to kill to protect them.”
The only thing she’ll give this pantheon is at least they don’t turn into physical representations of their anti-thesis if they decide to turn against their divine duty.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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//The terrible thing about my constant adoption of onigiri background characters is the majority of the time they’re so unique that the only alt fc ideas that can really capture their look/aesthetic is other background characters.
Who have little to no workable pictures from canon to icon.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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1611 family page. 
- Live Preview : example preview & CODES
- Recommendations : 
Look carefully at the pastebin file since it’s more clear there to visualise the things
I also recommend you to create a sideblog wich could serve you as a test blog later, and paste the code there in edit htlm and work it ( i mean modify, add text etc )  like a theme instead of working it in the “page maker pop up” of tumblr :) and then paste those codes you worked with in the pop up thing…
- How to use (create a custom page) :
Go to your customize page
Pages > Add a page
Choose Custom Layout instead of Standard Layout.
Page url : it will be the url of your page, ex : ” http://(xxx)/1611”
Paste the codes
Click Create page.
Done. Your page is now at the url you previously named.
Replace the “IMG URL HERE”, Text here, title text here and such
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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Theme #15 Live Preview Install
Make all the changes you need
Please keep the credit on.
3 custom links.
240px wide x 655px high sidebar image
If you get any problems/glitches feel free to ask me
Like/reblog if you like/are using the theme
Sidebars you can use can be found here
Note: This sidebar height is standard on most computer screens, however if you have a larger screen it may not fill up the entire height of the screen. If this is the case you may want to make the height taller of your image. If you are doing this you will need to find this part of the code and adjust the height accordingly:
.simgs img{ max-width:240px; max-height:655px; }
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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//gonna try and... heavily edit this dang blog again. This time with a whole new theme and likely some new muses because I have literally no self control.
Trying to find those lil’ page-specific themes is hard but I think I’ll get it.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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//in all honesty amaterasu wouldn’t even have twitter or most social media apps on her phone if she were given one.
She just wont stop playing aquarium games.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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//so im messing around with a hypothetical blog theme for susano’o and i looked up japanese chrysanthemums bc that’s the doo-hickey growing on his shoulder and? apparently white ones represent death?
I’ve already headcanoned his celestial body to be a yatagarasu which is crow-like youkai that acts as a messenger for heaven, then i have his kamikui form being... a giant skeletal dragon thats covered in flowers (based on that fictional flower disease I dont remember the name of because i haven’t slept since 5 pm yesterday, also to note, the kamikui form’s name should roughly translate to ‘heavenly dragon’ if memory serves me right)
I just.... gave the dude a really heavy theme of death and didn’t realize.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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//I keep mentally assuming I moved Susano’o onto his own blog and honestly? Illegal. stop that, brain.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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“The kamikui are not allowed to get any stronger. It’s illegal.”
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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// Y’all wanna see the reason I have so many blogs?
>goes to add beelzebub to muse list brain: make theme!!! make?? a blog!!!???
That’s Why.
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historys-forgotten · 6 years
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//”Here’s some cookies and some VERY bad news” is a quote I have only seen today but it’s literally the whole summary to my Amaterasu. This poor girl needs a break for 2 minutes... and maybe her memory wiped.
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