belpihespillow · 3 years
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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belpihespillow · 3 years
So we all know Solomons cooking is quite "Unique" Well I have a theory. I forgot what lesson or card but solomon stated that living for a longer period of times can be lonely. (He didn't say it exactly like that but I can't remember the exact words so bare with me)
It was also proven solomon had a mishap and made himself immortal. I believe he's been around since asmo was an angel. Since asmo refuses to share how long he's known him exactly. If that's true then it would make sense why his food is questionable. When you age up to about maybe 60+ (depending on the person) you begin to lose taste. It could be that he's lived so long he can't tell that his food taste bad because he can't tell that it's wrong like everyone else.
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belpihespillow · 3 years
If anyone has request for future post I will be doing:
Obey me- Headcanons, fanfics, Nsfw, fluff(platonic Luke)
Genshin impact
Wicked wolves
Some others by your request! Anything is welcomed and I look forward to everyone's request!
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belpihespillow · 3 years
Am I the only one who hates it when "y/n" is addressed for otome/games? Like I get it it means 'your name' but "MC" just sounds ten times better when your talking about a game. No one wants to hear someone say "y/n finally reached max level because I raised the efficiency impact." Using "MC" is more appropriate for games while "y/n" is more appropriate for inserting yourself with show or anime character.
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belpihespillow · 3 years
Obey me characters react to Mc waking up a young child! Quiet and obedient.
"Mc are you planning to hide in your room all morni-" Stares at little mc who looks scared and confused. Kneels in front and carries them to his room. Oh Diavolo the brothers are gonna be a handful.Doesn't let you out if his sight for a moment devildom is way too dangerous especially a human kid.
"Why are they so quiet and mannered? Are all humans like this? Why do you seem scared to talk? What do you want hungry? Tired? Thirsty? Say something dammit!" You'd only smile. He takes pictures of you a LOT.
You stick to his side at a safe distance. Quiet unless you need something not want,but need. Has to ask you if your hungry only for you to shake your head no.
If he finds you crying he'll wipe the tears, and say your fine. He give you a piece of candy to make you feel better.
Constanly had to get you back from the brothers. Lets you stay in his room while he's working. You like to hide in his coat and play with the fur. He doesn't mind it he actually finds it adorable but would never admit it.
He brings you with him to the Demon Lords Castle. You surprised them at first when you popped out of the jacket and yelled boo!
"They're adorable!!"
Oi human! Why are you so small?! You tired not to cry while he shouted at you as you backed away. "Oh no don't cry! I'm not a bad guy see! He does a funny face making you laugh before swooping you up in a big hug.
Tries to keep you away from the brothers. He's usually carrying you on his back or holding you on his arm. He's the one who gets you to misbehave a little. If you both get caught your first to apologize, and tell the truth. While mammon whines about you being a traitor.
Takes you shopping for toys and anything fun.
"N-normie so a-adorable." He can't contain it your normie tactics. He takes you to his room, and tells you all about TSL again. You listen with bright eyes as you ask him more questions. He would watch anime, and you'd climb into his lap and watch with him.
He'd dress you up in different cosplays. You'd tell him constantly how great it is. When he turns into his demon form your first is to grab his tail. He'll freeze only to pick you up and cuddle you
He has a tank so when he's in his serpent form he'll put you on his back and splash around. Or just let you float on his back
Will read to you in his library. Any book you wanted. Of you wanted to read by yourself you'd find a place next to his chair and make a pallet for yourself.
Would get worried if he can't find you. He'd go full wrath if you were bo where to be found and would unleash it if it turns out mammon or lucifer stole you.
Would take you to play with the cats in the garden. You help him feed and lay out milk for the cats. If you ask nicely he'll let you touch his horns. He lobes it when you call him tantan when you meet him.
Threatens every demon who looks at you
"Makeover!!!!" You weren't as excited but you're to young to deny. You tried to do your make up by yourself and it was all over your face. You were so happy you wanted to show him immediately. He was so shocked mainly scared but he saw how happy you were, and did his best to let it be telling you how amazing it was. Of course he said how to do it right and that you were beautiful no matter what. He dressed you up head to toe woth makeup and bows.
Tons of selfies for devilgram! He'd make you look amazing no matter what. He'd teach you about knowing your worth. And boost your confidence. Telling you to take no crap from anyone!
"Shine brighter than the stars because you can!" He buys you everything beautiful and does your makeup and hair.
Never lets a demon talk bad about you if they do they die. Of course you never see it. He gives you cute nick names and watch you sleep on his bed. You ask for frequent sleep overs.
Was absolutely terrified of him because how big and tall he was. You cried for an hour everytime he approaches and ran to Belphie. Beel would give you sweets and talk to you softly to bot be afraid.
When you weren't afraid you were stuck to him like glue. You wouldn't leave his side no matter what and gor upset when you couldnt be near.
He was afraid to pick you up so you'd constantly jump off the bed cause you'd know he'd catch you. You'd refuse to let go. You'd climb on his back or play with his hair
You'd be with him when he'd work out. You'd stand on his back for mor weight of you'd try to work out with him. You'd try your hardest to hit the punching bag as hard as him, but ended up hurting your hand
He'd give you food or treats whenever he goes to eat which was a lot. If you couldn't eat it you'd stuff it under your bed to hide from Lucifer.
Calls him belphie everytime you see him. You'd run to him and hug his leg,and sometimes he'd pick you up.
Always with him or beel. You'd braided belphies hair and put clips in beels. Draws belphie and beels with hearts. Belphie would keep them in a little box with " mc" carved into it.
Sings you a song whenever you can't sleep and gives You sweet dreams. He'd sleep after you to make sure you're comfortable. You like it when he's in his demon form because you like to sleep with his tail. He'd curl his tail around you and hold you close.
If one of the brothers dared to wake you he'd growl and cover you protectively. Careful not to wake you but a deadly threat for them. He'd play with you a lot but you'd both have constant naps.
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belpihespillow · 3 years
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Why they gotta hurt me like that
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