hmotechnically · 8 months
Technically New Years Resolutions
Here’s the thing, New Years resolutions are typically associated with doing something for a week and then slowly tampering off. But because you technically did it, you can cross it off. And I know it’s cliche for someone to go “you want to do these things forever” and sometimes it’s not always that easy. Here are a few things you can start with that you can continue for like ever. (it's not going to the gym...fuck that)
Getting in the habit of washing your face. You don’t need a time or a routine. You can literally get Up and Up from CVS for like 5 dollars. Do it when you take your first bathroom trip of the day and the last one, right before bed. Literally go ham with your hands. You don’t need a fancy brush or some 50 dollar face wash when you’re in the early stages. Get in the habit first, make sure its a routine before you spend that extra money, that way when you do it doesn’t rot on your shelve for two years.  
Keep good company. Is that one friend you keep around good for you or are you afraid of being alone? Do they congratulate you when you get promoted or do they think of a reason that may be bad? Are you two always up late talking about things you enjoy or do the just have really good gossip? IF YOU ARE IN BAD COMPANY, YOU ARE ALONE. They have go to go if they're not good for you. Do it for future you.
Own up to shit you did. If you did something that you didn’t want people to know gets out, OWN UP TO IT. We’ve all fucked up. The thing you did may be bad and you know what, it may screw up your life a bit getting out but, you wont have to hide it anymore. And then you learn. You learn how not to do that in the future because you’ll remember how shitty you felt. 
Clean out your closet. Start with shoes. Thats a small task and no one reading this is Carie Bradshaw. Figure out what you actually wear and plan on wearing. Then the skirts, then the jackets, then the dresses - Basically work yourself up to your t-shirts. You and I both have a shit ton on those. Doing them in segments will make it easer to go through rather than doing them all at once. (Give yourself about a month of time to do it all - I know you’ve got a life and you know you’re going to forget for about a week.) Now when you’ve got through everything take it to family and or a younger friend, let them go through and pick everything they want. It will make their day and you know that because you loved it when you were a kid. That black hefty bag had wonders in it. Then when they’re done, on your way home drop them off at a thrift shop. Preferably one with good morals but anyone really works.  
Figure out what you really like, not what the current tend is telling you to like. This works for clothes, music, style, and those weird gym work outs. Micro trends start all like time. And they die just as fast. Do not buy into that weird fashion piece you see all over Pinterest. Yes, I know it would go perfectly with that one pair of shoes or jeans: BUT THATS EXACTY IT. Do you really like it for would it just make a good instagram photo? Does that weird work out work FOR YOU or was the influencer that said it worked for her just in great shape? Obviously try it, don’t be sacred, but after three weeks or so if it’s not doing what you want it to, it maybe it's not for you. Does that green drink that tastes like carpet actually make you feel good or is it a placebo? Look at what you own or do that makes you feel comfortable. Find out what it is specially about it and then do some research to find more like it. That works for jeans, tops, bras, workouts, food, really anything. Wear what makes you comfortable. Do what you enjoy. Do not fall into micro-trends that will die in two weeks. I promise that weird bucket hat or makeup style you can only achieve with that one specific brand is marketing. It is so you buy into it. It's a trap.
This year you are doing things for you. Knock it off with that people pleaser attitude. Who knows, maybe this is your villain arc. Or it's just a quiet year where you build you and the ground for who you build yourself into.
Welcome to 2024 bitch.
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