Imagine Legolas saving you after being captured by orcs
Request for: caaptain
Original request: "Hiii! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could request one. A legolas x reader where the reader (she's an elf) gets captured by the orcs and gets hurt badly and Legolas saving her and taking her back to safety and just a lot of fluff? Don't know if requests are open but if they are pleeeaaaseee!! Love u”
 Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Word count: 2322
Warning: Violence and injury
Note: My first one-shot on this account in over two years (and the longest one at that)! Didn’t quite finish it (not as much fluff at the end as I imagine you wanted), but I will be happy to do a Part 2 if people want. I just really wanted to get a one-shot out whilst I still had inspiration.
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As a lone scout, you really should have been better prepared for the eventuality that sooner or later you'd be faced with an enemy without a clear get-away. Legolas had been travelling with the hunting party a few leagues behind you, ardently tracking a nearby pack of orcs and following the signals you left for him. He had trusted you to search ahead, knowing that your seemingly ethereal ability to almost float in the wind as you ran would make you much less likely to be tracked by any orc who became aware of your presence. Your job was not to fight those who you came across, only to keep your distance and return to Legolas with the news of what lay ahead. As such, your weaponry consisted only of a short dagger which you kept strapped to your waistband. Anything heavier would slow you down, and speed and light-footedness was of the essence. You hoped it wouldn't ever come to combat when you were on your own.
Your struggles began when you located a lone pair of orcs resting beneath a large oak tree, taking a moment to wipe the blood and grime from their crudely made weapons with their loincloths. You knew that two orcs on their own was a strange occurrence, yet for some reason you didn't question it and continued watching them from your perch in the tree above them.
Of course, orcs never travelled in pairs. They travelled in packs. When the unmistakeable howl of a warg broke through the quiet of the setting night, you knew that you had made a mistake in not  returning to Legolas as soon as you had spotted the orcs. Granted, revealing your hiding place would've have meant a brawl which you'd rather avoid, but at least you would have stood a chance of returning to Mirkwood by next morning.
Before long, the clearing below you was crawling with orcs and wargs. The group consisted of no more than twenty in total, but your chances of a successful outcome had diminished considerably. To fight would be to die. You could only resign yourself to remaining as still as your shuddering frame would allow and to control your nerves until the group moved on.
But the leader of the group wasn't ready to leave. He sat atop his warg, his large frame establishing him as the commander, and sniffed at the air. His lips curled back over his sharp, protruding, yellow teeth as a low growl emanated from his chest at the smell that washed over him. The distinctive smell of elf was present in the air, that scent of nature in its purest form that each Woodland elf seemed to embody. Though to anyone else the smell was more than pleasant, to the lead orc, it was foul and abhorrent.
His beady eyes scanned the base of the trees, looking for any glimpse of the elf that had invaded their camp. He became resolute on finding the intruder and decided that he would not leave the clearing without dealing with the elf in one way or another. A large stroke of misfortune came with a heavy gust of wind from ahead of you that washed your scent over each orc behind you – who were separated from you by the tree which you kept your back up against – and sent the loose tendrils of your waist length hair floating momentarily in the air besides the tree before they fell to your side again. You hoped the woods were dark enough to conceal that flutter of colour in the tree lines, but you doubted that luck would be on your side.
The lead orc said no word to the others. Unbeknown to you, he had indeed seen you and was now notching an arrow in his crudely fashioned bow to strike you down. You registered the creaking of the wood as he pulled the string back but you realised all too late what was happening. An immense and agonising pain tore through your thigh, the arrow lodging itself in your thigh bone and protruding out by at least three feet. The force of the hit and the intense agony you found yourself in sent you tumbling off your precarious balance on the branch and onto the dense forest floor beneath.
A strangled scream came from your throat at the impact. Thankfully you landed on the uninjured leg, but the shock caused the arrow to jolt in your thigh. You had never felt pain so intense as this before, and as a result you found yourself unable to even comprehend the thought of standing and attempting to escape.
The fading light that you were trying to focus on in the gaps between the trees above was obscured by the heads of the many orcs who now stood over your limp form. The leader stood directly above you, his legs on either side of yours as he looked down at you with a nasty grin. He was proud, you noted.
He lowered his heavy weight onto you, hot and putrid breath washing over your face and you found it difficult to breathe. Even in your pain-filled daze, you attempted to push him off, and though this was unsuccessful, you were proud of yourself for not giving up so soon.
You were certain that you were going to die by the hands of this orc, and with those thoughts came the face of the only person who truly mattered to you in that moment.
“Who are you, elf?” the orc spat at you in his own language, spittle landing on your cheek but you hadn't the energy to wipe it off. “Who sent you?”
When you refused to answer, the orc's grin seemed to widen – revealing the torn strands of flesh that had gotten stuck between his teeth – and his beefy hand clamped down on the post of the arrow embedded deeply in your thigh. And then he twisted.
You thought you'd known pain, but you were oh-so wrong. The pain you felt now was tenfold as you could feel the metal point of the arrow drilling into your bone. Your throat was torn from your seemingly never-ending screams. Your entire thigh was drenched in blood now, and you feared loosing any more. Your thoughts flashed to him once again, and you found your erratic heart slowing in the slightest.
Yet imagining one's love was not a proven method in pain-reduction, and you gave into the orc's terror. “I'm a scout!” you shouted in common tongue, breathing heavy and fast. The response of the orc was lost to you as your peripheral vision blackened, and the sky above you began to spin and twirl. You only felt your limp form being roughly hoisted up by your ankles and you felt the ground move beneath you, your smooth skin becoming marred by the twigs and shards of rock as you were dragged over them. It wasn't long before you lost consciousness.
Legolas was hardly accustomed to blood. He was rarely matched equally in a fight against foe and as such, rarely suffered injury other than strained muscles at the worst. Having never fought in a battle, blood was not something he had come by often. But that didn't keep him from recognising the iron-tang of blood as he entered the clearing, so overwhelming as it was to the elf's well-trained nose.
He felt a strange tightening sensation in his chest as his mind flew with the thoughts of whose blood it might be. He wanted to be wrong, but all evidence pointed towards it being yours. For the past few hours, no signals had been received and now the evidence of a struggle and the pool of blood too pure to be that of an orc's meant that Legolas' worst fears were coming to life.
You emerged from the depths of unconsciousness what seemed like moments later, but as the hazy veil of sleep lifted, the change in your surroundings told you otherwise. Instead of a canopy of trees above your head, your vision was obscured by a roughly textured rock wall, dimly lit by the warm light of a fire from somewhere behind you.
Clearly you had been tossed onto the hard ground without care or thought, though neither could be expected of a pack of orcs. One arm was twisted painfully behind you and your cheek to the floor, meaning you had landed badly on your side. An intense throbbing pain in your thigh blossomed into a sharp and consuming pain as you attempted to roll onto your back. A strangled yell erupted from your throat, alerting the orcs to your being awake. Before you could fully manoeuvre yourself on your back, you had been lifted abruptly by the throat and pinned against the wall behind you.
Your vision blackened momentarily as you struggled against the heavy form, attempting to grapple at the calloused and waxy skin of the hand at your throat but realising that your hands had been bound behind your back. Once your vision cleared, the sneering and ugly face of the lead orc came into view. Behind him you could see the other orcs sat near the fire, watching on in anticipation. You didn't know why you were still alive, but as the orc's putrid breath washed over your face again, you feared that you knew his reasoning and you had never felt such fear in your life.
The orc noticed your growing fear and grinned, revealing the flecks of meat between his rotten teeth once again. Without warning, he released you and you collapsed to the ground, unable to support your own weight. The orc turned his back on you and made his way back to the fire, sitting and watching you with those beady eyes.
You were thoroughly confused, so whatever tactics he was employing were working. One of the wargs, monstrously huge and terrifying, wandered over to you, hackles raised and fanged teeth bared, growling. You cringed into the wall, flinching as it neared your face and sniffed you. A click from behind it caused the warg to retreat, and the orc seemed to cackle knowing that you were sufficiently afraid.
In his hands, he twirled your dagger. Despite having only just sat down, he marched over to you and in his large hand grabbed a fistful of your hair. You could feel strands being ripped from your scalp as he lifted you and threw you with such propulsion that you landed a few feet away by the fire. You could feel the flames licking at your face and you scrambled backwards into the feet of another orc. You could hear them laugh and all you wanted to do was disappear into the ground beneath you. You prayed that the rest of the hunting party might have tracked the orcs. As much as you valued your ability to fight for yourself, you prayed that Legolas would appear through the gap in the trees and save you. Weaponless and bound, your future was bleak.
And then suddenly the lead orc was on top of you once again, feet planted either side of you as he dug the cool metal of your own blade into your cheek. “Who sent you, elf-scum?” he snarled. You could feel the warmth of blood trickling down your face as the orc refused to let up. Refusing to answer, refusing to give the orcs cause to hunt him down, you instead spat in his face.
You were thrown to the ground once again, your head colliding painfully with the ground beneath you. Above you, the orc discarded of your blade and pulled his own from its scabbard. He raised the blade above his head, and perhaps he meant to kill you or perhaps he meant to threaten you, but you would never find out his intention for as he was about to bring his blade down on you, an arrow soared through the air and became embedded in his skull. The orc's eyes rolled back into his head and his arm fell, the blade slipping from his hand and landing between your legs. His body crumpled, knees giving way either side of you, and he collapsed on top of you. His weight bore so heavily down on you that you could barely breathe.
The orcs sprang from their seats, weapons raised and ready for attack. However, by the time you'd managed to crawl out from underneath the lead orc, each of the orcs had been felled, and their wargs meeting a grisly end shortly after.
You looked up to him, smiling down upon you, arm outstretched for you, and not even a scratch upon him. You took his hand, and as the light of day began to dawn, he had never looked so beautiful. Perhaps you should have cared more about your situation than his looks, but in your delirium all you could think about was him.
“You came for me...” you murmured as he pulled you up and held you to his chest. You hated yourself for being so helpless, but at the same time, you found it hard to care when you remembered the arrow wound in your thigh. Eyes flickering around the clearing, you noticed the other elves who you recognised from the hunting party.
“Odulen an edraith angin,” he told you, and you smiled despite the pain.
“Guren glassui.”
Legolas had been closer to you than the other elves from a young age. As one of the only elleths Thranduil approved of a young Legolas bonding with, you had formed a close relationship with him. In your tired and pained state, you couldn't help but long for more. He was your saviour after all.
“Come, mellon, we must get to safety,” he told you, and you couldn't agree more.
Mellon - friend
Odulen an edraith angin – I'm here to save you
Guren glassui – Thank you from my heart
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beautiful! (For the one word thing)
"And as the light of day began to dawn, he had never looked so beautiful"(extra points if anyone can guess who 'he' is!)
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Ask me anything!
Fancy doing a Q&A whilst writing the next imagine, so send me any questions you have!
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Just wondering if you're planning to open requests again and if this blog is still active?
Hopefully this blog will be active again soon. I just watched two of the Hobbit films and I’ve been reading a bit of fanfiction so I’m more inclined to start up the blog again than I have been before. I’m currently going through the requests to see if there’s anything I particularly want to write, but I’m going to open requests now.
To anyone requesting: if the one-shot you want me to write is more dark than fluffy, there’s a greater chance that I’ll actually get round to it. I do try to answer them all but just a heads up.
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I love your writing and how much effort you put into like I just.... ugh akjsdhkljfdsa it really shows and I hope I get to be as good as you are someday
A late response on my part as I’ve only just seen your message, but thank you so much! I honestly don’t see my writing as being particularly special or anything so that’s a really nice thing to hear!
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I'm starting a new imagines blog with my friend for It (2017). She'll be writing the fluffy, happy fics whereas I'll be writing the angst ones. Feel free to follow and request stories! (Meanwhile, I intend to write some requests for this blog)
Open for requests!
Feel free to request any one-shots or imagines for IT (2017)! (Please read our guidelines) -Admin Kaspbrak
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I just spent the last two hours reading very one of your oneshots and all i have to say is TIME WELL SPENT!
Not gonna lie, this kinda made me blush a little bit! Thank you for the kind words!
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I love your Kili x reader fics. Thank you for sharing them, I'm always struggling to find stories and yours are great 💕
It makes me so happy to hear that you like them! Thank you
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Is this blog still active? :) Also do you accept all characters from the Middle-Earth universe?
Not really. I may get round to doing some more one shots eventually but it's taking a while. As for characters, all are accepted except from those in the Silmarillion.
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Hello, again. I'm the one who writes imagines sometimes, but I have a problem. I have no account, for one (if that matters) and two, I'm afraid no one will like it. Any advice?
Hi! I'm super late in replying and I'm terribly sorry for that. I don't know if you still need help, but others might so here's my advice. Don't be afraid no one will like it, the internet is full of people who will and won't and even if you only get a small number of notes, it doesn't say anything against your writing as it is so easy for it get buried underneath all of the other posts. Just post your writing and have fun!
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Hey! I just wanted to let you know how much I like your writing.
Thank you so much! I'm not sure how long ago you sent this ask since I'm hardly active on this blog, but still thank you!!!
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I have been waiting for YEARS to watch the Beauty and the Beast remake and it’s amazing! I was happy to find out Emma Watson would be Belle, but I was over the moon to find out Luke Evans would be Gaston (just because I loved him as Bard). Now if you know me, you know I love musicals and BATB is technically a musical and LUKE EVANS HAS AN AMAZING VOICE AND I CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO HIM AND HE’S INCREDIBLE AND YOU SHOULD ALL GO WATCH IT IF JUST TO SEE HIM!
That’s all. :)
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Hello! I write imagines sometimes, is there any way I could (anonymously) have you read my one? It see if I'm even good at it? If not, feel free to tell me the truth! I'm open! Love your imagines! 💗
Of course, I’d be glad to! You can send it to me on here if you want, though if you want to stay anonymous I am not sure how I can reply to you easily.
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Imagine getting into a fight with Thorin and then confessing your feelings to him
Request for: queenoffantasyworld
Original request: "hi! i love your stories about thorin! I have something to ask you ... you could write something about when thorin has gone mad because of the gold and going to strangle me against the wall after I saved Bilbo from his anger ; I start to tell him that he does not realize what has become and he asks me the reason for such interest in him , and I will reveal my feelings ... the end create it as you want because I do not have ideas of how it can finish ( I hope so :)many thanks in advance! :)“
Pairing: Thorin x Reader
Word count: 714
Warning: Strangling
Note: Not proof-read, or likely to be very good. I just really wanted to get something out. Also left it on a cliff-hanger, I don’t know why.
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“You miserable little rat!” a low, gravelly voice echoed around the marble halls. You exchanged a quick, wary glance with Dwalin and nodded. Your braced yourself to calm the dwarf king as you slowly tip-toed down the stairs that lead to where Thorin’s booming voice sourced.
You swallowed the bile in your throat as you turned the corner at the bottom of the grandiose staircase, your stomach plummeting at the sight before you. Thorin stood, cloaked in mountains of cold and an ostentatious crown sat atop his unruly black hair, held his glistening sword out towards a quaking hobbit. Sweat glistened on Bilbo’s forehead, running down his face in beads. He held his hands in front of him, his first and only defence against the angry dwarf king.
You didn’t know what Bilbo had done, but you doubted he deserved Thorin’s wrath.
Your hand clutched the hilt of your sword. You had learned to keep it by your side at all times when in the mountain; Thorin had been seduced by the gold. It seeped into his head, an infectious disease manifesting.
You ran towards the pair with haste, Thorin was so unreliable you had no idea whether or not he would actually kill Bilbo. Thorin’s attention turned to you as you held your hands up, showing you were no threat. “Bilbo, go,” you whispered to him whilst Thorin’s attention was averted, his eyes transfixed on your face.
“Traitor!” Thorin spat, diminishing your hopes, “You would wish to help this rat?!”
“My King, surely whatever our burglar has done does not deserve such harsh treatment. Bilbo freed your home,” you attempted to reason with Thorin. There was a unsettling fire in his eyes, tempting you to look away.
“Do you wish to take his place?” Thorin turned his blade towards you. You gulped, swallowing your heart as you did. Your chest rose with every frantic breath you took, your heart beating erratically against your ribcage.
“Bilbo, go,” you demanded. However, Bilbo stayed firmly where he stood. “Go!” Bilbo fled from the room.
When Bilbo was out of sight, Thorin released his tight grip on his sword, the metal colliding with the ground, making a loud clatter. Thorin advanced towards you then, his strides long and heavy. Before you could react, a cool metal hand clutched at your throat and pushed you towards the wall with vigour.
The hand, clad in a metal glove, was joined by a second as your lightly clothed back met with the cool wall of the mountain. His grip tightened, constricting around your throat. Your eyes bulged as your own hands flew up to stop him.
Thorin’s eyes bore holes into you, “I see now. All this time, it’s him. It’s him. Isn’t it?!” Your hands gripped at Thorin’s, nails scratching frantically at the gold of Thorin’s armour. Your legs kicked off of the ground, flailing. To your great fortune, your leg hit its target and Thorin’s iron grip slackened.
You pushed Thorin away, “How dare you! I have always been loyal to you, right from the very start. You cannot see what you have become.”
“I am the only person in this mountain who can see what is best!” Thorin growled at you.
“You cannot see beyond your own desire!” You cried out, an echo of the Dragonslayer’s words.
“Why does this matter to you?” Thorin’s voice dropped suddenly, fragile and weak. “What is it about me that continues to interest you? Am I a game to you?!”
“I've always cared for you, Thorin. Always. There is not one day since our meeting when you have not been my every waking thought, always there, lingering, the back of my mind. I've supported you through and through. This gold, this greed, has consumed you. And yet . . .” you paused for a moment to glance at Thorin. whose eyes intently watched you, ”I still find it in myself to love you.”
Silence fell, nought was heard but the beating of your heart echoing in your ears. You held your breath and Thorin stared, gob smacked, at the ground. He shook his head slightly, causing your hope to shatter. “No, that can’t be. I forbid it!”
You cocked your eyebrow, offended. “You ‘forbid’ it?”
Thorin nodded stiffly, “I forbid it.”
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Sorry to everyone for my LONG absence, I guess I just lost inspiration. I want to get back into the swing of things so, unfortunately to some, I have deleted some requests because I just can never bring myself to write them. Sorry if I have deleted it, feel free to submit another request though :) Thank you for understanding and staying with me.
P.S. I have just realised I am 3 away from 1k followers :D
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Hey, do you think you'll write something soon, or are you busy? I miss your stories.
I don’t know, I have about 11 requests I haven’t done and I don’t know if I will because I have lost inspiration for the Hobbit to other movies/books/shows. I did just get quite a good request so that might help a bit. Flattered that you miss my stories though :3
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I wanted to request a Legolas x reader, but I didn't know it you had any guidelines or rules so. Yeah.
There is a link to guidelines underneath the navigation title on the homepage :)
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