extra note but i love how upon impression we seem like an nsfw blog just from the name and title of our blog alone
but trust me we’re both actually complete cinnamon rolls crackheads so um reminder no nsfw requests in da house please 🥵 we worship god amen.
i tried to read a detailed smut once and i had no idea what the crap was going on...are you like mod suba or are you normal?
anyways... if you sent a matchup through submission we’ll likely tag you so you can see it and since it’s been a while (please let me know if you want me to remove it afterward! thank you)
~ mod suba !
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thanks for 50+ followers :) mwahahaha the simp nation reigns superior
for the 69th time we sincerely apologize for our inactivity (plus i am the most unproductive person ever and i missed a ton of final exams welp i should probably work on them right now) but anyways we’d just like to let everyone know that school is over for us by next week! we’ll work on the requests by then!
announcement #2 i’m moving everything haikyuu related to my main blog (@kodzukem) once we get everything here sorted out and i set it up completely so we’ll no longer take any haikyuu related requests on here! i’ll still do matchups on there don’t worry c; [ ew gross i’m self promoting please don’t feel the need to follow me now if you really don’t want to i know i wouldn’t want to i barely have any content yet just cringe ]
however this may be subject to change cause onion-chan is currently watching haikyuu (filthy oinkawa stan- i mean certified bully hahhahahaha) and i have no idea if she wants to start writing for the gay volleyboys after completing the anime so um yeaaa stay tuned for her shit talking oikawa sessions ~
again thanks sososo much for your support even if we did absolutely nothing for a while on here except simply just exist, the both of us enjoyed our short time on here :) we’re the biggest simps for every single one of you & we adore y’all !!! 💗
— mod annoying suba
wow i’m really surprised hate anons haven’t come my way yet i’m doing absolutely nothing except for probably vibing and not shutting up with these announcements damn bro so i mean please send one just for the irony i want to laugh my ass off
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update! (apologies i’m getting rly annoying)
both mods are going to need extra time getting in all the requests & matchups so it will likely take us about a month at most! (that’s when school will end for us). online schooling is definitely taking a toll on my grades especially. thank you all for your patience!
— mod suba
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📬 ; incoming !
hi, yes, hello! i’m the writer of this shiny new blog. its grand opening isn’t quite ready yet but while i fix up everything, i wanted to have a little boosting event to bring people in.
i’m planning for this blog to be multifandom since I have so many characters i’d love to write for. however, for this event, it’s just going to be haikyuu and boku no hero academia characters.
all i need for you to do is to follow me and reblog this post and/or give me a shoutout, linking back to my blog. then I’ll write something for you in exchange for that boost!
for this, you have to be off anon! i won’t be posting what you send in. however, i just need a system to make sure it’s fair and that i have a username to tag when i post your gift.
anyway, let’s get to the options.
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please choose only one of these.
mtll (most to least likely) ships.
send a list of characters (limit = 15; you may include characters from both series) and a description of yourself. including more of your personality, likes & dislikes, and hobbies, rather than appearance.
i will rank the characters on who will most to least likely to date you + a little blurb for the first two or three characters of the ranking! i may include a moodboard as well, depending on how many i get!
send a description of yourself + a fandom. please include if you want to be matched with a male or female character. you may also send specifics: student / villain / a team preference / etc. i’ll try to abide to those specifics.
i will match you up with someone. we know how matchups work. hopefully, y’all will like how i’ll do matchups around here.
stages of love.
send a detailed description of yourseld + a character of your choice. please include your personality, appearance, likes & dislikes, hobbies, and what you hope your future occupation would be. include your quirk if it’s for bnha. please include as much information as you can / you’re comfortable with. i want to write it as accurately as possible.
i will write little blurbs for each stage of love: first meeting, attraction/crushing, confession, first date, first kiss, first “i love you”, first birthday’s together, first time, first fight, moving in, proposal, enagement / planning the wedding, wedding, honeymoon, first child, domestic life.
for this event, i won’t be writing first time blurbs. however, if i do end up doing more general pieces for stages of love, i’ll include it.
please send these through the submissions. i will delete any that are sent anonymously and/or through asks.
you can do this for yourself or for your oc!
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at this current point, i will only take 6 requests for stages of love (3 for hq & 3 for bnha), considering how detailed they’re going to be. the limit for matchups is a tentative 10, but i don’t think that i’ll get there. there is no limit on the mtl ships, though!
i will try to keep everyone updated on this. i may increase the limit if there’s an interest for it and i’ll definitely do this again once the blog is more etablished.
thank you so much for reading through this and i hope to see you in my inbox!
🍄, ghost.
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hi! it’s been a very busy weekend for me and fellow mod onion (we were both drowning in the workload of assignments we had to do lmao,,) so unfortunately we’ll need some more time to get caught up with all the matchup requests! however, we’ll only be opening up requests for headcanons & scenarios for the meantime so this blog doesn’t die down! please check out the rules for more! thank you all ♡
~ Mod Suba 🌌
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🐨 Thank you so much for the matchup! Suga is a cutie and actually one of my faves in the series ♡ The headcanons were flipping adorable too! c:
ahh klsfjlksjfl no problem!!! again thanks sm for requesting and wowie,, i love suga too, he’s also one of my faves!! anyways i’m really happy that you liked your matchup, i had tons of fun writing it!! i hope you have a lovely day 💞💖
~ mod suba 🌌
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Hello! Can I have a Danganronpa V3, Haikyuu!! and Persona 5 matchup? I'm bi, 5'1 and a HALF (the half is important), INFP Taurus. A huge gaming addict but with a very busy daily schedule since I'm the oldest, so I usually forget to sleep or eat to compensate for gaming time. I also like to draw and play melodica (horribly). I have a hard time speaking in public, often having to send texts even though the person is right next to me. Thank you so much for accepting and have a good day!
“Then I’ll take the Haikyuu and Persona 5 ask!! Thank you so much and sorry again ( ;∀;)”
No worries hon, it’s all good!!! thanks so much for requesting c: and aww sdjsjdks you’re such a cinnamon roll btw;;
your Haikyuu matchup is…
【Kenma Kozume】
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(my fAVORITE boy ever how indeed very lucky of you TwT)
Despite Kenma normally coming off as a little aloof and asocial, as he’s hardly ever really concerned about the the affairs of other people or interacting with others, you two would probably click together in almost an instant! This is due to the many characteristics you two share - Both of you being quite introverted and gaming addicts. If anything, Kenma would much rather prefer someone who’s similar to him in a sense, as he already has to put up with his noisy and energetic teammates on a daily basis. Don’t worry, Kenma’s also pretty much a total noob when it comes to speaking with others in public. (He had to have Kuroo assist him with every failed attempt he’s made to try and approach you alone at first. Poor kitty would chicken out just as soon as he believed he had garnered up enough courage to make a move). 
The two of you first encountered each other at the local GameStop that was nearby the school. A new video game was to be released in stores that day, and Kenma was pretty psyched for it. He had planned to get himself a copy right after practice that evening, and doing so, left without Kuroo. As he skimmed through the aisles, his fingers brushing against the spines of the various packaging, he quickly noticed the game he was looking for and reached out to grab it. However, his wrist instead made contact with yours. 
He was a bit startled when his catlike eyes had found you as he staggered back in his direction awkwardly, averting his gaze and muttering an apology. He decided he just let you have it as he can either come back tomorrow or buy and download the game digitally. However, he didn’t expect you to apologize so incessantly over it, urging that he take the last copy instead, while each time he would reassure you that it was completely fine with him if you just take it. It got a bit awkward for him, and it was clear he was flustered by how visibly flushed his cheeks were. Eventually he complied, reluctantly taking the copy. While doing so, he noticed Kuroo watching the interaction unfold and swiftly went the other direction before you could question. 
Of course, as soon as Kuroo caught up with him outside Kenma definitely expected he would be bothered and interrogated by him. “Who was it you were just talking to? Was it someone cute? With the look you were giving earlier, I could tell you thought so.” “Shut up, Kuroo.” 
Eventually, Kenma would see you there quite often. He thought you wouldn’t recognize him, well, at least he hoped you didn’t. He’d avoid you like the plague, not that he wanted it to look like had anything against you though. His childhood friend read into his motives fairly quickly, and he would urge him to just go for it, not tolerating the excuses he would make.
When he did finally manage to approach you though, he never expected that it was that easy to converse with you on the topic of gaming as a conversation starter, as the discussion between you two had seemed to flow naturally. Kenma completely overestimated the situation that time. 
Anyways, I doubt it would be much of a problem if you require sending texts to converse with Kenma even if he’s literally right next to you. He’s alright with keeping at it virtually. When in a social situation that seems to be nerve-wracking, Kenma would just send you some gaming related memes saved in his camera roll to console or evoke a chuckle out of you. It may weird his teammates out as they watch the two of you communicate that way, but he doesn’t really care. He also may sound a bit more outgoing than usual through text.
He enjoys watching you draw, and he may sometimes ask you to draw some of his favorite characters/mains, or even a custom player character he designed. He’d set them as his avatars on every social media platform, obviously crediting you. 
Kenma obviously enjoys playing games with you. You two would duo in League of Legends, making a formidable Xayah and Rakan. (aww :3) Since Kenma’s a Youtuber, he would stream a few of the gameplays together with your permission of course. It isn’t compulsory to talk if you’re too shy, but whenever you’re ready, he’d definitely be glad to introduce you to his growing fanbase!
Date nights would normally consist of you two inviting yourselves at either one of your guys’ houses, and ordering a box or two of pizza at the door along with it. You two would usually be up gaming the entire night, and completely losing track of time. On the first night together at Kenma’s house, Kuroo invited himself in the next morning, seeing the two of you lay snuggled together on the couch and sleeping peacefully, both controllers thrown to the side and a half-finished open box of pizza on the floor.
~ Mod Suba 🌌
and for Persona 5, your matchup is…
【Futaba Sakura/Oracle/Navi】
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You two just have so much in common!! She’s also an avid fan of video games and all things tech related, which is what initially drew her to you. It took all of her courage to awkwardly confess her feelings to you, but now that you two are in a relationship, you cant even keep track of how many all nighters you both had pulled together. Since you’re the eldest sibling, and I’d assume much more responsible than her, you’re usually the one who ends up taking care of her whenever she stays up for 12 hours straight playing online games. Despite her rough past and her shy disposition, she finds it very easy to confide in you due to how much you two have in common!
You guys manage to save up a bit of money, and with Sojiro’s permission managed to go to an anime/gaming convention in your area! Let’s just say, it was the best date ever. She ended up spending a lot of money though, and had to borrow a lot of money from you toward the end of the con. You both totally did the thing where you follow a cosplayer while playing their theme song on the melodica.
On rough days, she likes to pull you into her room and cover you both under her blanket. She will never express it verbally, but she almost always wants cuddles from you. She will subtly hint at this, by either snuggling up to you or awkwardly forcing your arm around her. She likes to sit in between your legs and lean against your chest. When you assume this cuddling position, she will sometimes text you despite the fact that you are right there! It’s a cute gesture though, and she usually sends you memes and gifs during these moments.
On her first day of highschool, she’ll definitely be on the phone with you the entire time. Being in a school environment for the first time in a while really made her nervous. During a time like this, your presence and reassurance was vital to her! Luckily, she got the hang of school life after a few weeks, and she has you to thank for that!
Since you’re both fairly short, you both struggle to get high things on shelves. Sometimes you both clean LeBlanc together, and come across a high shelf that you cant reach. She tries to get on your shoulders to reach the shelves, and when that doesnt work, Akira or Sojiro usually steps in to take care of it.
She will hypocritically scold you for skipping meals while you’re gaming. She usually ends up playing said game with you while she scolds you, which makes her tirade a lot less threatening. But that aside, she really worries about your health a lot. If she notices you’re not eating properly, she’ll force either Sojiro or Akira to make you curry and coffee. And she makes you eat it too. You’re not leaving until you’ve licked the plate clean.
~Mod Onion 👻
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hey kids! suba here again! just a reminder that matchup requests are temporarily closed for the next 24-48 hrs until me and fellow mod onion get through our previous requests!! (and i literally labled the inbox for requests as CLOSED don’t try me sdjsjskks) thank you to all those who requested for waiting so patiently!
(and i haven’t slept in literally 2 days and it’s 8am rn yikes cya in the afternoon/evening)
~ Mod Suba 💓💖
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🐨 Hi! Would it be okay to ask for a Haikyuu matchup? I'm a straight gal, 5'2" tall. I try my best to stay level-headed but when it comes down to it I'm a pretty emotional person. It's easy for me to to trust people, get excited as well as stressed. I like being quiet(cause I also tend to be awkward) but I'm still friendly with the people around me. I'm told to be optimistic, reliable and a good listener but also a bit naggy. I really don't like being rushed because I'm slow at many tasks.
“ A few of my passions are writing and reading! I enjoy fantasy and horror the most and sometimes even lose focus and daydream about all sorts of plots and scenarios. My other interests are learning French, history and geography as well as watching anime. I love dogs and nature(I have a lot of plants in my home!) and enjoy walking or jogging (I get motion sick easily) though I’m not very athletic otherwise. My sense of humor is mostly made of up of puns and dark jokes. Thank you! ♡ ”
hey there, anon!! not a problem,, it’s totes alright! thanks so much for requesting!!! i deeply apologize for the semi late response qwq anyways we shall commence !
your Haikyuu matchup is …
【 Koushi Sugawara 】
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Suga is a gentle soul with a very nurturing disposition, so I believe he would be pretty suitable for someone like you. Similarly, he can keep a level head in most situations yet he’s pretty tender-hearted. Suga is a very trustable and open person, so he would manage to let himself into your life pretty easily! He has a very soothing aura which would definitely help ease any awkward tension surrounding the air. He’s also able to get you to open up rather quickly despite you preferring to be more quiet and silent. He appreciates the many characteristics you both share, such as appearing amiable, optimistic, and reliable, yet naggy to others. 
+ You don’t really have to worry much at all when it comes to your slowness in performing tasks. Suga is definitely very patient and understanding with you, always reassuring you to take your time. When it comes to things you may be feel some pressure to rush in, for example, a project deadline or being late in the morning, he would always try to help you as best as he can, and his refreshing smile and personality could help calm any nerves.
+ Even in a relationship, he would be very understanding and patient with you. Initially things would start out rather slow and steady, and knowing that you’re not one to like rushing into things, Suga would always ask you for permission first before performing some subtle romantic gestures like hand holding, etc. He’s always trying his best to make you feel nice and comfy first and foremost.
+ Suga is quite observant and perceptive, and he is able to read the mood and feel the emotions of others with ease. He is very aware that you are a rather emotional person, and he can tell just what you are feeling at the present moment without reading too much into your facial expressions or body language. Like he sorta just ‘knows’, being very emotionally intuitive. He knows what makes you tick, and memorizes many things about you and even things that you have mentioned about yourself that took place in conversations that you may not even remember. 
+ He’s also aware that you can get stressed out easily. When you’re stressed, he’ll give you some time alone if needed. Not for too long though, since he is very concerned about your health and well-being. He’s very good at consoling you as he will always willingly offers a listening ear when you need to vent out or rant about what was going on with your day. You can bet he would be very attentive, even if the root of it was something you’d claim to be minor. He’ll check up on you a lot, although not to the point of being overbearing, it’s just his motherly instincts. You could leave your emotions up to him, they are his first priority!
+ Suga loves how easily excitable you are as well! He loves the way your eyes would light up, as you would be beaming in front of what appears to be the subject of your excitement. Especially if that subject was him! He likes to examine the intricate details etched onto your face as you make those expressions, and carve a memory of it into his mind. The thought of you alone seems to always put him at ease. 
+ Suga doesn’t mind at all that you are a bit dreamy, as he likes to engage your creative and imaginative mind. He would take an interest to some of your passions like reading and writing, and would often ask you about some of the scenarios you’d come up with. He might even contribute some ideas of his own if you were in need of inspiration.
+ Since you’re quite interested in learning the French language, Suga might try to pick up a bit of the language himself and ‘learn’ it by searching up what some things mean on the internet, which usually would include endearing nicknames to call you, or cheesy French pickup lines.
+ He would occasionally take you on dates to the local animal shelter where you both would volunteer together. The dogs there recognize both of you very well and they surely love you as much as you love them! Whenever you visit they would literally jump at you, which makes Suga a tad bit jealous ahaha.
+ He loves that you’re a plant mom, and he may buy you a lot of plants for your room as gifts. He’ll also try to help you take care of them, and would probably give random names to some of them. He may even name some of them after his teammates.
+ You two may go on walks or jog together for exercise. Suga will always try to keep a steady pace and adjust to your speed so you could jog beside each other. On car rides, he would let you lean your head right onto him if you were ever feeling motion sick, and he would massage your temple and pressure point to help relieve the nausea.
+ Suga definitely loves your sense of humor. He understands the context of your dark jokes, and they do tend to evoke a bit of a laugh out of him as guilty as he may feel. (hey,, who says angel’s can’t be a bit bad). He’s a bit of a mischievous and playful person himself, and he does appreciate your puns that would come towards your way sometimes.
~ mod suba 🌌
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Hii, can I get a male matchup for bnha and kny?? I'm a straight female, European, 5'2, black eyes and curly hair till my waist, somewhat freckled. In regards to my zodiac, I'm a Libra, bit shy and don't speak much, although I'm really talkative with my best friends:) I love baking, crafts, and gaming, if I'm in the mood. I'd love a caring s/o, who likes to initiate cuddles and all that (because I'd probably be too shy to ask lol) Thanks in advance!!!
Howdee!! Thanks for the matchup RQ love 💞
For Boku No Hero Academia, your matchup is...
【Mirio Togata / Lemillion】
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Honestly, Mirio could go on for hours on just how much he adores and appreciates you. He was surprised at how talkative you were when you began to open up, but he doesn't mind one bit. Your initial shyness didnt bother him either, and he'd definitely be there to help you open up around others. You two always have meaningful and sometimes silly conversations, and he'd always initiate the cuddles knowing you're too shy to ask. Aside from how adorable and lovable he finds you, the thing he treasures most about you is your smile. In his opinion, your smile is brighter than the sun and he'd go through great lengths to see that your happiness and safety is protected!
• You help him take care of Eri sometimes. Eri really likes you, and she honestly sees you as an older sister figure. Her expression always seems to light up when Mirio decides to bring you along for their usual adventures. Crafting is a common activity you three like to do when you're together. Most of the time, your crafts turn out the best, and you usually have to help them both when it comes to the tricky parts. But hey, it's the fun that counts and you three always have a great time together!
• When both of you cuddle, he likes to pull you in by your waist and let you rest on his chest. It makes him feel strong, like hes protecting you. Cuddling is a safe place for you, and his arms are big and strong---great for cuddling! He also likes to spoon you sometimes too. Hes usually the big spoon, but he finds it really cute when you try to be the big spoon
• Mirio likes baking with you as well! When you two bake, you always try to make extras so he can share them with his friends and family. He believes your baking skills are a gift, and a gift that should be shared with everyone! Since you're good in the kitchen, he's also requested that you made homemade ramen for him on multiple occasions
• Besides your smile, he loves your hair. It's just so long and curly! Hes not too experienced in these kinds of things, but he likes to comb through and sometimes attempt to style it! Hes very gentle and cautious with your hair when he goes about touching it. Besides styling your hair, he likes to run his hands through it while you two are cuddling.
•He likes playing video games and watching you play video games! He usually likes playing fighting games with you. He was a bit confused when you once pointed out he looked like Lucas when you both decided to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate one evening. Because of this, he always ends up picking Lucas.
For Kimetsu No Yaiba, your matchup is...
【Tanjiro Kamado】
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What initially drew Tanjiro in was your compassion and your kindness. In the Demon Slayer Corps, its quite rare to come across someone whose so openly compassionate! Due to how shy you seem initially, he was always very protective over you and didnt like it when others overstepped your boundaries. As you began to open up about your interests and revealed your more talkative nature, Tanjiro only found himself more entranced by you. You could go on for hours about the weirdest subjects and Tanjiro would love to hear every word you say! Hes a perfect gentleman (take notes zenitsu 😰), and will always ask for consent regarding anything and everything. You will always feel loved by Tanjiro, due to how gentle and caring he is with you!
• You and Nezuko get along very well. Nezuko loves it when you teach her how to craft things, but she prefers to craft smaller objects. Whatever you craft together, she likes to keep in her box with her as a symbol of safety and reassurance. Tanjiro appreciates how nicely you treat Nezuko as well, despite the fact that shes a demon.
• Tanjiro loves whatever you bake, even if it's bad! If you happen to royally screw up on a recipe, he'll still eat it regardless what a man! Hes usually busy due to his work in the Demon Slaying Corps, but he loves to bake with you when you have the time. He's mainly experienced in breadbaking specifically, but he doesnt mind stepping out of his comfort zone if it means learning from you.
•Tanjiro definitely loves cuddling. Hes always going to be the one to initate cuddling sessions. He's down for any position, but he likes to pull you close into his chest and rest his head on top of yours. It makes him feel at peace. Due to his work as a Demon Slayer, hes bound to lose a lot of close friends on the battlefield. During times like this, being able to hold you in his arms gives him reassurance.
•He likes it when you wear his haori in private. He loves how the oversized garment loosely fits around your body. He doesn't mind how long you wear it, as long as he can get it back before he inevitably returns to work. Also, he's totally the type of guy that would give you his jacket/haori if you're on a walk and you get cold. Like I mentioned before, he's a perfect and well mannered gentleman!
~Mod Onion 👻
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O shit,, a Mod Onion has appeared 😰😰
Suba and I are temporarily closing matchup requests so we can finish up the ones we need to work on. We'll reopen matchup requests in abt 24 hours,, so hang in tight!!
~Mod Onion 👻
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update i’m currently going thru all the matchup requests rn!! i apologize if there are any grammatical errors that my grammarly premium (weird flex but ok) didn’t catch cause i’m rly tired rn and latin hw translation gave me permanent brain damage :DD thanks again, i sincerely apologize for the wait!!
~ mod suba🌌
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Yo fr tho ,, f in the chat for mod suba 😰😰😰
big F 😔😔
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AAhhh I'm so sorry for my matchup!! I misread and thought that 3 characters are allowed ;-;) Please delete if you guys can't do it, I'm so sorry again ;-;)
no worries dear, you’re all good!!! we’re still a relatively new blog and requests haven’t piled up all that much yet ^^; you can just let us know which two fandoms you want us to do first for the matchup rq you just sent, and then send in another ask after we post that one with the same description if you’d like to add more fandoms. we promise we’ll get back to your matchup in a bit after i go over the previous requesters’!!
~ mod suba 🌌
(send prayers for mod suba who is failing all her subjects atm cause of online school, and is currently procrastinating on a 2 weeks workload of missing assignments trying to finish up some of y’all’s requests at literally 3 in the mornin’ TwT)
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hey lovelies! suba here, i just wanted to thank you all for the amount of requests we have received on the first day we ran this blog! i’ve got schoolwork to do so i’ll finish some up a little later since, but no worries!! feel free to send in some more requests, inbox is still open :)
~ mod suba 🌌
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I'd like to get a male MysMe and a HQ matchup please ty! I'm a 4'11" female. I'm very loud and cheerful and I'm not ashamed of embracing the things I enjoy! Due to how passionate I am regarding certain subjects, I get angry and passive aggressive very easily. I'm very hard working, and I dislike it when people excuse skills that I worked hard to hone as natural talent. Despite this, I'm told that I'm a fun person to be around. I get good grades, but I struggle with applying that knowledge irl.
hey there, thanks for your request m8!!! you really remind me of someone i know,,, ;o
for Haikyuu, I match you with ;
【 Oikawa Tooru 】
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(pLEASE SDJSJKSJS i luv oikawa so much i wanna bash his skull with a calculator he radiates big uwu bastard energy i really need an oikawa give me a fucking oikawa.)
Not even gonna lie there, the both of you share extremely similar traits. Just like you, Oikawa is not one bit ashamed about pursuing what he enjoys the most and holds an immense passion for, which is volleyball. He is also very hardworking and is resentful to those who possess natural talent like Kageyama and are bound to surpass him regardless of how passionate he is at the sport or how hard he works. He could definitely see himself in you, and he greatly admires the the large amount of fighting spirit you hold in that small body you possess. He was attracted to your determination and was very inspired by the amount of effort you put into anything. Seeing you in action surely motivates him to better himself and reach past his limits! You are his muse, and because of your impact he believes he can achieve anything that he could set his mind to.
+ One of the things Oikawa surely loves about you is your chirpiness. He is also a very jovial person by nature, and he indeed finds it very refreshing that you both share that similarity in personality traits. He loves how loud and obnoxious he could be with you as you both annoy the balls out of his fellow third-wheeling teammate Iwaizumi.
+ Canonically, Oikawa is one of the most intelligent characters in the franchise. Similarly, you may be very academically intelligent as you tend to earn stellar grades. Yet together, the two of you probably share exactly one functional braincell combined.
+ Oikawa is very playful and would often tease you and call you very cutesy pet names, as he wants you to know just how adorable you are to him. He loves the way your face would scrunch up in anger, a pout formed in your lips, and your arms crossed in passive aggression. Most of the pictures he has of you saved in his album feature that very same expression he so adores. However, during the times you do get back at him and whip out your handy dandy uno reverse draw +25 card… (Spoiler alert: he’s also a passive aggressive little shit)
+ Oikawa loves the fact that he’s literally over a foot taller than you in height, and he would tease you about it endearingly. If it is however an insecurity of yours, then he would constantly remind you that he loves you just the way you are, no matter what height you stand. The trashy Simp King would always try to help you promote thoughts of self love, we stan!!! He loves it when you would ask him for help with reaching high objects, he’d expect a kiss on the cheek after though. Head pats are very frequent. Oikawa loves to give you piggyback rides as well, and on days you both are high, you’d rush out of the house with him carrying you up above him as you yeet into the streets.
+ Since you both are normally very hard at work and exert so much effort into honing more skills when it comes to your guys’ passions, there may be times you both will overwork yourself. And just like that, you both will tell each other off for it rather hypocritically lmao. There may be frequent gaps in your relationship as you both are rather immersed into your passions, which may be the cause of some distance within it. Even though you both may have other priorities and each other as side hoes, putting at least some effort too in a relationship would make it last worthwhile and there will never dull moment.
and for Mystic Messenger, I match you with…
【 Zen / Hyun Ryu 】
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You definitely strike me as what I would believe to be Zen’s ideal type of woman; hardworking, definitely passionate in pursuing your interests, and a go-getter. Zen is notably very good-looking, no, absolutely stunning. However, his killer visuals are not the only thing he wants to be recognized for as much as he likes to flaunt about them. He’s a very talented and hardworking musical actor who developed a passion for singing and acting at a young age, getting injured frequently on stage back in his rookie days due to overexertion. In this case, you were one of the few people who acknowledged Zen for how hard he had worked to hone his skills and recognized him for his talent and not his looks alone.
+ He initially found himself attracted to your loud and exuberant personality. Zen was rather fond of the attention you would give him, and overall he found you very fun to be around! Your wavelengths match together very well! Y’all do be vibing doe. He had always had quite a great time when the two of you would gang up on Jumin in the chatroom and bullying him for his existence alone, and that he’s kind of a boomer with a stick deep up his ass.
(okay but let’s be real, Zen is the actual boomer here,, king said i never knew technology whom tf is she???)
+ Both of you act as pillars of encouragement for each other. With the absence of an emotionally supportive figure throughout Zen’s life, (besides his older brother, who later on sided with his parents) Zen would really appreciate someone he could open up to, and will willingly offer a listening ear as he confides about his past with his family and the hardships he had faced encountering the real world. And as with you, Zen could empathize on the fact that he also dislikes his talent being dismissed by others. He knows exactly what it’s like to work rigorously hard just to hone such skills. Nonetheless, Zen would always encourage you to keep your chin up and continue fighting. He’s very proud of you.
+ Don’t worry too much about your lack of street smarts that you couldn’t quite conjure up with a 4.0 GPA. Zen is pretty down to earth and is more knowledgeable when it comes to it, considering how he was exposed to the outside world very early. He would balance you out pretty well in this area.
+ Although Zen has been made by V to refrain from riding his motorcycle anymore, especially at night when it’s dangerous due to having once been involved in a near death accident, he once took you out on his motorcycle during your 1st anniversary to visit his safe place away from the city where you two could stargaze in the clear night sky and immerse yourselves into the peaceful silence of each others’ presence.
~ mod suba 🌌
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may i rq a matchup for AC & persona 5? i’m 5’3”. i’m pretty advanced in math i guess. i’m a highly ambitious person and dream chaser. my hobbies are skateboarding, programming, and debate. i can come off as cold and a lil two-faced. i fake different personalities around people due to insecurity. i’m blunt and offend people easily without meaning to. i get uncomfortable when people try to talk abt personal matters w me, i prefer talking about shared interests and ideas. thank you!
Aye thanks for the matchup RQ! You seem like an interesting person to be around!
Your Assassination Classroom matchup is...
【Nagisa Shiota】
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Despite your seemingly opposing personalities, Nagisa is a great match for you! His observant and patient nature will help you bring out the best in yourself. He often notices how two-faced you are, but he completely understands your reasoning behind your actions. He always knows when something's wrong with you, and although he knows better than to pry into personal matters, he always knows exactly what to say to make you feel a little better about yourself. Dont worry about accidentally offending him either. Due to his general patience with you, he will never lash out.
• He'd never say it outspokenly, but he loves your competitive spirit when it comes to debate. You bet hes going to show up to all of your tournaments to support you! Even if it's just a minor squabble with your peers, it still never fails to impress him with how good you are at giving valid arguments.
• He tried to skateboard with you once. He tripped up a couple of times, but got the hang of it after a while. Now, he really enjoys skateboarding with you whenever he has the chance.
• He REALLY respects your privacy and personal space. Sometimes when he gets excited, he'll accidentally take your hand in his. Afterward, he'll bashfully apologize for violating your personal space. Its really cute.
• Nagisa loves it when you talk about your interests and ideas. No matter how strange they are, he'd love to hear you talk for hours on end. He may even give you some of his own ideas too!
• Nagisa understands how insecure you can be despite your aloof persona. He can be a bit protective of you as a result (though his protectiveness is rather subtle). He doesn't like it when other people violate your personal space or talk about you behind your back. It really annoys him how some people can dislike you because they dont understand you.
For Persona 5, your matchup is....
【Goro Akechi / Crow】
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Akechi is very well-mannered and observant. Like you, he's also quite two-faced and understands your reasoning behind your multiple personas. He sees a bit of himself in you, since you are so aloof and often misunderstood. That is likely a reason why he took an interest in you. He doesn't like talking about his personal issues either, but always offers you a helping hand nonetheless. His seemingly charismatic and cheery disposition opposes with your more cold and reserved side; however, he finds comfort in your presence nonetheless.
• This guy's a detective who's been on a lot of talk shows and solved several cases. You both are bound to get into a debate one way or another. Akechi keeps track of who wins and loses these debates. He almost always ends up winning, but hes pleasantly surprised whenever you turn out to be the victor.
• I hope you like pancakes because he makes a lot of them. If you're ever feeling upset, his first instinct is to make you pancakes. He just really loves his pancakes...
• Due to your knowledge on programming, you've become somewhat of an asset to him during work hours. He's not exactly 'tech savy', so whenever he stumbles across a case around that field, it's usually his first instinct to call you up.
• You rarely open up to him, but when you do, he has the best advice to give you. Most of your experiences might be similar to things he has gone through in the past. Like I mentioned earlier, he sees a bit of himself in you. He doesnt want you to go down the same path he's going, so he says the things that he wishes he heard when he was in your shoes.
~mod onion 👻
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